
Defines functions .check_args3 .check_args2 .check_args1

## Checks arguments for the SRE() function. Code is self-explanatory
.check_args1 <- function(f, data,basis, BAUs, est_error,
                         K_type, response, link, fs_by_spatial_BAU, normalise_wts,
                         sum_variables, average_in_BAU) {

  formula_terms <- terms(f)
  if(!is(f,"formula")) stop("f needs to be a formula.")
  if(length(all.vars(f)[-1]) == 0 && !attr(terms(f), "intercept"))
    stop("We must have at least one covariate (possibly just an intercept) in the formula f. In particular, f = Z ~ -1 is not permitted.")
  if(any(c("|", "||") %in% all.names(formula_terms))) {
        if(!requireNamespace("lme4", quietly = TRUE)) {
            stop("You need to install lme4 to use random effects with FRK")

        if("/" %in% all.names(formula_terms)) {
            stop("FRK currently does not handle nested random effects")
    stop("Please supply a *list* of Spatial or Spatio-temporal objects.")
  if(!all(sapply(data,function(x) is(x,"Spatial") | is(x,"ST"))))
    stop("All data list elements need to be of class Spatial or ST")
  if(!(is(BAUs,"SpatialPointsDataFrame") | is(BAUs,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") | is(BAUs,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame") | is(BAUs,"STFDF")))
    stop("BAUs should be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, SpatialPixelsDataFrame, or a STFDF object")
  if(is(BAUs,"STFDF")) if(!(is(BAUs@sp,"SpatialPointsDataFrame") | is(BAUs@sp,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") | is(BAUs@sp,"SpatialPixelsDataFrame")))
    stop("The spatial component of the BAUs should be a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPixelsDataFrame")
  if(is(BAUs,"STFDF") && nrow(BAUs@data) != nrow(BAUs@sp) * length(BAUs@time))
    stop("The number of rows in BAUs@data should be equal to the number of spatial BAUs, nrow(BAUs@sp), multiplied by the number of time indices, length(BAUs@time)")
  # if(!all(sapply(data,function(x) coordnames(x) == coordnames(BAUs))))
  #   stop("The coordinate names of data do not match those of the BAUs.")

  # if(is(BAUs,"SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
  #     stop("Implementation with Point BAUs is currently in progress")
  # if(is(BAUs,"STFDF")) if(is(BAUs@sp,"SpatialPointsDataFrame"))
  #     stop("Implementation with Point BAUs is currently in progress")

  if(!all(all.vars(f)[-1] %in% c(names(BAUs@data),coordnames(BAUs))))
    stop("All covariates need to be in the SpatialPolygons BAU object")

  if(any(sapply(data,function(x) any(names(x@data) %in% names(BAUs@data)))))
    stop("Please don't have overlapping variable names in data and BAUs. All covariates need to be in the BAUs")
  if(!all(sapply(data,function(x) all.vars(f)[1] %in% names(x@data))))
    stop("All data list elements to have values for the dependent variable")
  if(!all(sapply(data,function(x) identical(.rawproj4string(x), .rawproj4string(BAUs)))))
    stop("Please ensure all data items and BAUs have the same coordinate reference system")
  if(!(is(basis,"Basis") | is(basis,"TensorP_Basis")))
    stop("basis needs to be of class Basis  or TensorP_Basis (package FRK)")
  if(!("fs" %in% names(BAUs@data))) {
    stop("BAUs should contain a field 'fs' containing a basis
             vector for fine-scale variation. Do BAUs$fs <- 1 if you don't know what this is.")
  if(!(all(BAUs$fs >= 0)))
    stop("fine-scale variation basis function needs to be nonnegative everywhere")
  if((is(manifold(basis),"sphere")) & !all((coordnames(BAUs) %in% c("lon","lat"))))
    stop("Since a sphere is being used, please ensure that
             all coordinates (including those of BAUs) are in (lon,lat)")
  if(response == "gaussian" & !est_error & !all(sapply(data,function(x) "std" %in% names(x@data))))
    stop("If the response is Gaussian and observational error is not going to be estimated,
             please supply a field 'std' in the data objects")

  if(response == "gaussian" && !est_error && !all(sapply(data, function(x) x$std >= 0)))
    stop("If the response is Gaussian and observational error is not going to be estimated,
             the std field must contain only positive numbers")

  if(!(K_type %in% c("block-exponential", "precision", "unstructured")))
    stop("Invalid K_type argument. Please select from 'block-exponential', 'precision', 'unstructured', or 'separable'")
  if(K_type == "unstructured" & response != "gaussian")
    stop("The unstructured covariance matrix (K_type = 'unstructured') is not implemented for non-Gaussian response (more specifically, when method = 'TMB')")
  if (K_type == "block-exponential" & response != "gaussian")
    warning("Using the block-exponential covariance matrix (K_type = 'block-exponential') is computationally inefficient with a non-Gaussian response (more specifically, when method = 'TMB'). For these situations, consider using K_type = 'precision'.")

