

#' Creating a new ecogen object
#' @param XY Data frame with m columns (coordinates) and n rows (individuals).
#' @param P Data frame with n rows (individuals), and phenotypic data in columns.
#' @param G Data of class: "data.frame", with individuals in rows and genotypic data 
#' in columns (loci). The ploidy and the type (codominant, dominant) of the data, 
#' must be passed with the arguments "ploidy" and "type". Missing data is coded as NA.
#' Dominant data must be coded with binary values (0 for absence - 1 for presence).
#' @param E Data frame with n rows (individuals), and environmental data 
#' in columns.
#' @param S Data frame with n rows (individuals), and groups (factors) in columns.
#' The program converts non-factor data into factor.
#' @param C Data frame with n rows (individuals), and custom variables in columns.
#' @param G.processed If TRUE, the slot G will include a processed data frame:
#' removed non informative loci  (the data non available for all the individuals),
#' or non polymorphic loci (for dominant data).
#' @param order.G Genotypes must be ordered in G slot? (codominant data) 
#' Default FALSE. If true alleles are ordered in ascending order. 
#' @param ploidy Ploidy of the G data frame. Default ploidy = 2.
#' @param type Marker type: "codominant" or "dominant".
#' @param sep Character separating alleles (codominant data). 
#' Default option is no character separating alleles. 
#' @param ncod Number of characters coding each allele (codominant data).
#' @param missing Missing data treatment ("NA", "0", or "MEAN") for the A
#' slot. Missing elements are set to NA in the default option. missing elements
#' are recoded as 0 or the mean allelic frequency across individuals in "0" 
#' and "MEAN" options, respectively. 
#' @param NA.char Character simbolizing missing data in the input. Default is "NA".
#' @param poly.level Polymorphism threshold in percentage (0 - 100), 
#' for remotion of non polymorphic loci (for dominant data). Default is 5 (5\%).
#' @param rm.empty.ind Remotion of noinformtive individuals (row of "NAs").
#' Default if FALSE. This option is only available when the 'lock.rows' parameter is FALSE.
#' @param order.df Order individuals of data frames by row? (all data frames with a same order in row names).
#'  This option is only available when the 'lock.rows' parameter is TRUE. 
#' If the names of the data frames are not used (i.e., set.names and valid.names are not NULL),
#' setting this parameter to TRUE/FALSE has no effect in the function. 
#' Defalut TRUE. If FALSE, the row names of all the data frames must be ordered. The use of data frames 
#' with row names in different order will return an error.
#' In both cases, the program sets an internal names attribute of the object
#' using the row names of the first non-empty data frame found in the following order: 
#' XY, P, G, E, S, C. This attribute is used as reference to order rows when order.df = TRUE. 
#' @param set.names Character vector with names for the rows of the non-empty data frames. 
#' This argument is incompatible with valid.names
#' @param valid.names Logical. Create valid row names? This argument is incompatible with 
#' set.names. The program will name individuals with valid tags I.1, I.2, etc.
#' @param lock.rows Turn on row names check. Data frames require indentical individuals in rows.
#' Default TRUE.

