
Defines functions faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow faasr_workflow_invoke_openwhisk faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_create_action faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_action_lists faasr_ow_httr_request faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk

Documented in faasr_ow_httr_request faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_action_lists faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_create_action faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow faasr_workflow_invoke_openwhisk

#' @name faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk
#' @title faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk
#' @description 
#' register the workflow for openwhisk.
#' parse faasr to get the server list and actions.
#' create a actions for the FaaSr actions.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @param memory an integer for the max size of memory
#' @param timeout an integer for the max length of timeout
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk <- function(faasr, cred, ssl=TRUE, memory=1024, timeout=600, storage=NULL) {
  options(cli.progress_clear = FALSE)
  options(cli.spinner = "line")

  # create a server-action set
  action_list <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_action_lists(faasr)
  if (length(action_list)==0){

  # check servers and actions, create actions
  for (server in names(action_list)) {

    cli::cli_h1(paste0("Registering workflow for openwhisk: ", server))
      format = paste0(
        "FaaSr {pb_spin} Registering workflow openwhisk ",
        "{cli::pb_bar} {cli::pb_percent} [{pb_current}/{pb_total}]   ETA:{pb_eta}"
      format_done = paste0(
        "{col_yellow(symbol$checkbox_on)} Successfully registered actions for server {server} ",
        "in {pb_elapsed}."
      total = length(action_list[[server]]) * 2

    faasr <- faasr_replace_values(faasr, cred)

    for (act in action_list[[server]]) {
      action <- paste0("actions/", act)
      check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists(ssl, action, server, faasr)
      faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_create_action(ssl, act, server, faasr,  memory, timeout, check)
  cli_text(col_cyan("{symbol$menu} {.strong Successfully registered all openwhisk actions}"))

#' @title faasr_ow_httr_request
#' @description 
#' the help function to send the curl request to the openwhisk
#' by using the "httr" library. 
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param server a string for the target server
#' @param action a string for the target action: /actions, /triggers, /rules
#' @param type REST API values; GET/PUT/DELETE/PATCH/POST
#' @param body a list of body
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @param namespace a string for the specific namespace e.g., /whisk.system
#' @return an integer value for the response
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

# help sending httr requests
faasr_ow_httr_request <- function(faasr, server, action, type, body=list(), ssl=TRUE, namespace=NULL){

  endpoint <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$Endpoint
  if (!startsWith(endpoint, "https://")){
    endpoint <- paste0("https://", endpoint)
  if (is.null(namespace)){
    namespace <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$Namespace

  if (!is.null(faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$SSL) && length(faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$SSL)!=0){
      ssl <- as.logical(toupper(faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$SSL))
  api_key <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$API.key

  # get functions depending on "type"
  func <- get(type)
  api_key <- strsplit(api_key, ":")[[1]]

  # write headers
  headers <- c(
    'accept' = 'application/json', 
    'Content-Type' = 'application/json'

  # send the REST request(POST/GET/PUT/PATCH)
  response <- func(
    url = paste0(endpoint, "/api/v1/namespaces/", namespace, "/", action),
    authenticate(api_key[1], api_key[2]),
    add_headers(.headers = headers),
    httr::config(ssl_verifypeer = ssl, ssl_verifyhost = ssl),


#' @title faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_action_lists
#' @description 
#' Parse the faasr and get the list of function:server
#' Find actions which is using "OpenWhisk"
#' return value's key is action and value is server name.
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @return an list of "action name: server name" pairs
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_action_lists <- function(faasr) {
  # empty list
  action_list <- list()
  # for each function, iteratively collect server names and action names
  for (fn in names(faasr$FunctionList)) {
    server_name <- faasr$FunctionList[[fn]]$FaaSServer
    # if FaaStype is Openwhisk, add it to the list
    if (is.null(faasr$ComputeServers[[server_name]]$FaaSType)){
      err_msg <- paste0("Invalid server:", server_name," check server type")
    if (faasr$ComputeServers[[server_name]]$FaaSType == "OpenWhisk") {
      action_name <- fn
      action_list[[server_name]] <- unique(c(action_list[[server_name]],action_name))

