
Defines functions .corLW .LL .kcvl .LH .DF .IC .rank .tr radioHeat RF subSet regcor SA dimGB dimIC dimLRT SMC dimVAR mlFA facScore facSMC autoFMradio FAsim .Airwolf .Airwolf2

Documented in autoFMradio dimGB dimIC dimLRT dimVAR facScore facSMC FAsim mlFA radioHeat regcor RF SA SMC subSet

## Name: FMradio
## Author: Carel F.W. Peeters
## Maintainer: Carel F.W. Peeters
##             Statistics for Omics Research Unit
##             Dept. of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
##             Amsterdam Public Health research institute
##             Amsterdam University medical centers,
##             Location VU University medical center
##             Amsterdam, the Netherlands
## Email:	     cf.peeters@vumc.nl
## Version: 1.1.1
## Last Update:	16/12/2019
## Description:	Pipeline (support) for prediction with radiomic data compression

## Hidden Support Functions

.corLW <- function(R, lambda){
  # Function that calculates the Ledoit-Wolf type regularized correlation
  # matrix for a given penalty value
  # - R      > correlation matrix
  # - lambda > value penalty parameter
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Determine and return
  return((1-lambda) * R + lambda * diag(dim(R)[1]))

.LL <- function(S, R){
  # Function that computes the value of the (negative) log-likelihood
  # - S > sample correlation matrix
  # - R > (possibly regularized) correlation matrix
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Evaluate and return
  LL <- log(det(R)) + sum(S*solve(R))

.kcvl <- function(lambda, X, folds){
  # Function that calculates a cross-validated negative log-likelihood score
  # for a single penalty value
  # - lambda > value penalty parameter
  # - X      > (standardized) data matrix, observations in rows
  # - folds  > cross-validation sample splits
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # Evaluate
  cvLL <- 0
  for (f in 1:length(folds)){
    R    <- cor(X[-folds[[f]], , drop = FALSE])
    S    <- cor(X[folds[[f]], , drop = FALSE])
    nf   <- dim(X[folds[[f]], , drop = FALSE])[1]
    cvLL <- cvLL + nf*.LL(S, .corLW(R, lambda))
  # Return

.LH <- function(R, LM, UM){
  # Evaluates term proportional to -2 times the log-likelihood of the FA-model
  # R  > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # LM > loadings matrix
  # UM > diagonal uniquenesses matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - The UM matrix is assumed to be positive definite
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to be of full column rank
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to have the observed features in the rows
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Evaluate
  Rfit <- LM %*% t(LM) + UM
  LH   <- log(det(Rfit)) + sum(diag(solve(Rfit) %*% R))
  # Return

.DF <- function(R, LM, UM){
  # Evaluates the regular FA discrepancy function
  # R  > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # LM > loadings matrix
  # UM > diagonal uniquenesses matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - The UM matrix is assumed to be positive definite
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to be of full column rank
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to have the observed features in the rows

  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Evaluate
  DF <- .LH(R, LM, UM) - log(det(R)) - dim(R)[1]
  # Return

.IC <- function(R, LM, UM, m, n, type = "BIC"){
  # Evaluates the regular FA discrepancy function
  # R    > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # LM   > loadings matrix
  # UM   > diagonal uniquenesses matrix
  # m    > dimension of latent vector
  # n    > sample size
  # type > character specifying the penalty type: either BIC or AIC
  # NOTES:
  # - The UM matrix is assumed to be positive definite
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to be of full column rank
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to have the observed features in the rows

  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Fit determination
  p   <- dim(R)[1]
  fit <- n * (p * log(2 * pi) + .LH(R, LM, UM))
  # Penalty determination
  pars <- p*(m + 1) - (m*(m - 1))/2
  if (type == "BIC"){
    pen <- log(n) * pars
  if (type == "AIC"){
    pen <- 2 * pars
  # Evaluate
  IC <- fit + pen
  # Return

.rank <- function(R){
  # Evaluates the rank of a symmetric (correlation) matrix
  # R > symmetric (correlation) matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - Determines the rank as the number of eigenvalues that equal or exceed the
  #   threshold set at the tolerance times the largest eigenvalue
  # - The tolerance is determined as the number of features times the machine 
  #   epsilon
  # - Corresponds to the default method of the rankMatrix function from the
  #   Matrix package, which itself corresponds to the MATLAB default
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # Evaluate rank
  eval <- Re(eigen(R)$values)
  tol  <- dim(R)[1] * .Machine$double.eps
  rank <- sum(eval >= tol * eval[1])
  # Return

.tr <- function(M){
  # - Internal function to compute the trace of a matrix
  # - M > matrix input

## Function for heatmap visualization

if (getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables(c("X1", "X2", "value"))

