# no need to source helper_testthat.R explicitly to pass CRAN checks
# because helper files that start with "helper" automatically
# get sourced first:
# # for local testing:
# library(testthat)
# library(devtools)
# library(dplyr)
# library(ICC)
# library(msm)
# library(MetaUtility)
# library(here())
# setwd(here())
# setwd("~/Dropbox/Personal computer/Independent studies/R packages/EValue package (git)/evalue_package/EValue")
# setwd("tests")
# source("helper_testthat.R")
###################### EVALUE: ANNALS PAPER EXAMPLES ######################
test_that("Annals case #1", {
expect_equal( 3.9 + sqrt( 3.9 * (3.9 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 3.9, 1.8, 8.7 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( 1.8 + sqrt( 1.8 * (1.8 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 3.9, 1.8, 8.7 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 3.9, 1.8, 8.7 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("Annals case #1, preventive version", {
expect_equal( 3.9 + sqrt( 3.9 * (3.9 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 1/3.9, 1/8.7, 1/1.8 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, evalues.RR( 1/3.9, 1/8.7, 1/1.8 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1.8 + sqrt( 1.8 * (1.8 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 1/3.9, 1/8.7, 1/1.8 )[2, "upper"] )
test_that("Annals, Further Examples #1", {
expect_equal( 1/0.8 + sqrt( 1/0.8 * (1/0.8 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 0.80, 0.71, 0.91 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, evalues.RR( 1/3.9, 1/8.7, 1/1.8 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1/0.91 + sqrt( 1/0.91 * (1/0.91 - 1) ), evalues.RR( 0.80, 0.71, 0.91 )[2, "upper"] )
###################### EVALUE: OTHER OUTCOME TYPES ######################
test_that("SMD, causative", {
d = 0.5
se = 0.2
true = 0.1
RR = exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = exp(0.91 * true)
E = ( RR + sqrt( RR * (RR - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
RR.lo = exp( 0.91 * d - 1.78 * se )
E.lo = ( RR.lo + sqrt( RR.lo * (RR.lo - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
expect_equal( E, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( E.lo, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"lower"] )
expect_identical( TRUE, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"upper"] ) )
test_that("SMD, preventive", {
d = -0.5
se = 0.4
true = -0.1
RR = exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = exp(0.91 * true)
E = ( 1/RR + sqrt( 1/RR * (1/RR - 1/RR.true) ) ) / (1/RR.true)
# CI will cross true
expect_equal( E, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( 1, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"upper"] )
test_that("SMD #3", {
# true is already more extreme than observed
d = -0.5
se = 0.4
true = -0.6
RR = exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = exp(0.91 * true)
# ratio because true is more extreme than observed
rat = RR / RR.true
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat - 1) )
# CI will cross true
expect_equal( E, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( 1, evalues.MD( d, se, true = true )[2,"lower"] )
test_that("Regression coefficient, causative", {
est = 0.5
sd = 0.8
se.b = 0.2
true = 0.1
# calculate SMD
d = est/sd
se = se.b/sd
RR = exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = exp(0.91 * true)
E = ( RR + sqrt( RR * (RR - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
RR.lo = exp( 0.91 * d - 1.78 * se )
E.lo = ( RR.lo + sqrt( RR.lo * (RR.lo - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
package = evalues.OLS( est = est,
se = se.b,
sd = sd,
true = true )
expect_equal( E, package[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( E.lo, package[2,"lower"] )
expect_identical( TRUE, package[2,"upper"] ) )
test_that("Regression coefficient, preventive", {
est = -10
sd = 12
se.b = 1.5
true = 0.8
# calculate SMD
d = est/sd
se = se.b/sd
RR = 1/exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = 1/exp(0.91 * true)
E = ( RR + sqrt( RR * (RR - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
RR.hi = 1/exp( 0.91 * d + 1.78 * se )
E.hi = ( RR.hi + sqrt( RR.hi * (RR.hi - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
package = evalues.OLS( est = est,
se = se.b,
sd = sd,
true = true )
expect_equal( E, package[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( E.hi, package[2,"upper"] )
expect_identical( TRUE, package[2,"lower"] ) )
