
#' @importFrom survival Surv
#' @importFrom survival survfit
#' @importFrom stats rnorm
#' @importFrom stats quantile

neg2ELratio <- function(data, g1, t1 = 0, t2 = Inf, sided = 2, nboot = 1000, details.return = FALSE, seed = 1011, nlimit = 200) {
  dat  <- Surv(data[, 1], data[, 2])
  fit  <- survfit(dat ~ 1)
  fit1 <- survfit(dat[data[, 3] == g1] ~ 1)
  fit2 <- survfit(dat[data[, 3] != g1] ~ 1)
  # fit1  <- survfit(dat[data[, 3] == 1] ~ 1) #
  # fit2  <- survfit(dat[data[, 3] == 2] ~ 1) #
  NBOOT <- nboot #
  nn   <- c(fit1$n, fit2$n)
  T_11 <- min(fit1$time[fit1$n.event != 0])
  T_21 <- min(fit2$time[fit2$n.event != 0])
  T_1m <- max(fit1$time[fit1$n.event != 0])
  T_2m <- max(fit2$time[fit2$n.event != 0])
  fit_time_restrict_boot <- (fit$n.event != 0 & fit$time <= t2 & fit$time >= t1)
  # fit_time_restrict_boot <- (fit$n.event != 0) #
  mm <- length(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot])
  nsplit <- ceiling(mm/nlimit) #
  lowerb <- max(T_11, T_21)
  upperb <- min(T_1m, T_2m)
  lowerbindx_boot <- which.min(abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - lowerb))
  upperbindx_boot <- which.min(abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - upperb))
  if (lowerbindx_boot >= upperbindx_boot) {
    warning("lowerbindx_boot >= upperbindx_boot in computing the integral and sup statistic.
            Either your sample size is too small
            or the overlapping region of the two samples is empty or just one observed event time.")
    return (NULL)
  }#END if
  # lowerbindx_boot <- (1:mm)[abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - lowerb) == min(abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - lowerb))] #
  # upperbindx_boot <- (1:mm)[abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - upperb) == min(abs(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot] - upperb))] #
  Td_sort_boot <- (fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot])[lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]
  nobd1 <- length(rep(fit1$time, times = fit1$n.event))
  nobd2 <- length(rep(fit2$time, times = fit2$n.event))
  data1_big      <- matrix(rep(rep(fit1$time, times = fit1$n.event), times = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = mm)
  fit_time_1_big <- matrix(rep(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], times = nobd1), byrow = FALSE, ncol = nobd1)
  Ind1t_big      <- (data1_big <= fit_time_1_big)
  Ind1x          <- rep(fit1$n.risk, times = fit1$n.event)
  Ind1x_big      <- matrix(rep(Ind1x, times = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = mm)
  # Gs_1           <- matrix(rnorm(nobd1*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd1)
  # Imuw_BIG_1     <- array(rep(Ind1t_big/Ind1x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
  # Gs_1_BIG       <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_1), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
  # sum_DWknGImuw_1_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_1*Gs_1_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
  data2_big      <- matrix(rep(rep(fit2$time, times = fit2$n.event), times = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = mm)
  fit_time_2_big <- matrix(rep(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], times = nobd2), byrow = FALSE, ncol = nobd2)
  Ind2t_big      <- (data2_big <= fit_time_2_big)
  Ind2x          <- rep(fit2$n.risk, times = fit2$n.event)
  Ind2x_big      <- matrix(rep(Ind2x, times = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = mm)
  # Gs_2           <- matrix(rnorm(nobd2*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd2)
  # Imuw_BIG_2     <- array(rep(Ind2t_big/Ind2x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
  # Gs_2_BIG       <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_2), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
  # sum_DWknGImuw_2_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_2*Gs_2_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
  ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
  if (nsplit > 1) {
    U_boot_H1 <- matrix(rep(NA, NBOOT*mm), NBOOT, mm)
    for (i in 1:nsplit) {
      if (i == nsplit) {
        nboot <- NBOOT - floor(NBOOT/nsplit)*(nsplit - 1)