#' @title faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists
#' @description 
#' Check the remote repository is existing on the openwhisk
#' by sending the GET request.
#' If it exists, return TRUE, doesn't exist, return FALSE
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @param action a string for the target action: /actions, /triggers, /rules
#' @param server a string for the target server
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @return a logical value; if exists, return TRUE, 
#' doesn't exist, return FALSE
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists <- function(ssl, action, server, faasr){
  response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="GET", ssl=ssl)
  if (response$status_code==200){
    succ_msg <- paste0("Check ",action," exists: TRUE - Found")
  } else if (response$status_code==404){
    alert_msg <- paste0("Check ",action," exists: FALSE - Create New")
  } else {
    err_msg <- paste0("Check ",action," exists Error: ", content(response)$error)

#' @title faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input
#' @description 
#' Ask user input for the openwhisk
#' @param check a logical value for target existence
#' @param actionname a string for the target action name
#' @param type a string for the action type; actions/triggers/rules
#' @return a logical value for the overwrite
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input <- function(check, actionname, type){
  # if given values already exists, ask the user to update the action
  if (check){
    cli_alert_info(paste0("Do you want to update the ",type,"?[y/n]"))

    while(TRUE) {
      check <- readline()
      if (check=="y" || check=="") {
        overwrite <- "true"
      } else if(check=="n") {
      } else {
        cli_alert_warning("Enter \"y\" or \"n\": ")
  } else {
    overwrite <- "false"

#' @title faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_create_action
#' @description 
#' Create an action
#' if it already exists and user wants, update the action
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @param actionname a string for the target action name
#' @param server a string for the target server
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param memory an integer for the max size of memory
#' @param timeout an integer for the max length of timeout
#' @param check a logical value for target existence
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

# create an action
faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_create_action <- function(ssl, actionname, server, faasr, memory, timeout, check) {
  overwrite <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input(check, actionname, type="action")
  if (overwrite == "true"){
    action_performed <- "Update"
  } else{
    action_performed <- "Create"

  # actioncontainer can be either default or user-customized
  if (length(faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]])==0 || faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]] == "") {
    actioncontainer <- "faasr/openwhisk-tidyverse:latest"
  } else {
    actioncontainer <- faasr$ActionContainers[[actionname]]
  # create a function with maximum timeout and 512MB memory space

  body <- list(
    exec = list(
      kind = "blackbox",
      image = actioncontainer
    limits = list(
      timeout = as.numeric(timeout)*1000,
      memory = as.numeric(memory)

  action <- paste0("actions/", actionname, "?overwrite=", overwrite)
  response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="PUT", body=body, ssl)
  if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
    succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully ", action_performed," the function - ", actionname)
  } else {
    err_msg <- paste0("Error  ", action_performed," the function - ", actionname,": ",content(response)$error)

#' @title faasr_workflow_invoke_openwhisk
#' @description 
#' Invoke a workflow for the openwhisk
#' this function is invoked by faasr_workflow_invoke
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param faas_name a string for the target server
#' @param actionname a string for the target action name
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

faasr_workflow_invoke_openwhisk <- function(faasr, cred, faas_name, actionname, ssl=TRUE){

  action <- paste0("actions/", actionname, "?blocking=false&result=false")
  faasr <- faasr_replace_values(faasr, cred)
  body <- faasr
  response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, faas_name, action, type="POST", body=body, ssl)
  if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
    succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully invoke the function - ", actionname, ", activation ID: ", content(response)$activationId)
  } else {
    err_msg <- paste0("Error invoke the function - ", actionname,": ",content(response)$error)


#' @title faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow
#' @description 
#' # set/unset workflow cron timer for openwhisk
#' @param faasr a list form of the JSON file
#' @param cred a list form of the credentials
#' @param target a string for the target action
#' @param cron a string for cron data e.g., */5 * * * *
#' @param unset a logical value; set timer(FALSE) or unset timer(TRUE)
#' @param ssl SSL CA check; for the SSL certificate: FALSE
#' @import httr
#' @import cli
#' @keywords internal

