#' @name PML
#' @aliases PML
#' @title Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator
#' @description Produces estimates for population totals and means using PML estimator from survey data obtained
#'  from a dual frame sampling design. Confidence intervals are also computed, if required.
#' @usage PML(ysA, ysB, pi_A, pi_B, domains_A, domains_B, N_A, N_B, conf_level = NULL)
#' @param ysA A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_A} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{n_A} x \eqn{c} containing information about variable of interest from \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param ysB A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_B} or a numeric matrix or data frame of dimensions \eqn{n_B} x \eqn{c} containing information about variable of interest from \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param pi_A A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_A} or a square numeric matrix of dimension \eqn{n_A} containing first order or first and second order inclusion probabilities for units included in \eqn{s_A}.
#' @param pi_B A numeric vector of length \eqn{n_B} or a square numeric matrix of dimension \eqn{n_B} containing first order or first and second order inclusion probabilities for units included in \eqn{s_B}.
#' @param domains_A A character vector of size \eqn{n_A} indicating the domain each unit from \eqn{s_A} belongs to. Possible values are "a" and "ab".
#' @param domains_B A character vector of size \eqn{n_B} indicating the domain each unit from \eqn{s_B} belongs to. Possible values are "b" and "ba".
#' @param N_A A numeric value indicating the size of frame A
#' @param N_B A numeric value indicating the size of frame B
#' @param conf_level (Optional) A numeric value indicating the confidence level for the confidence intervals, if desired.
#' @details Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator of population total is given by
#'  \deqn{\hat{Y}_{PML}(\hat{\theta}) = \frac{N_A - \hat{N}_{ab,PML}}{\hat{N}_a}\hat{Y}_a^A + \frac{N_B - \hat{N}_{ab,PML}}{\hat{N}_b}\hat{Y}_b^B + \frac{\hat{N}_{ab,PML}}{\hat{\theta}\hat{N}_{ab}^A + (1 - \hat{\theta})\hat{N}_{ab}^B}[\hat{\theta}\hat{Y}_{ab}^A + (1 - \hat{\theta})\hat{Y}_{ab}^B]}
#'  where \eqn{\hat{\theta} \in [0, 1]} and \eqn{\hat{N}_{ab,PML}} is the smaller of the roots of the quadratic equation
#'  \deqn{[\hat{\theta}/N_B + (1 - \hat{\theta})/N_A]x^2 - [1 + \hat{\theta}\hat{N}_{ab}^A/N_B + (1 - \hat{\theta})\hat{N}_{ab}^B/N_A]x + \hat{\theta}\hat{N}_{ab}^A + (1 - \hat{\theta})\hat{N}_{ab}^B=0.} Optimal value for \eqn{\hat{\theta}} is \eqn{\frac{\hat{N}_aN_B\hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^B)}{\hat{N}_aN_B\hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^B) + \hat{N}_bN_A\hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^A)}}.
#'  Variance is estimated according to following expression
#'  \deqn{\hat{V}(\hat{Y}_{PML}(\hat{\theta})) = \hat{V}(\sum_{i \in s_A}\tilde{z}_i^A) + \hat{V}(\sum_{i \in s_B}\tilde{z}_i^B)}