        Gs_1  <- matrix(rnorm(nobd1*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd1)
        Imuw_BIG_1 <- array(rep(Ind1t_big/Ind1x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
        Gs_1_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_1), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
        sum_DWknGImuw_1_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_1*Gs_1_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
        Gs_2       <- matrix(rnorm(nobd2*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd2)
        Imuw_BIG_2 <- array(rep(Ind2t_big/Ind2x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
        Gs_2_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_2), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
        sum_DWknGImuw_2_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_2*Gs_2_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
        DsqSig_big <- matrix(rep(1/sqrt(sigma2_hat(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
        U_boot_H1[(NBOOT - nboot + 1):NBOOT, ] <- product_mat(sum_DWknGImuw_1_big + sum_DWknGImuw_2_big, DsqSig_big)
      } else {
        nboot <- floor(NBOOT/nsplit)
        Gs_1  <- matrix(rnorm(nobd1*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd1)
        Imuw_BIG_1 <- array(rep(Ind1t_big/Ind1x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
        Gs_1_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_1), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
        sum_DWknGImuw_1_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_1*Gs_1_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
        Gs_2       <- matrix(rnorm(nobd2*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd2)
        Imuw_BIG_2 <- array(rep(Ind2t_big/Ind2x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
        Gs_2_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_2), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
        sum_DWknGImuw_2_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_2*Gs_2_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
        DsqSig_big <- matrix(rep(1/sqrt(sigma2_hat(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
        U_boot_H1[((i - 1)*nboot + 1):(i*nboot), ] <- product_mat(sum_DWknGImuw_1_big + sum_DWknGImuw_2_big, DsqSig_big)
  } else {
    Gs_1       <- matrix(rnorm(nobd1*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd1)
    Imuw_BIG_1 <- array(rep(Ind1t_big/Ind1x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
    Gs_1_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_1), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd1))
    sum_DWknGImuw_1_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_1*Gs_1_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
    Gs_2       <- matrix(rnorm(nobd2*nboot), nrow = nboot, ncol = nobd2)
    Imuw_BIG_2 <- array(rep(Ind2t_big/Ind2x_big, each = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
    Gs_2_BIG   <- array(matrix(rep(t(Gs_2), each = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot), c(nboot, mm, nobd2))
    sum_DWknGImuw_2_big <- sqrt(sum(nn))*apply(Imuw_BIG_2*Gs_2_BIG, c(1, 2), sum)
    DsqSig_big <- matrix(rep(1/sqrt(sigma2_hat(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
    U_boot_H1  <- product_mat(sum_DWknGImuw_1_big + sum_DWknGImuw_2_big, DsqSig_big)
  ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
  DsqSig_big <- matrix(rep(1/sqrt(sigma2_hat(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  U_boot_H1  <- product_mat(sum_DWknGImuw_1_big + sum_DWknGImuw_2_big, DsqSig_big)

  S1_hat_Wei <- ((c(1, fit1$surv)[cumsum(c(0, fit$time) %in% c(0, fit1$time))])[-1])[fit_time_restrict_boot]
  S2_hat_Wei <- ((c(1, fit2$surv)[cumsum(c(0, fit$time) %in% c(0, fit2$time))])[-1])[fit_time_restrict_boot]

  S2_hat_big <- matrix(rep(S2_hat_Wei, times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  S1_hat_big <- matrix(rep(S1_hat_Wei, times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  DsqSig_S1mS2_big <- matrix(rep(1/sqrt(sigma2_hat_S1mS2(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  ourZt_boot       <- product_mat(sum_DWknGImuw_2_big/sqrt(sum(nn))*S2_hat_big - sum_DWknGImuw_1_big/sqrt(sum(nn))*S1_hat_big, DsqSig_S1mS2_big)

  nboot      <- NBOOT #
