#' @name MLDF
#' @aliases MLDF
#' @title Multinomial logistic estimator under dual frame approach with auxiliary information from each frame
#' @description Produces estimates for class totals and proportions using multinomial logistic regression from survey data obtained
#'  from a dual frame sampling design using a model assisted approach with a possibly different set of auxiliary variables for each frame. Confidence intervals are 
#'  also computed, if required.
#' @usage MLDF (ysA, ysB, pik_A, pik_B, domains_A, domains_B, xsA, xsB, xA, xB, ind_samA, 
#'  ind_samB, ind_domA, ind_domB, N, conf_level = NULL)
#' @param ysA A data frame containing information about one or more factors, each one of dimension \eqn{n_A}, collected from \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param ysB A data frame containing information about one or more factors, each one of dimension \eqn{n_B}, collected from \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param pik_A A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_A} containing first order inclusion probabilities for units included in \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param pik_B A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_B} containing first order inclusion probabilities for units included in \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param domains_A A character vector of size \eqn{n_A} indicating the domain each unit from \eqn{s_A} belongs to. Possible values are "a" and "ab".
#' @param domains_B A character vector of size \eqn{n_B} indicating the domain each unit from \eqn{s_B} belongs to. Possible values are "b" and "ba".
#' @param xsA A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_A} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{n_A} x \eqn{m_A}, with \eqn{m_A} the number of auxiliary variables in frame A, containing auxiliary information in frame A for units included in \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param xsB A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_B} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{n_B} x \eqn{m_B}, with \eqn{m_B} the number of auxiliary variables in frame B, containing auxiliary information in frame B for units included in \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param xA A numeric vector or length \eqn{N_A} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{N_A} x \eqn{m_A}, with \eqn{m_A} the number of auxiliary variables in frame A, containing auxiliary information for the units in frame A.
#' @param xB A numeric vector or length \eqn{N_B} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{N_B} x \eqn{m_B}, with \eqn{m_B} the number of auxiliary variables in frame B, containing auxiliary information for the units in frame B.
#' @param ind_samA A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_A} containing the identificators of units of the frame A (from 1 to \eqn{N_A}) that belongs to \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param ind_samB A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_B} containing the identificators of units of the frame B (from 1 to \eqn{N_B}) that belongs to \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param ind_domA A character vector of length \eqn{N_A} indicating the domain each unit from frame A belongs to. Possible values are "a" and "ab".
#' @param ind_domB A character vector of length \eqn{N_B} indicating the domain each unit from frame B belongs to. Possible values are "b" and "ba".
#' @param N A numeric value indicating the size of the population.
#' @param conf_level (Optional) A numeric value indicating the confidence level for the confidence intervals, if desired.
#' @details Multinomial logistic estimator in dual frame using auxiliary information from each frame for a proportion is given by
#'  \deqn{\hat{P}_{MLi}^{DF} = \frac{1}{N} \left(\sum_{k \in U_a} p_{ki}^A + \eta \sum_{k \in U_{ab}} p_{ki}^A + (1 - \eta) \sum_{k \in U_{ba}} p_{ki}^B + \sum_{k \in U_b} p_{ki}^B \right.}
#'  \deqn{+ \sum_{k \in s_a} d_k^A (z_{ki} - p_{ki}^A) + \eta \sum_{k \in s_{ab}} d_k^A (z_{ki} - p_{ki}^A)}
#'  \deqn{\left. + (1 - \eta) \sum_{k \in s_{ba}} d_k^B (z_{ki} - p_{ki}^B) + \sum_{k \in s_b} d_k^B (z_{ki} - p_{ki}^B)\right), \hspace{0.3cm} i = 1,...,m}
#'  with \eqn{\eta \in (0,1)}, \eqn{m} the number of categories of the response variable, \eqn{z_i} the indicator variable for the i-th category of the response variable,
#'  \eqn{d^A} and \eqn{d^B} the design weights for each frame, defined as the inverse of the first order inclusion probabilities and
#' \deqn{p_{ki}^A = \frac{exp(x_k^{'}\beta_i^A)}{\sum_{r=1}^m exp(x_k^{'}\beta_r^A)},}
#' being \eqn{\beta_i^A} the maximum likelihood parameters of the multinomial logistic model considering weights \eqn{d^A}. \eqn{p_{ki}^B} can be defined similarly.
#' @return \code{MLDF} returns an object of class "MultEstimatorDF" which is a list with, at least, the following components:
#'  \item{Call}{the matched call.}
#'  \item{Est}{class frequencies and proportions estimations for main variable(s).}
#' @references Molina, D., Rueda, M., Arcos, A. and Ranalli, M. G. (2015)
#'  \emph{Multinomial logistic estimation in dual frame surveys}
#'  Statistics and Operations Research Transactions (SORT). To be printed.
#' @references Lehtonen, R. and Veijanen, A. (1998) 
#'  \emph{On multinomial logistic generalizaed regression estimators}
#'  Technical report 22, Department of Statistics, University of Jyvaskyla. 
#' @seealso \code{\link{JackMLDF}}
#' @examples
#' data(DatMA)
#' data(DatMB)
#' data(DatPopM) 
#' N <- nrow(DatPopM)
#' levels(DatPopM$Domain) <- c(levels(DatPopM$Domain), "ba")
#' DatPopMA <- subset(DatPopM, DatPopM$Domain == "a" | DatPopM$Domain == "ab", stringAsFactors = FALSE)
#' DatPopMB <- subset(DatPopM, DatPopM$Domain == "b" | DatPopM$Domain == "ab", stringAsFactors = FALSE)
#' DatPopMB[DatPopMB$Domain == "ab",]$Domain <- "ba"
#' #Let calculate proportions of categories of variable Prog using MLDF estimator
#' #using Read as auxiliary variable
#' MLDF(DatMA$Prog, DatMB$Prog, DatMA$ProbA, DatMB$ProbB, DatMA$Domain, DatMB$Domain, 
#' DatMA$Read, DatMB$Read, DatPopMA$Read, DatPopMB$Read, DatMA$Id_Frame, DatMB$Id_Frame, 
#' DatPopMA$Domain, DatPopMB$Domain, N)
#' #Let obtain 95% confidence intervals together with the estimations
#' MLDF(DatMA$Prog, DatMB$Prog, DatMA$ProbA, DatMB$ProbB, DatMA$Domain, DatMB$Domain, 
#' DatMA$Read, DatMB$Read, DatPopMA$Read, DatPopMB$Read, DatMA$Id_Frame, DatMB$Id_Frame, 
#' DatPopMA$Domain, DatPopMB$Domain, N, conf_level = 0.95)
#' @export
MLDF = function (ysA, ysB, pik_A, pik_B, domains_A, domains_B, xsA, xsB, xA, xB, ind_samA, ind_samB, ind_domA, ind_domB, N, conf_level = NULL){

