
Defines functions prepare_correlation_table

Documented in prepare_correlation_table

#' @title Prepares a Correlation Table
#' @description
#' Reads a data frame and presents Pearson correlations above the diagonal
#' and Spearman correlations below.
#' @param df Data frame containing at least two variables that are either numeric
#'   or logical and at least five observations.
#' @param digits The number of digits that you want to report.
#' @param bold Indicate the p-Value for for identifying significant correlations
#'   in bold print. Defaults to 0.05. If set to 0, no bold print is being used.
#' @param format The format that you want \code{\link[knitr]{kable}} to produce ("html" or "latex")
#' @param ... Additional parameters that are passed on to \code{\link[knitr]{kable}}
#' @return A list containing four items:
#' \describe{
#'  \item{"df_corr"}{A data frame containing the correlations}
#'  \item{"df_prob"}{A data frame containing the p-values of the correlations}
#'  \item{"df_n"}{A data frame containing the number of observations used for the correlations}
#'  \item{"kable_ret"}{The return value provided by \code{\link[knitr]{kable}} containing the formatted table}
#' }
#' @examples
#' t <- prepare_correlation_table(mtcars)
#' t$df_corr
#' @export

prepare_correlation_table <- function(df, digits = 2, bold = 0.05, format = "html", ...) {
  if(!is.data.frame(df)) stop("df needs to be a dataframe")
  df <- as.data.frame(df)
  df <- df[sapply(df, is.logical) | sapply(df, is.numeric)]
  if (nrow(df) < 5 | ncol(df) < 2)
    stop("'df' needs to contain at least two variables and five observations of numerical data")
  if (!is.numeric(digits) | length(digits) != 1 | digits <= 0 | digits >= 5)
    stop("argument 'digits' needs to be a numerical scalar with 0 < digits <= 5")
  if (!is.numeric(bold) | length(bold) != 1 | bold < 0 | bold >= 1)
    stop("argument 'bold' needs to be a numerical scalar with 0 <= bold < 1")

  pcorr <- cor_mat(as.matrix(df), method="pearson", na.action = "na.omit", exact = FALSE)
  scorr <- cor_mat(as.matrix(df), method="spearman", na.action = "na.omit", exact = FALSE)
  correl_r <- pcorr$r
  correl_r[lower.tri(correl_r)] <- scorr$r[lower.tri(scorr$r)]
  correl_n <- pcorr$n
  correl_n[lower.tri(correl_n)] <- scorr$n[lower.tri(scorr$n)]
  correl_p <- pcorr$p
  correl_p[lower.tri(correl_p)] <- scorr$p[lower.tri(scorr$p)]
  diag(correl_p) <- 1
  fted_correl_r <- matrix(sapply(1:ncol(correl_r)^2,
                          function(pos) kableExtra::cell_spec(sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), correl_r[pos]),
                                                              bold = ifelse(correl_p[pos] < bold, TRUE, FALSE))),
                          nrow = nrow(correl_r), ncol = ncol(correl_r))
  diag(fted_correl_r) <- ""
  LETTERS702 <- c(LETTERS, sapply(LETTERS, function(x) paste0(x, LETTERS)))
  colnames(fted_correl_r) <- LETTERS702[1:ncol(correl_r)]
  rownames(fted_correl_r) <- paste0(LETTERS702[1:ncol(correl_r)], ": ",rownames(correl_r))
  kr <- knitr::kable(fted_correl_r, align = rep("r", ncol(correl_r)), format, escape = FALSE, ...)

  # __TO_DO__: The below is based on the githug version of kableExtra, undocumented and likely to change
  # Also, it would be nice to avoid that tfoot does not screw up the auto width of the full table

  kr <- kableExtra::footnote(kr, general_title = "",
                                     general = paste("This table reports Pearson correlations above and Spearman correlations below the diagonal.",
                                           ifelse(max(correl_n) == min(correl_n),
                                                  sprintf("Number of observations: %d.", min(correl_n)),
                                                  sprintf("The number of observations ranges from %d to %d.", min(correl_n), max(correl_n))),
                                           ifelse(bold > 0,
                                                  sprintf("Correlations with significance levels below %.0f%% appear in bold print.", bold*100),
                             threeparttable = TRUE)

  list(df_corr = as.data.frame(correl_r),
       df_prob = as.data.frame(correl_p),
       df_n = as.data.frame(correl_n),
       kable_ret = kr)

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ExPanDaR documentation built on Jan. 8, 2021, 5:36 p.m.