radioHeat <- function(R, lowColor = "blue", highColor = "red", labelsize = 10,
                      diag = TRUE, threshold = FALSE, threshvalue = .95,
                      values = FALSE, textsize = 10, legend = TRUE, main = ""){
  # Dedicated heatmapping of radiomics-based correlation matrix
  # - R           > (regularized) correlation matrix
  # - lowColor    > determines color scale in the negative range, default = "blue"
  # - highColor   > determines color scale in the positive range, default = "red"
  # - labelsize   > set textsize row and column labels, default = 10
  # - diag        > logical determining treatment diagonal elements R. If FALSE,
  #                 then the diagonal elements are given the midscale color of
  #                 white; only when R is a square matrix
  # - threshold   > logical determining if only values above a certain 
  #                 (absolute) threshold should be visualized
  # - threshvalue > value used when threshold = TRUE
  # - values      > optional inclusion of cell-values, default = FALSE
  # - textsize    > set textsize cell values
  # - legend      > optional inclusion of color legend, default = TRUE
  # - main        > character specifying the main title, default = ""
  # NOTES:
  # - The thresholding arguments can be used to (i) visually assess redundancy
  #   and (ii) check if the redundancy filter has done its work
  # - The cell-values returned when values = TRUE are the values after possible
  #   thresholding
  # Dependencies
  # require("base")
  # require("ggplot2")
  # require("reshape")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Supply 'R' as matrix")
  if (class(lowColor) != "character"){
    stop("Input (lowColor) is of wrong class")
  if (length(lowColor) != 1){
    stop("Length lowColor must be one")
  if (class(highColor) != "character"){
    stop("Input (highColor) is of wrong class")
  if (length(highColor) != 1){
    stop("Length highColor must be one")
  if (class(labelsize) != "numeric"){
    stop("Input (labelsize) is of wrong class")
  else if (length(labelsize) != 1){
    stop("Length labelsize must be one")
  if (labelsize <= 0){
    stop("labelsize must be positive")
  if (class(diag) != "logical"){
    stop("Input (diag) is of wrong class")
  if (class(threshold) != "logical"){
    stop("Input (threshold) is of wrong class")
  if (class(legend) != "logical"){
    stop("Input (legend) is of wrong class")
  if (class(main) != "character"){
    stop("Input (main) is of wrong class")
  if (class(values) != "logical"){
    stop("Input (values) is of wrong class")
  # Conditional checks
  if (threshold){
    if(class(threshvalue) != "numeric"){
      stop("Input (threshvalue) is of wrong class")
    if(length(threshvalue) != 1){
      stop("Length input (threshvalue) must be one")
    if(threshvalue < 0){
      stop("Input (threshvalue) cannot be negative")
  if (values){
    if(class(textsize) != "numeric"){
      stop("Input (textsize) is of wrong class")
    if(length(textsize) != 1){
      stop("Length input (textsize) must be one")
    if(textsize <= 0){
      stop("Input (textsize) must be positive")
  # Thresholding
  if (threshold){
    R[abs(R) < threshvalue] <- 0
  # Put matrix in data format
  if (nrow(R) == ncol(R) & !diag) {diag(R) <- 0}
  Mmelt    <- melt(R)
  Mmelt$X1 <- factor(as.character(Mmelt$X1), 
                     levels = unique(Mmelt$X1), ordered = TRUE)
  Mmelt$X2 <- factor(as.character(Mmelt$X2), 
                     levels = unique(Mmelt$X2), ordered = TRUE)
  # Visualize
  ggplot(Mmelt, aes(X2, X1, fill = value)) + 
    geom_tile() +
    xlab(" ") + 
    ylab(" ") +    
    ylim(rev(levels(Mmelt$X1))) +
    ggtitle(main) +
    theme(axis.ticks = element_blank()) +
    theme(axis.text.y = element_text(size = labelsize)) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = -90, 
                                     vjust = .5,
                                     hjust = 0, 
                                     size = labelsize)) +
    scale_fill_gradient2("", low = lowColor,  
                         mid = "white",
                         high = highColor, 
                         midpoint = 0) +
    {if (values) geom_text(aes(label = round(value, 3)), size = textsize)} +
    {if (!legend) theme(legend.position = "none")}

## Function for Redundancy Filtering

RF <- function(R, t = .95){
  # Performs redundancy filtering (RF) of square (correlation) matrix
  # R > (correlation) matrix
  # t > absolute value for thresholding
  # NOTES:
  # - When the input matrix R is a correlation matrix, then t should satisfy
  #   -1 < t < 1, for the return matrix to be sensical for further analysis
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (class(t) != "numeric"){
    stop("Input (t) is of wrong class")
  if (length(t) != 1){
    stop("Length input (t) must be one")
  # Needed
  HM <- numeric()
  # Loop
    for(j in 1:dim(R)[1]){
      HM[j] <- sum(abs(R[j,, drop = FALSE]) >= t)
    Mx <- which(HM == max(HM))
    if(max(HM) < 2){
      GO = FALSE
    } else {
      R  <- R[-Mx[1],-Mx[1]]
      HM <- numeric()
  # Return

## Function for Subsetting

subSet <- function(X, Rf){
  # Convenience function subsetting data matrix or expression set
  # Subsets to retain only the features given in a filtered object
  # X  > data matrix or expression set
  # Rf > filtered correlation matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - If X is a matrix, the observations are expected to be in the rows
  # - Subsetted data are needed for penalty parameter selection for 
  #   the regularized correlation estimator
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("Biobase")
  # Checks
  if (!inherits(X, "matrix") & !inherits(X, "ExpressionSet")){
    stop("Input (X) should be either of class 'matrix' or 'ExpressionSet'")
  if (!is.matrix(Rf)){
    stop("Input (Rf) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(Rf) != ncol(Rf)){
    stop("Input (Rf) should be square matrix")
  # Filter
  if (inherits(X, "matrix")){
    These <- which(colnames(X) %in% colnames(Rf))
  if (inherits(X, "ExpressionSet")){
    These <- which(featureNames(X) %in% colnames(Rf))

