#' @title Funnel plots for comparing institutional performance
#' @description An implementation of funnel plots for indirectly standardised ratios, as described by Spiegelhalter (2005) <>.
#' There are several parameters for the input, with the assumption that you will want smooth,
#' overdispersed, funnel control limits. Limits may be inflated for overdispersion based on the methods of DerSimonian & Laird (1986), buy calculating a between unit standard deviation (\eqn{\tau})
#' and constructing an additive random effects models, originally used for meta-analyses of clinical trials data.
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @param .data A data frame containing a numerator, denominator and grouping field.
#' @param numerator A vector of the numerator (observed events/counts) values. Used as numerator of the Y-axis
#' @param denominator A vector of denominator (predicted/population etc.) Used as denominator of the Y-axis and the scale of the x-axis
#' @param group A vector of group names as character or factor. Used to aggregate and group points on plots
#' @param data_type A string identifying the type of data used for in the plot, the adjustment used and the reference point. One of: "SR" for indirectly standardised ratios, such SHMI, "PR" for proportions, or "RC" for ratios of counts. Default is "SR".
#' @param title Plot title
#' @param limit Plot limits, accepted values are: 95 or 99, corresponding to 95\% or 99.8\% quantiles of the distribution. Default=99,and applies to OD limits if both OD and Poisson are used.
#' @param label Whether to label outliers, highlighted groups, both or none. Default is "outlier", by accepted values are:\cr
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{"outlier"} - Labels upper and lower outliers, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{"outlier_lower"} - Labels just and lower outliers, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{"outlier_upper"} - Labels just upper, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{"highlight"} - Labels the value(s) given in the `highlight`argument.}
#' \item{\code{"both"} - Labels both the highlighted values(s), upper and lower outliers, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{"both_lower"} - Labels both the highlighted values(s) and lower outliers, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{"both_upper"} - Labels both the highlighted values(s) and upper outliers, determined in relation to the `limit` argument.}
#' \item{\code{NA} - No labels applied}
#' }
#' @param highlight Single or vector of points to highlight, with a different colour and point style. Should correspond to values specified to `group`. Default is NA, for no highlighting.
#' @param label_outliers Deprecated. Please use the `label` argument instead.
#' @param Poisson_limits Deprecated. Please use the `draw_unadjusted` argument instead.
#' @param OD_adjust Deprecated. Please use the `draw_adjusted` argument instead.
#' @param draw_unadjusted Draw control limits without overdispersion adjustment. (default=FALSE)
#' @param draw_adjusted Draw overdispersed limits using hierarchical model, assuming at group level, as described in Spiegelhalter (2012).
#' It calculates a second variance component ' for the 'between' standard deviation (\eqn{\tau}), that is added to the 'within' standard deviation (sigma) (default=TRUE)
#' @param sr_method Method for adjustment when using indirectly standardised ratios (type="SR") Either "CQC" or "SHMI" (default). There are a few methods for standardisation. "CQC"/Spiegelhalter
#' uses a square-root transformation and Winsorises (rescales the outer most values to a particular percentile).
#' SHMI, instead, uses log-transformation and doesn't Winsorise, but truncates the distribution before assessing overdisperison .
#' Both methods then calculate a dispersion ratio (\eqn{\phi}) on this altered dataset. This ratio is then used to scale the full dataset,
#' and the plot is drawn for the full dataset.
#' @param trim_by Proportion of the distribution for winsorisation/truncation. Default is 10 \% (0.1). Note, this is applied in a two-sided
#' fashion, e.g. 10\% refers to 10\% at each end of the distribution (20\% winsorised/truncated)
#' @param multiplier Scale relative risk and funnel by this factor. Default to 1, but 100 sometime used, e.g. in some hospital mortality ratios.
#' @param x_label Title for the funnel plot x-axis. Usually expected deaths, readmissions, incidents etc.
#' @param y_label Title for the funnel plot y-axis. Usually a standardised ratio.
#' @param xrange Deprecated. Please use the `x_range` argument instead.
#' @param x_range Manually specify the y-axis min and max, in form c(min, max), e.g. c(0, 200). Default, "auto", allows function to estimate range.
#' @param yrange Deprecated. Please use the `y_range` argument instead.
#' @param y_range Manually specify the y-axis min and max, in form c(min, max), e.g. c(0.7, 1.3). Default, "auto", allows function to estimate range.
#' @param theme a ggplot theme function. This can be a canned theme such as theme_bw(), a theme() with arguments, or your own custom theme function. Default is new funnel_clean(), but funnel_classic() is original format.
