
Defines functions ecv.regression.baselearner.control ecv.regression.integrator.control ecv.set.filemethod ecv.regression print.ecv.regression predict.ecv.regression summary.ecv.regression print.summary.ecv.regression plot.ecv.regression ecv.save ecv.load

Documented in ecv.load ecv.regression ecv.regression.baselearner.control ecv.regression.integrator.control ecv.save plot.ecv.regression predict.ecv.regression

ecv.regression.baselearner.control <- function(baselearners=c("nnet", "rf", "svm", "gbm", "knn", "penreg")
  , baselearner.configs=make.configs(baselearners, type="regression"), npart=1, nfold=5) {
    return (list(configs=baselearner.configs, npart=npart, nfold=nfold))

ecv.regression.integrator.control <- function(errfun=rmse.error, method=c("default")) {
  return (list(errfun=rmse.error, method=method))

ecv.set.filemethod <- function(formula, data, instance.list, type="regression") FALSE # TODO: to be implemented

ecv.regression <- function(formula, data
  , baselearner.control=ecv.regression.baselearner.control()
  , integrator.control=ecv.regression.integrator.control()
  , ncores=1, filemethod=FALSE, print.level=1
  , preschedule = TRUE
  , schedule.method = c("random", "as.is", "task.length"), task.length) {
  if (integrator.control$method!="default") stop("invalid CV integration method")
  ncores.max <- try(detectCores(),silent=T)
  mycall <- match.call()
  if (!inherits(ncores.max,"try-error")) ncores <- min(ncores,ncores.max)
  if (print.level>=1 && ncores>1) cat("running in parallel mode, using", ncores, "cores\n")

  # training a batch of baselearners
  partitions.bl <- generate.partitions(baselearner.control$npart, nrow(data), baselearner.control$nfold)
  my.instance.list <- make.instances(baselearner.control$configs, partitions.bl)

  # TODO: determining of base learner estimation objects must be saved to disk or not
  if (missing(filemethod)) filemethod <- ecv.set.filemethod(formula, data, my.instance.list)
  if (print.level>=1) cat("CV training of base learners...\n")
  est.baselearner.cv.batch <- Regression.CV.Batch.Fit(my.instance.list, formula, data, ncores=ncores, filemethod=filemethod, print.level=print.level
                                                      , preschedule = preschedule, schedule.method = schedule.method, task.length = task.length)
  if (print.level>=1) cat("finished CV training of base learners\n")
  Xcv <- est.baselearner.cv.batch@pred
  y <- data[,all.vars(formula)[1]] # TODO: more robust way of extracting y (here and inside base learner functions)
  # trainig on full dataset is needed for a subset of methods
  if (print.level>=1) cat("full training of base learners...\n")
  #Regression.Batch.Fit <- function(config.list, formula, data, ncores=1, filemethod=FALSE, print.level=1)
  est.baselearner.batch <- Regression.Batch.Fit(baselearner.control$configs, formula, data, ncores=ncores, filemethod=filemethod, print.level=print.level)
  if (print.level>=1) cat("finished full training of base learners\n")
  Xfull <- est.baselearner.batch@pred

  my.integrator.config <- Regression.Select.MinAvgErr.Config(errfun=integrator.control$errfun, instance.list=my.instance.list)
  est.integrator <- Regression.Select.Fit(my.integrator.config, X=Xcv, y=y, print.level=print.level)
  #pred <- predict(est.integrator, Xnew=Xfull, config.list=baselearner.control$configs)
  pred <- est.integrator@pred
  ret <- list(call=mycall, formula=formula, instance.list=my.instance.list, integrator.config=my.integrator.config, method=integrator.control$method
    , est=list(baselearner.cv.batch=est.baselearner.cv.batch, baselearner.batch=est.baselearner.batch, integrator=est.integrator)
    , y=y, pred=pred, filemethod=filemethod)
  class(ret) <- "ecv.regression"
  if (filemethod) class(ret) <- c(class(ret), "ecv.file")
  return (ret)

print.ecv.regression <- function(x, ...) {

predict.ecv.regression <- function(object, newdata=NULL, ncores=1, ...) {
  if (is.null(newdata)) return (object@pred)
  if (object$method=="default") {
    newpred.baselearner.batch <- predict(object$est$baselearner.batch, newdata, ncores=ncores, ...)
    newpred <- predict(object$est$integrator, Xnew=newpred.baselearner.batch, config.list=object$est$baselearner.batch@config.list, ...)
  } else {
    stop("invalid CV integration method")
  return (newpred)

summary.ecv.regression <- function(object, ...) {
  #summary.baselearner <- summary(object$est$baselearner.cv.batch, errfun=object$integrator.config@errfun) # not implemented yet in EnsembleBase
  summary.baselearner <- NULL
  summary.integrator <- summary(object$est$integrator)
  ret <- list(baselearner=summary.baselearner, integrator=summary.integrator)
  class(ret) <- "summary.ecv.regression"
  return (ret)

print.summary.ecv.regression <- function(x, ...) {
  #cat("### baselearner summary ###\n")
  cat("### integrator summary ###\n")

plot.ecv.regression <- function(x, ...) {
  errfun <- x$integrator.config@errfun 
  error <- errfun(x$pred, x$y)
  #plot(x$est$baselearner.batch, errfun=x$integrator.config@errfun)
  plot(x$est$baselearner.cv.batch, errfun=x$integrator.config@errfun)
  abline(h=error, lty=2)
  #plot(x$est$baselearner.cv.batch, errfun=x$integrator.config@errfun)
  #abline(h=est$est$integrator@est$error.opt, lty=2)
  #cat("full error:", error, "\n")
  #cat("cv error:", est$est$integrator@est$error.opt, "\n")

