
Defines functions faasr_put_file

Documented in faasr_put_file

#' @name faasr_put_file
#' @title faasr_put_file
#' @description 
#' Helper function to upload a file from a local Action folder to an S3 bucket
#' @param server_name string with name of the S3 bucket to use; must match a name declared in the faasr list
#' @param local_folder string with the name of the local folder where the file to be uploaded resides
#' @param local_file string with the name of the local file to be uploaded
#' @param remote_folder string with the name of the remote folder where the file is to be uploaded to
#' @param remote_file string with the name for the file once uploaded to the S3 bucket
#' @return return nothing / put the file into the bucket
#' @importFrom "paws.storage" "s3"
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # This function can be run only in the container
#' if (interactive()){
#' faasr_put_file("local_folder", "local_file", "remote_folder", "remote_file")
#' }


# Default server_name is Logging Server, default remote folder name is empty ("") and 
# local folder name is current directory(".")
faasr_put_file <- function(server_name=.faasr$DefaultDataStore, local_folder=".", local_file, remote_folder="", remote_file) {

  # Check that an S3 server_name has been defined
  # If not, log an error and abort
  if (server_name %in% names(.faasr$DataStores)) {
  } else {
    err_msg <- paste0('{\"faasr_put_file\":\"Invalid data server name: ',server_name,'\"}', "\n")

  target_s3 <- .faasr$DataStores[[server_name]]

  # Remove "/" in the folder & file name to avoid situations:
  # 1: duplicated "/" ("/remote/folder/", "/file_name") 
  # 2: multiple "/" by user mistakes ("//remote/folder//", "file_name")
  # 3: file_name ended with "/" ("/remote/folder", "file_name/")
  remote_folder <- sub("^/+", "", sub("/+$", "", remote_folder))
  remote_file <- sub("^/+", "", sub("/+$", "", remote_file))
  put_file_s3 <- paste0(remote_folder, "/", remote_file)

  # Check the situation that local_path is not defined and local_folder is defined as an absoulte path.
  if (local_folder=="." && local_file == normalizePath(local_file)){
    local_folder <- dirname(local_file)
    put_file <- local_file
  # If not, takes same way with remote folder & file
  } else{
    local_folder <- sub("^/+", "", sub("/+$", "", local_folder))
    local_file <- sub("^/+", "", sub("/+$", "", local_file))
    put_file <- paste0(local_folder,"/",local_file)
  s3 <- paws.storage::s3(
  result <- s3$put_object(Body=put_file, Key=put_file_s3, Bucket=target_s3$Bucket)

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FaaSr documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:38 a.m.