  EL_CBdistr <- apply((U_boot_H1^2),1,max) #
  EL_CBcrit  <- as.vector(quantile(EL_CBdistr,0.95)) #
  if (sided == 1) {
    Up2_boot_H1_1sided <- (U_boot_H1  > 0) * (U_boot_H1^2)
    Up2_Zt_boot        <- (ourZt_boot > 0) * (ourZt_boot^2)
  } else {
    Up2_boot_H1_1sided <- (U_boot_H1^2)
    Up2_Zt_boot        <- (ourZt_boot^2)
  sup_boot_H1 <- apply(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot], 1, max) #
  EL_SOcrit   <- as.vector(quantile(sup_boot_H1, 0.95)) #
  if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 >= 1 & upperbindx_boot < mm){
    Up2_boot_compo    <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, 1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, (upperbindx_boot + 1):mm]))
    Up2_boot_compo_dt <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, 1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:(upperbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, upperbindx_boot:mm]))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot-1<1 & upperbindx_boot<mm){
    Up2_boot_compo    <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, (upperbindx_boot+1):mm]))
    Up2_boot_compo_dt <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:(upperbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, upperbindx_boot:mm]))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 < 1 & upperbindx_boot >= mm){
    Up2_boot_compo    <- as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot])
    Up2_boot_compo_dt <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:(upperbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, upperbindx_boot:mm]))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 >= 1 & upperbindx_boot >= mm){
    Up2_boot_compo    <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, 1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]))
    Up2_boot_compo_dt <- cbind(as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, 1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided[, lowerbindx_boot:(upperbindx_boot - 1)]), as.matrix(Up2_Zt_boot[, upperbindx_boot:mm]))
  nobd         <- length(rep(fit$time, times = fit$n.event))
  data_big     <- matrix(rep(rep(fit$time, times = fit$n.event), times = mm), byrow = TRUE, nrow = mm)
  fit_time_big <- matrix(rep(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], times=nobd), byrow = FALSE, ncol = nobd)
  Indt_big     <- (data_big <= fit_time_big)
  barNt        <- apply(Indt_big,1, sum)/sum(nn)
  wt_dbarNt    <- diff(c(0, barNt))
  barNt_big      <- matrix(rep(barNt, time = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  wt_dbarNt_boot <- t(apply(cbind(0, barNt_big), 1, diff))
  wt_dt      <- diff(c(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], Inf))
  t_big      <- matrix(rep(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], time = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  wt_dt_boot <- t(apply(cbind(t_big, Inf), 1, diff))
  wt_db      <- diff(xi_to_tau(c(0, fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot]), fit, fit1, fit2, 0))
  Sig_big    <- matrix(rep(sigma2_hat(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2), times = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  wt_db_boot <- t(apply(cbind(0,division00(1/(1+Sig_big),1/Sig_big)),1,diff))
  wt_dF      <- diff(c(0, 1 - fit$surv[fit_time_restrict_boot]))
  F_big      <- matrix(rep(1 - fit$surv[fit_time_restrict_boot], time = nboot), byrow = TRUE, nrow = nboot)
  wt_dF_boot <- t(apply(cbind(0, F_big), 1, diff))
  Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_ds1ps <- Up2_boot_H1_1sided*t(apply(cbind(0, division00(1/(1 + Sig_big), 1/Sig_big)), 1, diff)) #
  int_boot_H1  <- apply(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_ds1ps[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]), 1, sum) #
  intEL_SOcrit <- as.vector(quantile(int_boot_H1, 0.95)) #
  Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dF <- Up2_boot_H1_1sided*t(apply(cbind(0, F_big), 1, diff)) #
  int_dF_boot_H1  <- apply(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dF[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]), 1, sum) #
  int_dFEL_SOcrit <- as.vector(quantile(int_dF_boot_H1, 0.95)) #
  Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dbarNt <- Up2_boot_H1_1sided*t(apply(cbind(0, barNt_big), 1, diff)) #
