
Defines functions iSRS_SL iSRS_SHEPHERD iSRS_RICKER iSRS_BH srFunShow srFuns

Documented in srFuns srFunShow

#' @name srFuns
#' @title Creates a function for a specific parameterization of a common stock-recruitment function .
#' @description Creates a function for a specific parameterization of a \dQuote{Beverton-Holt}, \dQuote{Ricker},  \dQuote{Shepherd}, or \dQuote{Saila-Lorda} stock-recruitment function. Use \code{srFunShow()} to see the equations of each function.
#' @param type A string that indicates the type of stock-recruitment function.
#' @param param A single numeric that indicates the parameterization of the stock-recruitment function.
#' @param simple A logical that indicates whether the user should be allowed to send all parameter values in the first parameter argument (\code{=FALSE}; default) or whether all individual parameters must be specified (\code{=TRUE}).
#' @param msg A logical that indicates whether a message about the function and parameter definitions should be output (\code{=TRUE}) or not (\code{=FALSE}; default).
#' @param plot A logical that indicates whether the growth function expression should be shown as an equation in a simple plot.
#' @param \dots Not implemented.
#' @return \code{srFuns} returns a function that can be used to predict recruitment given a vector of stock sizes and values for the function parameters. The result should be saved to an object that can then be used as a function name. When the resulting function is used, the parameters are ordered as shown when the definitions of the parameters are printed after the function is called (assuming that \code{msg=TRUE}). The values for both/all parameters can be included as a vector of length two/three in the first parameter argument. If \code{simple=FALSE} then the values for all parameters can be included as a vector in the first parameter argument. If \code{simple=TRUE} then all parameters must be declared individually in each function. The resulting function is somewhat easier to read when \code{simple=TRUE}.
#' \code{srFunShow} returns an expression that can be use with \code{\link{plotmath}} to show the function equation in a pretty format. See examples.
#' @author Derek H. Ogle, \email{DerekOgle51@gmail.com}, thanks to Gabor Grothendieck for a hint about using \code{get()}.
#' @section IFAR Chapter: 13-Recruitment.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{srStarts}} for related functionality.
#' @references Ogle, D.H. 2016. \href{https://fishr-core-team.github.io/fishR/pages/books.html#introductory-fisheries-analyses-with-r}{Introductory Fisheries Analyses with R}. Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, FL.
#' Beverton, R.J.H. and S.J. Holt. 1957. On the dynamics of exploited fish populations, Fisheries Investigations (Series 2), volume 19. United Kingdom Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, 533 pp.
#' Iles, T.C. 1994. A review of stock-recruitment relationships with reference to flatfish populations. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research 32:399-420.
#' Quinn II, T.J. and R.B. Deriso. 1999. Quantitative Fish Dynamics. Oxford University Press.
#' Ricker, W.E. 1954. Stock and recruitment. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 11:559-623.
#' Ricker, W.E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Technical Report Bulletin 191, Bulletin of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. [Was (is?) from http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/1485.pdf.]
#' Shepherd, J. 1982. A versatile new stock-recruitment relationship for fisheries and construction of sustainable yield curves. Journal du Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mar 40:67-75. 
#' @keywords manip
#' @aliases srFuns srFunShow
#' @examples
#' ## See the formulae
#' ## Simple Examples
#' # show what a message looks like with the function definition
#' srFuns("Ricker",msg=TRUE)
#' # create some dummy stock data
#' stock <- seq(0.01,1000,length.out=199)
#' # Beverton-Holt #1 parameterization
#' ( bh1 <- srFuns() )
#' plot(bh1(stock,a=0.5,b=0.01)~stock,type="l",lwd=2,ylab="Recruits",xlab="Spawners",ylim=c(0,50))
#' # Ricker #1 parameterization
#' ( r1 <- srFuns("Ricker") )
#' lines(r1(stock,a=0.5,b=0.005)~stock,lwd=2,col="red")
#' # Shephered parameterization
#' ( s1 <- srFuns("Shepherd") )
#' lines(s1(stock,a=0.5,b=0.005,c=2.5)~stock,lwd=2,col="blue")
#' # Saila-Lorda parameterization
#' ( sl1 <- srFuns("SailaLorda") )
#' lines(sl1(stock,a=0.5,b=0.005,c=1.05)~stock,lwd=2,col="salmon")
#' ## Examples of fitting stock-recruitment functions
#' # Fitting the Beverton-Holt #1 parameterization with multiplicative errors
#' bh1s <- srStarts(recruits~stock,data=CodNorwegian)
#' fit1 <- nls(log(recruits)~log(bh1(stock,a,b)),data=CodNorwegian,start=bh1s)
#' summary(fit1,correlation=TRUE)
#' plot(recruits~stock,data=CodNorwegian,pch=19,xlim=c(0,200))
#' curve(bh1(x,a=coef(fit1)[1],b=coef(fit1)[2]),from=0,to=200,col="red",lwd=3,add=TRUE)
#' # Fitting the Ricker #3 parameterization with multiplicative errors
#' r3 <- srFuns("Ricker",param=3)
#' r3s <- srStarts(recruits~stock,data=CodNorwegian,type="Ricker",param=3)
#' fit2 <- nls(log(recruits)~log(r3(stock,a,Rp)),data=CodNorwegian,start=r3s)
#' summary(fit2,correlation=TRUE)
#' curve(r3(x,a=coef(fit2)[1],Rp=coef(fit2)[2]),from=0,to=200,col="blue",lwd=3,add=TRUE)
#' #############################################################################
#' ## Create expressions of the functions
#' #############################################################################
#' # Simple example
#' srFunShow()
#' srFunShow(plot=TRUE)
#' srFunShow("BevertonHolt",1,plot=TRUE)
#' # Get and save the expression
#' ( tmp <- srFunShow("BevertonHolt",1) )
#' # Use expression as title on a plot
#' plot(bh1(stock,a=0.5,b=0.01)~stock,type="l",ylim=c(0,50),
#'      ylab="Recruits",xlab="Spawners",main=tmp)
#' # Put expression in the main plot
#' text(800,10,tmp)
#' # Put multiple expressions on a plot
#' op <- par(mar=c(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1))
#' plot(0,type="n",xlab="",ylab="",xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,3),xaxt="n",yaxt="n")
#' text(0,2.5,"Beverton-Holt #1:",pos=4)
#' text(0.5,2.5,srFunShow("BevertonHolt",1))
#' text(0,1.5,"Ricker #2:",pos=4)
#' text(0.5,1.5,srFunShow("Ricker",2))
#' text(0,0.5,"Shepherd:",pos=4)
#' text(0.5,0.5,srFunShow("Shepherd"))
#' par(op)