## Function for Regularized Correlation Matrix Estimation

regcor <- function(X, fold = 5, verbose = TRUE){
  # Function determining the optimal penalty value and, subsequently, the 
  # optimal Ledoit-Wolf type regularized correlation matrix using 
  # K-fold cross validation of the negative log-likelihood
  # X       > centered and scaled (subsetted) data matrix, observations in rows
  # fold    > cross-validation fold, default gives 5-fold CV
  # verbose > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # NOTES:
  # - The estimator is a Ledoit-Wolf type estimator
  # - The K-fold cv procedure makes use of the Brent algorithm
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(X)){
    stop("Input (X) should be a matrix")
  if (class(fold) != "numeric" & class(fold) != "integer"){ 
    stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
  if (fold <=  1){ 
    stop("Input (fold) should be at least 2") 
  if (fold > nrow(X)){ 
    stop("Input (fold) cannot exceed the sample size") 
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  # List with K-folds
  if (verbose){cat("Determining folds...", "\n")}
  fold    <- max(min(ceiling(fold), nrow(X)), 2)
  fold    <- rep(1:fold, ceiling(nrow(X)/fold))[1:nrow(X)]
  shuffle <- sample(1:nrow(X), nrow(X))
  folds   <- split(shuffle, as.factor(fold))
  # Determine optimal penalty value
  if (verbose){cat("Determining optimal penalty value...", "\n")}
  optLambda <- optim(.5, .kcvl, method = "Brent", lower = 0,
                     upper = 1, X = X, folds = folds)$par
  # Return
  return(list(optPen = optLambda, optCor = .corLW(cor(X), optLambda)))

## Function for Assessing Factorability

SA <- function(R){
  # Calculate Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of feature-sampling adequacy
  # R > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - The KMO index provides a practical measure for the assessment of 
  #   factorability
  # - Factorability refers to the ability to identify coherent latent features
  # - A KMO index equalling or exceeding .9 would be considered to indicate
  #   great factorability
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  # Preliminaries
  Ri      <- solve(R)
  Sc      <- diag(sqrt((1/diag(Ri))))
  P       <- Sc %*% Ri %*% Sc
  diag(R) <- 0
  diag(P) <- 0
  # Calculate overall KMO index
  KMO <- sum(R^2)/(sum(R^2) + sum(P^2))
  # Calculate KMO index per feature
  KMOfeature <- colSums(R^2)/(colSums(R^2) + colSums(P^2))
  # Return
  return(list(KMO = KMO, KMOfeature = KMOfeature))

## Functions for Factor Analytic Dimensionality Assessment

dimGB <- function(R, graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
  # Calculates the first, second, and third Guttman lower-bounds
  # R        > (regularized) correlation matrix
  # graph    > logical indicating if the results should be visualized
  # verbose  > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # NOTES:
  # - Output corresponds to the Guttman bounds for the minimum rank of a 
  #   reduced correlation matrix
  # - This minimum rank can be used to make a choice on the dimensionality
  #   of the latent vector
  # - The first lower-bound corresponds to kaiser's rule
  # - Note that there is an ordering in the bounds in the sense that:
  #   bound 1 <= bound 2 <= bound 3
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("graphics")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (class(graph) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  # Preliminaries
  p  <- dim(R)[1]
  Ip <- diag(p)
  # Lower-bound 1
  if (verbose){cat("Calculating Guttman bounds...", "\n")}
  LB1e <- eigen(R - Ip)$values
  LB1  <- sum(LB1e > 0)
  # Lower-bound 2
  rmax <- apply((abs(R) - Ip), 2, max)
  rmax <- 1 - rmax^2
  LB2e <- eigen(R - diag(rmax))$values
  LB2  <- sum(LB2e > 0)
  # Lower-bound 3
  Ri   <- solve(R)
  Ris  <- diag(1/diag(Ri))
  LB3e <- eigen(R - Ris)$values
  LB3  <- sum(LB3e > 0)
  # Summarize
  LBT        <- as.table(c(LB1, LB2, LB3))
  names(LBT) <- c("First.lower-bound", "Second.lower-bound", "Third.lower-bound")
  # Visualize
  if (graph){
    if (verbose){cat("Visualizing...", "\n")}
    dims <- c(1:p)
    LBe <- c(LB1e, LB2e, LB3e)
    plot(dims, LB1e, axes = FALSE, type = "l", 
         col = "red", xlab = "eigenvalue no.", 
         ylab = "Eigenvalue", main = "",
         ylim = c(min(LBe) - 1, max(LBe)))
    lines(dims, LB2e, col = "blue")
    lines(dims, LB3e, col = "green")
    axis(2, col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, xlim = c(1,p), col = "black", lwd = 1, tick = TRUE)
    abline(h = 0)
           legend = c("First reduced correlation matrix", 
                      "Second reduced correlation matrix",
                      "Third reduced correlation matrix"), 
           col = c("red", "blue", "green"), 
           lty = 1)
  # Return

dimIC <- function(R, n, maxdim, Type = "BIC", graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
  # Performs dimensionality assessment by way of the AIC or BIC
  # R       > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # n       > sample size
  # maxdim  > maximum number of latent factors to be assessed
  # Type    > character specifying the penalty type: either BIC or AIC
  # graph   > logical indicating if output should also be visualized
  # verbose > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # NOTES:
  # - maxdim cannot exceed the Ledermann-bound
  # - usually, one wants to set maxdim (much) lower than the Ledermann-bound
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("graphics")
  # Preliminaries for checks
  p    <- ncol(R)
  mmax <- floor((2*p + 1 - sqrt(8*p + 1))/2)
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (class(n) != "numeric" & class(n) != "integer"){
    stop("Input (n) is of wrong class")
  if (length(n) != 1){
    stop("Length input (n) must be one")
  if (n <= 1){
    stop("Input (n) must be a strictly positive (numeric) integer")
  if (class(maxdim) != "numeric" & class(maxdim) != "integer"){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is of wrong class")
  if (length(maxdim) != 1){
    stop("Length input (maxdim) must be one")
  if (maxdim <= 1){
    stop("Input (maxdim) cannot be lower than 1")
  if (maxdim > mmax){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is too high")
  if (!(Type %in% c("BIC", "AIC"))){
    stop("Input (Type) should be one of {'BIC', 'AIC'}")
  if (class(graph) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  # Preliminaries
  IC  <- numeric()
  dim <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 1)
  # Calculate ICs
  for (j in 1:length(dim)){
    m          <- dim[j]
    fit        <- factanal(factors = m, covmat = R, rotation = "none")
    loadings   <- fit$loadings[1:p,]
    Uniqueness <- diag(fit$uniquenesses)
    IC[j]      <- .IC(R, loadings, Uniqueness, m = m, n = n, type = Type)
    if (verbose){cat(paste("Calculating IC for dimension m = ", 
                           m, " done\n", sep = ""))}
  # Visualization
  if (Type == "BIC"){ylabel = "BIC score"}
  if (Type == "AIC"){ylabel = "AIC score"}
  if (graph){
    if (verbose){cat("Visualizing...", "\n")}
    MT <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 2)
    plot(dim, IC, axes = FALSE, type = "l", 
         col = "red", xlab = "dimension of factor solution", 
         ylab = ylabel)
    axis(2, ylim = c(min(IC),max(IC)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, xlim = c(1,maxdim), col = "black", lwd = 1, tick = TRUE, at = MT)
  # Return object
  ICt <- as.data.frame(cbind(dim,IC))
  colnames(ICt) <- c("latent dimension", ylabel)
  ## Return

