#' Semi-variogram model fitting
#' The function allows for user friendly exponential semi-variogram model fitting to data.
#' Based on the \code{gstat} function \code{variogram}, \code{vgm} and \code{fit.variogram}, the function fits one
#' or multiple exponential semi-variogram models given one or multiple maximal distances and number of bins.
#' All estimated model parameters are summarized in an information table.
#' Graphics of all models can be observed in a shiny application output
#' or in several plot windows, one for each empirical semi-variogram.
#' Additionally, a pdf file including all the figures can be
#' saved in a specified working directory.
#' @param data A data frame or matrix containing the x-coordinates in the first column,
#' the y-coordinates in the second column (by default in meters)
#' and the data values in the third column.
#' The dataset may contain more attributes in further columns. In this case, a warning is provided.
#' All columns beyond the third one are ignored.
#' @param max.dist An optional numeric argument; the default is the vector \code{c(2000,1500,1000,750,500,250)}.
#' Either a scalar or vector containing the maximal distances can be inserted. If a vector is
#' provided, the \code{ nbins} argument must be either a scalar or a vector of the same length.
#' @param nbins An optional argument; the default is 13 bins for all empirical semi-variograms to be estimated.
#' Either a scalar or vector containing the number of bins can be inserted. If a vector is
#' provided, the \code{max.dist} argument must be either a scalar or a vector of the same length.
#' @param fit.method An optional argument that specifies the fit method used by the gstat function fit.variogram to fit the semivariogram.
#' The default value ist 7. Only values 1,2,6,7 are possible. Please see the package description of gstat for more information.
#' @param shinyresults A logical argument; by default TRUE. If \code{shinyresults = T},
#' the information table and graphics of
#' all estimated semi-variogram models can be observed in an automatically generated
#' shiny application.
#' @param windowplots A logical argument; by default FALSE. If \code{windowplots = T}, all graphics are
#' opened in new windows. They can be observed and saved manually in a wished format.
#' @param pdf A logical argument; by default FALSE. If \code{pdf = T}, all graphics are saved in a pdf file.
#' The file path and the name of the pdf file can be specified by the following two arguments
#' \code{} and \code{}.
#' @param A character argument to specify the folder in which the pdf file is saved.
#' If no file path is given, the pdf file is saved in the current working directory identified
#' by \code{getwd()}.
#' @param A character argument to specify the name of the pdf file. If no name is provided, the
#' file is saved as 'Semivariograms.pdf'.
#' @return A list containing the following arguments:
#' \item{infotable}{A table containing the statistics of all estimated exponential semi-variogram models.
#' Each row corresponds to one model.
#' Shown are the prespecified \code{max.dist} and \code{nbins} values, the parameter estimates for the nugget effect, partial
#' sill and shape, the resulting estimated practical range,
#' the relative structured variability (RSV) and the relative bias.}
#' \item{variog.list}{A list: each list entry contains the \code{variog} output with further information
#' on the estimated empirical semi-variogram.}
#' \item{vmod.list}{A list: each list entry contains the \code{variofit} output with further information
#' on the fitted parametric semi-variogram model.}
#' \item{input.arguments}{A list containing the evaluated input arguments, namely the \code{$data} used to fit the
#' exponential semi-variogram, the \code{$max.dist} and \code{$nbins} specifications and the
#' specifications for the pdf-output, \code{$pdf}, \code{$} and \code{$}.}
#' \item{call}{Contains the call of the function.}
#' The models are visualized in an automatically opened shiny application if \code{shinyresults = T}. Beware
#' that in this case the output of the \code{vario.mod} function is not saved in the environment, even with a variable name assigned.
#' In order to save the output, set \code{shinyresults = F}.
#' If the argument \code{windowplots = T}, one or multiple graphics of the estimated
#' empirical semi-variograms and semi-variogram models are plotted in the R environment.
#' If the argument \code{pdf = T}, a pdf file containing the same figures is saved in the manually
#' specified or current working directory.
#' @details \strong{Prespecification and Interpretation of max.dist and nbins arguments:}
#' \code{max.dist}:
#' only data pairs with a separation smaller than the prespecified maximal distance are included in the semi-variogram
#' estimation. Data pairs that are separated by a higher distance are excluded.
#' \code{nbins}: the interval (0, \code{max.dist}] is separated into \code{nbins} equidistant
#' lag bins or intervals, respectively. Each pairwise distance is then assigned to one of the
#' bins. The point pair subsets \eqn{N(h_k) := \{(\mathbf{s_i}, \mathbf{s_j}) \in D |\;\; ||\mathbf{s_i}-\mathbf{s_j}|| \in Bin_k\}}
#' are defined
#' and a point estimate of the semi-variogram is estimated for each \eqn{Bin_k} for \eqn{k =1,...}\code{nbins}.