  ## Check that valid data model and link function have been chosen
  if (!(response %in% c("gaussian", "poisson", "gamma", "inverse-gaussian", "negative-binomial", "binomial")))
    stop("Invalid response argument")
  if (!(link %in% c("identity", "log", "sqrt", "logit", "probit", "cloglog", "inverse", "inverse-squared")))
    stop("Invalid link argument")
  ## Check that an appropriate response-link combination has been chosen
  if (response == "gaussian" & !(link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "log", "inverse-squared", "sqrt")) ||
      response == "poisson" & !(link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "log", "inverse-squared", "sqrt")) ||
      response == "gamma" & !(link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "log", "inverse-squared", "sqrt")) ||
      response == "inverse-gaussian" & !(link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "log", "inverse-squared", "sqrt")) ||
      response == "negative-binomial" & !(link %in% c("log", "sqrt", "logit", "probit", "cloglog")) ||
      response == "binomial" & !(link %in% c("logit", "probit", "cloglog"))) {
    stop("Invalid response-link combination selected. Please choose an appropriate link function for the specified response distribution.")
  ## Provide a warning if a possibly problematic combination is chosen
  if (response == "gaussian" & link %in% c("log", "inverse-squared", "sqrt") ||
      response == "poisson" & link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "inverse-squared") ||
      response == "gamma" & link %in% c("identity", "inverse", "inverse-squared") ||
      response == "inverse-gaussian" & link %in% c("inverse-squared")) {
    warning("Due to the implied range of the mean function, and the permitted support of the mean for the specified response, nonsensical results are possible with the chosen link function. Consider using a link function which ensures the mean is mapped to the correct support.")

  ## Check the known-constant size parameters
  if (response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial")) {

    ## Check that either the BAU-level size parameter, k_BAU, or the
    ## observation-support size parameters, k_Z, are provided:
    k_BAU_present <- "k_BAU" %in% names(BAUs)
    k_Z_present <- all(sapply(data, function(l) {
      if (is(l, "ST")) {
        "k_Z" %in% names(l@data)
      } else {
        "k_Z" %in% names(l)

    if (!k_BAU_present && !k_Z_present) {
      stop("For binomial or negative-binomial data, the known constant size parameters (e.g., the number of trials or the target number of 'successes') must be provided with either the observations or the BAUs (see Section 2.5 of the FRK v2 paper for details).")
    } else if (k_BAU_present && k_Z_present) {
      cat("You have provided the size parameter with both the observations and the BAUs: Only one set of size parameters will be used in the model fitting stage (see Section 2.5 of the FRK v2 paper for details).\n")

    ## Now check that the provided size parameters are positive integers
    if (k_Z_present) {
      if (!all(sapply(data, function(l) class(l$k_Z) %in% c("numeric", "integer")))) {
        stop("The known constant size parameters must contain only positive integers.")
      } else if (any(sapply(data, function(l) any(l$k_Z <= 0))) |
                 !all(sapply(data, function(l) all(l$k_Z == round(l$k_Z))))) {
        stop("The known constant size parameters must contain only positive integers.")
    } else if (k_BAU_present) {
      if (!(class(BAUs@data[, "k_BAU"]) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
        stop("The known constant size parameters must contain only positive integers.")

  } else {
    ## If we do not have binomial or negative-binomial data, ensure that k_Z and
    ## k_BAU are not used: these terms are treated specially in FRK, and are
    ## hence reserved words. (Note that this is why we use 'k_BAU' rather than
    ## 'k', as 'k' could be used quite often by the user.)
    if(any(sapply(data,function(x) any("k_Z" %in% names(x@data)))))
      stop("k_Z is a reserved keyword for the size parameter in a binomial or negative-binomial setting; please do not include it as a covariate name in the data objects.")
    if("k_BAU" %in% names(BAUs@data))
      stop("k_BAU is a reserved keyword for the size parameter in a binomial or negative-binomial setting; please do not include it as a covariate name in the BAUs object.")