dimLRT <- function(R, X, maxdim, rankDOF = TRUE, graph = TRUE, 
                   alpha = .05, Bartlett = FALSE, verbose = TRUE){
  # Performs dimensionality assessment using likelihood ratio testing
  # R        > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # X        > centered and scaled (subsetted) data matrix, observations in rows
  # maxdim   > maximum number of latent factors to be assessed
  # rankDOF  > logical indicating if the degrees of freedom should be based on
  #            the rank of the raw correlation matrix
  # graph    > logical indicating if output should also be visualized
  # alpha    > numeric giving alpha level, only used when graph = TRUE
  # Bartlett > logical indicating if Bartlett correction should be applied
  # verbose  > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # NOTES:
  # - maxdim cannot exceed the Ledermann-bound
  # - usually, one wants to set maxdim (much) lower than the Ledermann-bound
  # - note that, if p > n, the maximum rank of the raw correlation matrix
  #   is n - 1. In this case there is an alternative Ledermann-bound when 
  #   rankDOF = TRUE. The number of information points in the correlation matrix
  #   is then given as (n-1)*n/2 and this number must exceed 
  #   p*maxdim + p - (maxdim*(maxdim - 1))/2, putting more restrictions on 
  #   maxdim
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("graphics")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(X)){
    stop("Input (X) should be a matrix")
  # Preliminaries for further checks
  p    <- ncol(R)
  n    <- dim(X)[1]
  pr   <- .rank(cor(X))
  mmax <- floor((2*p + 1 - sqrt(8*p + 1))/2)
  # (Conditional) Checks
  if (class(maxdim) != "numeric" & class(maxdim) != "integer"){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is of wrong class")
  if (length(maxdim) != 1){
    stop("Length input (maxdim) must be one")
  if (maxdim <= 1){
    stop("Input (maxdim) cannot be lower than 1")
  if (maxdim > mmax){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is too high")
  if (class(rankDOF) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (rankDOF) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(graph) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class") 
  if (graph){
    if (class(alpha) != "numeric"){
      stop("Input (alpha) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(alpha) != 1){
      stop("Length input (alpha) must be one")
    if (alpha < 0){
      stop("Input (alpha) should be strictly positive") 
    if (alpha > 1){
      stop("Input (alpha) cannot exceed unity") 
  if (class(Bartlett) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (Bartlett) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  if (p >= n & rankDOF == TRUE){
    if ((pr*(pr + 1))/2 - (p*maxdim + p - (maxdim*(maxdim - 1))/2) < 1){
      stop("Input (maxdim) implies negative degrees of freedom for LRT")
  # Preliminaries
  LRT  <- numeric()
  pval <- numeric()
  dim  <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 1)
  # Calculate LRTs and p-values
  for (j in 1:length(dim)){
    m          <- dim[j]
    fit        <- factanal(factors = m, covmat = R, rotation = "none")
    loadings   <- fit$loadings[1:p,]
    Uniqueness <- diag(fit$uniquenesses)
    if (Bartlett){
      LRT[j] <- (n - 1 - (2 * p + 5)/6 - (2 * m)/3) * .DF(R, loadings, Uniqueness)
    } else {
      LRT[j] <- (n - 1) * .DF(R, loadings, Uniqueness)
    if (rankDOF){
      dof <- (pr*(pr + 1))/2 - (p*m + p - (m*(m - 1))/2)
    } else {
      dof <- ((p - m)^2 - (p + m))/2
    pval[j] <- pchisq(LRT[j], df = dof, lower.tail = FALSE)
    if (verbose){cat(paste("Calculating likelihood ratio test for dimension m = ", 
                           m, " done\n", sep = ""))}
  # Visualization
  if (graph){
    if (verbose){cat("Visualizing...", "\n")}
    MT <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 2)
    plot(dim, pval, axes = FALSE, type = "l", 
         col = "red", xlab = "dimension of factor solution", 
         ylab = "p-value LR test")
    axis(2, ylim = c(0, 1), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, xlim = c(1,maxdim), col = "black", lwd = 1, tick = TRUE, at = MT)
    abline(h = alpha, col = "blue")
  # Return object
  LRTt <- as.data.frame(cbind(dim, LRT, pval))
  colnames(LRTt) <- c("latent dimension", "Statistic", "p.value")
  ## Return

