
Defines functions asymmetric.identities rangeplot.asymmetric

Documented in rangeplot.asymmetric

#' Make an asymmetric stratigraphic range plot from a tree object of class phylo
#' @param x phylo object to plot.
#' @param complete Plot unsampled species.
#' @param ... Additional parameters to be passed to \code{plot.default}.
#' @examples
#' tree = sim.fbd.taxa(n = 10, numbsim = 1, lambda = 3, mu = 2, psi = 1, complete = TRUE)[[1]]
#' rangeplot.asymmetric(tree, complete=TRUE)
#' @note
#' This function assumes all speciation events are asymmetric.
#' @export
rangeplot.asymmetric <- function(x, complete = FALSE, ...){
  if("phylo" %in% class(x))
    if("SAtree" %in% class(x)) cc<-x$complete
    x = SAtree(untangle(x), cc)
  else stop(paste('object "',class(x),'" is not of class "phylo"',sep=""))

  sa.labels <- x$tip.label[x$edge[which(x$edge.length == 0),2]]

  # collapse sampled ancestor tips into 2-degree nodes
  tree.sa <- ape::drop.tip(x, sa.labels, collapse.singles=F)

  node.ages <- n.ages(tree.sa)
  origin.age <- max(node.ages)
  if(!is.null(x$root.edge)) origin.age <- origin.age + x$root.edge

  node.species <- asymmetric.identities(tree.sa)

  tips <- 1:length(tree.sa$tip.label)
  sa.nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(table(tree.sa$edge[,1])==1)))
  fossil.tips <- as.numeric(which(node.ages[tips]>1e-7))

  # if we are plotting only sampled species
  # prune unsampled species tips
  if(x$complete && complete == FALSE){
    unsampled.species <- node.species[fossil.tips][which(!(node.species[fossil.tips] %in% node.species[sa.nodes]))]
    unsampled.labels <- tree.sa$tip.label[which(node.species[tips] %in% unsampled.species)]

    tree.sa <- ape::drop.tip(x, unsampled.labels)
    tree.sa <- ape::drop.tip(tree.sa, sa.labels, collapse.singles=F)

    node.ages <- n.ages(tree.sa)
    node.species <- asymmetric.identities(tree.sa)

    tips <- 1:length(tree.sa$tip.label)
    sa.nodes <- as.numeric(names(which(table(tree.sa$edge[,1])==1)))
    fossil.tips <- as.numeric(which(node.ages[tips]>1e-7))
  tree <- tree.sa
  tree$root.edge <- origin.age - max(node.ages)

  species <- unique(node.species)
  num.species <- length(species)
  extant.tips <- as.numeric(which(node.ages[tips]<=1e-7))

  root   <- length(tips)+1
  origin <- tree$Nnode+length(tips)+1

  node.ages[origin] <- origin.age
  tree$edge <- rbind(tree$edge, c(origin,root))

  # find bi, di
  bi <- sapply(species, function(x) max(node.ages[tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,2] %in% which(node.species==x)),1]]))
  di <- sapply(species, function(x) min(node.ages[which(node.species==x)]))

  # get sampled nodes
  sampled.nodes <- c(sa.nodes, extant.tips)
  if( !tree$complete ) sampled.nodes <- c(sampled.nodes, fossil.tips)

  sampled.ages<-function(x) {
    ret <- c()
    sampled_species_nodes <- which(sampled.nodes %in% which(node.species==x))
    if( length(sampled_species_nodes) > 0 )
      ret <- node.ages[sampled.nodes[sampled_species_nodes]]

  # find oi, yi
  oi <- c()
  yi <- c()
  ra.sp <- c()

  sa.age <- c()
  sa.sp <- c()
  for( s in 1:num.species ) {
    x <- species[s]
    ages <- sampled.ages(x)
    if( length( ages ) > 0 ) {
      min.age <- min(ages)
      max.age <- max(ages)

      oi <- c(oi, max(ages))
      yi <- c(yi, min(ages))
      ra.sp <- c(ra.sp, s)

      sa.age <- c(sa.age, min.age, max.age)
      sa.sp <- c(sa.sp, s, s)

  # find last sampled age for each species
  pdi <- di

  is.sampled<-function(node) {
    ret <- node %in% sampled.nodes

    desc <- tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1] == node), 2]
    for(d in desc) {
      s <- is.sampled(d)
        pdi[which(species==node.species[d])] <<- node.ages[node]
      ret <- ret || s


  # find the index distance between
  # each birth time and its parent
  anc_branch <- function(x) {
    ret <- numeric(length(x))
    for(i in 1:length(x))
      a <- which(x > x[i])
      a <- a[a < i]
      if( length(a) == 0 )

  anc <- anc_branch(bi)

  y <- 1:num.species

  # get species coordinates
  # lineages with sampled descendants
  i.s   <- which(bi != pdi)
  bi.s  <- bi[i.s]
  di.s  <- di[i.s]
  pdi.s <- pdi[i.s]
  y.s   <- y[i.s]
  anc.s <- anc[i.s]
  # lineages with no sampled descendants
  i.u   <- which(bi == pdi)
  bi.u  <- bi[i.u]
  di.u  <- di[i.u]
  y.u   <- y[i.u]
  anc.u <- anc[i.u]

  # if we're only plotting lineages with sampled descendants
  # condense the coordinates
  if(complete == FALSE || length(i.u) == 0){
    bi <- bi.s
    di <- di.s
    anc.s <- anc_branch(bi.s)

    y.s.new <- order(y.s)

    y.map <- y
    y.map[y.s] <- y.s.new

    ra.sp <- y.map[ra.sp]
    sa.sp <- y.map[sa.sp]


  # actually do the plotting
  # make empty plot

  if( complete ){
    # plot bifurcations with no sampled descendants
    segments(bi.u,y.u,bi.u,y.u-anc.u, lty=3)
    # plot lineages with no sampled descendants
  # plot bifurcations with sampled descendants
  # plot lineages with sampled descendants

  # plot sampled ranges
  w <- 0.1
  rect(oi, ra.sp+w, yi, ra.sp-w,col=rgb(0,0,1,0.2))
  # plot sampled points
  points(sa.age, sa.sp, cex=16/num.species, pch=18)

# Sample asymmetric lineages from a tree object
# @param tree Phylo object.
# @return
# Vector of asymmetric edge labels.
# @examples
# t<-ape::rtree(6)
# asymmetric.identities(t)

  parents = rep(0, length(tree$tip.label)+tree$Nnode)
  # identify the root
  parents[root] = root

  aux = function(node, par) {
    desc = tree$edge[which(tree$edge[,1] == node), 2]
    if(length(desc) == 0) return(par)
    par[desc[1]] = par[node]
    par = aux(desc[1], par)
    par[desc[2]] = desc[2]
    par = aux(desc[2], par)

  parents = aux(root, parents)

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FossilSim documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:37 a.m.