	ysA <- as.data.frame(ysA)
	ysB <- as.data.frame(ysB)
	xsA <- as.matrix(xsA)
	xsB <- as.matrix(xsB)
	xA <- as.matrix(xA)
	xB <- as.matrix(xB)
	if (any(is.na(ysA)))
		stop("There are missing values in sample from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(ysB)))
		stop("There are missing values in sample from frame B.")
	if (any(is.na(pik_A)))
		stop("There are missing values in pik from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(pik_B)))
		stop("There are missing values in pik from frame B.")
	if (any(is.na(domains_A)))
		stop("There are missing values in domains from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(domains_B)))
		stop("There are missing values in domains from frame B.")
	if (nrow(ysA) != length(pik_A) | nrow(ysA) != length(domains_A) | length(domains_A) != length(pik_A))
		stop("Arguments from frame A have different sizes.")
	if (nrow(ysB) != length(pik_B) | nrow(ysB) != length(domains_B) | length(domains_B) != length(pik_B))
		stop("Arguments from frame B have different sizes.")
	if (ncol(ysA) != ncol(ysB))
		stop("Number of variables does not match.")
	if (length(which(domains_A == "a")) + length(which(domains_A == "ab")) != length(domains_A))
		stop("Domains from frame A are not correct.")
	if (length(which(domains_B == "b")) + length(which(domains_B == "ba")) != length(domains_B))
		stop("Domains from frame B are not correct.")