## Functions for Assessing the Choice of Factor Dimensionality

SMC <- function(R, LM){
  # Juxtaposing SMCs and estimates of communalities
  # R  > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # LM > (rotated) loadings matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - Squared multiple correlations (SMCs) refer to the proportion of variance 
  #   in feature j that is explained by the remaining p - 1 features
  # - Note that the choice of orthogonal rotation does not affect the 
  #   communality estimates
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(LM)){
    stop("Input (LM) should be a matrix")    
  if (ncol(R) != nrow(LM)){
    stop("Column (or row) dimension input (R) incompatible with row-dimension input (LM)")    
  # Calculate SMCs and communalities
  SMC           <- 1 - 1/diag(solve(R))
  Communalities <- diag((LM) %*% t(LM))
  # Return
  return(cbind(SMC, Communalities))

dimVAR <- function(R, maxdim, graph = TRUE, verbose = TRUE){
  # Support function assessing proportion and cumulative variances for a 
  # range of factor solutions
  # R        > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # maxdim   > maximum number of latent factors to be assessed
  # graph    > logical indicating if output should also be visualized
  # verbose  > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # NOTES:
  # - maxdim cannot exceed the Ledermann-bound
  # - usually, one wants to set maxdim (much) lower than the Ledermann-bound
  # - factor solutions are assessed ranging from 1 to maxdim
  # - SS, proportion variance and cumulative variance are tabulated for each
  #   factor solution
  # - these are based on the unrotated solution
  # - note that the cumulative variance does not depend on the choice of 
  #   (orthogonal) rotation
  # - when graph = TRUE, a graph is returned visualizing the total cumulative
  #   variance against the dimension of the factor solution
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("graphics")
  # Preliminaries for checks
  p    <- ncol(R)
  mmax <- floor((2*p + 1 - sqrt(8*p + 1))/2)
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (class(maxdim) != "numeric" & class(maxdim) != "integer"){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is of wrong class")
  if (length(maxdim) != 1){
    stop("Length input (maxdim) must be one")
  if (maxdim <= 1){
    stop("Input (maxdim) cannot be lower than 1")
  if (maxdim > mmax){
    stop("Input (maxdim) is too high")
  if (class(graph) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (graph) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  # Preliminaries
  dim <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 1)
  L   <- list()
  mCV <- numeric()
  # Calculate SS, proportion variance, cumulative variance
  for (j in 1:length(dim)){
    m      <- dim[j]
    fit    <- factanal(factors = m, covmat = R, rotation = "none")
    SS     <- diag(t(fit$loadings)%*%(fit$loadings))
    PV     <- SS/p
    CV     <- cumsum(PV)
    mCV[j] <- max(CV)
    L[[j]] <- rbind(SS,PV,CV)
    names(L)[j] <- paste("dimension =", m)
    if (verbose){cat(paste("Calculating statistics for dimension m = ", 
                           m, " done\n", sep = ""))}
  # Visualization
  if (graph){
    if (verbose){cat("Visualizing...", "\n")}
    MT <- seq(from = 1, to = maxdim, by = 2)
    plot(dim, mCV, axes = FALSE, type = "l", 
         col = "red", xlab = "dimension of factor solution", 
         ylab = "total cumulative variance")
    axis(2, ylim = c(0, max(mCV)), col = "black", lwd = 1)
    axis(1, xlim = c(1,maxdim), col = "black", lwd = 1, tick = TRUE, at = MT)
  # Return
  return(list(CumVar = mCV, varianceTables = L))

## Function for Producing ML Factor Solution under m factors

mlFA <- function(R, m){
  # Fits an m-factor model through maximum likelihood estimation
  # Produces a Varimax-rotated solution
  # R > (regularized) covariance or correlation matrix
  # m > dimension of factor solution
  # NOTES:
  # - this function is basically a wrapper around the factanal (stats) function
  # - its purpose is to produce a factor solution of the chosen dimension by
  #   maximum likelihood
  # - the wrapper ensures the model is fitted under the same circumstances
  #   under which latent dimensionality is assessed
  # - produces a Varimax-rotated solution
  # - its output can be used to produce factor scores by the facScore function
  # - note that these cannot be obtained using the factanal function as the
  #   fit is based on the (regularized) correlation matrix
  # - the function assumes that the chosen dimension m is reasonable
  # - the order of the ouput is the order of the features as given in the R 
  #   object
  # - as the 'loadings-part' of the output is of class "loadings" (factanal)
  #   it can be subjected to the print function, sorting the output to 
  #   emphasize the simple structure: e.g.,
  #   print(fit$Loadings, digits = 2, cutoff = .3, sort = TRUE)
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # Preliminaries for checks
  p    <- ncol(R)
  mmax <- floor((2*p + 1 - sqrt(8*p + 1))/2)
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (class(m) != "numeric" & class(m) != "integer"){
    stop("Input (m) is of wrong class")
  if (length(m) != 1){
    stop("Length input (m) must be one")
  if (m <= 1){
    stop("Input (m) cannot be lower than 1")
  if (m > mmax){
    stop("Input (m) is too high")
  # Wrapper
  fit <- factanal(factors = m, covmat = R, rotation = "varimax")
  # Return
  rotmatrix <- fit$rotmat
  rownames(rotmatrix) <- colnames(fit$loadings)
  colnames(rotmatrix) <- rownames(rotmatrix)
  return(list(Loadings = fit$loadings, 
              Uniqueness = diag(fit$uniquenesses),
              rotmatrix = rotmatrix))