#' @details This is a generic function for creation of ecogen objects.
#' In the default option, missing data should be coded as "NA", but any missing 
#' data character can be passed with the option NA.char. 
#' In all the cases, the new object will have a slot G coding the missing data as NA. 
#' For dominant markers (0/1 coding), the slot A is unnecesary an it is treated
#' by ecogen methods as a symbolic link to G.
#' The content of the slots can be extracted with the corresponding accessors
#' ecoslot.XY, ecoslot.P, ecoslot.G, ecoslot.A, ecoslot.E, ecoslot.C and ecoslot.OUT. 
#' Accessors can be also used to assign data to the slots.
#' The correct use of ecogen objects requires the implementation of accessors, 
#' as they ensure the checking and pre-processing of the data. The use of accessors allows to
#' modify or fill the slots of ecogen objects, without the need of creating a new
#' object each time. See \emph{help("EcoGenetics accessors")} for a detailed description 
#' and examples about ecogen accessors. 
#' The use of brackets is defined for ecogen objects:
#'  - Single bracket: the single bracket ("[") is used to subset all the ecogen
#'  data frames (P, G, E, S, A and C) by row, at once. The notation for an object
#'  is eco[from:to], where eco is any ecogen object, and from: to is the row
#'  range. For example: eco[1:10] , subsets the object eco from row 1 to row 10, 
#'  for all the data frames at once.
#' - Double square brackets: the double square brackets are symbolic abbreviations 
#' of the accessors (i.e., it is a call to the corresponding accessor). 
#' The usage is: eco[["X"]], where X is a slot: eco[["P"]], 
#' eco[["G"]], eco[["A"]], eco[["E"]], eco[["S"]], eco[["C"]] and eco[["OUT"]].
#' Double square brackets can be used in get/set mode. 
#' See Examples below and in help("EcoGenetics accessors").
#' A new ecogen object can be constructed in two different ways. 
#' First, a new object can be created, incorporating all the information 
#' at once. Second, the data can be added in each slot, using the corresponding
#' accessor / "[[". Accessor/double square brackets methods allow temporal modification 
#' of any ecogen object and ensure the modularity of this kind of objets. 
#' These methods are not only functions used to get/assign values to the slots, 
#' they provide a basic pre-processing of the data during assignment, 
#' generating a coherent and valid set of information.
#' #' Starting from version, ecogen and ecopop objects can be "locked" 
#' (default) or "unlocked". A "locked" object must have identical number of rows and 
#' row names in all the input data frames (or a rule must be provided to construct
#' the row names in case of ecogen objects, with valid.names or set.names arguments).
#' An unlocked objects allows to have a free number of rows
#' in each table, and row names do not need to coincide among tables. See 
#' examples below.
#' @author Leandro Roser \email{learoser@@gmail.com}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Example with G data of class "data.frame", corresponding to
#' # microsatellites of a diploid organism:
#' data(eco.test)
#' eco <- ecogen(XY = coordinates, P = phenotype, G = genotype,
#' E = environment, S = structure)
#' # Example with G data of class "data.frame", corresponding to a
#' # presence - absence molecular marker:
#' dat <- sample(c(0,1),100,rep = TRUE)
#' dat <- data.frame(matrix(dat,10,10))
#' eco <- ecogen(G = dat, type = "dominant")
#' eco <- ecogen(XY = coordinates, P = phenotype)
#' eco
#' ecoslot.G(eco, order.G = TRUE) <- genotype
#' # this is identical to
#' eco[["G", order.G=TRUE]] <- genotype
#' ecoslot.E(eco) <- environment
#' # this is identical to
#' eco[["E"]] <- environment
#' #----------------------------------------------------------
#' # See additional examples in help("EcoGenetics accessors")
#' #----------------------------------------------------------
#' # Storing data in the slot OUT
#'  singers <- c("carlos_gardel", "billie_holiday")
#' ecoslot.OUT(eco) <- singers
#' # Storing several datasets
#' golden.number <- (sqrt(5) + 1) / 2
#' ecoslot.OUT(eco) <- list(singers, golden.number)    # several objects must be passed as a list
#' # this is identical to:
#' eco[["OUT"]] <- list(singers, golden.number)
#' #---------------------------------
#' # Locked and unlocked objects
#' #---------------------------------
#' is.locked(eco) # check if object is locked
#' eco[["P"]] <- rbind(eco[["P"]], eco[["P"]]) # invalid 
#'                                             # in locked object
#' eco_unlocked <- eco.unlock(eco) #unlocked object
#' eco_unlocked[["P"]]<-rbind(eco[["P"]], eco[["P"]]) # valid now
#' new_locked <- eco.lock(eco_unlocked) # invalid
#' eco_unlocked[["P"]]<- eco[["P"]]
#' new_locked <- eco.lock(eco_unlocked) # valid now
#' }
#' @author Leandro Roser \email{learoser@@gmail.com}
#' @export ecogen

           function(XY = data.frame(),
                    P = data.frame(),
                    G = data.frame(), 
                    E = data.frame(),
                    S = data.frame(),
                    C = data.frame(),
                    G.processed = TRUE,
                    order.G = FALSE,
                    ploidy = 2,
                    type = c("codominant", "dominant"),
                    sep = "", 
                    ncod = NULL,
                    missing = c("NA", "0", "MEAN"),
                    NA.char = "NA", 
                    poly.level = 5,
                    rm.empty.ind = FALSE,
                    order.df = TRUE,
                    set.names = NULL,
                    valid.names = FALSE,
                    lock.rows = TRUE) {				
             # general configuration
             type <- tolower(type)
             type <- match.arg(type)
             missing <- toupper(as.character(missing))
             missing <- match.arg(missing)