  ## If we wish to have unique fine-scale variance associated with each BAU,
  ## we need to:
  ##  i) be in a spatio-temporal application
  ##  ii) ensure each spatial BAU is associated with a sufficient number of observations
  ## The second check requires the binned data and the indices of the observed
  ## BAUs, so we need to check this condition later.
  if (fs_by_spatial_BAU & !is(BAUs, "STFDF"))
    stop("A unique fine-scale variance can only be associated with each spatial BAU if the application is spatio-temporal (i.e., the BAUs are of class 'STFDF').
              Please either set fs_by_spatial_BAU to FALSE if you are not in a spatio-temporal application.")

  if(normalise_wts &
     response %in% c("poisson", "binomial", "negative-binomial") &
     any(sapply(data, function(x) is(x, "SpatialPolygons")))) {
    warning("You have specified a count data model with SpatialPolygons observations; consider setting normalise_wts = FALSE so that aggregation of the mean is a weighted sum rather than a weighted average.")

  if ("n" %in% sum_variables)
    stop("Summing the BAU indices will result in out of bounds errors and hence NAs in the incidence matrix C; please remove 'n' from sum_variables.")

  if (!is.null(sum_variables) & !average_in_BAU)
    warning("sum_variables is not considered when average_in_BAU = FALSE.")


## Checks arguments for the SRE.fit() function. Code is self-explanatory
.check_args2 <- function(n_EM, tol, lambda, method, print_lik, optimiser,
                         response, K_type, link, fs_by_spatial_BAU, known_sigma2fs,
                         BAUs, taper, simple_kriging_fixed, random_eff, ...) {

  if(!is.numeric(n_EM)) stop("n_EM needs to be an integer")
  if(!(n_EM <- round(n_EM)) > 0) stop("n_EM needs to be greater than 0")
  if(!is.numeric(tol)) stop("tol needs to be a number greater than zero")
  if(!(tol > 0)) stop("tol needs to be a number greater than zero")
  if(!(is.logical(print_lik))) stop("print_lik needs to be a logical quantity")
  if(!(is.numeric(lambda))) stop("lambda needs to be a number")
  if(!(all(lambda >= 0))) stop("lambda needs to be greater or equal to zero")

  if(!(method %in% c("EM", "TMB"))) stop("Currently only the EM algorithm or TMB are implemented for parameter estimation.")

  if(method == "EM" & !(response == "gaussian")) stop("The EM algorithm is only available for response = 'gaussian'. Please use method = 'TMB' for all other assumed response distributions.")
  if(method == "EM" & !(link == "identity")) stop("The EM algorithm is only available for link = 'identity'. Please use method = 'TMB' for all other link functions.")
  if(method == "EM" & K_type == "precision") stop("The precision matrix formulation of the model is not implemented for method = 'EM'. Please choose K_type to be 'block-exponential' or 'unstructured'.")
  if(method == "EM" & K_type == "separable") stop("The separable spatial model is not implemented for method = 'EM'. Please choose K_type to be 'block-exponential' or 'unstructured'.")
  if(method == "TMB" & K_type == "unstructured") stop("The unstructured covariance matrix (K_type = 'unstructured') is not implemented for method = 'TMB'")
  if(method != "TMB" & fs_by_spatial_BAU) stop("fs_by_spatial_BAU can only be TRUE if method = 'TMB'. Please set method = 'TMB', or fs_by_spatial_BAU = FALSE.")

  if(print_lik && method == "TMB")
    cat("The likelihood at each iteration cannot be accessed because you have selected TMB for model fitting: print_lik will be ignored.")

  ## Check known_sigma2fs
  ns <- dim(BAUs)[1]
  if (!is.null(known_sigma2fs)) {
    if (any(known_sigma2fs < 0))
      stop("known_sigma2fs should contain only positive elements.")
    ## Check that the known_sigma2fs is of length 1,
    ## or of length equal to the number of spatial BAUs
    if ((fs_by_spatial_BAU & length(known_sigma2fs) != ns) ||
        (!fs_by_spatial_BAU & length(known_sigma2fs) != 1))
      stop("The length of known_sigma2fs should be equal to the number of spatial BAUs when fs_by_spatial_BAU = TRUE, and 1 otherwise")

  ## Check optional parameters to optimiser function are ok:
  l <- list(...)

  # SRE_model is present only because of a deprecation coercion
  l$SRE_model <- NULL

  # The ellipsis argument in the wrapper FRK() allows users to pass in
  # optional parameters to auto_BAUs() and auto_basis(). This means that
  # we must check whether the parameters in ... match the formal parameters
  # of optimiser, auto_BAUs, and auto_basis.
  # This is not ideal, as the ... argument in SRE.fit() is present solely
  # for optimiser(), and so when SRE.fit() is called, we should really only
  # try to match with the parameters of optimiser.
  valid_param_names <- c(names(formals(auto_BAUs)),