## Functions for Obtaining and Assessing Factor Scores

facScore <- function(X, LM, UM, type = "thomson"){
  # Finds factor scores from data and given factor-solution
  # Default is Thomson-type factor scores
  # X    > data matrix, observations in rows
  # LM   > (rotated) loadings matrix
  # UM   > diagonal uniquenesses matrix
  # type > character indicating the type of factor score to calculate
  # NOTES:
  # - The input data are assumed to be scaled (or at least centered)
  # - The UM matrix is assumed to be positive definite
  # - The LM matrix is assumed to be of full column rank
  # - The factor-scores obtained the default way are Thomson-type scores
  # - These will be near-orthogonal
  # - These are close to Bartlett-type scores, which are unbiased
  # - Anderson-type scores are orthogonal
  # - The return-object is a dataframe
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("expm")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(X)){
    stop("Input (X) should be a matrix")    
  if (!is.matrix(LM)){
    stop("Input (LM) should be a matrix")    
  if (ncol(X) != nrow(LM)){
    stop("Column-dimension input (X) incompatible with row-dimension input (LM)")    
  if (!is.matrix(UM)){
    stop("Input (UM) should be a matrix")    
  if (nrow(UM) != ncol(UM)){
    stop("Input (UM) should be square matrix")
  if (ncol(X) != nrow(UM)){
    stop("Column-dimensions input (X) incompatible with dimension input (UM)")    
  if (!(type %in% c("thomson", "bartlett", "anderson"))){
    stop("Input (type) should be one of {'thomson', 'bartlett', 'anderson'}")

  # Needed
  UMi <- diag(1/diag(UM))
  m   <- diag(dim(LM)[2])
  # Obtain factor scores
  if (type == "thomson"){
    scores <- as.data.frame(X %*% UMi %*% LM %*% solve(m + t(LM) %*% UMi %*% LM))
  if (type == "bartlett"){
    scores <- as.data.frame(X %*% UMi %*% LM %*% solve(t(LM) %*% UMi %*% LM))
  if (type == "anderson"){
    G <- t(LM) %*% UMi %*% LM
    scores <- as.data.frame(X %*% UMi %*% LM %*% sqrtm(solve((G %*% (m + G)))))
  # Return

facSMC <- function(R, LM){
  # Calculate squared multiple correlations for predicting the common factors
  # R  > (regularized) correlation matrix
  # LM > (rotated) loadings matrix
  # NOTES:
  # - Calculates squared multiple correlations between the observed features
  #   and the common factors
  # - The closer to unity, the better one is able to determine the factors scores
  #   from the observed features
  # - Hence, the closer to unity, the lesser the problem of factor-score 
  #   indeterminacy and the better one is able to uniquely determine the 
  #   factor scores
  # - Note that the computations assume an orthogonal factor model
  # - Hence, only orthogonal rotations of the loadings matrix should be used 
  #   (or no rotation at all)
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # Checks
  if (!is.matrix(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be a matrix")
  if (nrow(R) != ncol(R)){
    stop("Input (R) should be square matrix")
  if (!is.matrix(LM)){
    stop("Input (LM) should be a matrix")    
  if (ncol(R) != nrow(LM)){
    stop("Column-dimension input (R) incompatible with row-dimension input (LM)")    
  # Determine squared multiple correlations for predicting factors
  return(diag(t(LM) %*% solve(R) %*% LM))

## Function for Automatic Full Monty

autoFMradio <- function(X, t = .95, fold = 5, GB = 1, type = "thomson",
                        verbose = TRUE, printInfo = TRUE, seed = NULL){
  # Function that automatically performs the 3 main steps of the FMradio
  # workflow with minimal user input
  # X         > data matrix or expression set
  # t         > absolute value for thresholding
  # fold      > cross-validation fold, default gives 5-fold CV
  # GB        > numerical indication of which Guttman bound to use
  # type      > character indicating the type of factor score to calculate
  # verbose   > logical indicating if function should run silently
  # printInfo > logical indicating if (run) information should be printed
  #             on-screen
  # seed      > set seed for random number generator
  # NOTES:
  # - Function performs the full monty, working on the correlation scale
  # - If X is a matrix, the observations are expected to be in the rows
  # - t should satisfy -1 < t < 1
  # - If seed = NULL then the starting seed is determined by drawing a single
  #   integer from the integers 1:9e5
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("Biobase")
  # require("stats")
  # require("expm")
  # Checks
  if (!inherits(X, "matrix") & !inherits(X, "ExpressionSet")){
    stop("Input (X) should be either of class 'matrix' or 'ExpressionSet'")
  if (inherits(X, "ExpressionSet")){
    X <- t(exprs(X))
  if (class(t) != "numeric"){
    stop("Input (t) is of wrong class")
  if (length(t) != 1){
    stop("Length input (t) must be one")
  if (class(fold) != "numeric" & class(fold) != "integer"){ 
    stop("Input (fold) is of wrong class") 
  if (fold <=  1){ 
    stop("Input (fold) should be at least 2") 
  if (fold > nrow(X)){ 
    stop("Input (fold) cannot exceed the sample size") 
  GB <- as.integer(GB)
  if (length(GB) != 1){
    stop("Length input (GB) must be one")
  if (!(GB %in% as.integer(c(1,2,3)))){
    stop("Input (GB) must be either 1, 2, or 3")
  if (!(type %in% c("thomson", "bartlett", "anderson"))){
    stop("Input (type) should be one of {'thomson', 'bartlett', 'anderson'}")
  if (class(verbose) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (verbose) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(printInfo) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (printInfo) is of wrong class") 
  # Preliminaries
  Rraw <- cor(X)
  if (is.null(seed)){
    seed <- sample(1:9e5, 1)
  # Redundancy filtering
  if (verbose){cat("Step 1.1: Performing redundancy filtering...", "\n")}
  Rfilter <- RF(Rraw, t = t)
  Xfilter <- subSet(X, Rfilter)
  # Regularized correlation matrix
  if (verbose){cat("Step 1.2: Calculating regularized correlation matrix...", "\n")}
  Rreg <- regcor(Xfilter, fold = fold, verbose = FALSE)
  # Assessing latent dimensionality
  if (verbose){cat("Step 2.1: Assessing latent dimensionality...", "\n")}
  m <- dimGB(Rreg$optCor, graph = FALSE, verbose = FALSE)[GB]
  # Maximum likelihood factor analysis
  if (verbose){cat("Step 2.2: Performing ML factor analysis...", "\n")}
  FA <- mlFA(Rreg$optCor, m = m)
  # Computing factor scores
  if (verbose){cat("Step 3: Computing factor scores...", "\n")}
  Scores <- facScore(Xfilter, FA$Loadings, FA$Uniqueness, type = type)
  # Computing additional information
  p      <- dim(Xfilter)[2]
  SMC    <- facSMC(Rreg$optCor, FA$Loadings)
  SS     <- diag(t(FA$Loadings)%*%(FA$Loadings))
  PV     <- SS/p
  CV     <- cumsum(PV)
  # Printing information
  if (printInfo){
    KMO <- SA(Rreg$optCor)$KMO
    if (GB == as.integer(1)){GBc <- "first"}
    if (GB == as.integer(2)){GBc <- "second"}
    if (GB == as.integer(3)){GBc <- "third"}
    cat("Step 1: \n")
    cat(paste("Redundancy filtering at threshold value:", t, "\n"))
    cat(paste("      Features retained after filtering:", p, "\n"))
    cat(paste("    Number of folds in cross-validation:", fold, "\n"))
    cat(paste("        Optimal value penalty parameter:", Rreg$optPen, "\n"))
    cat(paste("                              KMO index:", KMO, "\n"))
    cat("Step 2: \n")
    cat(paste("Number of latent factors determined by:", GBc, "Guttman bound", "\n"))
    cat(paste("              Number of latent factors:", m, "\n"))
    cat(paste("      Proportion of explained variance:", CV[m], "\n"))
    cat("Step 3: \n")
    cat(paste("    Type of factor score returned:", type, "\n"))
    cat(paste("Minimum determinacy factor scores:", min(SMC), "\n"))
  # Return
  return(list(Scores = Scores,
              FilteredData = Xfilter,
              FilteredCor = Rfilter,
              optPen = Rreg$optPen,
              optCor = Rreg$optCor,
              m = m,
              Loadings = FA$Loadings, 
              Uniqueness = FA$Uniqueness,
              Exvariance = CV,
              determinacy = SMC,
              used.seed = seed))