#'  where, \eqn{\tilde{z}_i^A = y_i - \frac{\hat{Y}_a}{\hat{N}_a}} if \eqn{i \in a} and \eqn{\tilde{z}_i^A = \hat{\gamma}_{opt}(y_i - \frac{\hat{Y}_a}{\hat{N}_a}) + \hat{\lambda} \hat{\phi}} if \eqn{i \in ab} with
#'  \deqn{\hat{\gamma}_{opt} = \frac{\hat{N}_a N_B \hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^B)}{\hat{N}_a N_B \hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^B) + \hat{N}_b + N_A + \hat{V}(\hat{N}_{ab}^A)}}
#'  \deqn{\hat{\lambda} = \frac{n_A/N_A \hat{Y}_{ab}^A + n_B/N_B \hat{Y}_{ab}^B}{n_A/N_A \hat{N}_{ab}^A + n_B/N_B \hat{N}_{ab}^B} - \frac{\hat{Y}_a}{\hat{N}_a} - \frac{\hat{Y}_b}{\hat{N}_b}}
#'  \deqn{\hat{\phi} = \frac{n_A \hat{N}_b}{n_A \hat{N}_b + n_B\hat{N}_a}}
#'  Similarly, we define \eqn{\tilde{z}_i^B = y_i - \frac{\hat{Y}_b}{\hat{N}_b}} if \eqn{i \in b} and \eqn{\tilde{z}_i^B = (1 - \hat{\gamma}_{opt})(y_i - \frac{\hat{Y}_{ba}}{\hat{N}_{ab}}) + \hat{\lambda}(1 - \hat{\phi})} if \eqn{i \in ba}
#' @return \code{PML} returns an object of class "EstimatorDF" which is a list with, at least, the following components:
#'  \item{Call}{the matched call.}
#'  \item{Est}{total and mean estimation for main variable(s).}
#'  \item{VarEst}{variance estimation for main variable(s).}
#'  If parameter \code{conf_level} is different from \code{NULL}, object includes component
#'  \item{ConfInt}{total and mean estimation and confidence intervals for main variables(s).}
#'  In addition, components \code{TotDomEst} and \code{MeanDomEst} are available when estimator is based on estimators of the domains. Component \code{Param} shows value of parameters involded in calculation of the estimator (if any).
#'  By default, only \code{Est} component (or \code{ConfInt} component, if parameter \code{conf_level} is different from \code{NULL}) is shown. It is possible to access to all the components of the objects by using function \code{summary}.
#' @references Skinner, C. J. and Rao, J. N. K. (1996)
#'  \emph{Estimation in Dual Frame Surveys with Complex Designs}. Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 91, 433, 349 - 356.
#' @examples
#' data(DatA)
#' data(DatB)
#' data(PiklA)
#' data(PiklB)
#' #Let calculate Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator for population total for variable Clothing
#' PML(DatA$Clo, DatB$Clo, PiklA, PiklB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain, 
#' N_A = 1735, N_B = 1191)
#' #Now, let calculate Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator for population total for variable
#' #Feeding, using first order inclusion probabilities
#' PML(DatA$Feed, DatB$Feed, DatA$ProbA, DatB$ProbB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain, 
#' N_A = 1735, N_B = 1191)
#' #Finally, let calculate Pseudo Maximum Likelihood estimator and a 90% confidence interval for 
#' #population total for variable Leisure
#' PML(DatA$Lei, DatB$Lei, PiklA, PiklB, DatA$Domain, DatB$Domain, 
#' N_A = 1735, N_B = 1191, 0.90)
#' @export
PML = function (ysA, ysB, pi_A, pi_B, domains_A, domains_B, N_A, N_B, conf_level = NULL)
	cnames <- names(ysA)
	ysA <- as.matrix(ysA)
	ysB <- as.matrix(ysB)
	pi_A <- as.matrix(pi_A)
	pi_B <- as.matrix(pi_B)