  ## If any of the formals have the same argument - omit the ellipsis "..." from this check
  optimiser_arg_in_other_functions <- names(formals(optimiser))[names(formals(optimiser)) != "..."] %in% c(names(formals(auto_BAUs)), names(formals(auto_basis)))
  if(any(optimiser_arg_in_other_functions)) {
    msg1 <- "The optimiser cannot have arguments which overlap with those of auto_basis() or auto_BAUs(). Offending arguments:"
    msg2 <- (names(formals(optimiser))[names(formals(optimiser)) != "..."])[which(optimiser_arg_in_other_functions)]
    stop(paste(c(msg1, msg2), collapse = " "))

  if(!all(names(l) %in% valid_param_names)) {
    msg1 <- "Optional arguments for auto_BAUs(), auto_basis(), or optimiser function not matching declared arguments. It is also possible that you have misspelt an argument to SRE.fit() or FRK(). Offending arguments:"
    msg2 <- names(l)[!(names(l) %in% valid_param_names)]
    stop(paste(c(msg1, msg2), collapse = " "))

  ## Check taper
  if (!is.null(taper)) {
    if (!(class(taper) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
      stop("taper, the argument controlling the coveriance taper, must be numeric or integer.")
    } else if (taper <= 0) {
      stop("taper, the argument controlling the coveriance taper, must be positive.")

  if (!is.logical(simple_kriging_fixed))
    stop("simple_kriging_fixed should be a logical")

  # if (simple_kriging_fixed && method == "TMB")
  #   cat("simple_kriging_fixed = TRUE is faster but precludes universal kriging in the prediction stage: Proceed if you are happy to commit to simple kriging (if you are unfamiliar with simple vs. universal kriging, ignore this message and proceed).\n")

  if (!simple_kriging_fixed && method == "EM")
      cat("NOTE: In FRK >2.0 simple_kriging_fixed = FALSE by default, and hence
      universal kriging is done by default. However this is only the case when
      method = 'TMB'. When method = 'EM', simple kriging is done, irrespective of
      what the argument simple_kriging_fixed is set to.\n")

    if(method == "EM" & random_eff)
        stop("Can only do mixed effects with TMB")


## Checks arguments for the predict() function. Code is self-explanatory
.check_args3 <- function(obs_fs, newdata, pred_polys,
                         pred_time, covariances, object, type,
                         k, percentiles, kriging, ...) {

  if(kriging != "simple" && object@method == "EM")
    stop("Universal kriging is only available when method = 'TMB'")

  if (kriging == "universal" && object@simple_kriging_fixed)
    stop("You cannot set kriging = 'universal' at the prediction stage if you
         set simple_kriging_fixed = TRUE in the fitting stage: Please either refit
         the model with simple_kriging_fixed = FALSE or set kriging = 'simple'.")

  if(!(obs_fs %in% 0:1)) stop("obs_fs needs to be logical")

  if(!(is(newdata,"Spatial") | is(newdata,"ST") | is.null(newdata)))
    stop("Predictions need to be over Spatial or ST objects")

  if(!is.null(newdata) & !is.null(pred_time))
    stop("Only one of newdata and pred_time can be not NULL")

  if(!(is.integer(pred_time) | is.null(pred_time))) stop("pred_time needs to be of class integer")
  if(!is.logical(covariances)) stop("covariances needs to be TRUE or FALSE")
  if(covariances && object@method == "TMB") stop("covariances not implemented for method = 'TMB'")

  ## Quantities of interest
  if(!all(type %in% c("link", "mean", "response")))
    stop("type must be a vector containing combinations of 'link', 'mean', and 'response'")

  ## Check k (for predictions)
  if (object@response %in% c("binomial", "negative-binomial")) {
    if(length(k) == 1){
      cat("Single number k provided for all BAUs: assuming k is invariant over the whole spatial domain.\n")
    } else if (!(class(k) %in% c("numeric", "integer"))) {
      stop("k must contain only positive integers.")
    } else if (any(k < 0) | any(k != round (k))) {
      stop("k must contain only positive integers.")
    } else if (length(k) != nrow(object@S0)) {
      stop("length(k) must equal 1 or N (the number of BAUs)." )

  ## Check requested percentiles
  if (!is.null(percentiles) & !(class(percentiles) %in% c("numeric", "integer")))
    stop("percentiles must either be NULL or a numeric or integer vector with entries between 0 and 100.")
  else if (!is.null(percentiles)) {
    if (min(percentiles) < 0 | max(percentiles) > 100)
      stop("percentiles must be a vector with entries between 0 and 100")

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FRK documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.