#' @param plot_cols A vector of 8 colours for funnel limits, in order: 95\% Poisson (lower/upper), 99.8\% Poisson (lower/upper), 95\% OD-adjusted (lower/upper), 99.8\% OD-adjusted (lower/upper).
#' Default has been chosen to avoid red and green which can lead to subconscious value judgements of good or bad.
#' Default is hex colours: c("#FF7F0EFF", "#FF7F0EFF", "#1F77B4FF","#1F77B4FF", "#9467BDFF", "#9467BDFF", "#2CA02CFF", "#2CA02CFF")
#' @param SHMI_rounding TRUE/FALSE, for SHMI calculation (standardised ratio, with SHMI truncation etc.), should you round the expected values to 2 decimal places (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
#' @param max.overlaps Exclude text labels that overlap too many things. Defaults to 10. (inheritted from geom_label_repel)
#' @return A fitted `funnelplot` object. A `funnelplot` object is a list containing the following components:\cr
#' \item{print}{Prints the number of points, outliers and whether the plot has been adjusted, and prints the plot}
#' \item{plot}{A ggplot object with the funnel plot and the appropriate limits}
#' \item{limits_lookup}{A lookup table with selected limits for drawing a plot in software that requires limits.}
#' \item{aggregated_data}{A data.frame of the the aggregated dataset used for the plot.}
#' \item{outlier}{A data frame of outliers from the data.}
#' \item{tau2}{The between-groups standard deviation, \eqn{\tau^2}.}
#' \item{phi}{The dispersion ratio, \eqn{\phi}.}
#' \item{draw_adjusted}{Whether overdispersion-adjusted limits were used.}
#' \item{draw_unadjusted}{Whether unadjusted Poisson limits were used.}
#' @export
#' @details
#' Outliers are marked based on the grouping, and the limits chosen, corresponding to either 95\% or 99.8\% quantiles of the normal distribution.\cr
#' Labels can attached using the `label` argument.\cr
#' Overdispersion can be factored in based on the methods in Spiegelhalter et al. (2012), set `draw_adjusted` to FALSE to suppress this. \cr
#' To use Poisson limits set `draw_unadjusted=TRUE`. \cr
#' The plot colours deliberately avoid red-amber-green colouring, but you could extract this from the ggplot object and change manually if you like.
#' Future versions of `funnelplotr` may allow users to change this.
#' @references DerSimonian & Laird (1986) Meta-analysis in clinical trials. <doi:10.1016/0197-2456(86)90046-2>
#' @references Spiegelhalter (2005) Funnel plots for comparing institutional performance <doi:10.1002/sim.1970>
#' @references Spiegelhalter et al. (2012) Statistical methods for healthcare regulation: rating, screening and surveillance: <doi:10.1111/j.1467-985X.2011.01010.x>
#' @references NHS Digital (2020) SHMI Methodology v .134 \url{}
#' @examples
#' # We will use the 'medpar' dataset from the 'COUNT' package.
#' # Little reformatting needed
#' library(COUNT)
#' data(medpar)
#' medpar$provnum<-factor(medpar$provnum)
#' medpar$los<-as.numeric(medpar$los)
#' mod<- glm(los ~ hmo + died + age80 + factor(type)
#' , family="poisson", data=medpar)
#' # Get predicted values for building ratio
#' medpar$prds<- predict(mod, type="response")
#' # Draw plot, returning just the plot object
#' fp<-funnel_plot(medpar, denominator=prds, numerator=los,
#' group = provnum, limit=95, title="An example funnel plot")
#' # Methods for viewing/extracting
#' print(fp)
#' plot(fp)
#' summary(fp)
#' limits(fp)
#' outliers(fp)
#' source_data(fp)
#' phi(fp)
#' tau2(fp)
#' @importFrom scales comma
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom ggrepel geom_text_repel
#' @importFrom dplyr select filter arrange mutate summarise group_by %>% n
#' @importFrom stats na.omit
#' @import ggplot2
funnel_plot <- function(.data, numerator, denominator, group
, data_type = "SR", limit = 99, label = "outlier"
, highlight = NA, draw_unadjusted = FALSE
, draw_adjusted = TRUE, sr_method = "SHMI"
, trim_by = 0.1, title="Untitled Funnel Plot"
