
Defines functions .interleave .formula_no_covars .safe_sum .safe_mean .UIDs .find_hull .polygons_to_points .choose_BAU_tunit_from_data .choose_BAU_cellsize_from_data .choose_manifold_from_data process_isea3h .parallel_over .sample_point_in_polygons print.manifold STFDF_to_df SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df df_to_SpatialPolygons .rawproj4string auto_BAUs gc_dist_time gc_dist Euclid_dist measure STsphere sphere STplane plane real_line

Documented in auto_BAUs df_to_SpatialPolygons Euclid_dist gc_dist gc_dist_time measure plane real_line SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df sphere STplane STsphere

# FRK: An R Software package for spatial and spatio-temporal prediction
# with large datasets.
# Copyright (c) 2017 University of Wollongong
# Author: Andrew Zammit-Mangion, azm (at) uow.edu.au
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.

#' @title manifold
#' @param .Object \code{manifold} object passed up from lower-level constructor
#' @description Manifold initialisation. This function should not be called directly as \code{manifold} is a virtual class.
setMethod("initialize",signature="manifold",function(.Object) {
  ## General manifold checks can come in here if needed

#' @title real line
#' @description Initialisation of the real-line (1D) manifold.
#' @param measure an object of class \code{measure}
#' @details A real line is initialised using a \code{measure} object. By default, the measure object (\code{measure}) describes the distance between two points as the absolute difference between the two coordinates.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' R <- real_line()
#' print(type(R))
#' print(sp::dimensions(R))
real_line <- function(measure=Euclid_dist(dim=1L)) {
  stopifnot(dimensions(measure)==1L)   # measure needs to take coordinates of length 1
  new("real_line",measure=measure)     # init. object

## Constructor for real line
setMethod("initialize",signature="real_line",function(.Object,measure=Euclid_dist(dim=1L)) {
  .Object@type <- "real_line"  # set type
  .Object@measure <- measure   # set measure
  callNextMethod(.Object)})    # pass on to virtual manifold method

#' @title plane
#' @description Initialisation of a 2D plane.
#' @param measure an object of class \code{measure}
#' @details A 2D plane is initialised using a \code{measure} object. By default, the measure object (\code{measure}) is the Euclidean distance in 2 dimensions, \link{Euclid_dist}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' P <- plane()
#' print(type(P))
#' print(sp::dimensions(P))
plane <- function(measure=Euclid_dist(dim=2L)) {
  stopifnot(dimensions(measure)==2L) # measure needs to take coordinates of length 2
  new("plane",measure=measure)       # init. object

## Constructor for plane
setMethod("initialize",signature="plane",function(.Object,measure=Euclid_dist(dim=2L)) {
  .Object@type <- "plane"       # set type
  .Object@measure <- measure    # set measure
  callNextMethod(.Object)})     # pass on to virtual manifold method

#' @title plane in space-time
#' @description Initialisation of a 2D plane with a temporal dimension.
#' @param measure an object of class \code{measure}
#' @details A 2D plane with a time component added is initialised using a \code{measure} object. By default, the measure object (\code{measure}) is the Euclidean distance in 3 dimensions, \link{Euclid_dist}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' P <- STplane()
#' print(type(P))
#' print(sp::dimensions(P))
STplane <- function(measure=Euclid_dist(dim=3L)) {
  stopifnot(dimensions(measure)==3L)   # measure needs to take coordinates of length 3
  new("STplane",measure=measure)       # init. object

## Constructor for STplane
setMethod("initialize",signature="STplane",function(.Object,measure=Euclid_dist(dim=3L)) {
  .Object@type <- "STplane"    # set type
  .Object@measure <- measure   # set measure
  callNextMethod(.Object)})    # pass on to virtual manifold method

#' @title sphere
#' @description Initialisation of the 2-sphere, S2.
#' @param radius radius of sphere
#' @details The 2D surface of a sphere is initialised using a \code{radius} parameter. The default value of the radius \code{R} is \code{R}=6371 km, Earth's radius, while the measure used to compute distances on the sphere is the great-circle distance on a sphere of radius \code{R}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' S <- sphere()
#' print(sp::dimensions(S))
sphere <- function(radius=6371) {
  measure=gc_dist(R=radius)           # defuault measure is GC distance
  stopifnot(dimensions(measure)==2L)  # measure needs to take coordinates of length 2
  stopifnot(radius>0)                 # radius needs to be positive
  new("sphere",measure=measure,       # init. object

## Constructor for surface of sphere
setMethod("initialize",signature="sphere",function(.Object,radius=1,measure=gc_dist(R=radius)) {
  .Object@type <- "surface of sphere"    # set type
  .Object@measure <- measure             # set measure
  .Object@radius <- radius               # set radius of sphere
  callNextMethod(.Object)})              # pass on to virtual manifold method

#' @title Space-time sphere
#' @description Initialisation of a 2-sphere (S2) with a temporal dimension
#' @param radius radius of sphere
#' @details As with the spatial-only sphere, the sphere surface is initialised using a \code{radius} parameter. The default value of the radius \code{R} is \code{R}=6371, which is the Earth's radius in km, while the measure used to compute distances on the sphere is the great-circle distance on a sphere of radius \code{R}. By default Euclidean geometry is used to factor in the time component, so that dist((s1,t1),(s2,t2)) = sqrt(gc_dist(s1,s2)^2 + (t1 - t2)^2). Frequently this distance can be used since separate correlation length scales for space and time  are estimated in the EM algorithm (that effectively scale space and time separately).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' S <- STsphere()
#' print(sp::dimensions(S))
STsphere <- function(radius=6371) {
  measure=gc_dist_time(R=radius)       # the space-time distance function
  stopifnot(dimensions(measure)==3)    # measure needs to take coordinates of length 3
  stopifnot(radius>0)                  # radius needs to be positive
  new("STsphere",measure=measure,      # init. object

## Constructor for STsphere
setMethod("initialize",signature="STsphere",function(.Object,radius=6371,measure=gc_dist_time(R=radius)) {
  .Object@type <- "STsphere"   # set type
  .Object@measure <- measure   # set measure
  .Object@radius <- radius     # set radius
  callNextMethod(.Object)})    # pass on to virtual manifold method

#' @name distances
#' @aliases measure
#' @aliases Euclid_dist
#' @aliases gc_dist
#' @aliases gc_dist_time
#' @title Pre-configured distances
#' @description Useful objects of class \code{distance} included in package.
#' @param dist a function taking two arguments \code{x1,x2}
#' @param dim the dimension of the manifold (e.g., 2 for a plane)
#' @param R great-circle radius
#' @details Initialises an object of class \code{measure} which contains a function \code{dist} used for computing the distance between two points.  Currently the Euclidean distance and the great-circle distance are included with \code{FRK}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' M1 <- measure(distR,2)
#' D <- distance(M1,matrix(rnorm(10),5,2))
measure <- function(dist,dim) {
  ## Basic checks
    stop("dist needs to be a function that accepts dim arguments")
  if(!(is.numeric(dim) | is.integer(dim)))
    stop("dim needs to be an integer, generally 1L, 2L or 3L")
  dim = as.integer(dim)              # coerce to integer if numeric
  new("measure",dist=dist,dim=dim)   # init. object

#' @rdname distances
#' @export
Euclid_dist <- function(dim=2L) {
  ## Euclidean distance
  stopifnot(is.integer(dim))   # dimension needs to be integer
  new("measure",               # init. measure object with the distR function
      dist=function(x1,x2) distR(x1,x2), dim=dim)

#' @rdname distances
#' @export
gc_dist <- function(R=NULL) {
  ## Great circle distance
  stopifnot(is.null(R) | R > 0)  # radius needs to be positive if specified
  new("measure",                 # init. measure object with the dist_sphere function

#' @rdname distances
#' @export
gc_dist_time <- function(R=NULL) {
  ## Great circle distance*time
  stopifnot(is.null(R) | R > 0)  # radius needs to be positive if specified
  new("measure",dist=function(x1,x2)  {
    spatdist <- dist_sphere(x1[,1:2,drop=FALSE],       # spatial distance
    tdist <- distR(x1[,3],x2[,3])                      # temporal distance
    sqrt(spatdist^2 + tdist^2) } ,dim=3L)              # combination of the two

#' @name dist-matrix
#' @title Distance Matrix Computation from Two Matrices
#' @description This function extends \code{dist} to accept two arguments.
#' @param x1 matrix of size N1 x n
#' @param x2 matrix of size N2 x n
#' @details Computes the distances between the coordinates in \code{x1} and the coordinates in \code{x2}. The matrices \code{x1} and \code{x2} do not need to have the same number of rows, but need to have the same number of columns (e.g., manifold dimensions).
#' @return Matrix of size N1 x N2
#' @export
#' @examples
#' A <- matrix(rnorm(50),5,10)
#' D <- distR(A,A[-3,])
distR <- function (x1, x2 = NULL)  {
  ## Try to coerce to matrix
  if (!is.matrix(x1)) x1 <- as.matrix(x1)

  ## If x2 is not specified set it equal to x1
  if (is.null(x2)) x2 <- x1

  ## If it is specified, coerce it to matrix
  if (!is.matrix(x2)) x2 <- as.matrix(x2)

  ## Basic check
  if(!(ncol(x1) == ncol(x2)))
    stop("x1 and x2 have to have same number of columns")

  ## Compute the distance in C (distR_C is a wrapper)
  sqdisps <- lapply(1:ncol(x1), function(i) outer(x1[,i], x2[,i], FUN = '-')^2)
  return(sqrt(Reduce("+", sqdisps)))

## Retrieve the border points
  coord_vals <- t(sapply(1:length(obj),                              # for each polygon
                           obj@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@labpt)) # retrieve border points

  ## Ensure the column names are the coordinate names
  colnames(coord_vals) <- colnames(obj@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords)

  ## Return coordinates

# Retrieve dimensions of measure from measure object
#' @aliases dimensions,measure-method

# Retrieve dimensions of measure from manifold object
#' @aliases dimensions,manifold-method

# Retrieve dimensions of measure from Basis object
#' @aliases dimensions,Basis-method

#' @rdname distance
#' @aliases distance,measure-method

# Compute distance on manifold
#' @rdname distance
#' @aliases distance,manifold-method

# Retrieve type of manifold
#' @rdname type
#' @aliases type,manifold-method
setMethod("type",signature(.Object="manifold"),function(.Object) {

# Retrieve manifold from Basis
#' @rdname manifold
#' @aliases manifold,Basis-method
setMethod("manifold",signature(.Object="Basis"),function(.Object) {

