
Defines functions as.epidat datagen

Documented in as.epidat datagen

datagen <- function(type, kerneltype, kernelmatrix, distancekernel=NULL, initialepi=NULL, tmax=NULL, suspar=NULL, transpar=NULL, powersus=NULL, powertrans=NULL, kernel.par=NULL, spark=NULL, gamma=NULL, delta, suscov=NULL, transcov=NULL) {

    if (type == "SIR") {

        ####### For SIR ILMs:

        kernelpar <- vector(mode="double", length=2)

        # checking the type of the kernel function and specifying its parameters:

        if (kerneltype == "distance") {
            anum <- 1

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet" )) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
            } else if (all(!is.list(kernelmatrix) & is.matrix(kernelmatrix)) == TRUE) {
                if (dim(kernelmatrix)[2] == 2) {
                    n   <- length(kernelmatrix[,1])
                    network   <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                    distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix,  method = "euclidean"))
                    location  <- kernelmatrix
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or the XY coordinates", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a matrix of the XY coordinates of individuals", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\"", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num <- 2
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num <- 3

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (kerneltype == "network") {

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet")) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
            } else if (all(!is.list(kernelmatrix) & is.matrix(kernelmatrix)) == TRUE) {
                if (dim(kernelmatrix)[1] == dim(kernelmatrix)[2]) {
                    n   <- length(kernelmatrix[,1])
                    network   <- kernelmatrix
                    distance  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                    location  <- NULL
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a squared contact network matrix", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a matrix of the XY coordinates of individuals", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(spark)) {
                anum <- 2
            } else if (spark == 0) {
                anum <- 2
            } else {
                anum <- 1

            num <- 1

            kernelpar[1] <- 0
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (kerneltype == "both") {

            anum <- 1

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet")) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
            } else if (all(is.list(kernelmatrix) & length(kernelmatrix) == 2L) == TRUE) {
                if (dim(kernelmatrix[[1]])[2] == 2) {
                    n <- dim(kernelmatrix[[1]])[1]
                    distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix[[1]],  method = "euclidean"))
                    location  <- kernelmatrix[[1]]
                    if (dim(kernelmatrix[[2]])[1] == dim(kernelmatrix[[2]])[2]) {
                        network <- kernelmatrix[[2]]
                    } else {
                        stop("The contact network matrix must be a squared matrix", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a list of two matrices that contains \n 1) the XY coordinates of individuals, \n 2) the contact network matrix.", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a list of two matrices that contains \n 1) the XY coordinates of individuals, \n 2) the contact network matrix.", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\"", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num <- 4
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num <- 5

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameters: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par[1]
            kernelpar[2] <- kernel.par[2]


        # checking the format of the entered infectious period parameters:

        if (is.null(delta)) {
            stop("Specify the values of the parameters of the infectious period distribution: delta", call. = FALSE)

        if (all(!is.matrix(delta) & length(delta)!=2) == TRUE) {
            stop("Error in entering the parameters of the infectious period distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
        } else if (is.matrix(delta)) {
            if (all(dim(delta)[1]!=1 & dim(delta)[2]!=2) == TRUE) {
                stop("Error in entering the parameters of the infectious period distribution: delta", call.=FALSE)
            deltain1 <- delta[1,1]
            deltain2 <- delta[1,2]
        } else {
            deltain1 <- delta[1]
            deltain2 <- delta[2]

        # checking whether initial infected individuals are specified or not:

        if (is.null(initialepi)) {
            #            initial      <- sample(seq(1, n), 1)
            observednum  <- 1
            observedepi  <- c(0,0,0,0)
        } else {
            if (length(initialepi[1,])!= 4) {
                stop("Error: the initial epidemic must be a matrix of 4 columns: id number(s) of individual(s), removal time(s), infectious period(s) and infection time(s) of the initial infected individual(s)", call.=FALSE)
            observedepi  <- initialepi
            observednum  <- length(initialepi[,1])