, multiplier = 1, x_label = "Expected"
, y_label , x_range = "auto", y_range = "auto"
, plot_cols =
c("#FF7F0EFF", "#FF7F0EFF", "#1F77B4FF","#1F77B4FF"
, "#9467BDFF", "#9467BDFF", "#2CA02CFF", "#2CA02CFF")
, theme = funnel_clean()
, label_outliers, Poisson_limits, OD_adjust
, xrange, yrange
, SHMI_rounding = TRUE
, max.overlaps = 10){
# Version 0.4 deprecation warnings
if (!missing(label_outliers)) {
warning('The `label_outliers` argument deprecated; please use the `label` argument, e.g. `label = "outlier"` instead. For more options, see the help: `?funnel_plot`',
call. = FALSE)
if(label_outliers == TRUE){
label <- "outlier"
} else {
label <- NA
# Version 0.4 deprecation warnings
if (!missing(Poisson_limits)) {
warning('The `Poisson_limits` argument deprecated; please use the `draw_unadjusted` argument. For more information, see the help: `?funnel_plot`',
call. = FALSE)
if(Poisson_limits == TRUE){
draw_unadjusted <- TRUE
} else {
draw_unadjusted <- FALSE
# Version 0.4 deprecation warnings
if (!missing(OD_adjust)) {
warning('The `OD_adjust` argument deprecated; please use the `draw_adjusted` argument. For more information, see the help: `?funnel_plot`',
call. = FALSE)
if(OD_adjust == TRUE){
draw_adjusted <- TRUE
} else {
draw_adjusted <- FALSE
# Version 0.4 deprecation warnings
if (!missing(xrange)) {
warning('The `xrange` argument deprecated; please use the `x_range` argument instead. For more options, see the help: `?funnel_plot`',
call. = FALSE)
x_range <- xrange
# Version 0.4 deprecation warnings
if (!missing(yrange)) {
warning('The `yrange` argument deprecated; please use the `y_range` argument instead. For more options, see the help: `?funnel_plot`',
call. = FALSE)
y_range <- yrange
# build initial dataframe of obs/predicted, with error message caught here in 'try'
# Main error check here, some moved after tidyeval mapping as they conflict.
if (missing(denominator)) {
stop("Need to specify denominator column")
if (missing(numerator)) {
stop("Need to supply numerator column")
if (missing(title)) {
title <- ("Untitled Funnel Plot")
if(length(plot_cols) < 8){
stop("Please supply a vector of 4 colours for funnel limits, in order: 95% Lower Poisson, 95% Upper Poisson
, 99.8% Lower Poisson, 99.8% Upper Poisson, 95% Upper OD-adjusted, 95% Lower OD-adjusted,
99.8% Lower OD-adjusted, 99.8% Upper OD-adjusted, even if you are only using one set of limits.")
if(!(label %in% c("outlier", "outlier_lower", "outlier_upper", "highlight"
, "both", "both_lower", "both_upper", NA))){
stop("No permitted labelling specification. See help: `?funnel_plot`")
if (missing(x_label)){
x_label <- "Expected"
} else {
x_label <- "n"
if (missing(y_label)){
y_label <- "Standardised Ratio"
} else if(data_type=="PR"){
y_label <- "Proportion"
} else {
y_label <- "Ratio"
# Define vector for scale colours
"95% Lower" = plot_cols[1],
"95% Upper" = plot_cols[2],
"99.8% Lower" = plot_cols[3],
"99.8% Upper" = plot_cols[4],
"95% Lower Overdispersed" = plot_cols[5],
"95% Upper Overdispersed" = plot_cols[6],
"99.8% Lower Overdispersed" = plot_cols[7],
"99.8% Upper Overdispersed" = plot_cols[8]
# map columns for tidyeval compliance
numerator <- quo_name(enquo(numerator))
denominator <- quo_name(enquo(denominator))
group <- quo_name(enquo(group))
# error check
stop("Numerator and denominator are the same. Please check your inputs")
# Error handling for highlight argument
if(!is.character(highlight[1])) {
stop("Please supply `highlight` in character format, or a character vector")
# check for missing highlight levels
labs_present <- apply(sapply(X = highlight, FUN = grepl,[[group]]), 2, any)
labs_missing <- names(labs_present[labs_present == FALSE])
if (length(labs_missing)>0){
, paste(labs_missing,collapse=", ")
, "' specified to `highlight` not found in `group` variable.
Are you trying to highlight a group that is missing from your
data, or is it a typo?"