# Retrieve manifold from TensorP_Basis
#' @rdname manifold
#' @aliases manifold,TensorP_Basis-method
setMethod("manifold",signature(.Object="TensorP_Basis"),function(.Object) {

# Retrieve coordnames from sp part of STFDF and add "t" as third coordinate
#' @aliases coordnames,STFDF-method
setMethod("coordnames",signature(x="STFDF"),function(x) {

# Retrieve coordnames from sp part of STIDF and add "t" as third coordinate
#' @aliases coordnames,STIDF-method
setMethod("coordnames",signature(x="STIDF"),function(x) {

#' @title Automatic BAU generation
#' @description This function calls the generic function \code{auto_BAU} (not exported) after a series of checks and is the easiest way to generate a set of Basic Areal Units (BAUs) on the manifold being used; see details.
#' @param manifold object of class \code{manifold}
#' @param type either ``grid'' or ``hex'', indicating whether gridded or hexagonal BAUs should be used. If \code{type} is unspecified, ``hex'' will be used if we are on the sphere, and ``grid'' will used otherwise
#' @param cellsize denotes size of gridcell when \code{type} = ``grid''. Needs to be of length 1 (square-grid case) or a vector of length \code{dimensions(manifold)} (rectangular-grid case)
#' @param isea3h_res resolution number of the isea3h DGGRID cells for when type is ``hex'' and manifold is the surface of a \code{sphere}
#' @param data object of class \code{SpatialPointsDataFrame}, \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame},  \code{STIDF}, or \code{STFDF}. Provision of \code{data} implies that the domain is bounded, and is thus necessary when the manifold is a \code{real_line, plane}, or \code{STplane}, but is not necessary when the manifold is the surface of a \code{sphere}
#' @param nonconvex_hull flag indicating whether to use \code{fmesher} to generate a non-convex hull. Otherwise a convex hull is used
#' @param convex convex parameter used for smoothing an extended boundary when working on a bounded domain (that is, when the object \code{data} is supplied); see details
#' @param tunit temporal unit when requiring space-time BAUs. Can be "secs", "mins", "hours", etc.
#' @param xlims limits of the horizontal axis (overrides automatic selection)
#' @param ylims limits of the vertical axis (overrides automatic selection)
#' @param spatial_BAUs object of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{SpatialPixelsDataFrame} representing the spatial BAUs to be used in a spatio-temporal setting (if left \code{NULL}, the spatial BAUs are constructed automatically using the data)
#' @param ... currently unused
#' @details \code{auto_BAUs} constructs a set of Basic Areal Units (BAUs) used both for data pre-processing and for prediction. As such, the BAUs need to be of sufficienly fine resolution so that inferences are not affected due to binning.
#' Two types of BAUs are supported by \code{FRK}: ``hex'' (hexagonal) and ``grid'' (rectangular). In order to have a ``grid'' set of BAUs, the user should specify a cellsize of length one, or of length equal to the dimensions of the manifold, that is, of length 1 for \code{real_line} and of length 2 for the surface of a \code{sphere} and \code{plane}. When a ``hex'' set of BAUs is desired, the first element of \code{cellsize} is used to determine the side length by dividing this value by approximately 2. The argument \code{type} is ignored with \code{real_line} and ``hex'' is not available for this manifold.
#'   If the object \code{data} is provided, then automatic domain selection may be carried out by employing the \code{fmesher} function \code{fm_nonconvex_hull_inla}, which finds a (non-convex) hull surrounding the data points (or centroids of the data polygons). This domain is extended and smoothed using the parameter \code{convex}. The parameter \code{convex} should be negative, and a larger absolute value for \code{convex} results in a larger domain with smoother boundaries.
#' @seealso \code{\link{auto_basis}} for automatically constructing basis functions.
#' @examples
#' ## First a 1D example
#' library(sp)
#' set.seed(1)
#' data <- data.frame(x = runif(10)*10, y = 0, z= runif(10)*10)
#' coordinates(data) <- ~x+y
#' Grid1D_df <- auto_BAUs(manifold = real_line(),
#'                        cellsize = 1,
#'                        data=data)
#' \dontrun{spplot(Grid1D_df)}
#' ## Now a 2D example
#' data(meuse)
#' coordinates(meuse) = ~x+y # change into an sp object
#' ## Grid BAUs
#' GridPols_df <- auto_BAUs(manifold = plane(),
#'                          cellsize = 200,
#'                          type = "grid",
#'                          data = meuse,
#'                          nonconvex_hull = 0)
#' \dontrun{plot(GridPols_df)}
#' ## Hex BAUs
#' HexPols_df <- auto_BAUs(manifold = plane(),
#'                         cellsize = 200,
#'                         type = "hex",
#'                         data = meuse,
#'                         nonconvex_hull = 0)
#' \dontrun{plot(HexPols_df)}
#' @export
auto_BAUs <- function(manifold, type=NULL,cellsize = NULL,
                      spatial_BAUs = NULL, ...) {

  ## Basic checks and setting of defaults
  if(!(is(data,"Spatial") | is(data,"ST") | is(data,"Date") | is.null(data)))
    stop("Data needs to be of class 'Spatial', 'ST', 'Date', or NULL")
  if(is(data,"Spatial") | is(data,"ST"))           # if data is not NULL or "Data"
    if ((inherits(class(coordnames(data)), "NULL")))
      stop("data needs to have coordinate names")
    stop("manifold needs to be of class 'manifold'")

  on_sphere <- grepl("sphere",type(manifold))

  if(is.null(type)) type <- ifelse(on_sphere,"hex","grid")

  ## If user has specified the ISEA3h resolution
  if(!is.null(isea3h_res)) {

    ## Check it's valid
    if(!(is.numeric(isea3h_res) | is.integer(isea3h_res)))
      stop("isea3h_res needs to be of type 'numeric' or 'integer'")
      stop("The problem is not on the surface of sphere. Please set isea3h_res to NULL")

    ## Check it's not too big or too small
    if(!(isea3h_res >=0 & isea3h_res <= 9)) stop("isea3h_res needs to be between 0 and 9")

    ## Coerce type to hex if user wants to use the ISEA3h
    if(type == "grid") {
      type = "hex"
      message("Only hex BAUs possible when setting isea3h_res. Coercing type to 'hex'")

    ## Ensure the resolution is an integer and assign to resl
    resl <- round(isea3h_res)
  } else {
    ## If user did not specify ISEA3h then just set resl to 3
    resl <- 3L

  ## If we are on the sphere set defaults for type and resolution if not already specified
  if(on_sphere) {
    if(is.null(type)) type <- "hex"
    if(is.null(isea3h_res)) isea3h_res <- 6

  if(is.null(data) & !on_sphere)
    stop("Need to supply data for planar problems")

  ## If user has not supplied cellsize supply it. Note that cellsize is
  ## irrelevant when on sphere since BAUs are given by ISEA3h in this case
  if(is.null(cellsize)) {
    ## if we are on the plane (hence isea3h_res is not set) or we are on the sphere or user has
    ## specified type ``grid'' (even with sphere), then find the cellsize
    if(!on_sphere | type == "grid")
      cellsize <- .choose_BAU_cellsize_from_data(data)

      cellsize <- 1


    ## Make cellsize have the same dimensions as the manifold if only one number specified
    if(length(cellsize) == 1) cellsize <- rep(cellsize,dimensions(manifold))

    ## If user has specified an incorrect number of cell edges length throw an error
    if(!length(cellsize) == dimensions(manifold))
      stop("cellsize needs to be of length equal to dimension of manifold")

  ## Check xlims and ylims
    if(!(length(xlims) == 2) & !is.numeric(xlims)) stop("xlims need to be numeric and  of length 2")
    if(!(length(ylims) == 2) & !is.numeric(ylims)) stop("ylims need to be numeric and  of length 2")

  ## Check and set tunit if we are in a space-time setting
  if(grepl("ST",class(manifold)) & is.null(data) & is.null(tunit))
    stop("Need to specify tunit if data is not specified in ST case")
  if(grepl("ST",class(manifold)) & is.null(tunit))
    tunit <- .choose_BAU_tunit_from_data(data)

  ## Check that spatial_BAUs is the correct class, and we are in a space-time setting
  if(!is.null(spatial_BAUs)) {
      stop("The argument spatial_BAUs only applicable in a space-time setting")
    if(!(is(spatial_BAUs, "SpatialPolygons") | is(spatial_BAUs, "SpatialPixels")))
      stop("The argument spatial_BAUs should be of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, or SpatialPixelsDataFrame")

  ## Call the internal function with checked arguments
           spatial_BAUs = spatial_BAUs)

## Automatically generate BAUs on the real line
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = 1,resl=resl,d=NULL,xlims=NULL, ...) {

              stop("Data must be supplied when generating BAUs on a plane")

            crs <- CRS(.rawproj4string(d)) # CRS of data
            coords <- coordinates(d)       # coordinates of data

            if(is.null(xlims))               # if x limits are not specified
              xrange <- range(coords[,1])    # range of coordinates
            else xrange <- xlims             # else just allocate

            drangex <- diff(xrange)        # range of data

            ## Make a SpatialPoints object. Set y = 0 so all points are on
            ## the x-axis
            xgrid <- data.frame(x=seq(xrange[1] - drangex*0.2,
                                      xrange[2] + drangex*0.2,
                                y = 0)
            xy <- SpatialPoints(xgrid,proj4string = crs)

            ## Suppress warning of unknown y grid cell size when converting to
            ## SpatialPixels
            xy <- suppressWarnings(SpatialPixels(xy,proj4string = crs))

            ## Add UIDs
            row.names(xy) <- .UIDs(xy)

            ## Create SpatialPixelsDataFrame
            xy_df <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(xy,
                                                       row.names = row.names(xy)))

## if we have a Date object for BAU generation call a different function after first converting to POSIXct
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = 1,resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   convex=-0.05,...) {
            d <- as.POSIXct(d)

## if we have a POSIXct object for BAU generation dispatch to a different function
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = 1,resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   convex=-0.05,...) {

## if we have a POSIXlt object for BAU generation dispatch to a different function after first converting to POSIXct
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = 1,resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   convex=-0.05,...) {
            d <- as.POSIXct(d)

## if we have a xts object for BAU generation dispatch to a different function after first converting to POSIXct
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = 1,resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   convex=-0.05,...) {
            d <- as.POSIXct(time(d))

## Construct the BAUs around some time data
auto_BAU_time <- function (manifold, type, cellsize, resl, d, convex, ...) {

  ## Extract other user-supplied arguments
  l <- list(...)

  ## User needs to supply a time unit around which to construct the BAUs
  if(!"tunit" %in% names(l))
    stop("Need to supply argument tunit with value secs, mins, hours, days, months or years")

  ## Now we have the time unit and the time points
  tunit <- l$tunit
  tpoints <- d

  ## From which we can extract a range and the duration
  trange <- range(tpoints) # e.g., 1st January 2017, 4th January 2017
  dranget <- diff(trange)  # e.g., 4 days duration
  #dt <- as.difftime(cellsize, units = tunit) # time block size

  ## The time spacing
  if(is.null(cellsize)) cellsize <- 1
  tspacing <- paste(cellsize,tunit)      # e.g., paste(1,"days")
  tgrid <- seq(truncPOSIXt(trange[1],tunit), # create grid based on range and spacing by truncating
               ceil(trange[2]+1,tunit),      # to this time unit (e.g., "days")
               by=tspacing)                  # and making the interval equal to tunit

  ## Finally round to the time unit (probably not needed)
  tgrid <- roundPOSIXt(tgrid, tunit)

  ## A warning is given from the line above when using units smaller than days
  ## and more than one element as input. This warning has no adverse affects as far
  ## as I can tell.

