# WFDB ------------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Waveform Database (WFDB) Software Package
#' @author
#' Original software: George Moody, Tom Pollard, Benjamin Moody \cr
#' R implementation: Anish S. Shah \cr
#' Last updated: `r Sys.Date()` \cr
#' @description
#' This implementation of WFDB is a back-end for the WFDB using a combination of
#' _python_, _C++_, and _C_ language. The related functions are documented
#' separately. This serves as an overview of the conversion of WFDB formats to R
#' formats. In this documentation, the specific WFDB generated files will be
#' described.
#' @details
#' # WFDB
#' The WFDB (Waveform Database) Software Package has been developed over the
#' past thirty years, providing a large collection of software for processing
#' and analyzing physiological waveforms. The package is written in highly
#' portable C and can be used on all popular platforms, including GNU/Linux,
#' MacOS X, MS-Windows, and all versions of Unix.
#' The foundation of the WFDB Software Package is the WFDB library,
#' consisting of a set of functions for reading and writing digitized signals
#' and annotations. These functions can be used by programs written in C, C++,
#' or Fortran, running under any operating system for which an ANSI/ISO C
#' compiler is available, including all versions of Unix, MS-DOS, MS-Windows,
#' the Macintosh OS, and VMS.
#' # Data format
#' The records that the WFDB uses have three components...
#' 1. Signals: integer values that are at equal intervals at a certain sampling
#' frequency
#' 1. Header attributes: recording information such as sample number, gain,
#' sampling frequency
#' 1. Annotations: information about the record such as abeat
#' labels or alarm triggers
#' @param record String that will be used to name the WFDB record. Cannot
#' include extensions, and is not a filepath. alphanumeric characters are
#' acceptable, as well as hyphens (-) and underscores (_)
#' @param record_dir File path of directory that should be used read and write
#' files. Defaults to current directory.
#' @param annotator String that is the name of a WFDB-compatible annotation
#' type, serving as the extension for the file that is written containing that
#' annotation. Please see [read_annotation()] and [write_annotation()] for
#' further details.
#' @param wfdb_path Path that leads to installed `wfdb` software package on
#' device. Needs to be directly set using `set_wfdb_path()`. Obtained from the
#' system options on loading of the package, `getOption('wfdb_path')`
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to the function
#' @name wfdb
# Writing WFDB format data -----------------------------------------------------
#' I/O of WFDB-compatible signal & header files from EP recording systems
#' @description
#' This function allows for WFDB files to be read from any WFDB-compatible
#' system, and also allows writing out WFDB-compatible files from specific EP
#' recording systems, as indicated in the details section. Writing WFDB leads to
#' creation of both a __dat__ (signal) and __hea__ (header) file. These are both
#' required for reading in files as well.
#' @details
#' # Recording systems
#' Type of signal data, as specified by the recording system, that are currently
#' supported.
#' * _lspro_ = LabSystem Pro, e.g. [read_lspro()]
#' * _muse_ = GE MUSE, e.g. [read_muse()]
#' @inheritParams wfdb
#' @param data Can either be an `egm` object, or a `data.frame` (or similar)
#' object. The function will appropriately set defaults based on the type.
#' * `egm` = Will extract signal and header data directly from object, and thus is simplest to convert to a WFDB format
#' * `signal_table` = This is a customized `data.table` class that has an invariant column containing sample information.
#' * `data.frame` or `data.table` = Must have a column that represents a time point or index, and columns that represent signal values (preferably integers)
#' @param header A header file is an optional named list of parameters that
#' will be used to organize and describe the signal input from the __data__
#' argument. If the __type__ is given, specific additional elements will be
#' searched for, such as the low or high pass filters, colors, or other signal
#' attributes. At minimum, the following elements are required (as cannot be
#' calculated):
#' * frequency = sample frequency in Hertz as `integer`
#' * label = vector of names for each channel as `character`
#' * start_time = date/time object
#' @param begin,end,interval Timepoint as an `integer` (representing seconds),
#' which is converted to an index position based on sampling frequency. The
#' default is to start at the beginning of the record. If `end` or `interval`
#' are given, the earlier of the two will be returned. The `end` argument
#' gives a time index to read until. The `interval` argument is the length of
#' time past the start point.
#' @param units A `character` string representing either *digital* (DEFAULT) or *physical*
#' units that should be used, if available.
#' * digital = Index in sample number, signal in integers (A/D units)
#' * physical = Index in elapsed time, signal in decimal voltage (e.g. mV).
#' This will __include 1 additional row over the header/column names__ that
#' describes units
#' @param channels Either the signal/channel in a `character` vector as a name or number.
#' Allows for duplication of signal or to re-order signal if needed. If
#' nothing is given, will default to all channels available.
#' @param info_strings A `list` of strings that will be written as an appendix
#' to the header file, usually containing information about the channels,
#' (e.g. list of colors, extra labels, etc).
#' @returns Depends on if it is a reading or writing function. For writing, will
#' output an WFDB-based object reflecting the function. For reading, will
#' output an extension of a `data.table` object reflecting the underlying
#' function (e.g. `signal_table()` will return an object of class).