             # names configuration
             if(!is.null(set.names) && valid.names) {
               stop("incompatible arguments: only one of <valid.names, set.names> can be set")
             # creating a new ecogen object
             object <- new("ecogen")
             # set object environment
             object@ATTR$whereIs <- parent.frame()
             object@ATTR$.call <- match.call()
             # G configuration-------------------------------------------------#
             if(any(dim(G) == 0)) { # empty G
               object@G <- data.frame()
               object@A <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
               object@INT <- new("int.gendata")
             } else { # non empty G
               ## coherence between data ploidy and ncod is checked for int.df2genind
               temporal_int_genind <- int.df2genind(G, 
                                      sep = sep, 
                                      ncod =  ncod,
                                      NA.char = NA.char, 
                                      ploidy = ploidy, 
                                      type = type,
                                      missing = missing,
                                      rm.empty.ind = rm.empty.ind,
                                      poly.level = poly.level,
                                      lock.rows = lock.rows)
               # unfolding temporal_int_genind ------------------
               ## if marker type is "dominant", A is a pointer to G for assignments
               ## and extraction methods, and the slot is empty
               if(type == "codominant") {
               # matrix is lighter than data frame. LR 9/12/2016
               object@A <- temporal_int_genind@tab
               }  else {
               object@G <- as.data.frame(temporal_int_genind@tab)
               object@INT <- int.genind2gendata(temporal_int_genind)
               ncod <- temporal_int_genind@ncod
               ploidy <- temporal_int_genind@ploidy
               # G processed case ~-~-~-~-~~-~-~-~-~
               if(G.processed) {
                 tmp <- int.genind2df(temporal_int_genind, sep = sep, NA.char = NA.char)
                 # order data
                 if(order.G && type == "codominant") {
                   tmp <- aue.sort(tmp, 
                                   ncod = ncod,
                                   ploidy = ploidy, 
                                   sep.loc = sep,
                                   chk.plocod = FALSE)
                 # G processed data frame
                 G <- as.data.frame(tmp)
                 # G changes messages 
                 if(dim(tmp)[1] != dim(G)[1]) {
                   message("Note: removed noninformative individuals in slot G")
                 if(dim(tmp)[2] != dim(G)[2]) {
                   message("Note: removed noninformative loci in slot G")
                 if(order.G) {
                   message("Note: ordered genotypes in slot G")
               # fill now the G slot for
               object@G <-  G
             # fill the other slots--------------------------------------------
             object@XY <- as.data.frame(XY)
             object@P <- as.data.frame(P)
             object@E <- as.data.frame(E)
             # all S columns as factors
             S <- as.data.frame(S)
             if(dim(S)[1] != 0)  S[] <- lapply(S, factor)
               # better the above way. 2016/01/04 L.R.
               # 'factor' is better than 'as.factor' because
               # it drops unused levels.
              #   for(i in 1:(ncol(S))) {
            #     S[, i] <- factor(S[, i])
            #   }
             object@S <- S
             object@C <- as.data.frame(C)
             if(!lock.rows) {
               object@ATTR$names <- character(0)
               object@ATTR$lock.rows <- FALSE
             } else {
               object.names <- list(XY=rownames(object@XY), 
             # set names--------------------------------------------
             # case: use data frames names---->
             if(is.null(set.names) && !valid.names) {
               while(TRUE) {
                 if(nrow(object@XY) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$XY
                 if(nrow(object@P) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$P
                 if(nrow(object@G) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$G
                 if(nrow(object@E) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$E
                 if(nrow(object@S) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$S
                 if(nrow(object@C) != 0) {
                   object@ATTR$names <- object.names$C
                 object@ATTR$names <- character(0)
             # order rows
             if(order.df && lock.rows) {
               object <- int.order(object)
             } else if(order.df && !lock.rows) {
               message("Note: data frames will not be sorted by row in an unlock object\n")
            # case: use set.names or valid.names---->
             } else {
               # use nrow method
               object.names <- object.names[unlist(lapply(object.names,
                                                          function(x) length(x)  != 0))]
               if(length(object.names) != 0) {
                 rownumber <- unique(unlist(lapply(object.names, length)))
                 # check nrow consistency
                 if(length(rownumber)> 1) {
                   stop("Non unique row number found")
                 # set.names case --
                 if(!is.null(set.names)) {
                    #check length consistency
                   if(length(set.names) != rownumber) {
                     stop("the length of valid.names do not match 
                          with the number of rows in the object")
                   the.names <- set.names
                   # valid.names case --
                 } else if(valid.names) {
                   the.names <- paste0("I.", seq_len(rownumber))
                 # set data frames names and object names --
                 for(i in names(object.names)) {
                  eval(expr = parse(text=paste0("rownames(object@", i, ") <- the.names")))

                 object@ATTR$names <- the.names
             } # end set names
             # check validity 

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EcoGenetics documentation built on July 8, 2020, 5:46 p.m.