  ## Ensure it's POSIXct, which is what FRK uses
  tgrid <- as.POSIXct(tgrid)

  attr(tgrid,"tzone") <- attr(d,"tzone") # Make sure the time zone is the same as in the data
  return(tgrid)                          # Return time BAUs

## Automatically generating BAUs on the plane
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = c(1,1),resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   nonconvex_hull=TRUE,convex=-0.05,xlims=NULL,ylims=NULL,...) {

            ## To arrange BAUs in a nonconvex hull we need fmesher to find the domain boundary
                stop("For creating a non-convex hull fmesher needs to be installed. Alternatively
                           please set nonconvex_hull=FALSE to use a simple convex hull.")

              stop("Data must be supplied when generating BAUs on a plane")

            crs <- CRS(.rawproj4string(d))   # CRS of data

            X1 <- X2 <- NULL             # Suppress bindings warning

            if(is(d,"SpatialPoints")){    # If data are spatial points
              coords <- coordinates(d)  # extract coordinates
            } else if(is(d,"SpatialPolygons")){ # if polygons
              ## get out all edges and concatenate into one big data frame
              coords <- do.call("rbind",
                                       function(i) coordinates(d@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]])))
            coord_names <- coordnames(d) # extract coordinate names

            if(is.null(xlims))              # if xlims not specified
              xrange <- range(coords[,1])  # find x-range of coordinates
            else xrange <- xlims            # else just allocate

            if(is.null(ylims))             # if ylims not specified
              yrange <- range(coords[,2])  # y-range of coordinates
            else yrange <- ylims            # else just allocate

            ## Increase convex until domain is contiguous and smooth
            ## (i.e., the distance betweeen successive points is small)
            ## This procedure helps avoid holes in the domain when using fmesher
            OK <- 0                 # initialise
            while(!OK) {
              ## Find the hull (convex or non-convex)
              bndary_seg <- .find_hull(coords,

              ## Find the distance between the boundary points
              D <- as.matrix(dist(bndary_seg))

              ## find the distribution of nearest-neighbour distances
              distances <- unique(band(D,1,1)@x)[-1] # except the first element which is zero
              if(nonconvex_hull) {
                ## somtimes we get islands... the following is a simple check for islands. It's not
                ## very robust and might need to be improved at a later stage (maybe using a simple persistent
                ## homology algorithm?)
                OK <- 0.5*sd(distances) < median(distances)

                ## Update convex to make boundaries smoother
                convex <- convex*2
              } else OK <- 1

            ## Consolidate bndary_seg into a SpatialPolygons object
            bndary_seg <- data.frame(x = bndary_seg[,1],
                                     y = bndary_seg[,2],
                                     id = 1)
            bndary_seg <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(bndary_seg,

            drangex <- diff(xrange)  # range of x
            drangey <- diff(yrange)  # range of y

            ## Create x and y grid with 20% buffer and selected cellsizes
            ## If the user has specified the limits do not do buffer
            bufferx <- if(is.null(xlims)) 0.2 else 0
            buffery <- if(is.null(ylims)) 0.2 else 0

            xgrid <- seq(xrange[1] - drangex*bufferx,
                         xrange[2] + drangex*bufferx,
            ygrid <- seq(yrange[1] - drangey*buffery,
                         yrange[2] + drangey*buffery,
            ## Make a SpatialPoints grid
            xy <- SpatialPoints(expand.grid(x=xgrid,y=ygrid),
                                proj4string = crs)

            if(type == "hex") {
              ## If user wants hexagons
              HexPts <- spsample(xy,type="hexagonal",       # User spsample to generate hexagons on the grid
                                 cellsize = cellsize[1])    # of a certain size
              idx <- which(!is.na(over(HexPts,bndary_seg))) # Find which hexagons are outside boundary
              HexPols <- HexPoints2SpatialPolygons(HexPts[idx,])  # Convert hexagons to SpatialPolygons
              coordnames(HexPols) <- coord_names            # assign coordinate names to both the points
              coordnames(HexPts) <- coord_names             # and the polygons
              row.names(HexPols) <- .UIDs(HexPols)           # Create UIDs

              ## Now create a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame from the polygons
              ## With the dataframe extracted from the information about the points
              HexPols_df <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(HexPols,
                                                       row.names = row.names(HexPols)))
              ## Return the hexagons
            } else if (type == "grid") {
              coordnames(xy) <- coord_names               # assign coordinate names
              xy <- SpatialPixels(xy,proj4string = crs)   # and convert to SpatialPixels

              ## keep both the pixels inside boundary
              idx1 <- which(!is.na(over(xy,bndary_seg)))

              ## and the pixels on boundary
              bndary_pts <- SpatialPoints(bndary_seg@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords,
                                          proj4string = crs)
              idx2 <- unique(over(bndary_pts,xy))

              ## Double check no boundary points outside grid, otherwise
              ## remove from the indices we will keep
                idx2 <- idx2[-which(is.na(idx2))]

              # Make sure to include all pixels that contain the data points
              idx3 <- over(d,xy) # cannot contain NAs by definition of how xy was constructed

              ## Now take the union of all the indices but only if xlims and ylims were not specified
              if(is.null(xlims) & is.null(ylims))
                xy <- xy[union(union(idx1,idx2),idx3),]

              ## Add UIDs
              row.names(xy) <- .UIDs(xy)

              ## Finally we can form our SpatialPixelsDataFrame of all the pixels
              ## we have left
              xy_df <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(xy,
                                                row.names = row.names(xy)))
              ## Return the pixels


## Extract directly from slot because of PROJ6 changes
## This is a temporary solution
.rawproj4string <- function(obj) {
    if(is(obj, "ST")) {
        slot(obj@sp, "proj4string")@projargs
    } else {
        slot(obj, "proj4string")@projargs

## Constructing BAUs on the surface of the sphere
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = c(1,1),resl=2,d=NULL,xlims=NULL,ylims=NULL, ...) {

            ## For this function d (the data) may be NULL in which case the whole sphere is covered with BAUs
            if(is.null(d))                                  # set CRS if data not provided
              prj <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere")
            else {
              prj <- CRS(.rawproj4string(d))         # extract CRS # FIXME: Warning comes from here
              coords <- data.frame(coordinates(d))      # extract coordinates

              ## When modelling on the sphere, the CRS needs to be CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere")
              if(!identical(prj, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere")))
                stop("If modelling on the sphere please set the CRS of
                           the data to CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere') by
                           running slot(data, 'proj4string') <- CRS('+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere')")

              ## When modelling on the sphere, the coordnames need to be (lon,lat)
              if(!"lat" %in% names(coords) & "lon" %in% names(coords))
                stop("The coordinate names when modelling on the sphere need to
                           be lat and lon")

            ## If the user wants hexagonal BAUs
            if(type == "hex") {

              ## Suppress bindings warnings
              isea3h <- res <- lon <- centroid <- lat <- in_chull <- NULL

              ## Load the discrete global grids at the desired resolution. This can be either
              ## from the data in FRK or the dggrids package (depending on how fine the resolution is)
              isea3h <- load_dggrids(res=resl)

              ## Split the ISEA3H across the 180 degree boundary using process_isea3h
              isea3h_res <- process_isea3h(isea3h,resl)

              ## Now change the dggrid polygons into SpatialPolygons
              isea3h_sp_pol <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(  # converts data frame to polygons
                df=filter(isea3h_res,centroid==0),   # do not send in centroid as part of polygon
                keys=c("id"),                        # ID of BAU
                coords=c("lon","lat"),               # coordinate names
                proj=prj)                            # projection

              ## Create a data frame informing us on the BAUs
              isea3h_df_info <- filter(isea3h_res,centroid==1)       # centroid od BAU
              isea3h_df_info <- isea3h_df_info[c("id","lon","lat")]  # keep the ID, lon and lat
              row.names(isea3h_df_info) <- row.names(isea3h_sp_pol)  # assign the names

              ## Now attach the informative data frame to make SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
              sphere_BAUs <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(isea3h_sp_pol,isea3h_df_info)

            }  else if (type == "grid") {
              ## If the user wants a grid

              ## If the user has specified limits assign xmin,xmax,ymin and ymin clamped to
              ## the spherical coordinate limits
              if(!is.null(xlims) & !is.null(ylims)) {
                xmin <- max(xlims[1],-180)
                xmax <- min(xlims[2],180)
                ymin <- max(ylims[1],-90)
                ymax <- min(ylims[2],90)

              } else if(!is.null(d)) {
                ## Else if there is data try to get limits from the data
                xrange <- range(coords$lon)  # find x-range of coordinates
                yrange <- range(coords$lat)  # y-range of coordinates

                ## And how long/wide it is in a lon/lat sense
                drangex <- diff(xrange)
                drangey <- diff(yrange)

                ## Formulate min/max lon and lats, clamping to the 180 lon boundary
                ## and 90 lat boundary
                xmin <- max(xrange[1] - drangex*0.2,-180)
                xmax <- min(xrange[2] + drangex*0.2,180)
                ymin <- max(yrange[1] - drangey*0.2,-90)
                ymax <- min(yrange[2] + drangey*0.2,90)
              } else {
                ## If data is not supplied then just fill the whole sphere with BAUs
                xmin <- -180
                xmax <- 180
                ymin <- -90
                ymax <- 90

