
Defines functions PsyConstraintCombine

Documented in PsyConstraintCombine

PsyConstraintCombine <- function(fac.level,ord.fac, Gorder, indTwo=NULL, indThree=NULL){

    PsyIJfunction <- function(i,j,type.ind,plus,fac.level,ord.fac,Gorder, indTwo, indThree){
        plus.t <- ifelse(plus==TRUE,1,0)
        ## Actually, level.vec will do the most work to keep track of names
        levelIndex <- CreatelevelIndex(fac.level=fac.level,ord.fac=ord.fac,
                                       Gorder=Gorder, indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
        Fac.index <- levelIndex[,regexpr("Fac",colnames(levelIndex))>0]
        use.ind <-  (levelIndex$plus==plus.t)*(levelIndex$dif==1)*(Fac.index[,type.ind]==2)
        ## Here we keep track of all factors and factor interactions related to "type.ind". 
        Index.use <- levelIndex[use.ind==1,]
        Fac.Ind.use <- Fac.index[use.ind==1,]
        Index.ind <- seq(1:nrow(levelIndex))[use.ind==1]

        mainlevel <- fac.level[type.ind]
        ordMain <- ord.fac[type.ind]
        ## Create the Basline Vectors
            level.comb <- combn(seq(from=1,to=mainlevel),2)
            ind.c <- which(((level.comb[1,]==i) * (level.comb[2,]==j))==1)
            base <- rep(0,times=((mainlevel)*(mainlevel-1)/2))
            base[ind.c] <- 1
        }else if(ordMain==TRUE){
            base <- rep(0,times=(mainlevel-1))
            base[i] <- 1

        ## First Row (Main Effects)
        left.n.col1 <- sum(levelIndex$length[1:(Index.ind[1]-1)])
        right.n.col1 <- sum(levelIndex$length[(Index.ind[1]+1):nrow(levelIndex)])
            PsyIJ <- c(rep(0,left.n.col1),base,rep(0,right.n.col1))
            PsyIJ <- c(rep(0,left.n.col1),base)
        ## ############################ 
        ## For Two-way and Three-way
        ## ############################ 
        ## Create Sublevel Matrix
            Fac.sub <-t(t(Fac.Ind.use==1) * fac.level)
            sublevel <- rep(0,times=nrow(Fac.Ind.use))
            for(z in 2:nrow(Index.use)){
                sublevel[z] <- prod(Fac.sub[z,][Fac.sub[z,]!=0])
            ## The base matrix for each set of coefficients
            Base.P.list <- list()
            for(z in 1:nrow(Index.use)){
                    Base.P.list[[z]] <- t(base) %x% diag(sublevel[z])
                    Base.P.list[[z]] <- base

            ## Gather (Two way Effects)
            ## Need to make this generalizable
            ## I need to refer to the LevelIndex 
            for(p in 2:length(Base.P.list)){
                left.n.col <- sum(levelIndex$length[1:(Index.ind[p]-1)])
                Pb.left <- matrix(0,ncol=left.n.col,nrow=nrow(Base.P.list[[p]]))
                    right.n.col <- sum(levelIndex$length[(Index.ind[p]+1):nrow(levelIndex)])         
                    Pb.right <- matrix(0,ncol=right.n.col,nrow=nrow(Base.P.list[[p]]))
                    Pb <- cbind(Pb.left, Base.P.list[[p]],Pb.right)
                }else if(nrow(levelIndex)==(1+Index.ind[p])){
                    Pb <- cbind(Pb.left, Base.P.list[[p]],
                }else if(nrow(levelIndex)==(Index.ind[p])){
                    Pb <- cbind(Pb.left, Base.P.list[[p]])
                PsyIJ <- rbind(PsyIJ,Pb)
            ## Add a column for Mu.
            PsyIJ <- cbind(0, PsyIJ)
            ## No interaction case
            ## Add a column for Mu.
            PsyIJ <- matrix(c(0, PsyIJ), nrow=1)

    ## a <- PsyConstraint(type.ind=3,fac.level,ord.fac)

    ## Turn PhyMatrix Intro Constraint Form
    PsyConstraintFunction <- function(type.ind,fac.level,ord.fac,Gorder,
                                      indTwo, indThree){
        ## Main Job is to combine PsyIJ and Matrix for slack variables
        levelIndex <- CreatelevelIndex(fac.level,ord.fac, Gorder,indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
        coef.length <- sum(levelIndex$length)
        coef.length.mu <- coef.length + 1
        l.slack <- lengthSlack(fac.level=fac.level,ord.fac=ord.fac)$l.slack
        slack.full <- lengthSlack(fac.level=fac.level,ord.fac=ord.fac)$length.full
        mainlevel <- fac.level[type.ind]
        ordMain <- ord.fac[type.ind]
            jump <- cumsum(slack.full)[(type.ind-1)]
            jump <- 0
        PsyFinal <- matrix(0,nrow=0,ncol=(coef.length.mu+l.slack))

            for(i in 1:(mainlevel-1)){    
                for(j in (i+1):mainlevel){
                    PijPlus <- PsyIJfunction(i=i,j=j,type.ind=type.ind,plus=TRUE,
                                             Gorder=Gorder, indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
                    PijMinus <- PsyIJfunction(i=i,j=j,type.ind=type.ind,plus=FALSE,
                                              Gorder=Gorder,indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)                
                    Pij <- PijPlus + PijMinus
                    ## Create Matrix for Slack variables
                    base <- rep(0,times=l.slack)
                    level.comb <- combn(seq(from=1,to=mainlevel),2)
                    ind <- which(((level.comb[1,]==i) * (level.comb[2,]==j))==1)
                    ind.use <- ind + jump
                    base[ind.use] <- 1
                    PsySlackIJ <- t(base %x% t(rep(1,times=nrow(Pij))))
                    PsyFinalIJ <- cbind(Pij, -PsySlackIJ)
                    PsyFinal <- rbind(PsyFinal,PsyFinalIJ)
        }else if(ordMain==TRUE){
            for(i in 1:(mainlevel-1)){    
                PijPlus <- PsyIJfunction(i=i,j=(i+1),type.ind=type.ind,plus=TRUE,
                                         Gorder=Gorder,indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
                PijMinus <- PsyIJfunction(i=i,j=(i+1),type.ind=type.ind,plus=FALSE,
                                          Gorder=Gorder,indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
                Pij <- PijPlus + PijMinus
                ## Create Matrix for Slack variables
                base <- rep(0,times=l.slack)
                ind <- i
                ind.use <- ind + jump
                base[ind.use] <- 1
                PsySlackIJ <- t(base %x% t(rep(1,times=nrow(Pij))))                      
                PsyFinalIJ <- cbind(Pij, -PsySlackIJ)
                PsyFinal <- rbind(PsyFinal,PsyFinalIJ)
    n.fac <- length(fac.level)
    levelIndex <- CreatelevelIndex(fac.level,ord.fac,Gorder,indTwo=indTwo, indThree=indThree)
    coef.length <- sum(levelIndex$length)
    coef.length.mu <- coef.length + 1    
    l.slack <- lengthSlack(fac.level=fac.level,ord.fac=ord.fac)$l.slack
    PsyConstraintF <- matrix(0, ncol=(coef.length.mu+l.slack),nrow=0)
    for(psy in 1:n.fac){
        Psy.temp <- PsyConstraintFunction(type.ind=psy,fac.level=fac.level,ord.fac=ord.fac,
                                          Gorder=Gorder, indTwo=indTwo,indThree=indThree)
        PsyConstraintF <- rbind(PsyConstraintF, Psy.temp)

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