
Defines functions calc_3d

Documented in calc_3d

#' Return mixture estimation of a normal and 3 tumors
#' Takes BAF, LRR, chr, x, gt, seg_raw
#' @param BAF vector containing B allen frequency (BAF)
#' @param LRR vector
#' @param chr vector
#' @param x vector
#' @param GT vector of factors containing genotype
#' @param seg_raw dataframe about segmentation
#' @return \item{sol1}{percentage of tumor for optimal solution 1} \item{sol2}{percentage of tumor 1 for optimal solution 2}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
calc_3d <- function(BAF, LRR, chr, x, GT, seg_raw){

  #################################################### seg prior #########################################################
  ### 2D prior
  tt = exp(-(0:6-1)^2);prior_f = tt%*%t(tt);lp_2d = -log(prior_f)*1e-3
  rtt = exp(-(6:0-1)^2);rprior_f = rtt%*%t(rtt);rlp_2d = -log(rprior_f)*1e-3

  gt = (GT=='BB')*2+(GT=='AB')*1.5+(GT=='AA')-1;gt[gt==(-1)]=NA
  data= data.frame(x,chr,2*2^(LRR),GT,BAF)
  ## step 1: calculate variance for tcn and baf
  var = get_var_tcn_baf(LRR,BAF,gt)
  var_tcn=var[1]; var_baf=var[2]
  scale_max = mean(2*2^LRR,na.rm=TRUE); scale_min = scale_max/6
  ## step 2: combine close segments
  delta = 0.008

  ####################### DO DATA CLEANING AND SAVE THE CLEAN DATA IN PROC.FN ####################
  ITB = combine_close_seg(seg_raw,var_baf,data,delta=delta) #### note: extra variable data is included in the function
  IT_new = ITB[,1:7]; B_new = ITB[,1:7+7]
  ### exclude segments with 0 copy number and baf of large variance
  id_excl = which(IT_new[,5]<.05)
  if(length(id_excl)>0){IT_new = IT_new[-id_excl,];B_new = B_new[-id_excl,]}
  ##proc.fn = paste("js_50","_",delta,".Rda",sep="")
  temp <- data.frame(scale_max, scale_min, var_baf, var_tcn)

  ####################### SELECT SCALE AND SAVE SCALE IN SEL.SCALE.FN ####################
  res3d=sel_scale_2d(cnMax=6,pscnMax=6,ngrid = 100,nslaves = 50,B_new = B_new, IT_new = IT_new, temp = temp)

  ####################### OPTIMIZATION FOR 1D and 2D AND SAVE IN MATRIX SOL.1d and SOL.2d ####################
  B_new[,7] = B_new[,7]*5
  n_seg = nrow(IT_new)
  L_tot_3d_scale1 = array(0,dim=c(n_seg,100,34,51))
  L_tot_3d_scale2 = array(0,dim=c(n_seg,100,34,51))
  for(i in 1:n_seg){
    L_tot_3d_scale1[i,,,]= calcll_p3(as.numeric(IT_new[i,]),as.numeric(B_new[i,]),var_baf,var_tcn,res3d$scale2d[1],6,6)
    L_tot_3d_scale2[i,,,]= calcll_p3(as.numeric(IT_new[i,]),as.numeric(B_new[i,]),var_baf,var_tcn,res3d$scale2d[2],6,6)
  L_sum_3d_scale1 = apply(L_tot_3d_scale1,c(2,3,4),sum)
  L_sum_3d_scale2 = apply(L_tot_3d_scale2,c(2,3,4),sum)
  sol1_pct = which(L_sum_3d_scale1<min(L_sum_3d_scale1)+.000000001,arr.ind=TRUE) - 1
  sol1_scale = res3d$scale2d[1]
  sol2_pct = which(L_sum_3d_scale2<min(L_sum_3d_scale2)+.000000001,arr.ind=TRUE) - 1
  sol2_scale = res3d$scale2d[2]

  return (list(sol1_pct = sol1_pct, sol1_scale = sol1_scale, sol2_pct = sol2_pct, sol2_scale = sol2_scale, segmentation = seg_raw))

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EstMix documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:25 a.m.