              ## Create the lon/lat rectangular grid with cell centroids at the
              ## boundaries
              longrid <- seq(xmin + cellsize[1]/2,xmax - cellsize[1]/2,by=cellsize[1])
              latgrid <- seq(ymin + cellsize[2]/2,ymax - cellsize[2]/2,by=cellsize[2])

              ## Now create the lon-lat grid and convert to a GridTopology
              lonlat <- expand.grid(lon=longrid,lat=latgrid)
              lonlat <- points2grid(SpatialPoints(lonlat))
              lonlat <- as.SpatialPolygons.GridTopology(lonlat, proj4string = prj)
              row.names(lonlat) <- .UIDs(lonlat)

              ## Ensure that the coordinate names are (lon,lat)
              coordnames(lonlat) <- c("lon","lat")

              ## Create a data frame informing us on the BAUs
              lonlat_df_info <- data.frame(
                lon = coordinates(lonlat)[,1],  # lon centroids
                lat = coordinates(lonlat)[,2],  # lat centroids
                row.names = row.names(lonlat))

              ## Finally return the BAUs as SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
              sphere_BAUs <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(lonlat,lonlat_df_info)

            ## Now, if the user has supplied us with data, we should cut out BAUs "around" the data
            ## We do this by simply taking a convex hull around the data points
            if(!is.null(d)) {

              ## Take convex hull of data. .find_hull is an FRK function which adds a bit of buffer
              conv_hull <- .find_hull(d,                        # data
                                      nonconvex_hull = FALSE,   # convex hull
                                      convex=-0.01)             # buffer of 1%
              conv_hull <- data.frame(conv_hull)                # .find_hull returns a matrix without column names
              names(conv_hull) <- coordnames(d)                 # add columns names
              conv_hull$lat <- pmin(conv_hull$lat, 90) # Restrict latitude from north
              conv_hull$lat <- pmax(conv_hull$lat, -90) # Restrict latitude from north
              conv_hull$id <- 1               # just one polygon; set id = 1
              row.names(conv_hull) <- NULL    # remove row names
              conv_hull_coords <- conv_hull   # save the coordinates; conv_hull will be a sp object next

              ## Now make SpatialPolygons object from hull
              conv_hull <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(conv_hull,                  # data frame
                                                 keys="id",                  # ID
                                                 coords=c("lon","lat"),      # coordinates
                                                 proj=prj)                   # CRS

              ## Find which BAUs fall outside the hull
              ## If we have a wide longitude extent then just filter by latitude
              if(diff(range(coords$lon)) > 270)
                sphere_BAUs$in_chull <- ifelse((sphere_BAUs$lat < max(conv_hull_coords[,"lat"])) &
                                                 (sphere_BAUs$lat > min(conv_hull_coords[,"lat"])),

              ## Otherwise filter by convex hull
              else  {
                ## We need sf to prune by convex hull on sphere
                      stop("sf is required for processing hexagons on the sphere.
                      Please install using install.packages().")

                  sf::sf_use_s2(use_s2 = FALSE)

                  ## First find BAUs at edges of hull then interior, then combine
                  ## Note: for some reason sf polygon is exterior of chull not interior in sf, hence the
                  ## complement when constructing in_chull
                  ## Also, interior_BAUs can give an error at extreme latitudes, hence the tryCatch
                  edges_BAUs <- !is.na(as.integer(sf::st_overlaps(as(sphere_BAUs, "sf"), as(conv_hull, "sf"))))
                  interior_BAUs <- tryCatch(is.na(as.integer(sf::st_intersects(as(sphere_BAUs, "sf"),
                                                                                                as(conv_hull, "sf")))),
                                            error=function(e) {rep(TRUE, nrow(sphere_BAUs))})
                  sphere_BAUs$in_chull <- ifelse((edges_BAUs + !interior_BAUs) > 0, 1, NA)

              ## Old rgeos code
              ## else  sphere_BAUs$in_chull <- over(sphere_BAUs,conv_hull)

              ### TEST: START COMPARE TO RGEOS
              # print("TESTING MODE FOR BAUS ON SPHERE")
              # sphere_BAUs$in_chull2 <- over(sphere_BAUs,conv_hull)
              # print(all(sphere_BAUs$in_chull == sphere_BAUs$in_chull2, na.rm = TRUE))
              # print(all(is.na(sphere_BAUs$in_chull) == is.na(sphere_BAUs$in_chull2)))
              # plot(sphere_BAUs[!is.na(sphere_BAUs$in_chull),], col = "red")
              # plot(conv_hull, add = TRUE)
              ### TEST: STOP

              ## Remove those BAUs
              sphere_BAUs <- subset(sphere_BAUs,!is.na(in_chull))

              ## Remove chull info
              sphere_BAUs$in_chull <- NULL

            ## Return the final BAUs


## Constructing BAUs on the surface of the sphere x time
setMethod("auto_BAU",signature(manifold = c("STmanifold")),
          function(manifold,type="grid",cellsize = c(1,1,1),resl=resl,d=NULL,
                   nonconvex_hull=TRUE,convex=-0.05,xlims=NULL,ylims=NULL, spatial_BAUs, ...) {

            ## In this function user can opt to just supply a Date object, in which case
            ## the whole surface of the sphere is covered and the temporal part of the BAUs
            ## is extended so as to enclose the temporal span

            ## Now extract the spatial and temporal components from the dataset
            if(is(d,"ST")) {
              space_part <- d@sp        # spatial
              time_part <- .time.ST(d)  # temporal
            } else if (is(d,"Date")) {
              space_part <- NULL        # spatial
              time_part <- d            # temporal
            } else {
              stop("Need to supply either a spatio-temporal dataset or an object of class
                       Date to construct BAUs.")

            ## Currently we only have the plane and the sphere
            if(is(manifold,"STplane")) {
              spat_manifold <- plane()
            } else if (is(manifold,"STsphere")) {
              spat_manifold <- sphere()
            } else stop("Cannot recognise manifold")

            ## Set cellsize if not supplied. Time cellsize defaults to 1.
            ## We only need the temporal cellsize if spatial_BAUs are provided
            ## by the user. Also cater for the possiblity that the user provides
            ## only the temporal cellsize when they have set the spatial_BAUs
            ## (which makes sense to do). Do this by just tkaing the last element
            ## of cellsize, which will be the only element if it is a scalar,
            ## and the third element if they provide three elements as was the previous
            ## required behaviour.

            if(!is.null(spatial_BAUs)) {
              if(is.null(cellsize)) {
                cellsize_temp <- 1
              } else {
                cellsize_temp <- dplyr::last(cellsize)
            } else if(is.null(cellsize) & !is.null(space_part)) {
              cellsize_spat <-  .choose_BAU_cellsize_from_data(space_part)
              cellsize_temp <- 1
            } else {
              cellsize_spat <- cellsize[1:2]
              cellsize_temp <- cellsize[3]

            ## Redefine the data if spatial_BAUs was provided.
            ## This is so that the spatial_BAUs play nicely with other functions,
            ## and in case the user wants to specify covariates in the final
            ## ST_BAUs object (in which case, they cannot have the same covariate
            ## names as those stored in spatial_BAUs, so here we will prevent that
            ## possible naming clash). I will define it in a way that recreates
            ## the behaviour of auto_BAUS() when spatial_BAUs is NULL; specifically,
            ## the only data we want is the spatial coordinates.
            ## (Also, creating  data converts SpatialPolygons to SpatialPolygonsDataFrame)
            if(!is.null(spatial_BAUs)) {
              spatial_BAUs$tmp <- 1
              spatial_BAUs@data <- as.data.frame(coordinates(spatial_BAUs))

            ## Construct the spatial BAUs (if spatial_BAUs not provided)
              spatial_BAUs <- auto_BAU(manifold=spat_manifold,cellsize=cellsize_spat,

            ## Construct the temporal BAUs
            temporal_BAUs <- auto_BAU(manifold=real_line(), cellsize=cellsize_temp,

            ## Number of temporal and spatial BAUs
            nt <- length(temporal_BAUs)
            ns <- nrow(spatial_BAUs)

            ## Construct the info data frame on the ST-BAUs
            df_info <- data.frame(n = 1:(nt *ns),                     # BAU number
                                  t = rep(1:nt,each=ns))              # time index

            ## Construct an STFDF based on the spatial and temporal BAUs
            STBAUs <- STFDF(spatial_BAUs,
                            data = df_info)

            ## Return the ST BAUs


#' @title Convert data frame to SpatialPolygons
#' @description Convert data frame to SpatialPolygons object.
#' @param df data frame containing polygon information, see details
#' @param keys vector of variable names used to group rows belonging to the same polygon
#' @param coords vector of variable names identifying the coordinate columns
#' @param proj the projection of the \code{SpatialPolygons} object. Needs to be of class \code{CRS}
#' @details Each row in the data frame \code{df} contains both coordinates and labels (or keys) that identify to which polygon the coordinates belong. This function groups the data frame according to \code{keys} and forms a \code{SpatialPolygons} object from the coordinates in each group. It is important that all rings are closed, that is, that the last row of each group is identical to the first row. Since \code{keys} can be of length greater than one, we identify each polygon with a new key by forming an MD5 hash made out of the respective \code{keys} variables that in themselves are unique (and therefore the hashed key is also unique). For lon-lat coordinates use \code{proj = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=sphere")}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sp)
#' df <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4)),
#'                  x = c(0,1,0,0,2,3,2,2),
#'                  y=c(0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0))
#' pols <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(df,"id",c("x","y"),CRS())
#' \dontrun{plot(pols)}
df_to_SpatialPolygons <- function(df,keys,coords,proj) {

  ## Basic checks
  if(!is(df,"data.frame")) stop("df needs to be a data frame")
  if(!is(keys,"character")) stop("keys needs to be of class character")
  if(!is(coords,"character")) stop("coords needs to be of class character")
  if(!all(keys %in% names(df))) stop("All keys needs to be labels in data frame")
  if(!all(coords %in% names(df))) stop("All coordinate labels needs to be labels in data frame")
  if(!is(proj,"CRS")) stop("proj needs to be of class CRS")

  ## dfun takes a data frame with coordinates for 1 polygon, and makes one POLYGON object from it
  ## with a UID from the polygon key
  dfun <- function(d) {