#' \strong{Empirical semi-variogram estimator:}
#' Using the \code{gstat} function \code{variogram} an empirical semi-variogram according to
#' Matheron's semi-variogram estimator \insertCite{matheron1962traite}{EgoCor}
#' \deqn{\hat{\gamma}(h) = \frac{1}{2\cdot|N(h)|} \sum_{(\mathbf{s_i},
#' \mathbf{s_j}) \in N(h)}\{Z(\mathbf{s_i})- Z(\mathbf{s_j})\}^2}
#' with \eqn{N(h)} defined as above is obtained.
#' \strong{Exponential semi-variogram model:}
#' Based on the empirical semi-variogram an exponential semi-variogram model of the form
#' \insertCite{Cressie.1993}{EgoCor}
#' \deqn{\gamma_{exp}(h) = c_0 + \sigma_0^2 \Big\{1 - \exp\big(- \frac{h}{\phi}\big)\Big\}}
#' for \eqn{h > 0}
#' is fitted using the \code{vgm} and \code{fit.variogram} function from package \code{gstat} via
#' weighted least squares estimation. The weights have the form
#' \eqn{ w_k = \vert N(h_k) \vert / h_k^2} specified by the \code{fit.method = 7} argument
#' within the \code{fit.variogram} function.
#' For the numerical optimization, starting values for the model parameters have to be provided.
#' The initial value for the partial sill \eqn{\sigma_0^2} equals the empirical variance of
#' the observations. The starting value for the nugget effect \eqn{c_0} is set to zero.
#' The initial value for the shape parameter \eqn{\phi} is set as \code{max.dist} divided by 3.
#' \strong{Result statistics:}
#' The results for all models are automatically printed when running the function and can be
#' found under \code{function.output$infotable}. Part of the table contains a repetition of the
#' specified \code{max.dist} and \code{nbins} parameters as well as the estimated model parameters.
#' The additional statistics within the infotable output are the following:
#' Practical range: In case of the exponential semi-variogram model, the
#' sill \eqn{\sigma^2 = c_0 + \sigma_0^2} is only reached asymptotically. The distance \eqn{H}
#' at which \eqn{\gamma(h^* = 0.95 \cdot \sigma^2)} is called the practical range.
#' Formally, the practical range is
#' defined as
#' \deqn{prac.range = \phi ln\Big( \frac{\sigma_0^2}{0.05(c_0 + \sigma_0^2)} \Big).}
#' Relative Structural Variability (RSV): The relative structural variability is a measure of
#' the proportion of the total variance with a spatial structure and
#' defined as
#' \deqn{RSV = \frac{\sigma_0^2}{c_0 + \sigma_0^2}.}
#' Relative Bias: The relative bias describes the proportion of the total variance according
#' to the semi-variogram model to the true total variance. It is estimated as
#' \deqn{rel. bias = \frac{c_0 + \sigma_0^2}{\widehat{Var(Z)}},}
#' where \eqn{\widehat{Var(Z)}} is the sample variance or empirical variance of the attribute of
#' interest of the dataset at hand.
#' A relative bias of 1 indicates equality of
#' sample variance and variance according to the semi-variogram model.
#' For more details, see \insertCite{schabenberger2017statistical;textual}{EgoCor}.
#' @examples
#' if(interactive()){
#' ## Example 1
#' # Default options:
#' vario.mod(data = birth)
#' # This is equal to
#' vario.mod(data = birth, max.dist = c(2000,1500,1000,750,500,250), nbins = 13,
#' shinyresults = TRUE, windowplots = FALSE,
#' pdf = FALSE, = getwd(), = "Semivariograms")
#' ## Example 2
#' # Open graphics in regular windows and not in shiny application:
#' vario.mod(data = birth, max.dist = c(2000,1500,1000,750,500,250), nbins = 15:10,
#' shinyresults = FALSE, windowplots = TRUE)
#' ## Example 3
#' # Generate a pdf with the following command:
#' vario.mod(data = birth, shinyresults = FALSE, windowplots = FALSE,
#' pdf = TRUE, = getwd())
#' # You find a pdf file in your current working directory.
#' @seealso \code{variogram} in the \code{gstat} package for further information on
#' the estimation of the empirical semi-variogram;
#' \code{fit.variogram} and \code{vgm} in the \code{gstat} package for further information on the default settings
#' when fitting an exponential semi-variogram model to an empirical semi-variogram.