        # checking the sucseptibility function information:

        if (is.null(suspar) & is.null(suscov)) {
            suspar <- 1
            suscov <- matrix(rep(1,n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            nsuspar <- 1
        } else if (!is.null(suspar) & is.null(suscov) ) {
            suscov  <- matrix(rep(1,n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            nsuspar <- 1
        } else if (is.null(suspar) & !is.null(suscov) ) {
            stop("Specify the susceptibility parameters: suspar", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (any(suscov<0)) {
                stop("Covariate(s) values of the susceptibility function must be positive: suscov", call.=FALSE)
            nsuspar <- length(suscov[1,])

        # checking the transmissibility function information:

        if (is.null(transpar) & is.null(transcov)) {
            transpar <- 1
            transcov <- matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            ntranspar <- 1
        } else if (!is.null(transpar) & is.null(transcov) ) {
            transcov <- matrix(rep(1,n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            ntranspar <- 1
        } else if (is.null(transpar) & !is.null(transcov) ) {
            stop("Specify the transmissibility parameters: transpar", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (any(transcov<0)) {
                stop("Covariate(s) values of the transmissibility function must be positive: transcov", call.=FALSE)
            ntranspar <- length(transcov[1,])

        if (is.null(powersus)) {
            powersus <- rep(1, nsuspar)

        if (is.null(powertrans)) {
            powertrans <- rep(1, ntranspar)

        # checking the spark term:

        if (is.null(spark)) {
            spark <- 0

        # checking the maximum infection time of the epidemic:

        if (is.null(tmax)) {
            tmax <- 1000.0

        # defining the fortran function:


        colnames(datgg$epidat) <- c("id.individual", "rem.time", "inf.period", "inf.time")

        # The output of the fortran function:

        #        result3 <- datgg$epidat
        #        return(result3)

    } else if (type == "SINR") {

        ####### For the SINR ILMs:

        kernelpar <- vector(mode="double", length=2)

        # checking the type of the kernel function and specifying its parameters:

        if (kerneltype == "distance") {
            anum <- 1

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet")) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
            } else if (all(!is.list(kernelmatrix) & is.matrix(kernelmatrix)) == TRUE) {
                if (dim(kernelmatrix)[2] == 2) {
                    n   <- length(kernelmatrix[,1])
                    network   <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                    distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix,  method = "euclidean"))
                    location  <- kernelmatrix
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or the XY coordinates", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a matrix of the XY coordinates of individuals", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\"", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num <- 2
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num <- 3

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameter: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)

            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (kerneltype == "network") {

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet")) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
            } else if (all(!is.list(kernelmatrix) & is.matrix(kernelmatrix)) == TRUE) {
                if (all(dim(kernelmatrix)[1] == dim(kernelmatrix)[2]) == TRUE) {
                    n   <- length(kernelmatrix[,1])
                    network   <- kernelmatrix
                    location  <- NULL
                    distance  <- matrix(0, ncol = n, nrow = n)
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a squared contact network matrix", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a matrix of the XY coordinates of individuals", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(spark)) {
                anum <- 2
            } else if (spark == 0) {
                anum <- 2
            } else {
                anum <- 1

            num <- 1

            kernelpar[1] <- 0
            kernelpar[2] <- 0

        } else if (kerneltype == "both") {

            anum <- 1

            if (is(kernelmatrix, "contactnet")) {
                n   <- dim(kernelmatrix$location)[1]
                distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix$location,  method = "euclidean"))
                location  <- kernelmatrix$location
                network   <- kernelmatrix$contact.network
            } else if (is.list(kernelmatrix) & length(kernelmatrix) == 2L) {
                if (dim(kernelmatrix[[1]])[2] == 2) {
                    n <- dim(kernelmatrix[[1]])[1]
                    distance  <- as.matrix(dist(kernelmatrix[[1]],  method = "euclidean"))
                    location  <- kernelmatrix[[1]]
                    if (all(dim(kernelmatrix[[2]])[1] == dim(kernelmatrix[[2]])[2]) == TRUE) {
                        network <- kernelmatrix[[2]]
                    } else {
                        stop("The contact network matrix must be a squared matrix", call. = FALSE)
                } else {
                    stop("The kernelmatrix must be a list of two matrices that contains \n 1) the XY coordinates of individuals, \n 2) the contact network matrix.", call. = FALSE)
            } else {
                stop("The kernelmatrix must be a class of \"contactnet\" or a list of two matrices that contains \n 1) the XY coordinates of individuals, \n 2) the contact network matrix.", call. = FALSE)