#' @rdname srFuns
#' @export
srFuns <- function(type=c("BevertonHolt","Ricker","Shepherd",
                   param=1,simple=FALSE,msg=FALSE) {
  ## Define functions (internal)
  BevertonHolt1 <- function(S,a,b=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SBevertonHolt1 <- function(S,a,b) a*S/(1+b*S)
  BevertonHolt2 <- function(S,a,Rp=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { Rp <- a[[2]]; a <- a[1] }
  SBevertonHolt2 <- function(S,a,Rp) a*S/(1+a*S/Rp)
  BevertonHolt3 <- function(S,a,b=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[1] }
  SBevertonHolt3 <- function(S,a,b) S/(a+b*S)
  BevertonHolt4 <- function(S,a,Rp=NULL) {
      if (length(a)>1) { Rp <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SBevertonHolt4 <- function(S,a,Rp) S/(a+S/Rp)
  Ricker1 <- function(S,a,b=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SRicker1 <- function(S,a,b) a*S*exp(-b*S)
  Ricker2 <- function(S,a,b=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SRicker2 <- function(S,a,b) S*exp(a-b*S)
  Ricker3 <- function(S,a,Rp=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { Rp <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SRicker3 <- function(S,a,Rp) a*S*exp(-a/exp(1)*S/Rp)
  Shepherd <- function(S,a,b=NULL,c=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { c <- a[[3]]; b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SShepherd <- function(S,a,b,c) a*S/(1+(b*S)^c)
  SailaLorda <- function(S,a,b=NULL,c=NULL) {
    if (length(a)>1) { c <- a[[3]]; b <- a[[2]]; a <- a[[1]] }
  SSailaLorda <- function(S,a,b,c) a*(S^c)*exp(-b*S)
  Sindependence <- function(S,a) a*S
  independence <- function(S,a) a*S
  ## Some checks
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (length(param)!=1) STOP("Only one 'param' is allowed.")
  if (type=="BevertonHolt") {
    if (!param %in% 1:4) STOP("'param' must be in 1:4 when type='BevertonHolt'.")
    type <- paste0(type,param)
  } else if (type=="Ricker") {
    if (!param %in% 1:3) STOP("'param' must be in 1:3 when type='Ricker'.")
    type <- paste0(type,param)
  } else {
    if (param>1) WARN("Only 'param=1' is used with '",type,"' function.")
    param <- 1
  ## Messages based on type
  if (msg) {
        message("You have chosen the first parameterization of the 'Beverton-Holt' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S/(1+b*S)\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "        b = density-dependent parameter.\n")
        message("You have chosen the second parameterization of the 'Beverton-Holt' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S/(1+a*(S/Rp))\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "       Rp = peak recruitment at the asymptote.\n")
        message("You have chosen the third parameterization of the 'Beverton-Holt' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = S/(a+b*S)\n")
        message("You have chosen the fourth parameterization of the 'Beverton-Holt' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = S/(a+S/Rp)\n\n",
                "  where Rp = peak recruitment at the asymptote.\n")
        message("You have chosen the first parameterization of the 'Ricker' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S*exp(-b*S)\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "        b = density-dependent parameter.\n")
        message("You have chosen the second parameterization of the 'Ricker' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = S*exp(a-b*S)\n\n",
                "  where b = density-dependent parameter.\n")
        message("You have chosen the third parameterization of the 'Ricker' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S*exp(-a*S/(e*Rp))\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "       Rp = peak level of recruitment.\n")
        message("You have chosen the 'Shepherd' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S/(1+(b*S)^c)\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "        b = density-dependent parameter.\n",
                "        c = shape parameter.\n")
        message("You have chosen the 'Saila-Lorda' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*(S^c)*exp(-b*S)\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n",
                "        b = density-dependent parameter.\n",
                "        c = shape parameter.\n")      },
        message("You have chosen the 'density-independent' S-R function.\n\n",
                "  E[R|S] = a*S\n\n",
                "  where a = the density-independent slope near S=0.\n")      }
    )  # end type switch
  } # end if (msg)
  if (simple) type <- paste0("S",type)