# set workflow timer for openwhisk
faasr_set_workflow_timer_ow <- function(faasr, cred, target, cron, unset=FALSE, ssl=TRUE){

  # set variables
  server <- faasr$FunctionList[[target]]$FaaSServer
  trigger_name <- paste0(target,"_trigger")
  rule_name <- paste0(target,"_rule")
  api_key <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$API.key
  namespace <- faasr$ComputeServers[[server]]$Namespace

  # json should get out two layers, so escaping letter should be twice
  faasr <- faasr_replace_values(faasr, cred)
  # if unset==TRUE, delete the rule and trigger
  if (unset==TRUE){
    action <- paste0("triggers/", trigger_name) 
    check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists(ssl, action, server,faasr)
    overwrite <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_user_input(check, trigger_name, type="trigger")
    if (overwrite == "true"){
      action_performed <- "Create"
    } else{
      action_performed <- "Update"

    action <- paste0(action, "?overwrite=",overwrite)
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="PUT", ssl)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully ", action_performed," the trigger - ", trigger_name)
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error  ", action_performed," the trigger - ", trigger_name,": ",content(response)$error)

    ## fire the alarm
    namespace_system <- "whisk.system"
    action <- paste0("actions/alarms/alarm?blocking=false&result=false")
    body <- list(
      authKey = api_key,
      cron = cron,
      trigger_payload = faasr,
      lifecycleEvent = "CREATE",
      triggerName = trigger_name
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="POST", body=body, ssl, namespace=namespace_system)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully fire the alarm")
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error fire the alarm: ",content(response)$error)

    # check the rule
    action <- paste0("rules/", rule_name) 
    check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists(ssl, action, server,faasr)
    overwrite <- "true"
    # create the rule
    action <- paste0(action, "?overwrite=",overwrite)
    body <- list(
      name = rule_name,
      status = "",
      trigger = paste0("/", namespace, "/", trigger_name),
      action = paste0("/", namespace, "/", target)
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="PUT", body=body, ssl)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully ", action_performed," the rule - ", rule_name)
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error  ", action_performed," the rule - ", rule_name,": ",content(response)$error)

  # if unset=FALSE, set the rule and trigger
  } else {
    action <- paste0("triggers/", trigger_name) 
    check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists(ssl, action, server,faasr)
    if (!check){
      err_msg <- paste0("Error: No ",trigger_name," found")
    ## stop the alarm
    namespace <- "whisk.system"
    action <- paste0("actions/alarms/alarm?blocking=false&result=false")
    body <- list(
      authKey = api_key,
      lifecycleEvent = "DELETE",
      triggerName = trigger_name
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="POST", body=body, ssl, namespace=namespace)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully Stop the alarm")
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error Stop the alarm: ",content(response)$error)

    # delete the trigger
    action <- paste0("triggers/", trigger_name) 
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="DELETE", ssl)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully Delete the trigger - ", trigger_name)
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error Delete the trigger - ", trigger_name,": ",content(response)$error)

    # check the rule
    action <- paste0("rules/", rule_name) 
    check <- faasr_register_workflow_openwhisk_check_exists(ssl, action, server,faasr)
    if (!check){
      err_msg <- paste0("Error: No ",rule_name," found")
    # disable the rule
    action <- paste0(action, "?overwrite=true")
    body <- list(
      status = "inactive",
      trigger = "null",
      action = "null"
    response <- faasr_ow_httr_request(faasr, server, action, type="POST", body=body, ssl)
    ####response handling: status code
    if (response$status_code==200 || response$status_code==202){
      succ_msg <- paste0("Successfully Delete the rule - ", rule_name)
    } else {
      err_msg <- paste0("Error Delete the rule - ", rule_name,": ",content(response)$error)

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FaaSr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.