
#' fluxUnit class
#' Some details about the fluxUnit class
#' \describe{
#'    \item{shortName}{A character specifying the short name.}
#'    \item{unitFactor}{A numeric representing the conversion factor}
#'    \item{unitName}{A character specifying the full name.}
#'    \item{unitExpress}{An expression specifying the full name starting with Observed.}
#'    \item{unitExpressTiny}{An expression specifying the abbreviated name starting with Observed.}
#'    \item{unitEstimate}{An expression specifying the full name starting with Estimated.}
#'    \item{unitEstimateTiny}{An expression specifying the abbreviated name starting with Estimated.}
#'    \item{unitUSGS}{A character specifying flux with full text.}
#'    \item{shortCode}{A number for quick lookup}
#'  }
#' @name fluxUnit-class
#' @rdname fluxUnit-class
#' @exportClass fluxUnit
		shortName    = "character",
		unitFactor   = "numeric",
		unitName     = "character",
    unitExpress  = "expression",
		unitExpressTiny = "expression",
    unitEstimate = "expression",
		unitEstimateTiny = "expression",
		unitUSGS = "character",
    shortCode    = "numeric"

#' concUnit class
#' Some details about the concUnit class
#' \describe{
#'    \item{longPrefix}{A character specifying the long name
#'     for concentration labels.}
#'    \item{shortPrefix}{A character specifying the short name
#'     for concentration labels.}
#'  }
#' @name concUnit-class
#' @rdname concUnit-class
#' @exportClass concUnit
           longPrefix    = "character",
           shortPrefix   = "character"

#' qUnit class
#' Some details about the qUnit class
#' \describe{
#'    \item{qshortName}{A character specifying the short name.}
#'    \item{qUnitFactor}{A numeric representing the conversion factor}
#'    \item{qUnitName}{A character specifying the full name.}
#'    \item{qUnitExpress}{An expression specifying the full name.}
#'    \item{unitUSGS}{A character specifying flux with full text.}
#'    \item{qUnitTiny}{An expression specifying the abbreviated name.}
#'    \item{shortCode}{A number for quick lookup}
#'    \item{prefix}{A character specifying the general type of measurement.}
#'  }
#' @name qUnit-class
#' @rdname qUnit-class
#' @exportClass qUnit
		qShortName   = "character",
		qUnitFactor  = "numeric",
		qUnitName    = "character",
    qUnitExpress = "expression",
    qUnitTiny = "expression",
    shortCode    = "numeric",
		unitUSGS = "character",
		prefix = "character"

#' monthLabel class
#' Some details about the monthLabel class
#' \describe{
#'    \item{monthAbbrev}{A character specifying the abbreviated month name.}
#'    \item{monthFull}{A character specifying the full month name}
#'    \item{monthSingle}{A character specifying the single letter of the month.}
#'  }
#' @name monthLabel-class
#' @rdname monthLabel-class
#' @exportClass monthLabel
  	monthAbbrev  = "character",
		monthFull    = "character",
		monthSingle  = "character"

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EGRET documentation built on April 18, 2023, 5:09 p.m.