	if (any(is.na(ysA)))
		stop("There are missing values in sample from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(ysB)))
		stop("There are missing values in sample from frame B.")
	if (any(is.na(pi_A)))
		stop("There are missing values in inclusion probabilities from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(pi_B)))
		stop("There are missing values in inclusion probabilities from frame B.")
	if (any(is.na(domains_A)))
		stop("There are missing values in domains from frame A.")
	if (any(is.na(domains_B)))
		stop("There are missing values in domains from frame B.")
	if (nrow(ysA) != nrow(pi_A) | nrow(ysA) != length(domains_A) | length(domains_A) != nrow(pi_A))
		stop("Arguments from frame A have different sizes.")
	if (nrow(ysB) != nrow(pi_B) | nrow(ysB) != length(domains_B) | length(domains_B) != nrow(pi_B))
		stop("Arguments from frame B have different sizes.")
	if (ncol(ysA) != ncol(ysB))
		stop("Number of variables does not match.")
	if (length(which(domains_A == "a")) + length(which(domains_A == "ab")) != length(domains_A))
		stop("Domains from frame A are not correct.")
	if (length(which(domains_B == "b")) + length(which(domains_B == "ba")) != length(domains_B))
		stop("Domains from frame B are not correct.")

	cl <- match.call()

	n_A <- nrow(ysA)
	n_B <- nrow(ysB)
	c <- ncol(ysA)

	ysA <- cbind(rep(1, n_A), ysA)
	ysB <- cbind(rep(1, n_B), ysB)

	ones_a_A <- Domains (rep (1, n_A), domains_A, "a")
	ones_ab_A <- Domains (rep (1, n_A), domains_A, "ab")
	ones_b_B <- Domains (rep (1, n_B), domains_B, "b")
	ones_ab_B <- Domains (rep (1, n_B), domains_B, "ba")
	est <- matrix(, 2, c, dimnames = list(c("Total", "Mean"), cnames))
	varest <- matrix(, 2, c, dimnames = list(c("Var. Total", "Var. Mean"), cnames))
	totdom <- matrix(, 4, c, dimnames = list(c("Total dom. a", "Total dom. ab", "Total dom. b", "Total dom. ba"), cnames))
	meandom <- matrix(, 4, c, dimnames = list(c("Mean dom. a", "Mean dom. ab", "Mean dom. b", "Mean dom. ba"), cnames))
	par <- 	matrix(, 1, 1, dimnames = list("gamma", ""))
	if (is.null(conf_level))
		interv <- NULL
		interv <- matrix(, 6, c, dimnames = list(c("Total", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound", "Mean", "Lower Bound", "Upper Bound"), cnames))

	if (!is.null(dim(drop(pi_A))) & !is.null(dim(drop(pi_B)))) {

		if (nrow(pi_A) != ncol(pi_A))
			stop("Matrix of inclusion probabilities from frame A is not square.")
		if (nrow(pi_B) != ncol(pi_B))
			stop("Matrix of inclusion probabilities from frame B is not square.")
		Nhat_a_A <- HT (ones_a_A, diag(pi_A))
		Nhat_b_B <- HT (ones_b_B, diag(pi_B))
		Nhat_ab_A <- HT (ones_ab_A, diag(pi_A))
		Nhat_ab_B <- HT (ones_ab_B, diag(pi_B))
		Vhat_Nhat_ab_B <- VarHT (ones_ab_B, pi_B)
		Vhat_Nhat_ab_A <- VarHT (ones_ab_A, pi_A)

		gamma_opt <- (Nhat_a_A * N_B * Vhat_Nhat_ab_B) / (Nhat_a_A * N_B * Vhat_Nhat_ab_B + Nhat_b_B * N_A * Vhat_Nhat_ab_A)
		if (is.nan(gamma_opt) | gamma_opt == 0 | gamma_opt == 1){
			SRSPikls_A <- matrix((n_A * (n_A - 1)) / (N_A * (N_A - 1)), n_A, n_A)
			diag(SRSPikls_A) <- rep(n_A / N_A, n_A)
			SRSPikls_B <- matrix((n_B * (n_B - 1)) / (N_B * (N_B - 1)), n_B, n_B)
			diag(SRSPikls_B) <- rep(n_B / N_B, n_B)
			d_A <- Vhat_Nhat_ab_A / VarHT (ones_ab_A, SRSPikls_A) 
			d_B <- Vhat_Nhat_ab_B / VarHT (ones_ab_B, SRSPikls_B)

			eff_n_A <- n_A / d_A
			eff_n_B <- n_B / d_B
			gamma_opt <- eff_n_A * N_B / (eff_n_A * N_B + eff_n_B * N_A)
		par[1,1] <- gamma_opt

		for (k in 1:(c+1)) {
			data_a_A <- Domains (ysA[,k], domains_A, "a")
			data_ab_A <- Domains (ysA[,k], domains_A, "ab")
			data_b_B <- Domains (ysB[,k], domains_B, "b")
			data_ab_B <- Domains (ysB[,k], domains_B, "ba")