# ???
# changed to -delta under calculate SMD
test_that("Regression coefficient, preventive, different delta", {
est = -10
sd = 12
se.b = 1.5
true = 0.8
delta = -2
# calculate SMD
d = (-delta*est)/sd
se = (-delta*se.b)/sd
RR = 1/exp(0.91 * d)
RR.true = 1/exp(0.91 * true)
E = ( RR + sqrt( RR * (RR - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
RR.hi = 1/exp( 0.91 * d + 1.78 * se )
E.hi = ( RR.hi + sqrt( RR.hi * (RR.hi - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true
package = evalues.OLS( est = est,
se = se.b,
sd = sd,
delta = delta,
true = true )
expect_equal( E, package[2,"point"] )
expect_equal( E.hi, package[2,"upper"] )
expect_identical( TRUE, package[2,"lower"] ) )
test_that("Peng's risk difference example", {
f = (397+78557) / (51+108778+397+78557)
p1 = 397 / (397+78557)
p0 = 51 / (51+108778)
RD.true = 0
diff = p0 * (1 - f) - p1 * f
B = ( sqrt( ( RD.true + diff )^2 + 4 * p1 * p0 * f * (1-f) ) - ( RD.true + diff ) ) / (2 * p0 * f)
E = threshold(B)
expect_equal( E, evalues.RD( 397, 78557, 51, 108778 )$est.Evalue, tolerance = 0.001 )
expect_equal( 15.95703, evalues.RD( 397, 78557, 51, 108778 )$lower.Evalue, tolerance = 0.001 )
test_that("RD that crosses null", {
f = (55+108778) / (51+108778+55+108778)
p1 = 55 / (55+108778)
p0 = 51 / (51+108778)
RD.true = 0
diff = p0 * (1 - f) - p1 * f
B = ( sqrt( ( RD.true + diff )^2 + 4 * p1 * p0 * f * (1-f) ) - ( RD.true + diff ) ) / (2 * p0 * f)
E = threshold(B)
expect_equal( E, evalues.RD( 55, 108778, 51, 108778 )$est.Evalue, tolerance = 0.001 )
expect_equal( 1, evalues.RD( 55, 108778, 51, 108778 )$lower.Evalue, tolerance = 0.001 )
test_that("True RD = 0 should have E = observed RR", {
# If true causal RD = 0, then B should equal observed RR
# See last paragraph of Ding (2016) pg 376
B = (100/300)/(50/250)
E = threshold(B)
expect_equal( E, evalues.RD( 100, 200, 50, 200, true = 0)$est.Evalue, tolerance = 0.001 )
test_that("Do not allow true > observed for RD", {
expect_error( evalues.RD( 100, 200, 50, 200, true = 0.8) )
test_that("Rare OR", {
expect_equal( 5 + sqrt( 5 * (5 - 1) ), evalues.OR( 5, rare = TRUE )[2, "point"] )
test_that("Rare HR", {
expect_equal( ( 1/0.3 + sqrt( 1/0.3 * (1/0.3 - 1/0.4) ) ) / (1/0.4),
evalues.HR( 0.3, true = 0.4, rare = TRUE )[2, "point"] )
test_that("Common OR", {
expect_equal( ( sqrt(5) + sqrt( sqrt(5) * (sqrt(5) - sqrt(2)) ) ) / sqrt(2),
evalues.OR( 5, true = 2, rare = FALSE )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( ( sqrt(3) + sqrt( sqrt(3) * (sqrt(3) - sqrt(2)) ) ) / sqrt(2),
evalues.OR( 5, 3, true = 2, rare = FALSE )[2, "lower"] )
test_that("Common HR", {
HR = 1.3
RR = (1 - 0.5^sqrt(HR)) / ( 1 - 0.5^sqrt(1/HR) )
HR.lo = 1.2
RR.lo = (1 - 0.5^sqrt(HR.lo)) / ( 1 - 0.5^sqrt(1/HR.lo) )
HR.hi = 1.4
HR.true = 1.1
RR.true = (1 - 0.5^sqrt(HR.true)) / ( 1 - 0.5^sqrt(1/HR.true) )
expect_equal( ( RR + sqrt( RR * (RR - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true,
evalues.HR( HR, HR.lo, HR.hi, true = HR.true, rare = FALSE )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( ( RR.lo + sqrt( RR.lo * (RR.lo - RR.true) ) ) / RR.true,
evalues.HR( HR, HR.lo, HR.hi, true = HR.true, rare = FALSE )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical( TRUE, evalues.HR( HR, HR.lo, HR.hi, true = HR.true, rare = FALSE )[2, "upper"] ) )
###################### EVALUE: POINT ESTIMATE NOT INSIDE CI ######################
test_that("Point estimate not inside CI #1", {
expect_error( evalues.RR( 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 ), "Point estimate should be inside confidence interval" )
test_that("Point estimate not inside CI #2", {
expect_error( evalues.RR( 1.5, 1.3, 1.4 ), "Point estimate should be inside confidence interval" )
test_that("Point estimate not inside CI #3", {
expect_error( evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.7, 1.1 ), "Point estimate should be inside confidence interval" )
test_that("Point estimate not inside CI #4", {
expect_error( evalues.RR( 0.8, 0.3, 0.7 ), "Point estimate should be inside confidence interval" )
###################### EVALUE: VARIOUS TRUE VALUES ######################
# four cases for location of true value wrt confidence interval and point estimate
#### Causative
test_that("True value < lower CI limit, causative", {
expect_equal( ( 1.3 + sqrt( 1.3 * (1.3 - 1.05) ) ) / 1.05,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.05 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( ( 1.1 + sqrt( 1.1 * (1.1 - 1.05) ) ) / 1.05,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.05 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.05 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("True value = lower CI limit, causative", {
