
options(width = 500)
options(useFancyQuotes = FALSE)


test_that("mixed.sdf", {
  usa8 <- readTIMSS(file.path(edsurveyHome, "TIMSS/2003"), countries = c("usa"), gradeLvl = 8, verbose = FALSE)
  usa8dat <- EdSurvey::getData(data = usa8, c("mmat", "idclass", "totwgt", "schwgt", "itsex"), returnJKreplicates = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE)
  usa8dat$wsum <- ave(usa8dat$totwgt, usa8dat$idclass, FUN = mean)
  usa8dat$w1 <- usa8dat$totwgt / usa8dat$wsum * usa8dat$schwgt
  usa8dat$w2 <- usa8dat$schwgt
  system.time(m1 <- mixed.sdf(mmat ~ itsex + (1 | idclass), data = usa8dat, weightVars = c("w1", "w2"), weightTransformation = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
    list(digits = 4),
    co <- capture.output(summary(m1))
  expect_equal(co, m1SummaryREF)

context("Interactions in REs")
test_that("Interactions in REs", {
  usa8 <- readTIMSS(file.path(edsurveyHome, "TIMSS/2003"), countries = c("usa"), gradeLvl = 8, verbose = FALSE)
  usa8dat <- EdSurvey::getData(data = usa8, c("mmat", "idclass", "totwgt", "schwgt", "itsex", "bsbgfbrn"), returnJKreplicates = FALSE, addAttributes = TRUE)
  usa8dat$wsum <- ave(usa8dat$totwgt, usa8dat$idclass, FUN = mean)
  usa8dat$w1 <- usa8dat$totwgt / usa8dat$wsum * usa8dat$schwgt
  usa8dat$w2 <- usa8dat$schwgt
  system.time(m2 <- mixed.sdf(mmat ~ itsex + bsbgfbrn + (1 + bsbgfbrn | idclass), data = usa8dat, weightVars = c("w1", "w2"), weightTransformation = FALSE, verbose = FALSE))
    list(digits = 4),
    co <- capture.output(summary(m2))
  expect_equal(co, m2SummaryRef)

context("mixed.sdf Wald test")
test_that("mixed.sdf Wald test", {
  cntl <- readPISA(file.path(edsurveyHome, "PISA/2012"), countries = "USA", verbose = FALSE)
  # model with one random effect
  m1 <- mixed.sdf(math ~ st29q03 + sc14q02 + st04q01 + escs + (1 | schoolid), data = cntl)
  wt <- EdSurvey::waldTest(m1, coef = 2:4)
  expect_is(wt, "edsurveyWaldTest")
  # the estimates vary from computer to computer
  expect_equal(unname(wt$result$chi2["chi2"]), 30.2097969661517, tol = 0.01)

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EdSurvey documentation built on June 27, 2024, 5:10 p.m.