#' @rdname srFuns
#' @export
srFunShow <- function(type=c("BevertonHolt","Ricker","Shepherd","SailaLorda"),
                      param=1,plot=FALSE,...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (!is.numeric(param)) STOP("'param' must be numeric.")
         BevertonHolt = { expr <- iSRS_BH(param) },
         Ricker = { expr <- iSRS_RICKER(param) },
         Shepherd = { expr <- iSRS_SHEPHERD() },
         SailaLorda = { expr <- iSRS_SL() })
  # nocov start
  if (plot) {
  } # nocov end

## Internal functions for stock-recruit function expressions
iSRS_BH <- function(param) {
  if (!param %in% 1:4) STOP("'param' must be from 1-4 when fun='BevertonHolt'.")
    expr <- expression(R==frac(aS,1+bS))
  } else if (param==2) {
    expr <- expression(R==frac(aS,1+a*~frac(S,R[p])))
  } else if (param==3) {
    expr <- expression(R==frac(S,tilde(a)+tilde(b)*S))
  } else {
    expr <- expression(R==frac(S,tilde(a)+frac(S,R[p])))

iSRS_RICKER <- function(param) {
  if (!param %in% 1:3) STOP("'param' must be from 1-3 when fun='Ricker'.")
    expr <- expression(R==aSe^{-bS})
  } else if (param==2) {
    expr <- expression(R==Se^{tilde(a)-bS})
  } else {
    expr <- expression(R==aSe^{-a*~frac(S,R[p]*~e)})

iSRS_SHEPHERD <- function() {

iSRS_SL <- function() {

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