expect_equal( ( 1.3 + sqrt( 1.3 * (1.3 - 1.1) ) ) / 1.1,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.1 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.1 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.05 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("Lower CI limit < True value < Point estimate, causative", {
expect_equal( ( 1.3 + sqrt( 1.3 * (1.3 - 1.2) ) ) / 1.2,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.2 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.2 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.2 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("Point estimate < True value < Upper CI limit, causative", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 1.35/1.3
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.35 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.35 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.35 )[2, "upper"] )
test_that("Upper CI limit = True value, causative", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 1.4/1.3
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.4 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.4 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.4 )[2, "upper"] )
test_that("Upper CI limit < True value, causative", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 1.5/1.3
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
rat = 1.5/1.4
E.CI = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.5 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.5 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( E.CI,
evalues.RR( 1.3, 1.1, 1.4, true = 1.5 )[2, "upper"] )
#### Preventive
test_that("True value < lower CI limit, preventive", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 0.6/0.4
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
rat = 0.5/0.4
E.CI = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.4 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( E.CI,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.4 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.4 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("True value = lower CI limit, preventive", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 0.6/0.5
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.5 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.5 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.5 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("Lower CI limit < True value < Point estimate, preventive", {
# true is more extreme than observed
rat = 0.6/0.55
E = rat + sqrt( rat * (rat-1) )
expect_equal( E,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.55 )[2, "point"] )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.55 )[2, "lower"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.55 )[2, "upper"]) )
test_that("Point estimate < True value < Upper CI limit, preventive", {
expect_equal( ( 1/0.6 + sqrt( (1/0.6) * (1/0.6 - 1/0.65) ) ) / (1/0.65),
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.65 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.65 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.65 )[2, "upper"] )
test_that("Upper CI limit = True value, preventive", {
expect_equal( ( 1/0.6 + sqrt( (1/0.6) * (1/0.6 - 1/0.7) ) ) / (1/0.7),
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.7 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.7 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.7 )[2, "upper"] )
test_that("Upper CI limit < True value, preventive", {
expect_equal( ( 1/0.6 + sqrt( (1/0.6) * (1/0.6 - 1/0.75) ) ) / (1/0.75),
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.75 )[2, "point"] )
expect_identical(, 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.75 )[2, "lower"]) )
expect_equal( ( 1/0.7 + sqrt( (1/0.7) * (1/0.7 - 1/0.75) ) ) / (1/0.75),
evalues.RR( 0.6, 0.5, 0.7, true = 0.75 )[2, "upper"] )
######## True = estimate, no CI provided ######
test_that("True = est, no CI, preventive", {
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 0.9, true = 0.9 )[2, "point"] )
test_that("True = est, no CI, causative", {
expect_equal( 1,
evalues.RR( 1.1, true = 1.1 )[2, "point"] )
###################### EVALUE: IMPOSSIBLE INPUTS ######################
test_that("Reject negative outcomes", {
expect_error( evalues.RR( -0.1 ) )
expect_error( evalues.HR( -0.1, rare=FALSE ) )
expect_error( evalues.OR( -0.1, rare=FALSE ) )
