
Defines functions getMmlDat getIdVar checkId getStuDatColnames checkNewData mergePVGeneral drawPVs.summary.mml.sdf drawPVs.mml.sdf drawPVs.sdf

Documented in drawPVs.sdf

#' Draw plausible values from an mml fit
#' @param x a fit from a call to \code{\link{mml.sdf}}, or a \code{summary.mml.sdf}, which is a  \code{summary} of
#' \code{mml.sdf} call.
#' @param npv integer indicating the number of plausible values to draw
#' @param pvVariableNameSuffix suffix to append to the name of the new plausible values
#' @param data an \code{edsurvey.data.frame} or \code{light.edsurvey.data.frame} to which the plausible values will be added and from which the covariates and item responses will be taken to generate them
#' @param stochasticBeta logical when \code{TRUE} the regressopm coefficients will be drawn from their posterior distribution. Can also be a data frame of values (see Details).
#' @param construct the construct to draw PVs for
#' @param ... additional parameters
#' @importFrom Dire drawPVs
#' @export
drawPVs.sdf <- function(x, npv = 5L, pvVariableNameSuffix = "_dire",
                        stochasticBeta = FALSE,
                        construct = NULL, ...) {
  mml <- x
  checkDataClass(data, c("light.edsurvey.data.frame", "edsurvey.data.frame"))
  ### check data class
  checkDataClass(mml, c("summary.mml.sdf", "mml.sdf"))
  ### check for merge key
  idVar <- getIdVar(mml)
  if (!idVar %in% colnames(data)) {
    stop(paste0("the ", dQuote("idVar"), " must be on ", dQuote("data"), " to merge on PVs. You must specify it when calling the mml.sdf function"))

  # get mml data, depending whether a summary or mml object was given
  construct0 <- NULL
  if (inherits(mml, "summary.mml.sdf")) {
    theSubject <- mml$object$theSubject
    survey <- mml$object$survey
    getDataArgs <- mml$object$getDataArgs
    scoreDict <- mml$object$scoreDict
    if ("formula" %in% names(mml$object$Call)) {
      construct0 <- mml$object$Call$formula[[2]]
  } else {
    theSubject <- mml$theSubject
    survey <- mml$survey
    getDataArgs <- mml$getDataArgs
    scoreDict <- mml$scoreDict
    if ("formula" %in% names(mml$Call)) {
      construct0 <- mml$Call$formula[[2]]
  # check that we have a construct
  if (missing(construct)) {
    if (!is.null(construct0)) {
      construct <- construct0
    } else {
      stop(paste0("Construct not assigned and not available from mml object. To name them use the ", dQuote("construct"), " argument."))
  mml <- getMmlDat(mml, stochasticBeta)
  # check if new data was provided, otherwise use original from mml call
  newDat <- checkNewData(mml, scoreDict, data, getDataArgs, theSubject, survey)
  # draw plausible values
  pvs <- drawPVs(
    x = mml,
    npv = npv,
    stochasticBeta = stochasticBeta,
    normalApprox = TRUE,
    newStuDat = newDat[["stuDat"]],
    newStuItems = newDat[["stuItems"]],
    returnPosterior = FALSE,
    construct = construct,
  newPVDat <- pvs$data
  # merge PVs to ed dataframe
  newPVDat$id <- as.character(newPVDat$id)
  mergedPvs <- mergePVGeneral(data, newPVDat, idVar)
  pvvars0 <- getAttributes(mergedPvs, "pvvars")
  if (any(names(pvvars0) %in% names(pvs$newpvvars))) {
    warning("overwriting some constructs already on data")
  pvvars0[names(pvs$newpvvars)] <- pvs$newpvvars
  mergedPvs <- setAttributes(mergedPvs, "pvvars", pvvars0)

#' @method drawPVs mml.sdf
#' @export
drawPVs.mml.sdf <- function(x, npv = 5L, pvVariableNameSuffix = "_dire", data, ...) {
  drawPVs.sdf(x = x, npv = npv, pvVariableNameSuffix = pvVariableNameSuffix, data = data, ...)
#' @method drawPVs summary.mml.sdf
#' @export
drawPVs.summary.mml.sdf <- function(x, npv = 5L, pvVariableNameSuffix = "_dire", data, ...) {
  drawPVs.sdf(x = x, npv = npv, pvVariableNameSuffix = pvVariableNameSuffix, data = data, ...)