# now make working table
mod_plot <- data.frame(numerator=as.numeric(.data[[numerator]])
, group=as.factor(.data[[group]]))
# Round to two decimal places for expected SHMI expected
if(data_type == "SR" & sr_method == "SHMI" & SHMI_rounding == TRUE){
mod_plot_agg$denominator <- round(mod_plot_agg$denominator,2)
target <- ifelse(data_type == "SR", 1, sum(mod_plot_agg$numerator)/ sum(mod_plot_agg$denominator))
#OD Adjust and return table
# transform to z-score
mod_plot_agg <- transformed_zscore(mod_plot_agg=mod_plot_agg, data_type = data_type, sr_method = sr_method)
# Winsorise or truncate depending on method
if(data_type=="SR" & sr_method=="SHMI"){
mod_plot_agg <- truncation(mod_plot_agg = mod_plot_agg, trim_by=trim_by)
} else {
mod_plot_agg <- winsorisation(mod_plot_agg = mod_plot_agg, trim_by=trim_by)
# New n for winsorised/truncated values
n <- as.numeric(sum(!$Wuzscore)))
# Calculate Phi (the overdispersion factor)
phi <- phi_func(n= n, zscores=na.omit(mod_plot_agg$Wuzscore))
# Use phi to calculate Tau, the between group standard deviation
# Update on 29/11/2020 to only include the S without NA values in SHMI
tau2 <- tau_func(n=n, phi=phi, S=mod_plot_agg[!$Wuzscore),]$s)
if(draw_adjusted == FALSE){
#draw_unadjusted <- TRUE
# Set limits
# Determine the range of plots
if(x_range[1] == "auto"){
max_x <- as.numeric(ceiling(max(mod_plot_agg$denominator, na.rm = FALSE)))
min_x <- as.numeric(ceiling(min(mod_plot_agg$denominator,na.rm = FALSE)))
} else {
min_x <- x_range[1]
max_x <- x_range[2]
if(y_range[1] == "auto"){
max_y <- max((1.3 * target *multiplier), multiplier * (1.1 * as.numeric(max((mod_plot_agg$numerator / mod_plot_agg$denominator)))), na.rm = FALSE)
min_y <- min((0.7 * target * multiplier), multiplier * (0.9 * as.numeric(min((mod_plot_agg$numerator / mod_plot_agg$denominator)))), na.rm = FALSE)
} else {
min_y <- y_range[1]
max_y <- y_range[2]
### Calculate funnel limits ####
if (draw_adjusted == FALSE & draw_unadjusted == TRUE) {
message("Plotting using unadjusted limits")
if (draw_adjusted == TRUE & draw_unadjusted == FALSE & phi <=1) {
draw_adjusted <- FALSE
message("No overdispersion detected, or draw_adjusted set to FALSE, plotting using unadjusted limits")
draw_unadjusted <- TRUE
# Calculate both adjusted and unadjusted control limits. This calculates limits for
# for both a range of denominators for plotting as well as the denominators present
# in the data
plot_limits<-build_limits_lookup(min_x=min_x, max_x=max_x, min_y=min_y, max_y=max_y,
denominators = mod_plot_agg$denominator,
draw_adjusted=draw_adjusted, tau2=tau2,
data_type=data_type, sr_method=sr_method, target=target,
# Extract the control limits corresponding to the denominators present in the
# data. This drops the standard error 's' already present in mod_plot_agg
mod_plot_agg <- merge(mod_plot_agg[,-grep("\\bs\\b",colnames(mod_plot_agg))],
plot_limits, by.x="denominator", by.y="number.seq")
# Arrange rows by group
mod_plot_agg <- mod_plot_agg[order(mod_plot_agg$group),]
# Create named vector mapping the needed changes in variable names
new_names = c("odll95"="OD95LCL", "odul95"="OD95UCL", "odll998"="OD99LCL",
"odul998"="OD99UCL", "ll95"="LCL95", "ul95"="UCL95",
"ll998"="LCL99", "ul998"="UCL99")
# Rename aggregate data control limits
names(mod_plot_agg) <- ifelse([names(mod_plot_agg)]), names(mod_plot_agg), new_names[names(mod_plot_agg)])
# Add a colouring variable
mod_plot_agg$highlight <- as.character(as.numeric(mod_plot_agg$group %in% highlight))
# Add outliers flag
mod_plot_agg <- outliers_func(mod_plot_agg, draw_adjusted, draw_unadjusted, limit, multiplier = multiplier)
# Assemble plot
fun_plot<-draw_plot(mod_plot_agg, limits=plot_limits, x_label, y_label, title, label,
draw_unadjusted=draw_unadjusted, draw_adjusted=draw_adjusted,
target=target, min_y, max_y, min_x, max_x, data_type=data_type,
sr_method = sr_method, theme = theme, plot_cols=plot_cols, max.overlaps = max.overlaps)
# Subset outliers for reporting
outliers_df<- subset(mod_plot_agg, mod_plot_agg$outlier==1)
#Build return
rtn<- new_funnel_plot(list(plot=fun_plot, limits_lookup=plot_limits, aggregated_data=mod_plot_agg
, phi=phi, tau2=tau2, draw_adjusted=draw_adjusted, draw_unadjusted=draw_unadjusted
, outliers_data=outliers_df))
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