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @export
vario.mod = function(data, max.dist = c(2000,1500,1000,750,500,250), nbins = 13, fit.method = 7,
shinyresults = TRUE, windowplots = FALSE,
pdf = FALSE, = getwd(), = "Semivariograms"){
#### necessary packages
#### input arguments (for call)
data.arg = deparse(substitute(data))
max.dist.arg = deparse(substitute(data))
nbins.arg = deparse(substitute(data))
pdf.arg = deparse(substitute(data)) = deparse(substitute(data)) = deparse(substitute(data)) ="vario.mod(data =", data.arg, ", max.dist = ", max.dist.arg, ", nbins = ", nbins.arg, ", pdf = ", pdf.arg, ", = ",, ", = ",, ")")))
#### data input: formatting
if(ncol(data)>3){warning('Data matrix contains more than 3 columns. Are the columns in correct order?\n')}
'Input data interpretation:',
' column 1: Cartesian x-coordinates in meters',
' column 2: Cartesian y-coordinates in meters',
' column 3: outcome variable \n \n',sep="\n"))
colnames(data)[1:2] = c("x", "y")
### look for rows with missing values
comp.row = stats::complete.cases(data[,1:3])
if(sum(comp.row == F) > 0){warning(paste("Data contain",
sum(comp.row == F),
"rows with missing data. Missing data rows are ignored."))
} = data[comp.row,1:3] = stats::na.omit(
sp::coordinates( = ~x+y
sample.var = stats::var([[1]])
#### estimate variogram
variog.dist.bin.dep = function(max.dist.nbins.cbinded){
# variogram calculator for fixed data, only variable is the maximal distance
# purpose: make variog function usable in lapply()
max.dist = max.dist.nbins.cbinded[1]
nbins = max.dist.nbins.cbinded[2]
est.variog = list()
est.variog$empsv = gstat::variogram(object =[[1]] ~ 1, data =, cutoff = max.dist, width = max.dist / nbins)
est.variog$max.dist = max.dist
if(is.atomic(max.dist) && length(max.dist) == 1 && is.atomic(nbins) && length(nbins) == 1){# max.dist and nbins both scalar
max.dist.vect = max.dist
nbins.vect = nbins
else if(is.vector(max.dist) && is.atomic(nbins) && length(nbins) == 1){# max.dist vector and nbins scalar
max.dist.vect = max.dist
nbins.vect = rep(nbins, length(max.dist.vect))
else if(is.atomic(max.dist) && length(max.dist) == 1 && is.vector(nbins)){# max.dist scalar and nbins vector
nbins.vect = nbins
max.dist.vect = rep(max.dist, length(nbins))
else if (is.vector(max.dist) && is.vector(nbins)){
max.dist.vect = max.dist
nbins.vect = nbins
if(length(max.dist.vect) != length(nbins.vect)){
stop("If vectors for both input parameters max.dist and nbins are specified, they must have the same length.")
else{stop("Input parameters max.dist and nbins have to be either \n both a scalar, \n max.dist a scalar and nbins a vector, \n max.dist a vector and nbins a scalar, \n both vectors of the same length.")}
max.dist.nbins.matrix = cbind(max.dist.vect, nbins.vect)
variog.list = list()
variog.list = apply(max.dist.nbins.matrix, 1, variog.dist.bin.dep)
nbins.used = sapply(variog.list, function(x) dim(x$empsv)[1])
#### estimate exponential variogram model
variofit.less.arg = function(vario){
# variogram modelling function with parameter structure, st. lapply can be used
ini.partial.sill <- sample.var # partial sill parameter of the exp. model (also called sigmasq)
ini.shape <- vario$max.dist/3 # oder /4; shape parameter of the exp. model (also called phi)
v = gstat::vgm(psill = ini.partial.sill, model = "Exp", range = ini.shape, nugget = 0)
exp.variogram.mod <- gstat::fit.variogram(vario$empsv, model = v, # fitting the model with starting model
fit.sills = TRUE,
fit.ranges = TRUE,
fit.method = fit.method,
debug.level = 1, warn.if.neg = FALSE, fit.kappa = FALSE)
vmod.list = lapply(variog.list, variofit.less.arg)
par.extraction = function(vmod){ = c(vmod$psill[1], vmod$psill[2], vmod$range[2])
#loss.fct.value = summary(vmod)$sum.of.squares
prac.range.calc = function(vmod){
prac.range = -log(0.05*(1+(vmod$psill[1]/(vmod$psill[2]))))*vmod$range[2]
} = t(sapply(vmod.list, par.extraction))
colnames( = c("nugget","partial.sill","shape")
prac.range = sapply(vmod.list, prac.range.calc) =[,1] +[,2]
RSV =[,2]/ # relative structured variability
rel.bias = # relative bias
infotable = data.frame(max.dist = max.dist.vect, nbins = as.integer(nbins.vect),
nbins.used = nbins.used,, prac.range, RSV, rel.bias)
rownames(infotable) = 1:(dim(infotable)[1])