## Function for Generating Data under the Common Factor Model

FAsim <- function(p, m, n, simplestructure = TRUE, balanced = TRUE,
                  loadingfix = TRUE, loadingnegative = TRUE,
                  loadingvalue = .8, loadingvaluelow = .2, numloadings,
                  loadinglowerH = .7, loadingupperH = .9, 
                  loadinglowerL = .1, loadingupperL = .3){
  # Simulate data according to the factor analytic model
  # - p               > feature dimension
  # - m               > dimension of latent vector
  # - n               > number of samples
  # - simplestructure > logical indicating if factor structure should be 
  #                     factorially pure
  # - balanced        > logical indicating if the 'significant' loadings
  #                     should be divided evenly over the respective factors
  # - loadingfix      > logical indicating if the loadings should have a 
  #                     fixed value
  # - loadingnegative > logical indicating if, next to positive, also negative
  #                     loadings should be present
  # - loadingvalue    > value for high loadings, used when loadingfix = TRUE
  # - loadingvaluelow > value for low loadings, used when loadingfix = TRUE &
  #                     simplestructure = FALSE
  # - numloadings     > vector with length equalling argument m, indicating the
  #                     number of 'significant' loadings per factor. Used when
  #                     balanced = FALSE
  # - loadinglowerH   > lower-bound of 'significant' (high) loadings, used when 
  #                     loadingfix = FALSE
  # - loadingupperH   > upper-bound of 'significant' (high) loadings, used when 
  #                     loadingfix = FALSE
  # - loadinglowerL   > lower-bound of 'non-significant' (low) loadings, used 
  #                     when loadingfix = FALSE & simplestructure = FALSE
  # - loadingupperL   > upper-bound of 'non-significant' (low) loadings, used 
  #                     when loadingfix = FALSE & simplestructure = FALSE
  # NOTES:
  # - Produces a standardized data matrix of size n x p
  # - Also output the correlation matrix based on the generated data and the
  #   loadings matrix and uniquenesses vector on which the data-generation was 
  #   based
  # - A uniform distribution is assumed when generating draws between 
  #   loadinglowerH and loadingupperH
  # - A uniform distribution is assumed when generating draws between 
  #   loadinglowerL and loadingupperL
  # Dependencies:
  # require("base")
  # require("stats")
  # require("MASS")
  # Checks
  if (class(p) != "numeric" & class(p) != "integer"){ 
    stop("Input (p) is of wrong class") 
  if (p <=  1){ 
    stop("Input (p) should be at least 2") 
  if (length(p) != 1){
    stop("Length input (p) must be one")
  if (class(m) != "numeric" & class(m) != "integer"){ 
    stop("Input (m) is of wrong class") 
  if (m <=  0){ 
    stop("Input (m) should be strictly positive") 
  if (length(m) != 1){
    stop("Length input (m) must be one")
  mmax <- floor((2*p + 1 - sqrt(8*p + 1))/2)
  if (m > mmax){
    stop("Input (m) is too high")
  if (class(n) != "numeric" & class(n) != "integer"){ 
    stop("Input (n) is of wrong class") 
  if (n <=  1){ 
    stop("Input (n) should be at least 2") 
  if (length(n) != 1){
    stop("Length input (n) must be one")
  if (class(simplestructure) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (simplestructure) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(balanced) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (balanced) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(loadingfix) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (loadingfix) is of wrong class") 
  if (class(loadingnegative) != "logical"){ 
    stop("Input (loadingnegative) is of wrong class") 
  # Conditional checks
  if (loadingfix){
    if (class(loadingvalue) != "numeric"){ 
      stop("Input (loadingvalue) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(loadingvalue) != 1){ 
      stop("Length input (loadingvalue) must be one") 
    if (class(loadingvaluelow) != "numeric"){ 
      stop("Input (loadingvaluelow) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(loadingvaluelow) != 1){ 
      stop("Length input (loadingvaluelow) must be one") 
  if (!loadingfix){
    if (class(loadinglowerH) != "numeric"){ 
      stop("Input (loadinglowerH) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(loadinglowerH) != 1){ 
      stop("Length input (loadinglowerH) must be one") 
    if (class(loadingupperH) != "numeric"){ 
      stop("Input (loadingupperH) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(loadingupperH) != 1){ 