#' @name wfdb_io
#' @describeIn wfdb_io Writes out signal and header data into a WFDB-compatible
#' format from R.
#' @export
write_wfdb <- function(data,
wfdb_path = getOption('wfdb_path'),
header = list(frequency = 250,
gain = 200L,
label = character()),
info_strings = list(),
...) {
# Options for `wrsamp`
# -F <numeric> sampling frequency, default is 250
# -G <numeric> gain in analog/digital units per milivolt, default is 200
# -i <string> input file (default standard input)
# -o <string> Write the signal file in current directory as 'record'
# record.dat
# record.hea
# -x <numeric> Scaling factor if needed
# Validation of paths
wrsamp <- find_wfdb_command('wrsamp')
if (fs::dir_exists(record_dir)) {
wd <- fs::path(record_dir)
} else {
wd <- getwd()
# Set up data, checking to see whether its using a `egm` set or not
if (inherits(data, 'egm')) {
signal <- data$signal
header <- data$header
} else if (inherits(data, 'data.frame')) {
signal <- signal_table(data)
if (length(header$label) == 0) {
header$label <- colnames(data)
header <- header_table(
record_name = record,
number_of_channels = length(signal),
frequency = header$frequency,
ADC_gain = header$gain,
label = header$label,
info_strings = info_strings
# Write out temporary CSV file for WFDB to use
tmpFile <- fs::file_temp("wfdb_", ext = "csv")
data.table::fwrite(signal, file = tmpFile, col.names = FALSE)
# Options for `wrsamp`
# -F <numeric> sampling frequency, default is 250
# -G <numeric> gain in analog/digital units per milivolt, default is 200
# -i <string> input file (default standard input)
# -o <string> Write the signal file in current directory as 'record'
# record.dat
# record.hea
# -x <numeric> Scaling factor if needed
# Frequency
hz <- paste("-F", attributes(header)$record_line$frequency)
# ADC = -G "adc adc adc adc" format
adc <- paste('-G', paste0('"', paste(header$ADC_gain, collapse = " "), '"'))
# Input (full file path)
ip <- paste("-i", tmpFile)
# Output
op <- paste("-o", record)
# Additioanl specifications
col0 <- paste('-z') # Ignore 'sample' column (first column = 0)
# Write with `wrsamp`
# Change into correct folder/directory (the writing directory)
# Then reset to base directory
# Cleanup and remove temporary CSV file immediately
withr::local_dir(new = wd)
system2(command = wrsamp,
args = c(hz, adc, ip, op, col0))
# Modify header file with more data
# Record line (first one) needs a date and time appended
# Then handle the signal specification files
headLine <-
readLines(con = paste0(record, ".hea"), n = 1) |>
paste(format(attributes(header)$record_line$start_time, "%H:%M:%OS %d/%m/%Y"))
# 10 columns:
# >= V9 and V10 are descriptive fields
# Should be a tab-delim field
# Can contain spaces internal to it
# V3 is ADC units
# Can be appended with baseline value "(0)"
# Can be appended with "/mV" to specify units
headerFile <-
utils::read.table(file = paste0(record, ".hea"),
skip = 1)
headerFile[[3]] <- paste0(headerFile[[3]], "(0)", "/mV", sep = "")
headerFile <- headerFile[1:9]
headerFile[9] <- header$label
# Write header back in place
writeLines(text = headLine,
con = paste0(record, ".hea"))
file = paste0(record, ".hea"),
sep = "\t",
quote = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE,
append = TRUE
# Info strings are additional elements that may be available
# Are placed after a `#` at end of header file
# If there are additional lines in the header, can be placed in info section
# e.g. color, bandpass
# Otherwise uses named specific parameters like MRN or AGE
additional_info <-
header[, (ncol(header) - 5):ncol(header)] |>
\(.x) Filter(f = function(.y) !all(, x = .x)
}() |>
info <- append(header$info_strings, additional_info)
text <- lapply(info, function(.x) paste(.x, collapse = ' '))
lines <- paste('#', names(info), text)
write(lines, file = paste0(record, ".hea"), append = TRUE, sep = "\n")
# Reading WFDB format data -----------------------------------------------------
#' @describeIn wfdb_io Reads a multicomponent WFDB-formatted set of files
#' directly into an `egm` object. This serves to pull together
#' [read_signal()], [read_header()], and [read_annotation()] for simplicity.