  ## Now apply dfun to all polygons in data frame
  df_poly <- plyr::dlply(df,keys,dfun)

  ## Frorm a SpatialPolygons object from all the returned Polygons
  Sr <- SpatialPolygons(df_poly,             # Polygons
                        1:length(df_poly),   # plotting order
                        proj4string=proj)    # CRS

#' @title SpatialPolygonsDataFrame to df
#' @description Convert \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{SpatialPixelsDataFrame} object to data frame.
#' @param sp_polys object of class \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} or \code{SpatialPixelsDataFrame}
#' @param vars variables to put into data frame (by default all of them)
#' @details This function is mainly used for plotting \code{SpatialPolygonsDataFrame} objects with \code{ggplot} rather than \code{spplot}. The coordinates of each polygon are extracted and concatenated into one long data frame. The attributes of each polygon are then attached to this data frame as variables that vary by polygon \code{id} (the rownames of the object).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sp)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' opts_FRK$set("parallel",0L)
#' df <- data.frame(id = c(rep(1,4),rep(2,4)),
#'                  x = c(0,1,0,0,2,3,2,2),
#'                  y=c(0,0,1,0,0,1,1,0))
#' pols <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(df,"id",c("x","y"),CRS())
#' polsdf <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(pols,data.frame(p = c(1,2),row.names=row.names(pols)))
#' df2 <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df(polsdf)
#' \dontrun{ggplot(df2,aes(x=x,y=y,group=id)) + geom_polygon()}
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df <- function(sp_polys, vars = names(sp_polys)) {

  if(!(is(sp_polys,"SpatialPolygonsDataFrame") |
    stop("sp_polys needs to be of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame
                 or SpatialPixelsDataFrame")

    sp_polys <- as(sp_polys, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")

  ## The names of the polygons is the same
  polynames <- as.character(row.names(sp_polys))

  ## Form a list of data frames, one for each polygon
  list_polys <- lapply(1:length(sp_polys),   # for each polygon
                       function(i) {
                         coords <- sp_polys@polygons[[i]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords # extract coordinates
                         row.names(coords) <- NULL                             # set row names to NULL
                         coords <- data.frame(coords)                          # convert to data frame
                         poldf <- cbind(coords,id=polynames[i],                # cbind the coordinates with the ID
                                        stringsAsFactors=FALSE)                # ID not factor

                         ## remove the rownames from the data frame
                         rownames(poldf) <- NULL

                         ## return the data frame
                         poldf })

  ## rbind the data frames for each polygon into one big data frame
  df_polys <- bind_rows(list_polys)

  ## merge other information from the sp_polys with the data frame (merge by polygon ID)
  df_polys$id <- as.character(df_polys$id)
  sp_polys$id <- row.names(sp_polys)
  cnames <- coordnames(sp_polys)
  vars_no_coords <- vars[which(!vars %in% cnames)]

  if(length(vars_no_coords) > 0)
    df_polys <- left_join(df_polys,

  ## Return df_polys

STFDF_to_df <- function(ST_obj) {

    stop("sp_polys needs to be of class STFDF")

  ## The STFDF class consists of a single spatial frame @sp replicated
  ## over a given number of time points (say, nt time points).
  ## To create a useful dataframe for ggplot, our strategy is to construct a
  ## dataframe from @sp using SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df(), and then
  ## replicate this dataframe nt times. Then, we will map the data stored in
  ## ST_obj@data to this dataframe.
  ns <- length(ST_obj@sp)
  nt <- length(ST_obj@time)

  df_polys <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame_to_df(ST_obj@sp)

  ## replicate df_polys nt more times
  df_polys_all_times <- df_polys
  for (dummy in 1:(nt - 1)) {
    df_polys_all_times <- rbind(df_polys_all_times, df_polys)

  ## Now replicate @data
  ## Number of times to repeat each observation. We need to count the number of
  ## occurences of id in the polygons dataframe, AND maintain the order!
  ## (see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23055565)
  # x <- df_polys$id %>% factor(levels = unique(df_polys$id)) %>% table

  ## An even neater option is rle():
  ## (see here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/23055638)
  x <- rle(df_polys$id)$lengths

  ## Initialise empty dataframe to store the replicated version of @data:
  df_data <- ST_obj@data[-(1:nrow(ST_obj@data)), ]

  for (i in 1:nt) { # Over each timepoint
    ## Get the data at current timepoint
    df <- ST_obj@data[((i - 1) * ns + 1):(i * ns), ]

    ## Repeat it the required number of times, and add it to the rest of the data
    df_data <- rbind(df_data, df[rep(row.names(df), x), ])

  ## Combine the polygon data and the replicated @data:
  df_polys_all_times <- cbind(df_polys_all_times, df_data)


## Create very small square polygon BAUs around SpatialPoints
#' @rdname BAUs_from_points
#' @aliases BAUs_from_points,SpatialPoints-method
setMethod("BAUs_from_points",signature(obj = "SpatialPoints"),
          function(obj, offset = 1e-10) {

            sp_obj_pols <- NULL                 # Initialise polygons
            cnames <- coordnames(obj)           # coordinate names
            coords <- coordinates(obj)          # coordinates of SpatialPoints

              stop("Please remove any duplicated data locations from the object before proceeding.")

            ## Generate the Bottom Left, Bottom Right, Top Right, and Top Left, corners of the BAUs
            BL <- data.frame(X1 = coords[,1] - offset, X2 = coords[,2] - offset, id = 1:length(obj))
            BR <- data.frame(X1 = coords[,1] + offset, X2 = coords[,2] - offset, id = 1:length(obj))
            TR <- data.frame(X1 = coords[,1] + offset, X2 = coords[,2] + offset, id = 1:length(obj))
            TL <- data.frame(X1 = coords[,1] - offset, X2 = coords[,2] + offset, id = 1:length(obj))

            ## Interleave them appropriate so they form polygon paths and set names
            sp_obj_pols <- .interleave(BL,BR,TR,TL)
            names(sp_obj_pols) <- c(cnames,"id")

            ## Now create polygons from the above paths, and keep same projection
            sp_obj_pols <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(sp_obj_pols,coords=cnames,keys="id",
                                                 proj = CRS(.rawproj4string(obj)))

            ## We assign the centroid of the BAU to the data object
            df_data <- as.data.frame(coords)

            ## If data points had other variables, add them aswell
              df_data <- cbind(df_data,obj@data)

            ## Ensure the row names are the same and construct the SpatialPolygonsDataFrame BAUs
            row.names(df_data) <- row.names(sp_obj_pols)
            sp_obj_pols <- SpatialPolygonsDataFrame(sp_obj_pols,data = df_data)

## Create very small square polygon BAUs around SpatialPoints
#' @rdname BAUs_from_points
#' @aliases BAUs_from_points,ST-method
setMethod("BAUs_from_points",signature(obj = "ST"),
          function(obj, offset = 1e-10) {
            cat("BAUs from points for space-time data not yet
                  implemented. Please contact the package maintainer.\n")

## Print/Show manifold
print.manifold <- function(x,...) {
  cat("Type of manifold:",type(x),"\n")
    cat("Radius of sphere:",x@radius,"\n")
  cat("Dimension of manifold:",dimensions(x),"\n")
  cat("Distance function:\n",deparse(x@measure@dist),"\n")
setMethod("show",signature(object="manifold"),function(object) print(object))

########## Not exported ###################

## Map the data to the BAUs. This is done after BAU construction
## data_sp: data (SpatialPoints object)
## sp_pols: BAUs (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPixelsDataFrame)
## average_in_BAU: flag indicating whether we want to average data/standard errors in BAUs
## Returns a SpatialPointsDataFrame with the points aligned at the BAU centroids
#' @aliases map_data_to_BAUs,Spatial-method
          function(data_sp, sp_pols, average_in_BAU = TRUE, sum_variables = NULL, silently = FALSE) {

            ## Suppress bindings warnings
            . <- BAU_name <- NULL

            ## Add BAU ID to the data frame of the SP object
            sp_pols$BAU_name <- as.character(row.names(sp_pols))

            ## Add coordinates to @data if not already there
            if(!(all(coordnames(sp_pols) %in% names(sp_pols@data))))
              sp_pols@data <- cbind(sp_pols@data,coordinates(sp_pols))

            ## Time how long this takes
            timer <- system.time({

              ## Find which fields in the data object are not already declared in the BAUs
              ## These are the variables we will average over
              diff_fields <- intersect(setdiff(names(data_sp),names(sp_pols)),names(data_sp))

              ## Create a data frame just of these fields
              data_df <- data_sp@data[diff_fields]

              ## The following over returns a data frame equal in number of rows to data_sp
              ## with the BAU info at the data location

              # ## If BAUs are SpatialPoints then do it manually
              # if(is(sp_pols, "SpatialPoints")) {
              #     crds <- coordnames(data_sp)
              #     df1 <- as.data.frame(data_sp)
              #     df2 <- sp_pols@data
              #     data_over_sp <- left_join(df1, df2,
              #                      by = crds)
              # } else {
              # data_over_sp <- .parallel_over(data_sp, sp_pols)
              # ## We now cbind the original data with data_over_sp
              # data_over_sp <- cbind(data_df,data_over_sp)
              # }

              ## Assign the CRS from sp_pols to data_sp. Note that the sp_pols
              ## are typically the BAUs object, and have not been altered
              ## significantly to this point (while data_sp has, and so
              ## its CRS is often NA).
              slot(data_sp, "proj4string") <- slot(sp_pols, "proj4string")
              data_over_sp <- .parallel_over(data_sp, sp_pols)

              ## We now cbind the original data with data_over_sp
              data_over_sp <- cbind(data_df,data_over_sp)

              if(any(is.na(data_over_sp$BAU_name))) {  # data points at 180 boundary or outside BAUs -- remove
                ii <- which(is.na((data_over_sp$BAU_name)))
                data_sp <- data_sp[-ii,]
                data_over_sp <- data_over_sp[-ii,]
                warning("Removing data points that do not fall into any BAUs.
                              If you have simulated data, please ensure no simulated data fall on a
                              BAU boundary as these classify as not belonging to any BAU.")