mergePVGeneral <- function(x, pvs, idVar) {
  x$MergePVmergeID___ <- as.character(x[[idVar]])
  if (inherits(x, "light.edsurvey.data.frame")) {
    xInput <- x
    x <- merge(as.data.frame(x), pvs, by.x = idVar, by.y = "id", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
    x <- rebindAttributes(x, xInput)
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "edsurvey.data.frame")) {
      mg <- merge(as.data.frame(x$cache), pvs, by.x = "MergePVmergeID___", by.y = "id", all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE) # ensure the cache retains it's full dimensions in the sdf
      if (nrow(mg) > nrow(x$cache)) {
        stop("some IDs were on the new data multiple times. Cannot merge plausible values on to data. Check that IDs are unique.")
      x$cache <- mg[order(mg$ROWID), ]
  x$MergePVmergeID___ <- NULL

checkNewData <- function(mml, scoreDict, data, getDataArgs, theSubject, survey) {
  ### check if new studat / stuitems are given
  # get data from "data" argument
  getDataArgs$data <- data
  # supressWarings so it does not again warn about recodes; user has already seen any warnings
  suppressWarnings(edf <- do.call(getData, getDataArgs))

  stuDatColnames <- getStuDatColnames(mml)
  idVar <- mml$idVar
  # fix idVar
  edf[[idVar]] <- as.character(edf[[idVar]])
  # necessary because TIMSS, for example, will generate up to a row per teacher/student pair
  edf <- edf[!duplicated(idVar), ]
  newStuDat <- filterOutIncompleteZeroWeight(edf, stuDatColnames, weightVar = NULL)[ , stuDatColnames]

  scoreInfo <- getScoreInfo(data, survey, theSubject)
  scoreInfo <- checkParamTabAgainstItems(data, scoreInfo)
  scoreCall <- getScoreCall(data, scoreInfo)
  scoreCallEnv <- list2env(scoreInfo)
  assign("edf", edf, envir = scoreCallEnv) # add edf to the environment
  edf <- eval(scoreCall, envir = scoreCallEnv)
  newStuItems <- as.data.frame(melt(as.data.table(edf[ , c(scoreInfo$itemsUse, idVar)]),
    id.vars = idVar,
    measure.vars = c(scoreInfo$itemsUse)
  colnames(newStuItems) <- c(idVar, "key", "score")

  return(list("stuItems" = newStuItems, "stuDat" = newStuDat))

getStuDatColnames <- function(x) {
  if (inherits(x, "mml.sdf")) {
    x <- x$mml
  if (inherits(x, "mmlCompositeMeans") | inherits(x, "summary.mmlCompositeMeans")) {

checkId <- function(x, idVar) {
  if (inherits(x, "light.edsurvey.data.frame")) {
    if (!idVar %in% colnames(x)) {
      stop("For a ", sQuote("light.edsurvey.data.frame"), " the ", paste0(
        sQuote("idVar"), " used in the ", sQuote("mml.sdf"), " call, ", sQuote("y"),
        " must be in ", sQuote("x"), "."
  } else {
    if (inherits(x, "edsurvey.data.frame")) {
      if (!idVar %in% colnames(x$cache)) {
        stop("For a ", sQuote("edsurvey.data.frame"), " the ", paste0(
          sQuote("idVar"), " used in the ", sQuote("mml.sdf"), " call, ", sQuote("y"),
          " must be in ", sQuote("x"), "."

getIdVar <- function(y) {
  if (inherits(y, "mml.sdf")) {
  } else {
    ### summar.mml.sdf
    if (inherits(y, "summary.mml.sdf")) {

getMmlDat <- function(x, stochasticBeta) {
  ### mml.sdf case
  if (inherits(x, "mml.sdf")) {
    if (stochasticBeta == TRUE) {
      ### stochasticBeta only works for summary.mml.sdf
      stop("Stochastic Beta requires class of type ", sQuote("summary.mml.sdf"), ". Try: ", sQuote("drawPVs.sdf(summary(x), stochasticBeta=TRUE)"), ".")
    } else {
  } else {
    ### summar.mml.sdf
    if (inherits(x, "summary.mml.sdf")) {

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