			Yhat_a_A <- HT(data_a_A, diag(pi_A))
			Yhat_ab_A <- HT (data_ab_A, diag(pi_A))
			Yhat_b_B <- HT (data_b_B, diag(pi_B))
			Yhat_ab_B <- HT (data_ab_B, diag(pi_B))

			term_a <- gamma_opt / N_B + (1 - gamma_opt) / N_A
			term_b <- -(1 + gamma_opt * Nhat_ab_A / N_B + (1 - gamma_opt) * Nhat_ab_B / N_A)
			term_c <- gamma_opt * Nhat_ab_A + (1 - gamma_opt) * Nhat_ab_B
			Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt <- (- term_b - sqrt(term_b * term_b - 4 * term_a * term_c)) / (2 * term_a)

			muhat_ab <- (n_A / N_A * Yhat_ab_A + n_B / N_B * Yhat_ab_B) / (n_A / N_A * Nhat_ab_A + n_B / N_B * Nhat_ab_B)
			muhat_a <- Yhat_a_A / Nhat_a_A
			muhat_b <- Yhat_b_B / Nhat_b_B

			if (k == 1){
				domain_size_estimation <- c(Yhat_a_A, Yhat_ab_A, Yhat_b_B, Yhat_ab_B)
				size_estimation <- sum((N_A - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_a, (N_B - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_b, Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt * muhat_ab, rm.na = TRUE)
				total_estimation <- sum((N_A - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_a, (N_B - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_b, Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt * muhat_ab, rm.na = TRUE) 
			if (k > 1) {

				totdom[,k-1] <- c(Yhat_a_A, Yhat_ab_A, Yhat_b_B, Yhat_ab_B)
				meandom[,k-1] <- totdom[,k-1]/domain_size_estimation

				mean_estimation <- total_estimation / size_estimation
				est[,k-1] <- c(total_estimation, mean_estimation)

				lambdahat <- sum(muhat_ab, - muhat_a, - muhat_b, na.rm = TRUE)
				phihat <- n_A * Nhat_b_B / (n_A * Nhat_b_B + n_B * Nhat_a_A)
				if (is.nan(phihat))
					phihat <- 0

				zA1 <- cbind((ysA[,k] - muhat_a) * ones_a_A, (gamma_opt * (ysA[,k] - muhat_ab) + lambdahat * phihat) * ones_ab_A)
				zB1 <- cbind((ysB[,k] - muhat_b) * ones_b_B, ((1 - gamma_opt) * (ysB[,k] - muhat_ab) + lambdahat * (1 - phihat)) * ones_ab_B)
				zA <- rowSums(zA1, na.rm = TRUE)
				zB <- rowSums(zB1, na.rm = TRUE)

				Vhat_Yhat_PML <- VarHT (zA, pi_A) + VarHT (zB, pi_B)
				Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML <- 1/size_estimation^2 * Vhat_Yhat_PML
				varest[,k-1] <- c(Vhat_Yhat_PML, Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)

				if (!is.null(conf_level)) {
					total_upper <- total_estimation + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Yhat_PML)
					total_lower <- total_estimation - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Yhat_PML)
					mean_upper <- mean_estimation + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)
					mean_lower <- mean_estimation - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)
					interv[,k-1] <- c(total_estimation, total_lower, total_upper, mean_estimation, mean_lower, mean_upper)
	else {

		if(is.null(dim(drop(pi_A))) & is.null(dim(drop(pi_B)))){
			Nhat_a_A <- HT (ones_a_A, pi_A)
			Nhat_b_B <- HT (ones_b_B, pi_B)
			Nhat_ab_A <- HT (ones_ab_A, pi_A)
			Nhat_ab_B <- HT (ones_ab_B, pi_B)
			Vhat_Nhat_ab_B <- varest (ones_ab_B, pik = pi_B)
			Vhat_Nhat_ab_A <- varest (ones_ab_A, pik = pi_A)

			gamma_opt <- (Nhat_a_A * N_B * Vhat_Nhat_ab_B) / (Nhat_a_A * N_B * Vhat_Nhat_ab_B + Nhat_b_B * N_A * Vhat_Nhat_ab_A)
			if (Nhat_a_A == 0 | Nhat_b_B == 0){
				SRSPiks_A <- rep(n_A / N_A, n_A)
				SRSPiks_B <- rep(n_B / N_B, n_B)
				d_A <- Vhat_Nhat_ab_A / varest (ones_ab_A, pik = SRSPiks_A) 
				d_B <- Vhat_Nhat_ab_B / varest (ones_ab_B, pik = SRSPiks_B)

				eff_n_A <- n_A / d_A
				eff_n_B <- n_B / d_B
				gamma_opt <- eff_n_A * N_B / (eff_n_A * N_B + eff_n_B * N_A)
			par[1,1] <- gamma_opt

			for (k in 1:(c+1)) {
				data_a_A <- Domains (ysA[,k], domains_A, "a")
				data_ab_A <- Domains (ysA[,k], domains_A, "ab")
				data_b_B <- Domains (ysB[,k], domains_B, "b")
				data_ab_B <- Domains (ysB[,k], domains_B, "ba")