            if (is.null(distancekernel)) {
                stop("Specify the type of distance kernel as \"powerlaw\" or \"Cauchy\"", call. = FALSE)
            } else if (distancekernel=="powerlaw") {
                num <- 4
            } else if (distancekernel=="Cauchy") {
                num <- 5

            if (is.null(kernel.par)) {
                stop("Specify the value of the kernel parameters: kernel.par", call. = FALSE)
            kernelpar[1] <- kernel.par[1]
            kernelpar[2] <- kernel.par[2]


        # checking the format of the entered incubation and delay periods parameters:

        if (!is.matrix(delta)) {
            stop("The parameters of the incubation and delay periods distributions (delta) must be entered as a 2 by 2 matrix", call.=FALSE)
        } else {

            if (all(dim(delta)[1]!=2 & dim(delta)[2]!=2) == TRUE) {
                stop("Error in entering the parameters of the incubation and delay periods distributions: delta", call.=FALSE)

            deltain1 <- delta[1,1]
            deltain2 <- delta[1,2]
            deltanr1 <- delta[2,1]
            deltanr2 <- delta[2,2]


        # checking whether initial infected individuals are specified or not:

        if (is.null(initialepi)) {
            #            initial      <- sample(seq(1, n), 1)
            observednum  <- 1
            observedepi  <- c(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
        } else {
            if (is.vector(initialepi)) {
                if (length(initialepi)!= 6) {
                    stop("Error: the initial epidemic must be a vector of the id number of individual, removal time, delay period, notification time, incubation period, and infection time of the initial infected individual", call.=FALSE)
            } else {
                if (length(initialepi[1,])!= 6) {
                    stop("Error: the initial epidemic must be a matrix of 6 columns: id number(s) of individual(s), removal time(s), delay period(s), notification time(s), incubation period(s), and infection time(s) of the initial infected individual(s)", call.=FALSE)
            observedepi  <- initialepi
            observednum  <- length(initialepi[,1])

        # checking the sucseptibility function information:

        if (is.null(suspar) & is.null(suscov)) {
            suspar <- 1
            suscov <- matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            nsuspar <- 1
        } else if (!is.null(suspar) & is.null(suscov) ) {
            suscov  <- matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            nsuspar <- 1
        } else if (is.null(suspar) & !is.null(suscov) ) {
            stop("Specify the susceptibility parameters: suspar", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (any(suscov<0)) {
                stop("Covariate(s) values of the susceptibility function must be positive: suscov", call.=FALSE)
            nsuspar <- length(suscov[1,])

        # checking the transmissibility function information:

        if (is.null(transpar) & is.null(transcov)) {
            transpar <- 1
            transcov <- matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            ntranspar <- 1
        } else if (!is.null(transpar) & is.null(transcov) ) {
            transcov <- matrix(rep(1, n), ncol=1, nrow=n)
            ntranspar <- 1
        } else if (is.null(transpar) & !is.null(transcov) ) {
            stop("Specify the transmissibility parameters: transpar", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (any(transcov<0)) {
                stop("Covariate(s) values of the transmissibility function must be positive: transcov", call.=FALSE)
            ntranspar <- length(transcov[1,])

        if (is.null(powersus)) {
            powersus <- rep(1, nsuspar)

        if (is.null(powertrans)) {
            powertrans <- rep(1, ntranspar)