              ## We can have multiple data points falling the same BAU. If we wish to
              ## average over the BAUs, we now apply the mean function to all  data falling
              ## in the same BAU and convert to data frame. When the safe mean is asked to
              ## take averages over quantities that are not numeric, it just returns the first
              ## element of the vector (so, e.g., the below does not crash when averages over
              ## BAU names are sought)
              if(average_in_BAU) {

                ## Average the columns which will not be summed
                tmp1 <- data_over_sp[, !names(data_over_sp) %in% sum_variables] %>%
                  group_by(BAU_name) %>%             # group by BAU
                  summarise_all(.safe_mean) %>%      # apply safe mean to each column BAU
                  as.data.frame()                    # convert to data frame

                ## Sum specified columns; if(is.null(sum_variables)),
                ## then tmp1 will just be the BAU_name column (which will be dropped once we merge afterwards).
                tmp2 <- select(data_over_sp, all_of(sum_variables), BAU_name) %>% # Need BAU_name in order to summarise by group; BAU_name is a string, so safe.sum() will just return the first element
                  group_by(BAU_name) %>%                       # group by BAU
                  summarise_all(.safe_sum) %>%                 # apply safe mean to each column BAU
                  as.data.frame()                              # convert to data frame

                ## merge the dataframes (removes duplicate columns automatically)
                Data_in_BAU <- merge(tmp1, tmp2)
              } else
                Data_in_BAU <- data_over_sp                       # otherwise don't average
            })                                                    # end timer

            ## We now create a new SpatialPointsDataFrame but this time the data
            ## is averaged over the BAUs, and we have at most one data point per BAU
            new_sp_pts <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(
              coords=Data_in_BAU[coordnames(data_sp)],         # coordinates of summarised data
              data=Data_in_BAU,                                # data frame
              proj4string = CRS(.rawproj4string(data_sp)))     # CRS of original data

            ## Report time taken to bin data
            if (!silently & opts_FRK$get("verbose") ) cat("Binned data in",timer[3],"seconds\n")

            ## Return new matched data points

## Map the data to the BAUs. This is done after BAU construction
## data_sp: data (SpatialPolygons object)
## sp_pols: BAUs (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPixelsDataFrame)
## average_in_BAU: flag indicating whether we want to average data/standard errors in BAUs
## sum_variables: string indicating the variables which are to be summed in a BAU rather than averaged
#' @aliases map_data_to_BAUs,Spatial-method
          function(data_sp,sp_pols, average_in_BAU = TRUE, sum_variables = NULL, silently = FALSE)
            ## Suppress bindings warnings
            . <- BAU_name <- NULL

            ## Attach the ID of the data polygon to the data frame
            data_sp$id <- as.character(row.names(data_sp))

            ## If the BAUs are SpatialPixels, assume the BAUs are so small
            ## that it is sufficient to see whether the BAU centroid falls in
            ## the data polygon. To do this we first make
            ## A SpatialPointsDataFrame from the BAUs reflecting the BAU centroids.
            ## If the BAUs are SpatialPolygons, it is possible for the centroid of a concave polygon to lie
            ## outside of the polygon. Hence, instead of using the BAU centroids,
            ## we sample a random point inside of the polygon.
            if (is(sp_pols, "SpatialPolygons")) {
              BAU_as_points <- .sample_point_in_polygons(sp_pols)
            } else if (is(sp_pols, "SpatialPixels")) {
              BAU_as_points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coordinates(sp_pols),
                                                      proj4string = CRS(.rawproj4string(sp_pols)))

            ## Now see which centroids fall into the BAUs
            ## The following returns a data frame equal in number of rows to
            ## the data polygons, with all the BAU features averaged (hence if
            ## BAU_as_points$xx = c(1,2,3) for those BAUs inside the data polygon
            ## BAUs_aux_data$xx = 2.
            if (!is.null(sum_variables)) {
              warning("sum_variables argument is not implemented for 'SpatialPolygons' data. Please set sum_variables to NULL, or contact the package maintainer if you think sum_variables is required for your problem.")
            } else {
              BAUs_aux_data <- .parallel_over(data_sp, BAU_as_points, fn=.safe_mean)

            ## Now include the ID in the table so we merge by it later
            BAUs_aux_data$id <- as.character(row.names(BAUs_aux_data))

            ## Do the merging
            updated_df <- left_join(data_sp@data,

            ## Make sure the rownames are OK
            row.names(updated_df) <- data_sp$id

            ## Allocated data frame to SpatialPolygons object
            data_sp@data <- updated_df

            ## Return Spatial object

## Sometimes the BAUs are concave polygons, in which case the BAU centroid may
## lie OUTSIDE of the polygon; this can cause issues when determining if one
## polygon overlaps another.
## This function takes a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame and samples a point in each of
## the polygon objects. The returned object is a SpatialPointsDataFrame.
.sample_point_in_polygons <- function(sp_pols) {
  BAU_as_points <- coordinates(sp_pols) # pre-allocating the matrix
  for (i in 1:length(sp_pols)) { # for all BAUs, sample a point inside the BAU
    BAU_as_points[i, ] <- coordinates(sp::spsample(sp_pols@polygons[[i]], type = "random", n = 1))
  BAU_as_points <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(BAU_as_points,
                                          proj4string = CRS(.rawproj4string(sp_pols)))

## Map the data to the BAUs. This is done after BAU construction
## data_sp: data (SpatialPixels object)
## sp_pols: BAUs (SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPixelsDataFrame)
## average_in_BAU: flag indicating whether we want to average data/standard errors in BAUs
## sum_variables: vector of strings indicating which variables are to be summed rather than averaged.
#' @aliases map_data_to_BAUs,Spatial-method
          function(data_sp,sp_pols, average_in_BAU = TRUE, sum_variables = NULL, silently = FALSE) {
            coordlabels <- coordnames(data_sp)
            if(is(data_sp, "SpatialPixelsDataFrame")) {
              data_sp <- as(data_sp, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
            } else {
              data_sp <- as(data_sp, "SpatialPolygons")
            coordnames(data_sp) <- coordlabels
            map_data_to_BAUs(data_sp, sp_pols, average_in_BAU = average_in_BAU, sum_variables = sum_variables, silently = silently)

## Returns either a STIDF with the data at the BAU centroids (if data_sp is STIDF)
## Or else an STFDF with the original data shifted to the BAU time points and with BAU
## features averaged over the ST data polygons
          function(data_sp,sp_pols,average_in_BAU = TRUE, sum_variables = NULL, silently = FALSE) {

            ## Initialise to no spatial field
            sp_fields <- NULL

            ## Project all the space-time data onto space
            data_all_spatial <- as(as(data_sp, "STIDF"), "Spatial")

            ## Convert to SpatialPointsDataFrame
            if (is(data_all_spatial, "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")) {
              ## Unfortunately the following doesn't work:
              # data_all_spatial <- as(data_all_spatial, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")
              ## Instead, we will construct the object by computing the
              ## centroids of each polygon, and then constructing the object
              ## manually:
              data_all_spatial <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(
                coords = .polygons_to_points(data_all_spatial),
                data = data_all_spatial@data
            } else {
              ## Almost certainly not necessary, but coerce to SpatialPoints:
              data_all_spatial <- as(data_all_spatial, "SpatialPointsDataFrame")

            ## Now we require all dates to be POSIXct, therefore convert
            if(!all(class(data_all_spatial$time) == "POSIXct")) {
              data_all_spatial$time <- as.POSIXct(data_all_spatial$time)

            ## Bin every spatial frame separately. The following returns a list of Spatial objects
            ## that are either SpatialPoints or SpatialPolygons, depending on data_sp
            sp_fields <- lapply(seq_along(sp_pols@time),
                                function(i) {
                                  ## See which initial time we are at
                                  t1 <- time(sp_pols)[i]

                                  ## If this is not the last (initial) time point
                                  if(i < dplyr::last(as.vector(sp_pols@time))) {
                                    ## Then mark the beginning of the next time interval as the end of this one
                                    t2 <- time(sp_pols)[i+1]

                                  } else {

                                    ## If we are the last time interval then lump all data into this interval
                                    t2 <- dplyr::last(data_sp@endTime) + 1

                                  ## Now we know which data to bin in space, those appearing between t1 and t2
                                  data_spatial <- subset(data_all_spatial, time >= t1 & time < t2)

                                  ## If there are not data points in this BAU interval then do nothing (return NULL).
                                  ## Otherwise
                                  if(nrow(data_spatial) > 0) {

                                    ## Remove time info from data now
                                    data_spatial$time <- NULL

                                    ## Extract the BAUs of this time interval
                                    BAU_spatial <- sp_pols[,i]

                                    ## For some reason, the above converts the time field to numeric.
                                    ## Replace with actual POSIXct object
                                    BAU_spatial$time <- time(sp_pols)[i]

                                    ## Map the now spatial data the now spatial BAUs
                                                     average_in_BAU = average_in_BAU,
                                                     sum_variables = sum_variables,
                                                     silently = silently)
                                  } else {

            ## Next we are going to construct our data frame which will be part of the return ST object
            ## This is based on the spatial mapping done in the different time intervals

            ## Initialise
            time <- time_single <- sp <- n <- NULL

            ## For each BAU time point
            for(i in seq_along(sp_pols@time)) {

              ## If there is some data in this BAU
              if(!is.null(sp_fields[[i]])) {

                ## Concatenate into a new data frame sp
                sp <- rbind(sp, sp_fields[[i]]@data)

                ## The time field is simply the current time * number of data points
                n <- nrow(sp_fields[[i]])
                this_time <- rep(time(sp_pols)[i],n)

                ## If this is the first iteration then allocate this_time, otherwise
                ## concatenate (cannot just use c() in both cases)
                if(is.null(time)) time <- this_time else time <- c(time,this_time)
                if(is.null(time_single)) time_single <- this_time[1] else time_single <- c(time_single,this_time[1])

                ### Finally this ensures the labels are from non-null field which could be first or last
                coordlabels <- coordnames(sp_fields[[i]])

            if(all(sapply(sp_fields, is.null))) stop("No data points overlap with the BAUs. Please ensure that the data overlap with the BAUs both spatially and temporally.")

            ## Now if original data was an STIDF, we are going to create a new STIDF with data centred at the BAU
            ## centroids (we can do this because BAUs are our smallest unit of consideration)
            if(is(data_sp,"STIDF")) {
              coordinates(sp) <- coordlabels
              sp@data <- cbind(sp@data,coordinates(sp))

                    data = sp@data)
            } else {
              ## If data_sp is STFDF then we return the same data_sp, but with time shifted to those
              ## of the BAUs and covariates averaged over the containing BAUs
                    data = sp)


## The following three methods build the incidence C matrices. This can be
## C (over all the BAUs) CZ (at data locations, over data polygons) and CP (at pred. polys)
## For these functions to work, the data must have already been mapped to the BAUs using
## map_data_to_BAUs.