###################### CONFOUNDED_META AND SENS_PLOT ######################
##### Parametric Method #####
test_that("Parametric, test set #1 (setting q equal to observed mean without bias should yield 50%)", {
expect_equal( 0.5, confounded_meta(method="parametric",
t2=0.1 )[1,2] )
expect_equal( 0.5, confounded_meta(method="parametric",
t2=0.1 )[1,2] )
test_that("Parametric, test set #2 (causative)", {
q = log(1.1)
muB = log(2)
sigB = 0.1
yr = log(1.4)
vyr = 0.5
t2 = 0.3
vt2 = 0.02
r = 0.1
cm = confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=q, r=r, muB=muB, sigB=sigB,
yr=yr, vyr=vyr,
t2=t2, vt2=vt2 )
# make q more extreme to trigger bootstrap warning
expect_warning( confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=log(1.5), r=r, muB=muB, sigB=sigB,
yr=yr, vyr=vyr,
t2=t2, vt2=vt2 ) )
##### Prop Above ######
# point estimate
expect_equal( 1 - pnorm( ( q + muB - yr ) / ( sqrt(t2 - sigB^2) ) ),
cm[1,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
SE = deltamethod( ~ 1 - pnorm( ( log(1.1) + log(2) - x1 ) / sqrt( x2 - 0.1^2 ) ),
mean = c( yr, t2 ), cov = diag( c(vyr, vt2) ) )
expect_equal( SE, cm[1,3] )
# # CI limits
expect_equal( max(0, cm[1,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[1,4] )
expect_equal( min(1, cm[1,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[1,5] )
##### TMin ######
# point estimate
expect_equal( exp( qnorm(1-r) * sqrt(t2 - sigB^2) - q + yr ),
cm[2,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
#qnorm( 1 - 0.1 ) # because deltamethod can't take its derivatve
SE = deltamethod( ~ exp( 1.281552 * sqrt(x2) - log(1.1) + x1 ), mean = c( log(1.4), 0.3 - .1^2 ), cov = diag( c(0.5, 0.02) ) )
expect_equal( SE, cm[2,3], tol = 0.001 )
# CI limits
expect_equal( max(1, cm[2,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[2,4], tol = 0.001 )
expect_equal( cm[2,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975), cm[2,5], tol = 0.001 )
##### GMin ######
# point estimate
# compute from Tmin
Tmin = cm[2,2]
SE.T = cm[2,3]
expect_equal( Tmin + sqrt( Tmin^2 - Tmin ),
cm[3,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
SE = deltamethod( ~ x1 + sqrt( x1^2 - x1 ), mean = c( Tmin ), cov = SE.T^2 )
expect_equal( SE, cm[3,3] )
# CI limits
expect_equal( max(1, cm[3,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[3,4] )
expect_equal( cm[3,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975), cm[3,5] )
test_that("Parametric, test set #3 (preventive)", {
q = log(0.9)
muB = log(1.2)
sigB = 0.1
yr = log(0.6)
vyr = 0.2
t2 = 0.2
vt2 = 0.01
r = 0.1
cm = confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=q, r=r, muB=muB, sigB=sigB,
yr=yr, vyr=vyr,
t2=t2, vt2=vt2 )
##### Prop Above ######
# point estimate
expect_equal( pnorm( ( q - muB - yr ) / ( sqrt(t2 - sigB^2) ) ),
cm[1,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
SE = deltamethod( ~ pnorm( ( log(0.9) - log(1.2) - x1 ) / sqrt( x2 - 0.1^2 ) ),
mean = c( yr, t2 ), cov = diag( c(vyr, vt2) ) )
expect_equal( SE, cm[1,3] )
# CI limits
expect_equal( max(0, cm[1,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[1,4] )
expect_equal( min(1, cm[1,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[1,5] )
##### TMin ######
# point estimate
expect_equal( exp( q - yr - qnorm(r) * sqrt(t2 - sigB^2) ),
cm[2,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
#qnorm( 0.1 ) # because deltamethod can't take its derivative
SE = deltamethod( ~ exp( log(0.9) - x1 - (-1.281552) * sqrt(x2) ), mean = c( log(0.6), 0.2 - .1^2 ), cov = diag( c(0.2, 0.01) ) )
expect_equal( SE, cm[2,3], tol = 0.001 )
# CI limits
expect_equal( max(1, cm[2,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[2,4], tol = 0.001 )
expect_equal( cm[2,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975), cm[2,5], tol = 0.001 )
##### GMin ######
# point estimate
# compute from Tmin
Tmin = cm[2,2]
SE.T = cm[2,3]
expect_equal( Tmin + sqrt( Tmin^2 - Tmin ),
cm[3,2] )
# check standard error against deltamethod function
SE = deltamethod( ~ x1 + sqrt( x1^2 - x1 ), mean = c( Tmin ), cov = SE.T^2 )
expect_equal( SE, cm[3,3] )
# CI limits
expect_equal( max(1, cm[3,2] - SE*qnorm(0.975)), cm[3,4] )
expect_equal( cm[3,2] + SE*qnorm(0.975), cm[3,5] )
test_that("Parametric, test set #4, (no bias needed to reduce this Phat to less than r)", {
cm = suppressMessages( confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=log(1.5), r = 0.1, muB=0, sigB=0,
yr=log(1.3), t2=0.01) )
# Tmin and Gmin should both be 1 because already fewer than 10% of true effects
# are above q
expect_equal( 1, cm[2,2] )
expect_equal( 1, cm[3,2] )