				Yhat_a_A <- HT(data_a_A, pi_A)
				Yhat_ab_A <- HT (data_ab_A, pi_A)
				Yhat_b_B <- HT (data_b_B, pi_B)
				Yhat_ab_B <- HT (data_ab_B, pi_B)

				term_a <- gamma_opt / N_B + (1 - gamma_opt) / N_A
				term_b <- -(1 + gamma_opt * Nhat_ab_A / N_B + (1 - gamma_opt) * Nhat_ab_B / N_A)
				term_c <- gamma_opt * Nhat_ab_A + (1 - gamma_opt) * Nhat_ab_B
				Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt <- (- term_b - sqrt(term_b * term_b - 4 * term_a * term_c)) / (2 * term_a)

				muhat_ab <- (n_A / N_A * Yhat_ab_A + n_B / N_B * Yhat_ab_B) / (n_A / N_A * Nhat_ab_A + n_B / N_B * Nhat_ab_B)
				muhat_a <- Yhat_a_A / Nhat_a_A
				muhat_b <- Yhat_b_B / Nhat_b_B

				if (k == 1){
					domain_size_estimation <- c(Yhat_a_A, Yhat_ab_A, Yhat_b_B, Yhat_ab_B)
					size_estimation <- sum((N_A - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_a, (N_B - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_b, Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt * muhat_ab, rm.na = TRUE)
					total_estimation <- sum((N_A - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_a, (N_B - Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt) * muhat_b, Nhat_ab_PML_gamma_opt * muhat_ab, rm.na = TRUE) 
				if (k > 1) {

					totdom[,k-1] <- c(Yhat_a_A, Yhat_ab_A, Yhat_b_B, Yhat_ab_B)
					meandom[,k-1] <- totdom[,k-1]/domain_size_estimation

					mean_estimation <- total_estimation / size_estimation
					est[,k-1] <- c(total_estimation, mean_estimation)

					lambdahat <- sum(muhat_ab, - muhat_a, - muhat_b, na.rm = TRUE)
					phihat <- n_A * Nhat_b_B / (n_A * Nhat_b_B + n_B * Nhat_a_A)
					if (is.nan(phihat))
						phihat <- 0
					zA1 <- cbind((ysA[,k] - muhat_a) * ones_a_A, (gamma_opt * (ysA[,k] - muhat_ab) + lambdahat * phihat) * ones_ab_A)
					zB1 <- cbind((ysB[,k] - muhat_b) * ones_b_B, ((1 - gamma_opt) * (ysB[,k] - muhat_ab) + lambdahat * (1 - phihat)) * ones_ab_B)
					zA <- rowSums(zA1, na.rm = TRUE)
					zB <- rowSums(zB1, na.rm = TRUE)

					Vhat_Yhat_PML <- varest (zA, pik = pi_A) + varest (zB, pik = pi_B)
					Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML <- 1/size_estimation^2 * Vhat_Yhat_PML
					varest[,k-1] <- c(Vhat_Yhat_PML, Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)

					if (!is.null(conf_level)) {
						total_upper <- total_estimation + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Yhat_PML)
						total_lower <- total_estimation - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Yhat_PML)
						mean_upper <- mean_estimation + qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)
						mean_lower <- mean_estimation - qnorm(1 - (1 - conf_level) / 2) * sqrt(Vhat_Ymeanhat_PML)
						interv[,k-1] <- c(total_estimation, total_lower, total_upper, mean_estimation, mean_lower, mean_upper)
			stop("Invalid option: Probability vector in one frame and probability matrix in the other frame. Type of probabilities structures must match.")
   	results = list(Call = cl, Est = est, VarEst = varest, TotDomEst = totdom, MeanDomEst = meandom, Param = par, ConfInt = interv)
   	class(results) = "EstimatorDF"
   	attr(results, "attributesDF") = conf_level

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