        # checking the spark term:

        if (is.null(spark)) {
            spark <- 0

        # checking the control measure parameter:

        if (is.null(gamma)) {
            gamma <- 1

        # checking the maximum infection time of the epidemic:

        if (is.null(tmax)) {
            tmax <- 1000.0

        # defining the fortran function:

        epidat=matrix(0,ncol=6,nrow=n) )

        # The output of the fortran function:

        #        result3 <- datgg$epidat
        #        return(result3)

        colnames(datgg$epidat) <- c("id.individual", "rem.time", "delay.period", "incub.time", "incub.period", "inf.time")

    } else {
        stop("Error in specifying the compartmental framework of the model: type", call. = FALSE)

    if ( kerneltype == "network" | kerneltype == "both") {
        outepi <- list(type = type, kerneltype = kerneltype, epidat = datgg$epidat, location = location, network = network)
    } else {
        outepi <- list(type = type, kerneltype = kerneltype, epidat = datgg$epidat, location = location, network = NULL)

    class(outepi) <- "datagen"



as.epidat<- function(type, kerneltype, incub.time = NULL, inf.time, rem.time, id.individual, location = NULL, network = NULL, network.type = NULL) {

    n <- length(inf.time)

    if (kerneltype == "network" | kerneltype == "both" ) {
        if (is.null(network)) {
            stop("As the kerneltype is specified to \"network\" or \"both\", contact network matrix must be included in the argument via the obtion \"network\"", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (all(dim(network) == c(n,n)) == FALSE) {
                stop("The contact network matrix must be a squared matrix", call. = FALSE)
        if (!is(network, "contactnet")) {
            if (is.null(network.type)) {
                warning("The network.type option should be specified.", call. = FALSE)
            } else if ((network.type != "random") ) {
                if (is.null(location)) {
                  warning("The location option (XY coordinates of individuals) should be specified.", call. = FALSE)

    if (kerneltype == "distance" | kerneltype == "both" ) {
        if (is.null(location)) {
            stop("As the kerneltype is specified to \"distance\" or \"both\", the XY coordinates of individuals must be included in the argument via the obtion \"location\"", call. = FALSE)
        } else {
            if (all(dim(location) == c(n,2)) == FALSE) {
                stop("The location must be a matrix or dataframe of n rows and 2 columns", call. = FALSE)

    if (type == "SIR"){

        if (length(rem.time) != length(inf.time)) {
            stop("The number of removal and infection times are not equal", call. = FALSE)

        inf.period <- rem.time - inf.time

        epi <- as.matrix(cbind(id.individual, rem.time, inf.period, inf.time), ncol = 4, nrow = n)
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == 0), c(2, 4)] <- Inf
        # this is to make sure all of uninfected individuas got 'Inf' values for their infection times which might happened by providing 'Inf' values for their removal times but '0' for their infection times:
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == Inf), c(2, 4)] <- Inf
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == Inf), 3] <- 0
        eppi <- epi[order(epi[, 4]), ]
    } else if (type == "SINR"){

        if ((length(rem.time) != length(incub.time)) | (length(incub.time) != length(inf.time))) {
            stop("The number of removal, incubation and infection times are not equal", call. = FALSE)

        delay.period <- rem.time - incub.time
        incub.period <- incub.time - inf.time

        epi <- as.matrix(cbind(id.individual, rem.time, delay.period, incub.time, incub.period, inf.time), ncol = 6, nrow = n)
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == 0), c(2, 4, 6)] <- Inf
        # this is to make sure all of uninfected individuas got 'Inf' values for their incubation and infection times which might happened by providing 'Inf' values for their removal times but '0' for either their incubation or infection times:
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == Inf), c(2, 4, 6)] <- Inf
        epi[which(epi[, 2] == Inf), c(3, 5)] <- 0
        eppi <- epi[order(epi[, 6]), ]
    } else {
        stop("The compartmental framework must be either SIR or SINR", call. = FALSE)

    outepi <- list(type = type, kerneltype = kerneltype, epidat = eppi, location = location, network = network)

    class(outepi) <- "datagen"



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EpiILMCT documentation built on June 29, 2021, 9:08 a.m.