test_that("Parametric, test set #5 (exactly 200 estimates; manipulate muB.toward.null)", {
est = -99
# example will fail if we accidentally generate data with point estimate < 0
while( est < 0 ) {
# make data with exactly 200 calibrated estimates so that Tmin and Gmin should exactly hit r
d = sim_data2( k = 200,
m = 200,
b0 = log(1.1), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "normal" )
# shif1 AWAY from null
q = log(1.1) # set q to the (true) mean
r = .2
muB = log(1.5)
# first no bias
meta = rma.uni( yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi),
method = "REML")
est = meta$b
x0 = confounded_meta(method="parametric",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = 0,
sigB = 0,
yr = meta$b,
t2 = meta$tau2,
vyr = meta$se^2,
vt2 = meta$se.tau2^2,
# bias TOWARD null
x1 = confounded_meta(method="parametric",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB.toward.null = TRUE,
muB = muB,
sigB = 0,
yr = meta$b,
t2 = meta$tau2,
vyr = meta$se^2,
vt2 = meta$se.tau2^2,
# since bias correction INCREASES the mean in this case,
# we should have MORE meaningfully strong effects
expect_equal( x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Prop" ] > x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Prop" ], TRUE )
# bias AWAY from null (default)
x2 = confounded_meta(method="parametric",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = muB,
sigB = 0,
yr = meta$b,
t2 = meta$tau2,
vyr = meta$se^2,
vt2 = meta$se.tau2^2,
expect_equal( x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Prop" ] < x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Prop" ], TRUE )
# Tmin and Gmin should be the same in all cases
expect_equal( x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Tmin" ],
x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Tmin" ],
x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Tmin" ] )
expect_equal( x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Gmin" ],
x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Gmin" ],
x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Gmin" ] )
# this is a case where Tmin represents bias TOWARD the null
# check that their numerical value is correct
yr.corr = meta$beta - log(x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Tmin" ])
expect_equal( pnorm( q = q,
mean = yr.corr,
sd = sqrt(meta$tau2),
lower.tail = FALSE ), r )
} )
test_that("Parametric, test set #6 (Tmin gets set to 1)", {
##### tail = "below" case ######
# here, yr^c is positive, but tail = "below"
# for Tmin and Gmin, bias has to shif1 downward to get q
q = log(0.5)
muB = log(1.5)
sigB = sqrt(0.5*0.25)
yr = log(1.5)
vyr = 0.5
t2 = 0.25
vt2 = 0.5
r = 0.75
tail = "below"
cm = confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=q, r=r, muB=muB, sigB=sigB,
yr=yr, vyr=vyr,
t2=t2, vt2=vt2, tail = tail )
# Tmin
expect_equal( cm[2,2], 1 )
# Gmin
expect_equal( cm[3,2], 1 )
# their CIs should be NA
expect_equal( as.numeric( c(NA, NA, NA) ), as.numeric( cm[2, 3:5] ) )
##### tail = "above" case ######
# symmetric to above
q = log(1.5)
yr = log(0.5)
tail = "above"
cm = confounded_meta(method="parametric", q=q, r=r, muB=muB, sigB=sigB,
yr=yr, vyr=vyr,
t2=t2, vt2=vt2, tail = tail )
# Tmin
expect_equal( cm[2,2], 1 )
# Gmin
expect_equal( cm[3,2], 1 )
# their CIs should be NA
expect_equal( as.numeric( c(NA, NA, NA) ), as.numeric( cm[2, 3:5] ) )
} )
##### Calibrated Method #####
# test the helper fns
test_that("Calibrated, Tmin_causal and Phat_causal, test set #1", {
##### 1 #####
# make dataset with lots of ties
yi = rnorm(10, mean = 0, sd = 3)
vi = 1
yi = sort( sample( yi, size = 30, replace = TRUE) )
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = yi, sei = sqrt(vi) )
# pick a q that's between repeated values
q = -2.3
r = 0.20
tail = "above"
d = data.frame( yi, vi )
# naive Phat
Phat0 = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = 0,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
expect_equal( Phat0,
mean(calib > q) )
# Tmin
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
# evaluate Phat(B) at Tmin = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = log(Tmin),
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
# manually find the value of r we should have been targeting
calib.t = sort( calib - log(Tmin) )
expect_equal( 0.1666667,, tol = 0.001)
##### 2 #####
# same dataset, but now tail == "below"
# pick a q that's between repeated values
q = 0.6
r = 0.30
tail = "below"
d = data.frame( yi, vi )
# naive Phat
Phat0 = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = 0,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