#### Save and restore graphical parameter settings ###
originalpar = graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE) # save par settings before adjusting here for graphical output
on.exit(graphics::par(originalpar), add = TRUE) # restore par() settings before exiting function
#### Visualization and pdf extraction ###
if(pdf == T){ = paste0("/",, ".pdf")
grDevices::pdf(file = paste0(,, width = 8.3, height = 11.7) # width and height of DinA4 in inch rounded
graphics::par(mfrow = c(4,2))
graphics::par(mar = c(4.0, 3.1, 3.1, 2.1))
graphics::par(mgp = c(1.5, 0.5, 0.0))
graphics::par(omi = c(1.0, 1, 1.5, 1.0))
for (d in 1:length(max.dist.vect)){
plt = plot(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$dist, variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma, pch = 16, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Semivariance", ylim = c(0, max(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma)), xlim = c(0,variog.list[[d]]$max.dist))
graphics::axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8)
graphics::axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8)
# graphics::mtext(bquote(.("Maximal distance of ") ~ bold(.(paste(max.dist.vect[[d]])))),side=3, adj=0, line=1.2, cex=1, font=1, outer = F)
graphics::title(paste("Maximal distance:",max.dist.vect[d],
"\nNumber of bins:",nbins.used[d] , sep=" "),
adj = 0,
cex.main = 1,
font = 1)
x = NULL
graphics::curve(vmod.list[[d]]$psill[1] + vmod.list[[d]]$psill[2]*(1 - exp(-x/vmod.list[[d]]$range[2])), add = TRUE)
pars = round(infotable[d,c(4,5,7,8,9)], digits = 2)
if(pars[3] > (10*max.dist.vect[[d]]) | pars[3] < 0){
leg = paste(c("nugget effect","partial sill","prac. range","RSV","rel. bias"),":"
text.col.vect = c("black", "black", "red3", "black", "black")
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = leg, ncol = 1, cex = 0.8, x.intersp = -0.3, text.col = text.col.vect)
#graphics::abline(v = 0.1*max.dist.vect[[d]], col="red", lwd=2)
graphics::legend("bottomleft", inset = 0.1, c("*Consider changing", " the number of bins."), cex = 0.7, x.intersp = -0.3,
box.col = "red3", text.col = "red3", bg = "white")
else{leg = paste(c("nugget effect","partial sill","prac. range","RSV","rel. bias"),":",pars)
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = leg, ncol = 1, cex = 0.8, x.intersp = -0.3)}
if(d == 1){graphics::mtext("Semivariograms", side = 3, adj = 0.09, line = 3, cex=2, font = 2, outer=TRUE)}
if((d%%8) == 1){
graphics::mtext(paste0(((d-1)/8)+1), side = 1, line = 4, outer = TRUE)
graphics::mtext(paste0(,, side = 3, adj = 0.95, line = 5.2, outer = TRUE, cex = 0.7)
graphics::mtext(Sys.time(), side = 3, adj = 0.95, line = 4, outer = TRUE, cex = 0.7)
#### Visualization in RWindow
if(windowplots == T){
for (d in 1:length(max.dist.vect)){
# grDevices::x11() # open a new window for each plot
# esp. to prevent overwriting plots in basic R GUI
plt = plot(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$dist, variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma, pch = 16, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Semivariance", ylim = c(0, max(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma)), xlim = c(0,variog.list[[d]]$max.dist))
graphics::title(paste("Maximal distance:",max.dist.vect[d],
"\nNumber of bins:",nbins.used[d] , sep=" "),
adj = 0,
cex.main = 0.8)
graphics::axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8)
graphics::axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8)
x = NULL
graphics::curve(vmod.list[[d]]$psill[1] + vmod.list[[d]]$psill[2]*(1 - exp(-x/vmod.list[[d]]$range[2])), add = TRUE)
pars = round(infotable[d,c(4,5,7,8,9)], digits = 2)
if(pars[3] > (10*max.dist.vect[[d]]) | pars[3] < 0 ){
leg = paste(c("nugget effect","partial sill","prac. range","RSV","rel. bias"),":"
text.col.vect = c("black", "black", "red3", "black", "black")
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = leg, ncol = 1, cex = 0.8, x.intersp = -0.3, text.col = text.col.vect)
#graphics::abline(v = 0.1*max.dist.vect[[d]], col="red", lwd=2)
graphics::legend("bottomleft", inset = 0.1, c("*Consider changing", " the number of bins."), cex = 0.7, x.intersp = -0.3,
box.col = "red3", text.col = "red3", bg = "white")
else{leg = paste(c("nugget effect","partial sill","prac. range","RSV","rel. bias"),":",pars)
graphics::legend("bottomright", legend = leg, ncol = 1, cex = 0.8, x.intersp = -0.3)}