  int_dbarNt_boot_H1  <- apply(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dbarNt[, lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]), 1, sum) #
  int_dbarNtEL_SOcrit <- as.vector(quantile(int_dbarNt_boot_H1, 0.95)) #
  Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dt <- Up2_boot_H1_1sided*t(apply(cbind(t_big, Inf), 1, diff)) #
  int_dt_boot_H1  <- apply(as.matrix(Up2_boot_H1_1sided_times_dt[, lowerbindx_boot:(upperbindx_boot - 1)]), 1, sum) #
  int_dtEL_SOcrit <- as.vector(quantile(int_dt_boot_H1, 0.95)) #
  teststat_pre <- 1:length(Td_sort_boot)*0
  for (j in 1:(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)) {
    # t <- Td_sort_boot[j]
    # lambda0_hat <- lambda0(t, fit1, fit2, tilde_theta = 1)
    # d1 <- fit1$n.event[fit1$time <= t & fit1$n.event != 0]
    # r1 <- fit1$n.risk [fit1$time <= t & fit1$n.event != 0]
    # d2 <- fit2$n.event[fit2$time <= t & fit2$n.event != 0]
    # r2 <- fit2$n.risk [fit2$time <= t & fit2$n.event != 0]        
    # A1 <- r1 - d1
    # A2 <- r2 - d2
    # B1 <- d1/(r1 + lambda0_hat)
    # B2 <- d2/(r2 - lambda0_hat)
    # teststat_pre[j] <- -2*sum(d1*log(B1)) - 2*sum(product(A1, log(1 - B1))) -
    #                     2*sum(d2*log(B2)) - 2*sum(product(A2, log(1 - B2))) +
    #                     2*sum(d1*log(d1/r1)) + 2*sum(d2*log(d2/r2)) +
    #                     2*sum(product(A1, log(1 - d1/r1))) + 2*sum(product(A2, log(1 - d2/r2)))
    # if (sided==1 & lambda0_hat >= 0) teststat_pre[j] <- 0
    ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
    t <- Td_sort_boot[j]
    lambda0_hat <- lambda0(t, fit1, fit2, tilde_theta = 1)
    if (lambda0_hat < 0) {
      d1 <- fit1$n.event[fit1$time <= t & fit1$n.event != 0]
      r1 <- fit1$n.risk [fit1$time <= t & fit1$n.event != 0]
      d2 <- fit2$n.event[fit2$time <= t & fit2$n.event != 0]
      r2 <- fit2$n.risk [fit2$time <= t & fit2$n.event != 0]
      A1 <- r1 - d1
      A2 <- r2 - d2
      B1 <- d1/(r1 + lambda0_hat)*as.numeric(r1 != d1) + d1/(d1 + lambda0_hat)*as.numeric(r1 == d1)
      B2 <- d2/(r2 - lambda0_hat)*as.numeric(r2 != d2) + d2/(d2 - lambda0_hat)*as.numeric(r2 == d2)
      EL_CBcrit       <- 0
      teststat_pre[j] <- -2*sum(d1*log(B1)) - 2*sum(product(A1, log(1 - B1))) -
                          2*sum(d2*log(B2)) - 2*sum(product(A2, log(1 - B2))) +
                          2*sum(d1*log(d1/r1)) + 2*sum(d2*log(d2/r2)) +
                          2*sum(product(A1, log(1 - d1/r1))) + 2*sum(product(A2, log(1 - d2/r2))) -
    } else if (t < T_11 & t >= T_21) {
    # print(j)
    # print(Sys.time())
    ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
  }#END for j
  D_hat_Wei <- S1_hat_Wei - S2_hat_Wei
  ourZt     <- product(D_hat_Wei, 1/sqrt(sigma2_hat_S1mS2(fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot], fit, fit1, fit2)))
  teststat_pre_endpt <- if (sided == 1) (ourZt>0)*(ourZt^2) else ourZt^2

  if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 >= 1 & upperbindx_boot < mm) {
    stat_compo      <- c(teststat_pre_endpt[1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)], teststat_pre, teststat_pre_endpt[(upperbindx_boot + 1):mm])
    compo_vs_not    <- c(rep(1, lowerbindx_boot - 1), rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot))
    stat_compo_dt   <- c(teststat_pre_endpt[1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)], teststat_pre[-(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)], teststat_pre_endpt[upperbindx_boot:mm])
    compo_vs_not_dt <- c(rep(1, lowerbindx_boot - 1), rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot + 1))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 < 1 & upperbindx_boot < mm) {
    stat_compo      <- c(teststat_pre, teststat_pre_endpt[(upperbindx_boot + 1):mm])
    compo_vs_not    <- c(rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot))
    stat_compo_dt   <- c(teststat_pre[-(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)], teststat_pre_endpt[upperbindx_boot:mm])
    compo_vs_not_dt <- c(rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot + 1))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot - 1 < 1 & upperbindx_boot >= mm) {
    stat_compo      <- teststat_pre
    compo_vs_not    <- rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)