## The SpatialPoints object must be a SpatialPointsDataFrame, where the data frame
## contains a field "BAU_name" indicating which BAU the data point falls in. This would have
## been attached to the SpatialPointsDataFrame using map_data_to_BAUs.
          function(data,BAUs) {
              stop("In BuildC, the SpatialPoints must have a data frame
                       attached containing BAU_name. This is an internal function,
                       please contact package maintainer for assistance.")
            BAU_index <- data.frame(row.names=row.names(BAUs),  # names of BAUs
                                    n =1:length(BAUs))          # column number of C matrix
            i_idx <- 1:length(data)                             # row number (simply 1:ndata)
            j_idx <- BAU_index[data$BAU_name,]                  # column number reflects the BAU the data falls in
            list(i_idx=i_idx,j_idx=j_idx, x_idx=1)                       # return the (i,j) indices of nonzeros

## The BuildC method for when we have Polygon data. Note that in this case we haven't allocated
## the BAUs to the data yet
          function(data,BAUs) {

            data$id <- 1:length(data)                           # polygon number

            # convert BAUs to SpatialPoints
            if (is(BAUs, "SpatialPolygons")) {
              BAU_as_points <- SpatialPoints(.sample_point_in_polygons(BAUs))
            } else if (is(BAUs, "SpatialPixels")) {
              BAU_as_points <- SpatialPoints(coordinates(BAUs))

            i_idx <- j_idx <- x_idx <- NULL                     # initialise
            for (i in 1L:length(data)) {                        # for each data point

              this_poly <- SpatialPolygons(list(data@polygons[[i]]),1L) # extract polygon

              ## If data area spans one or more BAU centroids
              overlap <- which(over(BAU_as_points,this_poly) == 1)      # see which BAUs are overlapped

              ## If data does not overlap any BAU centroid, then the area
              ## is very small -- simply find which polygon this data point falls in
              if(length(overlap) == 0) {
                crs <- CRS(.rawproj4string(BAUs))
                datum_as_point <- SpatialPoints(this_poly, proj4string = crs)
                overlap <- over(datum_as_point, BAUs)$n

              i_idx <- c(i_idx,rep(i,length(overlap)))                  # the row index is the data number repeated
              j_idx <- c(j_idx,as.numeric(overlap))                     # the column index is the BAU number
              x_idx <- c(x_idx, BAUs$wts[overlap])                      # the weight is the the weight associated with the current BAU

            ## If no overlap was found it means the user generated the BAUs and that
            ## they don't overlap all the observations. This could also be because
            ## many datasets were provided and FRK did not correctly allocate a domain
            ## which covers all the data. In this case the user should construct
            ## the BAUs manually.
            if(any(is.na(j_idx))) stop("NAs when constructing observation from
                                         large support observations. Are you sure all
                                         observations are covered by BAUs?")

            list(i_idx = i_idx, j_idx = j_idx, x_idx = x_idx)  # return the (i,j) indices of nonzeros

## If we have an STIDF the BAUs and the data both need to have a field "n"
## which can be used for mapping. These fields are automatically created
## by auto_BAUs and map_data_to_BAUs
          function(data,BAUs) {
            i_idx <- 1:length(data)       # the row index is simple 1:ndata
            j_idx <- BAUs$n[data@data$n]  # the column index is whatever BAU the data falls in
            list(i_idx=i_idx,j_idx=j_idx, x_idx = 1) # return the (i,j) indices of nonzeros

          function(data,BAUs) {

            i_idx <- j_idx <- NULL   # suppress bindings warning
            count <- 0L              # initialise count

            ## Since data is STFDF, the C matrix for one time points can be found and then
            ## replicated. Without loss of generality, the one-time-point C matrix is found
            ## by mapping the first time point data with the first time point BAU
            data_poly <- as(data[, 1], "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame")
            C_one_time <- BuildC(data_poly,

            ## The first row and column indices are those returned by the spatial BuildC
            i <- C_one_time$i_idx
            j <- C_one_time$j_idx

            ## Now, for each time point we just replicate according to the time point
            ## We might need to skip many columns because no data falls into some BAUs
            ## Note that we have not catered for change of support in time. This is
            ## marked for future work
            for(k in seq_along(.time.ST(BAUs))) {
              ## Find which time
              overlap_time <- which(as.POSIXct(.time.ST(data)) == # Find which data time matches
                                      (.time.ST(BAUs)[k]))       # the BAU time. This will always
              # work because we matched BAUs

              ## If data is covering more than one time point throw error (currently we do not cater)
              ## for temporal change of support, and all data is assumed to occupy just one temporal BAU
              if(length(overlap_time) > 1L)
                stop("Something is wrong in binning polygon data into BAUs.
                           Note that currently we don't support temporal change of support.
                           Each datum can correspond to a spatial area for each time point
                           but not a spatio-temporal volume.")

              if(length(overlap_time) == 1L) {
                t_idx <- as.numeric(BAUs@time[k])            # find the appropriate time index
                j_idx <- c(j_idx, (t_idx-1)*nrow(BAUs) + j)  # find the appropriate column indices and append
                i_idx <- c(i_idx, count*nrow(data) + i)      # row indices are simply shifted by
                # the amount of spatial locations in the data
              count <- count + 1                           # increment count
            list(i_idx=i_idx,j_idx=j_idx, x_idx = 1)                     # return the (i,j) indices of nonzeros

## Does the over function in parallel
.parallel_over <- function(sp1,sp2,fn=NULL,batch_size = NULL) {

  if(!(opts_FRK$get("parallel") > 1)) {    # Either do serially
  } else {                                 # Or in parallel

    if(is.null(batch_size))              # if batch size not set, set such that
      # we get equal load balance
      batch_size <- ceil(length(sp1) / opts_FRK$get("parallel"))

    n1 <- length(sp1) # length of first object
    n2 <- length(sp2) # length of second object

    ## Break n1 into batches of size 1000
    batching=cut(1:n1,breaks = seq(0,n1+batch_size,by=batch_size),

    ## Export the objects to the cluster

    ## Do the over operation in parallel
    over_list <- parLapply(opts_FRK$get("cl"),1:max(unique(batching)),
                           function(i) {
                             idx <- which(batching == i)  # subset the sp1 objects and
                             over(sp1[idx,],sp2,fn=fn)    # do the over

    clusterEvalQ(opts_FRK$get("cl"), {gc()})               # clear the cluster memory

    if(is(over_list[[1]],"data.frame")) {                  # if the over have returned data frames
      over_res <- do.call(rbind,over_list)               # then concatenate them using rbind
    } else {
      over_res <- do.call(c,over_list)                   # otherwise concatenate using c (they are numbers)
    over_res                                               # Return answer

## Compute the great circle distance
dist_sphere <- function (x1, x2 = NULL, R = NULL)
  ## If R is null set to radius of Earth
  if (is.null(R)) R <- 6378.137

  ## If x2 is NULL set to x1
  if(is.null(x2)) x2 <- x1

  ## Convert lon/lat to radians
  x1 <- x1 * pi/180
  x2 <- x2 * pi/180

  # Formula from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance
  # d = r.acos(n1.n2) where n1 and n2 are the normals to the ellipsoid at the two positions
  n1 <- cbind(cos(x1[, 2]) * cos(x1[, 1]), cos(x1[, 2]) * sin(x1[, 1]), sin(x1[, 2]))
  n2 <- cbind(cos(x2[, 2]) * cos(x2[, 1]), cos(x2[, 2]) * sin(x2[, 1]), sin(x2[, 2]))
  delta <- sigma <- tcrossprod(n1,n2)

  ## Return gcdist
  return(R * acos(ifelse(abs(delta <- sigma) > 1,  # Clamp to one
                         sign(delta <- sigma),
                         delta <- sigma)))


## Loads the dggrids from either the FRK or the dggrids package
load_dggrids <- function (res = 3L){

  isea3h <- NA # suppress binding warning

  ## Basic check
  if(!(is.numeric(res) | is.integer(res)))
    stop("res needs to be an integer or vector of integers")

  ## We ship dggrids at res 6 or less with FRK. Finer resolutions are available with the dggrids package
  if(all(res <= 6L))  {
    data(isea3h, envir=environment(),package="FRK")  # load ISEA3h from FRK
  } else {
    if(!requireNamespace("dggrids")) {
      stop("Such fine DGGRID resolutions are not
                 shipped with the package FRK. For this
                 resolution please download and install the
                 package dggrids from https://github.com/andrewzm/dggrids")
    } else {
      data(isea3h,envir=environment(),package = "dggrids") # load ISEA3h from dggrids

  ## Return the ISEA3h data

## Extracts important information from the data based on the formula
.extract.from.formula <- function (formula, data){

  formula_terms <- terms(formula)
  if(.reff_in_f(formula)) {
      ## We have random effects
      lme_f <- lme4::lFormula(eval(formula), as(data, "data.frame"))

      ## Do check for modelled correlated effects, which is not allowed
      if(any(sapply(lme_f$reTrms$cnms, length) > 1))
          stop("FRK assumes that the random effects associated with different
               quantities (e.g., slope and intercept) are uncorrelated. Please use
               the double bar notation || when using compound effects in formula.
               Note that (x1 | x2) is a compound effect since this is shorthand
               for (1 + x1 | x2).")