#readline(prompt="Press [enter] to see next graphic")
#### Output formatting
cat("\nParameter estimates:\n")
cat(paste('\nParameter Legend:',
'Each row contains the estimated parameters of the exponential semi-variogram model with the stated maximal distance.',
' - Index = model number,',
' - max.dist = maximal distance considered in the empirical semi-variogram estimation,',
' - nbins = number of bins specified for the empirical semi-variogram estimation,',
' - nbins.used = number of bins used for the empirical semi-variogram estimation (can differ from nbins in case of colocatted data points),',
' - nugget = the estimated nugget effect,',
' - partial.sill = the estimated partial sill, ',
' - shape = the estimated shape parameter,',
' - prac.range = the practical range of the exponential semi-variogram model,',
' - RSV = the relative structured variability, ',
' - rel.bias = the relative bias between sample variance and estimated variance according to the model.\n \n',sep="\n"))
# specified arguments in the input:
# for information purposes and for the parameter uncertainty estimation
input.arguments = list(data = data, max.dist = max.dist,
nbins = nbins, fit.method = fit.method,
pdf = pdf, =, =
#### Visualization with shiny
if(shinyresults == T){
uiv = shiny::fluidPage(shiny::tags$h1("Semi-variogram models"),
shiny::column(width = 5,
shiny::radioButtons(inputId = "modID",
label = "Please choose a model:",
choices = paste0("Model ", as.numeric(rownames(infotable))," with ",
"max. distance of ", max.dist.vect, " and ",
nbins.used, " bins"))),
shiny::column(width = 7, offset = 0,
shiny::plotOutput(outputId = "pl"))
shiny::tags$h4("Info table"),
shiny::tableOutput(outputId = "infotable"),
shiny::tags$h4("Info table legend"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("Index:"), " model number,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("max.dist:"), "maximal distance considered in the empirical semi-variogram estimation,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("nbins:"), " number of bins specified for the empirical semi-variogram estimation,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("nbins.used:"), " number of bins used for the empirical semi-variogram estimation (can differ from nbins in case of colocatted data points),"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("nugget:"), " the estimated nugget effect,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("partial.sill:"), " the estimated partial sill,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("shape:"), " the estimated shape parameter,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("prac.range:"), " the practical range of the exponential semi-variogram model,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("RSV:"), " the relative structured variability,"),
shiny::tags$li(shiny::tags$b("rel.bias:"), " the relative bias between sample variance and estimated variance according to the model.")
serverv = function(input, output){
# inputs can be toggled by the user
# outputs: things that the user sees
output$infotable = shiny::renderTable(
rownames = TRUE
output$pl = shiny::renderPlot({
expr = paste0("Model ", as.numeric(rownames(infotable))," with ",
"max. distance of ", max.dist.vect, " and ",
nbins.used, " bins")
d = as.numeric(which(expr == input$modID))
plt = plot(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$dist, variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma, pch = 16, xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
xlab = "Distance", ylab = "Semivariance", ylim = c(0, max(variog.list[[d]]$empsv$gamma)), xlim = c(0,variog.list[[d]]$max.dist))
graphics::title(paste("Maximal distance:",max.dist.vect[d],
"\nNumber of bins:",nbins.used[d] , sep=" "),
adj = 0,
cex.main = 0.8)
graphics::axis(1, cex.axis = 0.8)
graphics::axis(2, cex.axis = 0.8)
x = NULL
graphics::curve(vmod.list[[d]]$psill[1] + vmod.list[[d]]$psill[2]*(1 - exp(-x/vmod.list[[d]]$range[2])), add = TRUE)
pars = round(infotable[d,c(3,4,6,7,8)], digits = 2)
print(shiny::shinyApp(ui = uiv, server = serverv))
output = list(infotable = infotable,
variog.list = variog.list,
vmod.list = vmod.list,
input.arguments = input.arguments,
call =
class(output) = "vario.mod.output"
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