    stat_compo_dt   <- c(teststat_pre[-(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)], teststat_pre_endpt[upperbindx_boot:mm])
    compo_vs_not_dt <- c(rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot + 1))
  } else if (lowerbindx_boot-1>=1 & upperbindx_boot>=mm){
    stat_compo      <- c(teststat_pre_endpt[1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)], teststat_pre)
    compo_vs_not    <- c(rep(1, lowerbindx_boot - 1), rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1))
    stat_compo_dt   <- c(teststat_pre_endpt[1:(lowerbindx_boot - 1)], teststat_pre[-(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)], teststat_pre_endpt[upperbindx_boot:mm])
    compo_vs_not_dt <- c(rep(1, lowerbindx_boot - 1), rep(0, upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot), rep(1, mm - upperbindx_boot + 1))
  }#END if-else

  # if (details.return == TRUE) {
  #   return (list(neg2ELratio_at_ts = teststat_pre, stat_compo = stat_compo, compo_vs_not = compo_vs_not,
  #                wt_dbarNt = wt_dbarNt, wt_dt = wt_dt, wt_db = wt_db, wt_dF = wt_dF,
  #                neg2ELratio_bootstrap_at_ts = Up2_boot_H1_1sided, Up2_boot_compo = Up2_boot_compo,
  #                wt_dbarNt_boot = wt_dbarNt_boot, wt_dt_boot = wt_dt_boot, wt_db_boot = wt_db_boot, wt_dF_boot = wt_dF_boot,
  #                lowerbindx_boot = lowerbindx_boot, upperbindx_boot = upperbindx_boot,
  #                ts = Td_sort_boot, bootstrap_ts = fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot]))
  # } else return (list(neg2ELratio_at_ts = teststat_pre))
  ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
  inttest_pre        <- teststat_pre*diff(xi_to_tau(c(0, fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot]), fit, fit1, fit2, 0))[lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]
  inttest_pre_dF     <- teststat_pre*diff(c(0, 1 - fit$surv[fit_time_restrict_boot]))[lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]
  inttest_pre_dbarNt <- teststat_pre*diff(c(0, barNt))[lowerbindx_boot:upperbindx_boot]
  inttest_pre_dt     <- teststat_pre[-(upperbindx_boot - lowerbindx_boot + 1)]*diff(Td_sort_boot)
  suptest        <- max(teststat_pre)
  inttest        <- sum(inttest_pre)
  inttest_dF     <- sum(inttest_pre_dF)
  inttest_dbarNt <- sum(inttest_pre_dbarNt)
  inttest_dt     <- sum(inttest_pre_dt)
  ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
  if (details.return == TRUE) {
    return (list(
      neg2ELratio_at_ts = teststat_pre,
      stat_compo_dt = stat_compo_dt,
      compo_vs_not_dt = compo_vs_not_dt,
      stat_compo = stat_compo,
      compo_vs_not = compo_vs_not,
      wt_dbarNt = wt_dbarNt,
      wt_dt = wt_dt,
      wt_db = wt_db,
      wt_dF = wt_dF,
      neg2ELratio_bootstrap_at_ts = Up2_boot_H1_1sided,
      Up2_boot_compo = Up2_boot_compo,
      Up2_boot_compo_dt = Up2_boot_compo_dt,
      wt_dbarNt_boot = wt_dbarNt_boot,
      wt_dt_boot = wt_dt_boot,
      wt_db_boot = wt_db_boot,
      wt_dF_boot = wt_dF_boot,
      lowerbindx_boot = lowerbindx_boot,
      upperbindx_boot = upperbindx_boot,
      ts = Td_sort_boot,
      bootstrap_ts = fit$time[fit_time_restrict_boot],
      ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
      EL_SOcrit           = EL_SOcrit,
      int_dFEL_SOcrit     = int_dFEL_SOcrit,
      int_dbarNtEL_SOcrit = int_dbarNtEL_SOcrit,
      int_dtEL_SOcrit     = int_dtEL_SOcrit,
      intEL_SOcrit        = intEL_SOcrit,
      suptest        = suptest,
      inttest        = inttest,
      inttest_dF     = inttest_dF,
      inttest_dbarNt = inttest_dbarNt,
      inttest_dt     = inttest_dt,
      p_value_suptest        = mean(sup_boot_H1        > suptest),
      p_value_inttest        = mean(int_boot_H1        > inttest),
      p_value_inttest_dF     = mean(int_dF_boot_H1     > inttest_dF),
      p_value_inttest_dbarNt = mean(int_dbarNt_boot_H1 > inttest_dbarNt),
      p_value_inttest_dt     = mean(int_dt_boot_H1     > inttest_dt)
      ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ########## ##########
    ))#END return
  } else return (list(neg2ELratio_at_ts = teststat_pre))
}#END neg2ELratio

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EL2Surv documentation built on May 1, 2019, 11:01 p.m.