
Defines functions faasr_check_workflow_cycle

Documented in faasr_check_workflow_cycle

#' @name faasr_check_workflow_cycle
#' @title faasr_check_workflow_cycle
#' @description 
#' Uses graph depth-first search algorithm to detect cycles
#' @param faasr list with parsed and validated Payload
#' @return graph a graph representation of the Workflow
#' @keywords internal

# workflow implementation - check loop iteratively, predecessors.
faasr_check_workflow_cycle <- function(faasr){
  # implement dfs - recursive function
  dfs <- function(start, target, stack){

    # find target in the graph's successor. If it matches, there's a loop
    if (target %in% graph[[start]]) {
	    err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_check_workflow_cycle\":\"function loop found in ',target,'\"}', "\n")

	  # add start, marking as "visited"
	  stack <- c(stack, start)

	  # set one of the successors as another "start"
	  for (func in graph[[start]]) {

	    # if new "start" has been visited, do nothing
	    if (func %in% stack) {
	    # if not, keep checking the DAG.
	    } else {
	      stack <- dfs(func, target, stack)
  # build empty lists for the graph and predecessors.
  graph <- list()

  # build the graph indicating adjacent nodes, e.g., "F1":["F2","F3"], so on.
  for (func in names(faasr$FunctionList)) {
    graph[[func]] <- faasr$FunctionList[[func]]$InvokeNext

  # check next functions of FunctionInvoke are in the function list
  for (func in names(graph)){
    for (path in graph[[func]]){
      if (!(path %in% names(faasr$FunctionList))){
        err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_check_workflow_cycle\":\"invalid next function ',path,' is found in ',func,'\"}', "\n")
  # build an empty list of stacks - this will prevent the infinite loop
  stack <- list()
  # do dfs starting with faasr$FunctionInvoke.
  dfs(faasr$FunctionInvoke, faasr$FunctionInvoke, stack)
  # call faasr_predecessors_list and get a list of function:predecessor sets.
  pre <- faasr_predecessors_list(faasr, graph)

  # find the initial function(pre==0)
  check <- TRUE
  for (func in names(faasr$FunctionList)){
    if (is.null(pre[[func]])){
      check <- FALSE
      # build an empty list of stacks - this will prevent the infinite loop
      stack <- list()
      # if it is the initial function, do dfs starting with it to find stacks.
      stack <- dfs(func, func, stack)

      # check unreachable states by comparing function list and stack
      for (func in names(faasr$FunctionList)){
        if (!(func %in% stack)){
          err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_check_workflow_cycle\":\"unreachable state is found in ',func,'\"}', "\n")
  # if there's no function having no predecessors, it means that there's a loop.
  if (check){
    err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_check_workflow_cycle\":\"function loop found: no initial node\"}', "\n")

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FaaSr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.