#' @export
read_wfdb <- function(record,
record_dir = ".",
annotator = NA_character_,
wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
begin = 0,
end = NA_integer_,
interval = NA_integer_,
units = "digital",
channels = character(),
...) {
# Read signal
sig <- read_signal(
record = record,
record_dir = record_dir,
wfdb_path = wfdb_path,
begin = begin,
end = end,
interval = interval,
units = units,
channels = channels
# Read header
hea <- read_header(
record = record,
record_dir = record_dir,
wfdb_path = wfdb_path
# Read annotation
if (! {
ann <- read_annotation(
record = record,
record_dir = record_dir,
annotator = annotator,
wfdb_path = wfdb_path
} else {
ann <- annotation_table()
# Resulting `egm` object
signal = sig,
header = hea,
annotation = ann
#' @describeIn wfdb_io Specifically reads the signal data from the WFDB binary
#' format, returning a `signal_table` object for evaluation in the R
#' environment
#' @export
read_signal <- function(record,
record_dir = ".",
wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
begin = 0L,
end = NA_integer_,
interval = NA_integer_,
units = "digital",
channels = character(),
...) {
# Validate:
# WFDB software command
# Current or parent working directory
# Directory of the record/WFDB files
# Variable definitions
rdsamp <- find_wfdb_command("rdsamp", wfdb_path)
if (fs::dir_exists(record_dir)) {
wd <- fs::path(record_dir)
} else {
wd <- getwd()
stopifnot("Expected `integer`" = is.numeric(begin))
stopifnot("Expected `integer`" = is.numeric(end))
stopifnot("Expected `integer`" = is.numeric(interval))
stopifnot("Expected to be in c('digital', 'physical')"
= units %in% c("digital", "physical"))
# Create all the necessary parameters for rdsamp
# -f Start time
# -l, -t Interval length OR end time ... one or other, not both
# -H High resolution mode for high-sampling frequencies
# -p Uses physical units instead of digital
# Miliseconds/physical (mV) units
# default is sample interval (index) and A/D units
# -P Capital P gives back higher number of decimal places
# -s Select which signals to print out (can duplicate + re-order)
# Name or Number, separated by spaces
# Default prints all signals
# -v Column headings
# -X, -c Output format: either XML or CSV, default = tab (not needed)
cmd <-
paste(rdsamp, '-r', record) |>
\(.) {
if (begin != 0) {
paste(., "-f", begin)
} else {
}() |>
\(.) {
if (! {
paste(., "-l", interval)
} else {
}() |>
\(.) {
if (! {
paste(., "-t", end)
} else {
}() |>
\(.) {
if (units == "physical") {
paste(., "-p")
} else {
}() |>
\(.) {
if (length(channels) > 0) {
paste(., "-s", paste(channels, collapse = " "))
} else {
}() |>
# Temporary local/working directory, to reset at end of function
withr::with_dir(new = wd, code = {
dat <- data.table::fread(cmd = cmd)
# Return data after cleaning names
names(dat)[1] <- "sample"
#' @describeIn wfdb_io Specifically reads the header data from the WFDB header
#' text format, returning a `header_table` object for evaluation in the R
#' environment
#' @export
read_header <- function(record,
record_dir = ".",
wfdb_path = getOption("wfdb_path"),
...) {
# Generate header file path
fp <- fs::path(record_dir, record, ext = 'hea')
if (!fs::file_exists(fp)) {
stop(record, " not found in ", record_dir)
# Record line (first one)
# 10 columns:
# >= V9 and V10 are descriptive fields
# Should be a tab-delim field
# Can contain spaces internal to it
# V1 = File Name (*.dat)
# V2 = 8-bit or 16-bit
# V3 is ADC gain
# Can be appended with baseline value "(0)"
# Can be appended with "/mV" to specify units
# V4 = ADC resolution in bits (8-bits, 16-bits, etc)
# V5 = ADC zero, is assumed to be zero if missing
# V6 = Initial value of sample[0], present only if ADC zero is present
# V7 = Checksum value (16-bit checksum of all samples)
# V8 = Block size, usually 0
# V9 = Description, usually ECG lead or EGM label
record_line <- readLines(con = fp, n = 1)
record_items <-
record_line |>
strsplit('\ ') |>
record_name <- as.character(record_items[1])
number_of_channels <- as.integer(record_items[2])
frequency <- as.integer(record_items[3])
samples <- as.integer(record_items[4])
start_time <- parse_date_and_time(record_line)
# Number of columns is important here
sig_data <-
data.table::fread(file = fp,
skip = 1, # Skip head line
nrows = number_of_channels) # Read in channel data
# Number of columns is important here
sig_data <-
data.table::fread(file = fp,
skip = 1, # Skip head line
nrows = number_of_channels) # Read in channel data
# ADC gain is in multiple parts that need to be split
# Units will come after a forward slash `/`
# Baseline value will be within parenthesis
adc <- sig_data[[3]]
ADC_gain <- stringr::str_extract(adc, '\\d+([.]\\d+)?')
ADC_baseline <- stringr::str_extract(adc, "\\((\\d+)\\)", group = 1)
ADC_baseline <-
ADC_units <- stringr::str_extract(adc, "/([:alpha:]+)", group = 1)
ADC_units <-
record_name = record_name,
number_of_channels = number_of_channels,
frequency = frequency,
samples = samples,
start_time = start_time,
file_name = sig_data[[1]],
storage_format = sig_data[[2]],
ADC_gain = ADC_gain,
ADC_baseline = ADC_baseline,
ADC_units = ADC_units,
ADC_resolution = sig_data[[4]],
ADC_zero = sig_data[[5]],
initial_value = sig_data[[6]],
checksum = sig_data[[7]],
blocksize = sig_data[[8]],
label = sig_data[[9]]
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