expect_equal( Phat0,
mean(calib < q) )
# Tmin
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
# evaluate Phat(B) at Tmin = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = log(Tmin),
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
# manually find the value of r we should have been targeting
calib.t = sort( calib - log(Tmin) )
expect_equal( 0.30,, tol = 0.001)
##### 3 - no confounding needed because Phat0 is already < r without confounding #####
# Phat0 is 0.9
r = 0.95
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vi")
expect_equal( 1, Tmin )
##### 4 - no confounding needed because Phat0 is already < r without confounding #####
# now tail == "above"
d = sim_data2( k = 100,
m = 100,
b0 = log(1.4), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 0.1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "expo" )
.calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi, sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
q = quantile(.calib, 0.8)
r = 0.1
tail = "above"
# choose q such that Phat0 = 0.20
# naive Phat
Phat0 = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = 0,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( Phat0,
0.20 )
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# evaluate Phat(B) at Tmin = Phat_causal(q = q,
B = log(Tmin),
tail = tail,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( r,, tol = 0.001)
} )
test_that("Calibrated, test set #1 (setting q equal to observed mean without bias should yield 50%)", {
d = sim_data2( k = 100,
m = 100,
b0 = log(1.4), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 0.1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "expo" )
# hand-calculate the calibrated estimates and their median
d$calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
q = median(d$calib)
x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
tail = "above",
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( 0.5, x$Est[x$Value == "Prop"] )
test_that("Calibrated, test set #2 (causative)", {
d = sim_data2( k = 20,
m = 20,
b0 = log(2), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 0.1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "expo" )
q = log(1.8)
r = .2
muB = log(1.1)
# hand-calculate the calibrated estimates and their median
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
mean(calib > q)
# expect warning about setting tail because not specified
expect_warning( confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
#tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi") )
# repeat to capture the object
x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
#tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# check Phat
Phat.t = mean( calib - muB > q )
expect_equal( Phat.t, x$Est[ x$Value == "Prop" ])
# check Tmin and Gmin
# Tmin_causal received its own tests (above)
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( Tmin, x$Est[ x$Value == "Tmin" ])
expect_equal( g(Tmin), x$Est[ x$Value == "Gmin" ])
# fail to provide r
# expect warning about setting tail because not specified
expect_message( confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
#r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi") )
# # look at CIs, though we can't really check them
# x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
# q = q,
# r = r,
# #tail = "above",
# muB = muB,
# give.CI=TRUE,
# dat = d,
# = "yi",
# = "vyi")
test_that("Calibrated, test set #3 (exactly 200 estimates; manipulate muB.toward.null)", {
# make data with exactly 200 calibrated estimates so that Tmin and Gmin should exactly hit r
d = sim_data2( k = 200,
m = 200,
b0 = log(1.1), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "normal" )
# shif1 AWAY from null
q = log(1.1) # set q to the (true) mean
r = .2
muB = log(1.5)
# first no bias
x0 = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = 0,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# bias TOWARD null
x1 = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = muB,
muB.toward.null = TRUE,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# since bias correction INCREASES the mean in this case,
# we should have MORE meaningfully strong effects
expect_equal( x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Prop" ] > x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Prop" ], TRUE )
# bias AWAY from null (default)
x2 = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Prop" ] < x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Prop" ], TRUE )