      stop("Length input (loadingupperH) must be one") 
    if (!simplestructure){
      if (class(loadinglowerL) != "numeric"){ 
        stop("Input (loadinglowerL) is of wrong class") 
      if (length(loadinglowerL) != 1){ 
        stop("Length input (loadinglowerL) must be one") 
      if (class(loadingupperL) != "numeric"){ 
        stop("Input (loadingupperL) is of wrong class") 
      if (length(loadingupperL) != 1){ 
        stop("Length input (loadingupperL) must be one") 
  if (!balanced){
    if (class(numloadings) != "numeric" & class(numloadings) != "integer"){
      stop("Input (numloadings) is of wrong class") 
    if (length(numloadings) != m){
      stop("Length of input (numloadings) should equal argument m") 
    if (sum(numloadings) != p){
      stop("Sum of inputs (numloadings) should equal argument p") 
  # Loadings matrix
  Lambda <- matrix(0,p,m)
  if (balanced){
    h   <- floor(p/m)
    hi1 <- 1 - h
    hi2 <- 0
    for (i in 1:m){
      hi1 <- hi1 + h
      hi2 <- hi2 + h
      if (loadingfix){
        Lambda[(hi1):(hi2),i] <- loadingvalue
      if (!loadingfix){
        Lambda[(hi1):(hi2),i] <- 
                min = loadinglowerH, 
                max = loadingupperH)
      if (loadingnegative){
        Polarity <- sign(runif(length((hi1):(hi2)), min = -1, max = 1))
        Lambda[(hi1):(hi2),i] <- Lambda[(hi1):(hi2),i] * Polarity
    if (hi2 != p){
      if (loadingfix){
        Lambda[((hi2)+1):p,i] <- loadingvalue
      if (!loadingfix){
        Lambda[((hi2)+1):p,i] <-
                min = loadinglowerH, 
                max = loadingupperH)
    if (!simplestructure){
      if (loadingfix){
        if (loadingnegative){
          Polarity <- sign(runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), min = -1, max = 1))
          loadingvaluelow <- loadingvaluelow * Polarity
        Lambda[Lambda == 0] <- loadingvaluelow
      if (!loadingfix){
        nbs <- runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), 
                     min = loadinglowerL, 
                     max = loadingupperL)
        if (loadingnegative){
          Polarity <- sign(runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), min = -1, max = 1))
          nbs      <- nbs * Polarity
        Lambda[Lambda == 0] <- nbs
  if (!balanced){
    low  <- cumsum(numloadings)
    low  <- c(1,low[-length(low)] + 1)
    high <- cumsum(numloadings)
    for (i in 1:length(numloadings)){
      if (loadingfix){
        Lambda[low[i]:high[i],i] <- loadingvalue
      if (!loadingfix){
        Lambda[low[i]:high[i],i] <- 
                min = loadinglowerH, 
                max = loadingupperH)
      if (loadingnegative){
        Polarity <- sign(runif(length(low[i]:high[i]), min = -1, max = 1))
        Lambda[low[i]:high[i],i] <- Lambda[low[i]:high[i],i] * Polarity
    if (!simplestructure){
      if (loadingfix){
        if (loadingnegative){
          Polarity <- sign(runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), min = -1, max = 1))
          loadingvaluelow <- loadingvaluelow * Polarity
        Lambda[Lambda == 0] <- loadingvaluelow
      if (!loadingfix){
        nbs <- runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), 
                     min = loadinglowerL, 
                     max = loadingupperL)
        if (loadingnegative){
          Polarity <- sign(runif(length(Lambda[Lambda == 0]), min = -1, max = 1))
          nbs      <- nbs * Polarity
        Lambda[Lambda == 0] <- nbs
  # Uniqueness matrix
  Psi <- diag(p) - diag(diag(Lambda %*% t(Lambda)))
  # Generate data
  SigmaModel <- Lambda %*% t(Lambda) + Psi
  Scaling    <- diag(sqrt(1/diag(SigmaModel)))
  SigmaModel <- Scaling %*% SigmaModel %*% Scaling
  Data       <- mvrnorm(n = n, mu = rep(0,p), Sigma = SigmaModel, 
                        tol = 1e-6, empirical = FALSE, EISPACK = FALSE)
  # Automatic naming of features
  prefix         <- "feature"
  suffix         <- seq(1:p)
  colnames(Data) <- paste(prefix, suffix, sep = ".")
  # Return
  data <- scale(Data)
  return(list(data = data, loadings = Lambda, 
              Uniqueness = diag(Psi), cormatrix = cor(data)))

## Hidden Gems

.Airwolf <- function() {
  # - Bet you did not know that
      Airwolf's scanner was powered by FMradio!
      - Stringfellow Hawke
      ################################################### \n")

.Airwolf2 <- function() {
  # - Truth
      My tune is better than KITT's!
      - Stringfellow Hawke
      ################################################### \n")

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FMradio documentation built on Dec. 16, 2019, 5:43 p.m.