	cl <- match.call()

	estimations <- list()
	interv <- list()
	c <- ncol(ysA)
	R <- ncol(xA)
	n_A <- nrow(ysA)
	n_B <- nrow(ysB)

	domains <- factor(c(as.character(domains_A), as.character(domains_B)))

	ones_ab_A <- Domains (rep (1, n_A), domains_A, "ab")
	ones_ab_B <- Domains (rep (1, n_B), domains_B, "ba")
	Vhat_Nhat_ab_A <- varest(ones_ab_A, pik = pik_A)
	Vhat_Nhat_ab_B <- varest(ones_ab_B, pik = pik_B)

	eta_0 <- Vhat_Nhat_ab_B / (Vhat_Nhat_ab_A + Vhat_Nhat_ab_B)

	for (k in 1:c){

		ys <- factor(c(as.character(ysA[,k]),as.character(ysB[,k])))
		y_sA <- as.factor(ysA[,k])
		y_sB <- as.factor(ysB[,k])

		lev <- sort(levels(ys))
		levA <- sort(levels(y_sA))
		levB <- sort(levels(y_sB))
		m <- length(lev)
		mA <- length(levA)
		mB <- length(levB)
		mat <- matrix (NA, 2, m)
		rownames(mat) <- c("Class Tot.", "Prop.")
		colnames(mat) <- lev

		zA <- disjunctive(y_sA)
		zB <- disjunctive(y_sB)		

		modA <- multinom(formula = y_sA ~ 0 + xsA, weights = 1/pik_A, trace = FALSE)		
		beta_tilde_A <- rbind(rep(0, R), summary(modA)$coefficients)
		modB <- multinom(formula = y_sB ~ 0 + xsB, weights = 1/pik_B, trace = FALSE)		
		beta_tilde_B <- rbind(rep(0, R), summary(modB)$coefficients)

		denomA <- rowSums(exp(xA %*% t(beta_tilde_A)))
		denomB <- rowSums(exp(xB %*% t(beta_tilde_B)))

		pA <- exp (xA %*% t(beta_tilde_A)) / denomA
		pB <- exp (xB %*% t(beta_tilde_B)) / denomB

		if (mA < m){
			common <- which(lev %in% levA)
			N_A <- nrow(xA)
			pA2 <- matrix(0, N_A, m)
			zA2 <- matrix(0, n_A, m)
			pA2[,common] <- pA
			zA2[,common] <- zA 
			pA <- pA2
			zA <- zA2
		if (mB < m){
			common <- which(lev %in% levB)
			N_B <- nrow(xB)
			pB2 <- matrix(0, N_B, m)
			zB2 <- matrix(0, n_B, m)
			pB2[,common] <- pB
			zB2[,common] <- zB 			
			pB <- pB2
			zB <- zB2
		psA <- pA[ind_samA,] 
		psB <- pB[ind_samB,] 
		pA[ind_domA == "ab",] <- eta_0 * pA[ind_domA == "ab",]
		pB[ind_domB == "ba",] <- (1 - eta_0) * pB[ind_domB == "ba",]
		sumsA <- (zA - psA) * 1/pik_A
		sumsA[domains_A == "ab",] <- eta_0 * sumsA[domains_A == "ab",]
		sumsB <- (zB - psB) * 1/pik_B
		sumsB[domains_B == "ba",] <- (1 - eta_0) * sumsB[domains_B == "ba",]
		mat[1,] <- colSums(pA) + colSums(pB) + colSums(sumsA) + colSums(sumsB)
		mat[2,] <- 1/N * mat[1,]
		estimations[[k]] <- mat 

		if (!is.null(conf_level)){

			z <- rbind(zA, zB)
			ps <- rbind(psA, psB)
			d <- c(1/pik_A, 1/pik_B)

			e <- z - ps
			e <- e * d
			e[domains == "ab",] <- eta_0 * e[domains == "ab",]
			e[domains == "ba",] <- (1 - eta_0) * e[domains == "ba",]
			Vhat_AMLDF <- apply(e, 2, var)
			Vhat_PMLDF <- 1/N^2 * Vhat_AMLDF

			interval <- matrix (NA, 6, m)
			rownames(interval) <- c("Class Tot.", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Prop.", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound")
			colnames(interval) <- lev

			interval[1,] <- mat[1,]		
			interval[2,] <- mat[1,] + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_AMLDF)
			interval[3,] <- mat[1,] - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_AMLDF)
			interval[4,] <- mat[2,]
			interval[5,] <- mat[2,] + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_PMLDF)
			interval[6,] <- mat[2,] - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_PMLDF)
			interv[[k]] <- interval

	results = list(Call = cl, Est = estimations, ConfInt = interv)
	class(results) = "EstimatorMDF"
	attr(results, "attributesMDF") = conf_level

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