## determine if save and load methods are generic enough to be applicable to ALL integrators
## if yes, we should move these functions to EnsembleBase to make them available to other derivative packages

ecv.save <- function(obj, file) {
  if (!("ecv.regression" %in% class(obj))) 
    stop("invalid object class (must be ecv.regression)")
  if (missing(file)) stop("must provide file argument")
  tmpfiles <- obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@tmpfiles # obtain names of tmp files under cv.batch learners
  tmpfiles.full <- obj$est$baselearner.batch@tmpfiles # obtain names of tmp files under full batch learners
  if (is.null(tmpfiles)) { # ordinary save
    save(obj, file = file)
  } else {
    tmpfile.new <- tempfile() # create new tmp file name
    save(obj, file=tmpfile.new, compress=F) # save estimation object to tmp file
    all.files <- c(tmpfile.new, tmpfiles, tmpfiles.full) # consolidate names of tmp files for object as well as tmp files for cv and full batch learners
    all.files.basename <- basename(all.files) # extract basenames of all tmp files to be saved
    tmpdir <- paste0("./.", basename(tempfile("dir")),"/") # define a temp directory
    dir.create(tmpdir) # create the tmp directory
    all.files.new <- paste0(tmpdir, all.files.basename) # construct full path to all files
    file.copy(all.files, all.files.new) # copy files to tmp directory
    meta <- list(filename.mainobj=all.files.basename[1], filenames.batchobj=all.files.basename[1+1:length(tmpfiles)]
                 , filenames.batchobj.full=1+length(tmpfiles)+1:length(tmpfiles.full)) # create a list of meta-data
    save(meta, file=paste0(tmpdir, "meta"), compress=FALSE) # save meta-data list to tmp directory, under file "meta"
    tar(file, files=tmpdir, compression="gzip") # write content of "tmpdir" to "file"
    unlink(tmpdir, recursive=TRUE)

ecv.load <- function(file) {
  env <- new.env()
  loadret <- suppressWarnings(try(load(file, envir = env), silent = TRUE))
  if (class(loadret) == "try-error") { # filemethod load
    filepaths <- untar(file, list=T)
    basenames <- basename(filepaths)
    dirnames <- dirname(filepaths)
    if (length(unique(dirnames))>1) stop("unexpected multiple directories in tar filepaths")
    metafile.index <- which(basenames=="meta")
    extdir <- dirnames[1] # this is where untar will extract the files to
    meta <- NULL # to overcome codetools error: "no visible binding for meta"
    load(filepaths[metafile.index]) # this will load "meta"
    mainfile.index <- which(basenames==meta$filename.mainobj)
    load(filepaths[mainfile.index]) # this will load "obj"
    if (!identical(class(obj),c("ecv.regression","ecv.file"))) stop("invalid object class (must be ecv.regression & ecv.file)") # extend later to allow for non-regression models
    basenames.ordered <- basename(obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@tmpfiles)
    basenames.ordered.full <- basename(obj$est$baselearner.batch@tmpfiles)
    #if (!identical(sort(basenames.ordered),sort(basenames[-c(metafile.index,mainfile.index)]))) stop("basenames mismatch")
    filepaths.ordered <- paste(extdir, basenames.ordered, sep="/")
    filepaths.ordered.full <- paste(extdir, basenames.ordered.full, sep="/")
    # copy batch files to new tempfiles in tempdir
    tmpfiles.new <- tempfile(rep("file", length(filepaths.ordered)))
    # replaced file.rename with file.copy and unlink to handle cross-device cases (where . and R tmp directories are on different devices)
    file.copy(from=filepaths.ordered, to=tmpfiles.new)
    unlink(filepaths.ordered, recursive=TRUE)
    tmpfiles.new.full <- tempfile(rep("file", length(filepaths.ordered.full)))
    # replaced file.rename with file.copy and unlink to handle cross-device cases (where . and R tmp directories are on different devices)
    file.copy(from=filepaths.ordered.full, to=tmpfiles.new.full)
    unlink(filepaths.ordered.full, recursive=TRUE)
    unlink(extdir, recursive=TRUE)
    obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@tmpfiles <- tmpfiles.new
    n.instance <- length(obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@instance.list@instances)
    for (i in 1:n.instance) {
      partid <- obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@instance.list@instances[[1]]@partid
      nfold <- length(unique(obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@instance.list@partitions[,partid]))
      for (j in 1:nfold) {
        obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@fitobj.list[[i]]@fitobj.list[[j]]@est <- tmpfiles.new[obj$est$baselearner.cv.batch@tmpfiles.index.list$start[i]+j-1]
    obj$est$baselearner.batch@tmpfiles <- tmpfiles.new.full
    n.config <- length(obj$est$baselearner.batch@config.list)
    for (i in 1:n.config) {
      obj$est$baselearner.batch@fitobj.list[[i]]@est <- tmpfiles.new.full[i]
    return (obj)
  } else { # ordinary load
    loadedObjects <- objects(env, all.names = TRUE)
    stopifnot(length(loadedObjects) == 1)
    return (env[[loadedObjects]])

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EnsembleCV documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:12 p.m.