
Defines functions simfam_tvc

Documented in simfam_tvc

simfam_tvc <-
function(N.fam, design="pop", variation="none", interaction=FALSE, 
         add.x = FALSE, x.dist = NULL, x.parms = NULL, depend=NULL, 
         add.tvc = FALSE, tvc.type = "PE", tvc.range = NULL, tvc.parms = 1,
         base.dist="Weibull", frailty.dist=NULL, 
         base.parms=c(0.016, 3), vbeta = c(1, 1), 
         allelefreq=0.02, dominant.m=TRUE, dominant.s=TRUE, mrate=0, hr=0, 
         probandage=c(45, 2), agemin = 20, agemax = 100)
if(!is.element(variation, c("none", "frailty", "secondgene", "kinship"))) stop("Unrecognized variation; variation should be one of none, frailty, kinship, or secondgene.")

if(!is.element(tvc.type, c("PE", "CO"))) stop("Unrecognized tvc.type; tvc.type should be either PE or CO.") 
if(tvc.type == "PE" & length(tvc.parms)!=1) warning("The first elememnt of tvc.parms is used.")
if(tvc.type == "CO" & length(tvc.parms)!=3) warning("tvc.parms should be a vector of length 3.")
  if(is.null(tvc.range)) tvc.range <- c(agemin, agemax)
  else if(tvc.range[1] < agemin) tvc.range[1] <- agemin

if(agemin >= agemax) stop("agemax should be greater than agemin.")

if(!is.element(base.dist, c("Weibull", "loglogistic", "Gompertz", "lognormal", "logBurr"))) 
  stop("Unrecognized base.dist; base.dist should be one of \"Weibull\", \"loglogistic\", \"Gompertz\", \"lognormal\", or \"logBurr\". ")
 if(frailty.dist != "lognormal") stop("frailty.dist should be \"lognormal\" when variation=\"kinship\". ")
  if(is.null(depend)) stop("depend should be specified when variation=\"kinship\". ")
  else if(depend < 0) stop("depend should be > 0.")
else if(variation=="frailty"){
  if(!any(frailty.dist==c("lognormal",  "gamma"))) stop("Unrecognized frailty distribution; frailty.dist should be either \"gamma\" or \"lognormal\". ")
  if(is.null(depend)) stop("depend should be specified when variation=\"frailty\". ")
  if(depend <= 0) stop("depend should be > 0")
else if(variation == "secondgene"){
  if(!is.null(frailty.dist) ) stop("frailty.dist should be NULL when variation=\"secondgene\". ")
  if(!is.null(depend)) stop("depend should be specified as NULL when variation=\"secondgene\". ")
else if(variation == "none"){
  if(!is.null(frailty.dist) ) stop("frailty.dist should be NULL when variation=\"none\". ")
  if(!is.null(depend)) stop("depend should be specified as NULL when variation=\"none\". ")

nvbeta = 2 + (variation=="secondgene") + interaction + add.x
if(length(vbeta) != nvbeta) stop(paste("vbeta should be a vector of length", nvbeta))

if(base.dist=="logBurr" & length(base.parms)!=3) stop("base.parms should be a vector of length 3")
else if(base.dist!="logBurr" & length(base.parms)!=2) stop("base.parms should be a vector of length 2")

if(design=="pop") {affectnum=1; m.carrier=0}
else if(design=="pop+"){affectnum=1; m.carrier=1}
else if(design=="cli") {affectnum=3; m.carrier=0}
else if(design=="cli+"){affectnum=3; m.carrier=1}
else if(design=="twostage"){
	affectnum = 2
	m.carrier = 0 #proband is not necessary to be a carrier.
	if(hr==0) stop("Please specify the sampling rate of high risk families (0 < hr < 1)")
	else if(hr>1 | hr <0) stop("hr should be between 0 and 1 (0 < hr < 1)")
else if(design == "noasc"){affectnum=0; m.carrier=0}
else stop("Unrecognized design; should be one of pop, pop+, cli, cli+, twostage, or noasc")  

dat <- data.frame(familyDesign_tvc(n=N.fam, affectnum=affectnum, m.carrier=m.carrier, variation=variation,
        interaction=interaction, add.x=add.x, x.dist=x.dist, x.parms=x.parms, depend=depend, 
        add.tvc = add.tvc, tvc.type = tvc.type, tvc.range=tvc.range, tvc.parms = tvc.parms,
        base.dist=base.dist, frailty.dist=frailty.dist,
        base.parms=base.parms, vbeta=vbeta, allelefreq=allelefreq, dominant.m=dominant.m, dominant.s=dominant.s, 
        mrate=mrate, probandage=probandage, agemin=agemin, agemax=agemax))

if(hr==0) dat$weight <- 1 #one stage sampling
else { # Two stage sampling 
	if(design!="twostage") stop ("hr can be used only with twostage design" )
  en.hr <- round(hr*N.fam)  # expected number of high risk families 
  en.lr <- N.fam - en.hr	# expected number of low risk families
  datp <- dat[dat$proband==1,]
  n.hr <- sum(datp$naff>2) # number of high risk families in the simulated families
	fam.id <- datp$famID 
	lfam.id <- fam.id[datp$naff<3] # family IDs of low risk families
	hfam.id <- fam.id[datp$naff>2] # family IDs of high risk families 

	if(length(lfam.id) < en.lr)	id <- lfam.id 
	else id <- sample(lfam.id, en.lr, replace=FALSE) # sampled low risk families
	n.more <- ifelse(en.hr < n.hr, 0, en.hr-n.hr)
	# dat2: additinal high risk families to generate

	dat1 <- dat[is.element(dat$famID, c(id, hfam.id)), ]
	dat2 <- data.frame(familyDesign_tvc(n=n.more, affectnum=3, m.carrier=m.carrier, variation=variation,
			interaction=interaction, add.x = add.x, x.dist = x.dist, x.parms = x.parms, depend=depend, 
			add.tvc = add.tvc, tvc.type = tvc.type, tvc.range=tvc.range, tvc.parms = tvc.parms,
			base.dist=base.dist, frailty.dist=frailty.dist,
      base.parms=base.parms, vbeta=vbeta, allelefreq=allelefreq, 
			dominant.m=dominant.m, dominant.s=dominant.s, 
			mrate=mrate, probandage=probandage, agemin=agemin, agemax=agemax))

	dat <- rbind(dat1, dat2)
	samrate <- en.lr/(N.fam-n.hr)/(en.hr/n.hr) 
	# samrate=sampling rate for low risk families when we fix sampling rate for high risk as 1
	# Eg: Suppose we want to include 30% high risk families i.e. HR: LR = 30:70
	# From random sampling, HR:LR ratio is 15:85
	# As we fix sampling rate for HR families as 1, the sampling rate for LR families should be (70/30) / (85/15) 

	dat$weight <- ifelse(dat$naff>2, 1, samrate) 
	# weight=1 for HR families and Weight=1/samrate for LR families


#dat <- dat[dat$currentage>agemin, ]
#fsize <- aggregate(dat$time, by=list(dat$famID), length)[,2]
#dat$fsize <- rep(fsize, fsize)

attr(dat, "design") <- design
attr(dat, "variation") <- variation
attr(dat, "interaction") <- interaction
attr(dat, "frailty.dist") <- frailty.dist
attr(dat, "base.dist") <- base.dist
attr(dat, "base.parms") <- base.parms
attr(dat, "vbeta") <- vbeta
attr(dat, "n.fam") <- N.fam
attr(dat, "agemin") <- agemin

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FamEvent documentation built on July 3, 2024, 5:07 p.m.