# Tmin and Gmin should be the same in all cases
expect_equal( x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Tmin" ],
x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Tmin" ],
x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Tmin" ] )
expect_equal( x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Gmin" ],
x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Gmin" ],
x2$Est[ x2$Value == "Gmin" ] )
# this is a case where Tmin represents bias TOWARD the null
# check that their numerical value is correct
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
expect_equal( mean( calib - log(x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Tmin" ]) > q ),
r )
test_that("Calibrated and parametric, test set #4 (exactly 200 estimates); Tmin shif1s away from the null", {
# in these examples, tail = above but yr < 0, so Tmin is shif1ing AWAY from null
# make data with exactly 200 calibrated estimates so that Tmin and Gmin should exactly hit r
d = sim_data2( k = 200,
m = 200,
b0 = log(.75), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "normal" )
q = log(0.9) # q is ABOVE the true mean
r = .05
muB = log(1.5)
##### Calibrated #####
x0 = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = 0,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# since q is above the true mean and we're considering effects above q,
# reducing that proportion to r means Tmin represents bias
# AWAY from null (i.e., even more protective)
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
expect_equal( mean( calib - log(x0$Est[ x0$Value == "Tmin" ]) > q ),
r )
##### Parametric #####
meta = rma.uni( yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi),
method = "REML")
x1 = confounded_meta(method="parametric",
q = q,
r = r,
tail = "above",
muB = 0,
sigB = 0,
yr = meta$b,
t2 = meta$tau2,
vyr = meta$se^2,
vt2 = meta$se.tau2^2,
# confirm that Tmin is right
yr.corr = meta$b - log( x1$Est[ x1$Value == "Tmin" ] )
# should be exactly equal to r
expect_equal( pnorm( q = q,
mean = yr.corr,
sd = sqrt(meta$tau2),
lower.tail = FALSE ), r )
test_that("Parametric, test set #3 (preventive)", {
# data with ties
d = sim_data2( k = 20,
m = 20,
b0 = log(.9), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "expo" )
ind = sample( 1: nrow(d), size = 40, replace = TRUE )
d = d[ ind, ]
q = log(0.9)
r = .2
muB = log(2)
# hand-calculate the calibrated estimates and their median
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
mean(calib < q)
# expect warning about setting tail because not specified
expect_warning( confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
#tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi") )
# repeat to capture the object
x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
r = r,
#tail = "above",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# check Phat
Phat.t = mean( calib + muB < q )
expect_equal( Phat.t, x$Est[ x$Value == "Prop" ])
# check Tmin and Gmin
# Tmin_causal received its own tests (above)
Tmin = Tmin_causal(q = q,
r = r,
tail = "below",
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
expect_equal( Tmin, x$Est[ x$Value == "Tmin" ])
expect_equal( g(Tmin), x$Est[ x$Value == "Gmin" ])
# fail to provide r
expect_message( confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
q = q,
#r = r,
tail = "below",
muB = muB,
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi") )
# # look at CIs, though we can't really check them
# x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
# q = q,
# r = r,
# #tail = "above",
# muB = muB,
# give.CI=TRUE,
# dat = d,
# = "yi",
# = "vyi")
test_that("Calibrated, test set #4, (no bias needed to reduce this Phat to less than r)", {
# data with ties
d = sim_data2( k = 20,
m = 20,
b0 = log(.9), # intercept
bc = 0, # effect of continuous moderator
bb = 0, # effect of binary moderator
V = 1,
Vzeta = 0, # used to calcuate within-cluster variance
muN = 100,
minN = 100,
sd.w = 1,
true.effect.dist = "normal" )
ind = sample( 1: nrow(d), size = 40, replace = TRUE )
d = d[ ind, ]
r = .2
muB = log(2)
# choose q to be the 10th percentile of naive calibrated estimates
# so that no confounding should be needed
calib = MetaUtility::calib_ests(yi = d$yi,
sei = sqrt(d$vyi) )
q = quantile(calib, .9)
x = confounded_meta(method="calibrated",
tail = "above",
dat = d, = "yi", = "vyi")
# calculate the correct Phat
# might not be exactly .1 due to ties
Phat = mean(calib > q)
expect_equal( x$Est[x$Value == "Prop"], Phat )
expect_equal( x$Est[x$Value == "Tmin"], 1 )
expect_equal( x$Est[x$Value == "Gmin"], 1 )
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