      Ztlist <- lme_f$reTrms$Ztlist
      nameslist <- lme_f$reTrms$cnms
      nmat <- length(Ztlist)
      G <- list()
      for(i in 1:nmat) {
          G[[i]] <- t(Ztlist[[i]])
          colnames(G[[i]]) <- paste0(nameslist[[i]],":", colnames(G[[i]]))
      X <- lme_f$X
      Y <- as(data, "data.frame")[[all.vars(formula)[attr(formula_terms, "response")]]]
      names(Y) <- as.character(1:length(Y))

  } else {
      ## We only have fixed effects -- use old code

      m = model.frame(formula_terms,             # create data frame based on terms
                      as(data, "data.frame"),    # after coercing data to data frame
                      na.action = na.fail)       # and do not accept NAs
      Y = model.extract(m, "response")           # Y is the response
      if (length(Y) == 0)                        # throw an error if there is no response variable in data
        stop("no response variable present in formula")
      Terms = attr(m, "terms")                   # extract the terms
      X = model.matrix(Terms, m)                 # and form the fixed eff design matrix from these
      G = list()                                 # no random eff design matrices
  list(y = Y, X = X, G = G)                  # Return Y (data) and X (fixed effect design matrix)
                                             # and G (list of random effect design matrices)

process_isea3h <- function(isea3h,resl) {
  ## Splits the polygons at the 180 boundary
  ## Algorithm adapted from
  ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2015-July/023168.html

  ## suppress bindings warning
  res <- lon <- probpoly <- centroid <- lat <- NULL

  ## We need sf to process these polygons
    stop("sf is required for processing hexagons on the sphere.
             Please install using install.packages().")

  isea3h_res <- filter(isea3h,res == resl) %>%
    arrange(id) %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
    mutate(probpoly= diff(range(lon)) > 180)

  last_id <- max(isea3h_res$id)

  prob_polys <- filter(isea3h_res,
                       probpoly == TRUE)
  prob_polys2 <- prob_polys
  prob_polys2$lon <- prob_polys2$lon + 360*(prob_polys2$lon < 0)

  prob_polys2_sp <- df_to_SpatialPolygons(

  line = SpatialLines(list(Lines(list(Line(cbind(lon=c(180,180),lat=c(-90,90)))),
  line_sf <- as(line, "sf")
  prob_polys2_sf <- as(prob_polys2_sp, "sf")

  new_polys <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(prob_polys2_sf$geometry)) {
    # Just ignore if cannot find intersection, might create some small gaps in sphere (?)
    # Suppressing warnings from rgeos when error is caught and treated later

    lpi <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(sf::st_intersection(prob_polys2_sf[i,], line_sf),
                                     error=function(e) {TRUE}))

    ## Old rgeos version:
    ## lpi <- suppressWarnings(tryCatch(rgeos::gIntersection(prob_polys2_sp[i,], line),
    ##                     error=function(e) {TRUE}))

    if(!is(lpi,"logical")) {

      blpi <- sf::st_buffer(lpi, dist = 0.000001) # create a very thin polygon

      ## Old rgeos version:
      ## blpi <- rgeos::gBuffer(lpi, width = 0.000001)

      dpi_sf <- sf::st_difference(prob_polys2_sf[i,], blpi) # split polygons
      dpi <- sf::as_Spatial(dpi_sf)

      ## Old rgeos version:
      ## dpi <- rgeos::gDifference(prob_polys2_sp[i,], blpi)

      pol1 <- dpi@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@coords
      pol2 <- dpi@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[2]]@coords
      idx1 <- which((abs(pol1[,1] - 180)) < 0.00001)
      idx2 <- which((abs(pol2[,1] - 180)) < 0.00001)

      if(mean(pol1[,1]) > 180) {  # Polygon is to the right
        pol1[idx1,1] <- 180 + 0.00001
      } else {
        pol1[idx1,1] <- 180 - 0.00001

      if(mean(pol2[,1]) > 180) {  # Polygon is to the right
        pol2[idx2,1] <- 180 + 0.00001
      } else {
        pol2[idx2,1] <- 180 - 0.00001

      colnames(pol1) <- colnames(pol2) <- c("lon","lat")
      new_polys <- rbind(new_polys,
                               id = last_id  + (i-1)*2+1,
                               res = resl,
                               centroid = 0,
                               probpoly = FALSE),
                               id = last_id  + i*2,
                               res = resl,
                               centroid = 0,
                               probpoly = FALSE))
  new_polys <- as.data.frame(new_polys)

  centroids <- new_polys %>%
    group_by(id) %>%
  new_polys <- rbind(new_polys,centroids)

  new_polys$lon <- new_polys$lon - 360*(new_polys$lon >= 180)

  ## Put polygon points back on boundary
  idx <- which(new_polys$lon > 179.999)
  new_polys$lon[idx] <- 180
  idx <- which(new_polys$lon < -179.999)
  new_polys$lon[idx] <- -180

  isea3h_res2 <- isea3h_res %>%
    data.frame() %>%
    filter(probpoly == FALSE) %>%

  # ## Consolidate edges
  # isea3h_res2 <- isea3h_res2 %>%


## Choose the manifold based nn data
.choose_manifold_from_data <- function(data) {

  ## Basic check
  if(!(is(data,"Spatial") | is(data,"ST")))
    stop("data needs to be Spatial or ST")

  if(is(data, "Spatial")) {             # if data is spatial
    p4 <- .rawproj4string(data)           # extract proj4string
    manifold = plane()                # default to the plane
    if(!is.na(p4))                    # if there is a non-NA CRS
      if(grepl("longlat",p4))       # if longlat is in CRS
        manifold = sphere()       # then we're on the sphere

  } else {                              # if data is ST
    p4 <- .rawproj4string(data@sp)        # extract proj4string
    manifold = STplane()              # default to the STplane
    if(!is.na(p4))                    # if there is a non-NA CRS
      if(grepl("longlat",p4))       # if longlat is in CRS
        manifold = STsphere()     # then we're on the STsphere
  manifold                              # return the manifold

## Automatically choose the BAU cellsize from the data
.choose_BAU_cellsize_from_data <- function(data) {

  ## Basic check
  if(!(is(data,"Spatial") | is(data,"ST")))
    stop("data needs to be Spatial or ST")

  coords <- coordinates(data)             # extract coordinates
  xrange <- diff(range(coords[,1]))       # find range of x
  yrange <- diff(range(coords[,2]))       # find range of y

  cellsize <- c(xrange/100,yrange/100)   # plan for a 100 x 100 BAU grid
  if (is(data,"Spatial")) {
    cellsize                           # if there's no time we're done
  } else {
    c(cellsize,1)                       # otherwise add a cellsize of 1 time unit

## Automatically choose the time unit from the data
.choose_BAU_tunit_from_data <- function(data) {

  ## Aim for no more than 40 BAUs in time
  trange <- range(.time.ST(data))  # find the range of time we have
  t1 <- trange[1]                  # initial time
  t2 <- trange[2]                  # final time

  ## We will try to choose between days/weeks/month/years
  tunits <- c("days","weeks","months","years")

  ## For each option
  for(i in seq_along(tunits)) {

    ## See how many units (e.g., days) we would need to cover the span
    l <- length(seq(t1,t2,by=tunits[i]))

    ## If we need more than 40 try again with coarser unit, otherwise stop
    if(l < 40) break

  ## Return the chosen tunit

## Convert polygons to points (centroids)
.polygons_to_points <- function(polys) {

  ## Basic check
  if(!(is(polys,"STFDF") |  is(polys,"SpatialPixels")| is(polys,"SpatialPoints") | is(polys,"SpatialPolygons")))
    stop("polys needs to be of class STFDF, SpatialPixels, or SpatialPolygons")

  ## If object is STFDF
  if(is(polys,"STFDF")) {
    if(!("t" %in% names(polys)))
      as.matrix(cbind(coordinates(polys),polys@data$t)) # return matrix in the form [x,y,t] if t is present
  } else {
    as.matrix(coordinates(polys))                     # return matrix in the form [x,y]


## Find a hull (convex or nonconvex) around a set of points
.find_hull <- function(coords,nonconvex_hull=TRUE,convex = -0.05) {

  ## If we want a nonconvex hull we need to call fmesher
  if(nonconvex_hull) {
    bndary_seg = fmesher::fm_nonconvex_hull_inla(coords,convex=convex)$loc

  } else {
    ## Otherwise we just find a convex hull
    chull_idx <- chull(coordinates(coords))         # find which points are on the hull
    conv_hull <- coordinates(coords)[chull_idx,]    # extract those points
    bound_box <- bbox(coords)                       # find the bounding box of the points
    centroid <- apply(bound_box,1,mean)             # and the centroid of the bounding box

    ## Now we expand the convex hull
    bndary_seg <- conv_hull                         # initialise hull
    delta <- max(apply(bound_box,1,                 # find the maximum extent (in both x and y)
                       function(x) diff(range(x))))

    ## Now take the hull and expand it in x and y by 5% of delta in the right direction
    bndary_seg[,1] <- conv_hull[,1] + sign(conv_hull[,1] - centroid[1])*delta*(-convex)
    bndary_seg[,2] <- conv_hull[,2] + sign(conv_hull[,2] - centroid[2])*delta*(-convex)

    ## We don't need any column names for this (to match what fmesher gives)
    colnames(bndary_seg) <- NULL

  ## Return the hull

## Return the time index of an ST object
.time.ST <- function (x, ...) {
    stop("x needs to be of class ST")

## Takes a spatial object and finds UIDs for it
.UIDs <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  sapply(rnorm(n),function(x) digest::digest(x,algo="md5"))

## Computes the mean of a vector x if x is numeric or logical, otherwise just returns the first element
## This is useful as if we are averaging over several columns using summarise_each, then if one column
## is with characters it just returns the first element, while mean() would crash. Use with caution.
.safe_mean <- function(x) {
  if(is(x,"logical") | is(x,"numeric")) {
  } else { x[1] }

## Replica of the .safe_mean function but for summation rather than averaging.
## Used for summing within BAUs when the data is a count.
.safe_sum <- function(x) {
  if(is(x,"logical") | is(x,"numeric")) {
  } else { x[1] }

## Takes a formula including covariates, and returns a formula with only the intercept term
.formula_no_covars <- function(f) {
  labs <- all.names(f)                                      # extract all sub-strings in formula
  dep_var <- all.vars(f)[1]                                 # extract dep. variable
  idx <- which(labs == dep_var)                             # first char is ~, second is the dep var
  if(idx > 2)  {                                            # if we have a transformation of dep var
    LHS <- paste0(paste0(labs[2:idx],collapse = "("),     # concatenate all transfrmations
                  paste0(rep(")",idx-2,collapse=""),      # and close the brackets
  } else { LHS <- dep_var }                                 # otherwise it's just the dep var
  newf <- formula(paste0(LHS,"~1"))                         # now return formula without covariates

## Interleave data frames
.interleave <- function(...) {

  ## Extract data frames
  dfs <- list(...)

  ## Basic checks -- all data frames, same names and all same length
  stopifnot(all(sapply(dfs,function(x) is(x,"data.frame"))))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(dfs,function(x) names(x) == names(dfs[[1]]))))
  stopifnot(all(sapply(dfs,function(x) nrow(x) == nrow(dfs[[1]]))))

  ndfs <- length(dfs)   # number of data frames
  n <- nrow(dfs[[1]])   # number of rows

  stacked <- do.call("rbind",dfs)                       # stack all together
  idx <- rep(1:n, each = ndfs) + (0:(ndfs-1)) * n       # interleaving indices
  interleaved <- stacked[idx,]                          # re-order appropriately
  row.names(interleaved) <- 1:nrow(interleaved)         # reset row names
  interleaved                                           # return


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