
#' Fitting Multiple Linear Regression models by stepwise AIC selection and
#' Multiple Classification and Regression Trees via party
#' @description This program fits for each dependent variable, a Multiple Linear
#' Regression model calling the function \code{\link[stats]{step}} for choosing 
#' the best model by AIC criterion, or a Multiple Classification and Regression Trees
#' model, using the package party. 
#' The summary of the model returns information about 
#' the significance of the models, F-statistics and degrees of freedom,
#' when is fitted a "mlm"; otherwise, when the model fitted is a "mctree", the summary
#' returns the plots of those trees with significant splits. 
#' @param df1 Data frame with dependent variables as columns.
#' @param df2 Data frame with independent variables as columns.
#' @param analysis Class of analysis to perform. "mlm" 
#' for multiple linear regression analysis, 
#' or "mctree" for a multiple classification tree analysis.
#' @param mod.class "+" for additive model, "*" for model with 
#' interaction, in both cases, these models will include all terms
#' in the dependent data frame. If other model than these two 
#' is desired, it could be specified as a string 
#' with the names of those columns of the independent variable 
#' that should be used as terms. This string corresponds
#' to the right side "x" of a formula y ~ x (see examples).
#' @param fact Optional factor for estimating the frequencies
#' of individuals from different levels in each node, when the
#' analysis performed is "mctree".
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{lm}} or
#' \code{\link[party]{ctree}}
#' @return 
#' When the analysis selected is "mlm", the output object 
#' has three main slots:
#' > MLM: the results of the model
#' > SUMMARY.MLM the summary for each variable returned by the \code{\link{lm}} 
#' function 
#' > ANOVA.MLM with the ANOVAs results.
#' When the analysis selected is "mctree", the output object 
#' has also three main slots:
#' > TREES: Trees returned by the multiple \code{\link[party]{ctree}} analysis.
#' > PREDICTIONS: Predictions of the analysis.
#' > FREQUENCIES: Number of individuals predicted in each node.
#' The content of the slots can be accessed 
#' with the corresponding accessors, using
#' the generic notation of EcoGenetics 
#' (<ecoslot.> + <name of the slot> + <name of the object>).
#' See help("EcoGenetics accessors") and the Examples
#' section below
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' data(eco.test)
#' # mlm additive model
#' mod <- eco.lmtree(df1 = eco3[["P"]], df2 = eco3[["E"]], 
#' analysis = "mlm")                                 
#' mod
#' summary(mod)
#' # mctree additive model
#' mod <- eco.lmtree(df1 = eco3[["P"]], df2 = eco3[["E"]], 
#' analysis = "mctree", fact = eco3[["S"]]$pop) 
#' #-----------------------
#' #-----------------------
#' # the slots are accessed with the generic format 
#' # (ecoslot. + name of the slot + name of the object). 
#' # See help("EcoGenetics accessors")
#' summary(mod)
#' ecoslot.FREQUENCIES(mod)        # slot FREQUENCIES
#' # frequency table with counts of individuals in populations x terminal nodes
#' tabfreq <- do.call(cbind, ecoslot.FREQUENCIES(mod))
#' namestab <- lapply(ecoslot.FREQUENCIES(mod), ncol)
#' namestab <- lapply(namestab, rep)
#' namestab <- rep(names(namestab), namestab)
#' colnames(tabfreq) <- namestab
#' tabfreq
#' # mlm custom model
#' mymod <- "E1+E2*E3"
#' mod <- eco.lmtree(df1 = eco[["P"]], df2 = eco[["E"]], 
#' analysis = "mlm", mod.class = mymod)            
#' summary(mod)
#' # mctree custom model
#' mod <- eco.lmtree(df1 = eco[["P"]], df2 = eco[["E"]], 
#' analysis = "mctree", mod.class = mymod, fact = eco[["S"]]$pop)   
#' summary(mod)
#' }
#' @references 
#' Hothorn T., K. Hornik, and A. Zeileis. 2006. Unbiased Recursive Partitioning: 
#' A Conditional Inference Framework. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 
#' 15: 651-674.
#' @author Leandro Roser \email{learoser@@gmail.com}
#' @export

           function(df1, df2, 
                    analysis = c("mlm", "mctree"), 
                    mod.class = "+", 
                    fact = NULL, ...)   {
             analysis <- match.arg(analysis)
             df1 <- data.frame(df1)
             df2 <- data.frame(df2)
             if((mod.class == "+") || (mod.class == "*")) {
               indep <- paste(colnames(df2), collapse = mod.class, sep = "")
             } else {
               indep <- mod.class
             data <- data.frame(df1, df2)
             #MLM ANALYSIS
             if(analysis == "mlm") {
               mlm.mod <- new("eco.mlm")
               mod <- results <- anovas <- list()
               capture.output(for(i in 1:ncol(df1)) {
                 dep <- paste(colnames(df1)[i], "~", sep = "")
                 smod <- paste(dep, indep, sep = "")
                 smod <- as.formula(smod)
                 mod[[i]] <- lm(smod, data = data, ...)
                 mod[[i]] <- step(mod[[i]], scope = list(colnames(df1)[i] ~ 1,
                                                         upper = mod[[i]]))
               for(i in 1:ncol(df1)) {
                 results[[i]] <- summary(mod[[i]])
                 anovas[[i]] <- anova(mod[[i]])
               predicted <- as.data.frame(sapply(mod, predict))
               residuals <- as.data.frame(sapply(mod, residuals))
               colnames(predicted) <- colnames(df1)
               colnames(residuals) <- colnames(df1)
               names(mod) <- colnames(df1)
               names(results) <- colnames(df1)
               names(anovas) <- colnames(df1)
               mlm.mod@MLM <- mod
               mlm.mod@SUMMARY.MLM <- results
               mlm.mod@ANOVA.MLM <- anovas
               mlm.mod@PREDICTED <- predicted
               mlm.mod@RESIDUALS <- residuals
               mlm.mod@DF1 <- df1
               mlm.mod@DF2 <- df2
             #MCTREE ANALYSIS
             if(analysis == "mctree") {
               tre.new <- new("eco.mctree")
               tre <- list()
               prediction <- list()
               freq <- list()
               for(i in 1:ncol(df1))
                 dep <- paste(colnames(df1)[i], "~", sep = "")
                 smod <- paste(dep, indep, sep = "")
                 smod <- as.formula(smod)
                 tre[[i]] <- party::ctree(smod, data = data, ...)
                 prediction[[i]] <- party::where(tre[[i]])
                 if(!is.null(fact)) {
                   freq[[i]] <- table(fact, prediction[[i]])
               names(tre) <- colnames(df1)
               names(prediction) <- colnames(df1)
               if(!is.null(fact)) {
                 names(freq) <- colnames(df1)
                 freq[[1]] <- "factor not provided for computing frequencies"
               predicted <- as.data.frame(sapply(tre, predict))
               residuals <- df1 - predicted
               tre.new@TREES <- tre
               tre.new@CLASSPREDICT <- prediction
               tre.new@PREDICTED <- predicted
               tre.new@RESIDUALS <- residuals
               tre.new@FREQUENCIES <- freq
               tre.new@DF1 <- df1
               tre.new@DF2 <- df2

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EcoGenetics documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:46 p.m.