
Defines functions check_params

Documented in check_params

check_params = function(params_sleep = c(), params_metrics = c(),
                        params_rawdata = c(), params_247 = c(),
                        params_phyact = c(), params_cleaning = c(),
                        params_output = c(), params_general = c()) {
  check_class = function(category, params, parnames, parclass) {
    for (parname in parnames) {
      if (length(params[[parname]]) > 0) {
        if (params[[parname]][1] %in% c("c()","NULL") == FALSE) { # because some variables are initialised empty
          x = params[[parname]]
          if (parclass == "numeric") {
            if (!is.numeric(x)) {
              stop(paste0("\n", category, " argument ", parname, " is not ", parclass))
          if (parclass == "boolean") {
            if (!is.logical(x)) {
              stop(paste0("\n", category, " argument ", parname, " is not ", parclass))
          if (parclass == "character") {
            if (!is.character(x)) {
              stop(paste0("\n", category, " argument ", parname, " is not ", parclass))
  if (length(params_sleep) > 0) { # Check class of sleep parameters
    numeric_params = c("anglethreshold", "timethreshold", "longitudinal_axis", "possible_nap_window", "possible_nap_dur",
                       "colid", "coln1", "def.noc.sleep", "nnights", "sleepefficiency.metric", "possible_nap_edge_acc")
    boolean_params = c("ignorenonwear", "constrain2range", "HASPT.ignore.invalid",
                       "relyonguider", "sleeplogidnum")
    character_params = c("HASPT.algo", "HASIB.algo", "Sadeh_axis", "nap_model",
                         "sleeplogsep", "sleepwindowType", "loglocation")
    check_class("Sleep", params = params_sleep, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("Sleep", params = params_sleep, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("Sleep", params = params_sleep, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_metrics) > 0) { # Check class of metrics parameters
    boolean_params = c("do.anglex", "do.angley", "do.anglez",
                       "do.zcx", "do.zcy", "do.zcz",
                       "do.enmo", "do.lfenmo", "do.en", "do.mad", "do.enmoa",
                       "do.roll_med_acc_x", "do.roll_med_acc_y", "do.roll_med_acc_z",
                       "do.dev_roll_med_acc_x", "do.dev_roll_med_acc_y", "do.dev_roll_med_acc_z",
                       "do.bfen", "do.hfen", "do.hfenplus", "do.lfen",
                       "do.lfx", "do.lfy", "do.lfz", "do.hfx", "do.hfy", "do.hfz",
                       "do.bfx", "do.bfy", "do.bfz", "do.brondcounts")
    check_class("Metrics", params = params_metrics, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("Metrics", params = params_metrics, parnames = c("hb", "lb", "n", "zc.lb", "zc.hb",
                                                                 "zc.sb", "zc.order", "zc.scale"), parclass = "numeric")
  if (length(params_rawdata) > 0) {
    numeric_params = c("chunksize", "spherecrit", "minloadcrit", "minimumFileSizeMB", "dynrange",
                       "rmc.col.acc", "interpolationType",
                       "rmc.firstrow.acc", "rmc.firstrow.header", "rmc.header.length",
                       "rmc.col.temp", "rmc.col.time", "rmc.bitrate", "rmc.dynamic_range",
                       "rmc.sf", "rmc.col.wear", "rmc.noise", "frequency_tol", "rmc.scalefactor.acc")
    boolean_params = c("printsummary", "do.cal", "rmc.unsignedbit", "rmc.check4timegaps", "rmc.doresample",
    character_params = c("backup.cal.coef", "rmc.dec", "rmc.unit.acc",
                         "rmc.unit.temp", "rmc.unit.time", "rmc.format.time",
                         "rmc.origin", "rmc.desiredtz", "rmc.configtz", "rmc.headername.sf",
                         "rmc.headername.sn", "rmc.headername.recordingid",
    if (is.logical(params_rawdata[["rmc.noise"]])) {
      # Older config files used this, so overwrite with NULL value
      params_rawdata[["rmc.noise"]] = c()
    check_class("Raw data", params = params_rawdata, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("Raw data", params = params_rawdata, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("Raw data", params = params_rawdata, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_247) > 0) {
    # iglevels and qwindow can be numeric or character, so not tested
    numeric_params = c("qlevels", "ilevels", "IVIS_windowsize_minutes", "IVIS_epochsize_seconds",
                       "IVIS.activity.metric", "IVIS_acc_threshold",
                       "qM5L5", "MX.ig.min.dur", "M5L5res", "winhr", "LUXthresholds", "LUX_cal_constant",
                       "LUX_cal_exponent", "LUX_day_segments", "window.summary.size", "L5M5window")
    boolean_params = "cosinor"
    character_params = c("qwindow_dateformat")
    check_class("247", params = params_247, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("247", params = params_247, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("247", params = params_247, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_phyact) > 0) {
    numeric_params = c("mvpathreshold", "boutcriter", "mvpadur",
                       "boutcriter.in", "boutcriter.lig", "boutcriter.mvpa",
                       "threshold.lig", "threshold.mod", "threshold.vig", "boutdur.mvpa",
                       "boutdur.in", "boutdur.lig")
    check_class("phyact", params = params_phyact, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    # check_class("phyact", params = params_phyact, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("phyact", params = params_phyact, parnames = "frag.metrics", parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_cleaning) > 0) {
    numeric_params = c("includedaycrit", "ndayswindow", "strategy", "maxdur", "hrs.del.start",
                       "hrs.del.end", "includedaycrit.part5", "minimum_MM_length.part5",
                       "includenightcrit", "max_calendar_days")
    boolean_params = c("excludefirstlast.part5", "do.imp", "excludefirstlast",
                       "excludefirst.part4", "excludelast.part4", "nonWearEdgeCorrection")
    character_params = c("data_cleaning_file", "TimeSegments2ZeroFile")
    check_class("cleaning", params = params_cleaning, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("cleaning", params = params_cleaning, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("cleaning", params = params_cleaning, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_output) > 0) {
    numeric_params = c("viewingwindow", "criterror")
    boolean_params = c("epochvalues2csv", "save_ms5rawlevels", "save_ms5raw_without_invalid",
                       "storefolderstructure", "dofirstpage", "visualreport", "week_weekend_aggregate.part5",
                       "do.part3.pdf", "outliers.only", "do.visual", "do.sibreport", "visualreport_without_invalid",
    character_params = c("save_ms5raw_format", "timewindow")
    check_class("output", params = params_output, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("output", params = params_output, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("output", params = params_output, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  if (length(params_general) > 0) {
    numeric_params = c("maxNcores", "windowsizes", "idloc", "dayborder",
                       "expand_tail_max_hours", "maxRecordingInterval")
    boolean_params = c("overwrite", "print.filename", "do.parallel", "part5_agg2_60seconds")
    character_params = c("acc.metric", "desiredtz", "configtz", "sensor.location", 
                         "dataFormat", "extEpochData_timeformat")
    check_class("general", params = params_general, parnames = numeric_params, parclass = "numeric")
    check_class("general", params = params_general, parnames = boolean_params, parclass = "boolean")
    check_class("general", params = params_general, parnames = character_params, parclass = "character")
  # Check value combinations and apply corrections if not logical
  if (length(params_metrics) > 0) {
    if (params_metrics[["do.brondcounts"]] == TRUE) {
      stop(paste0("\nThe brondcounts option has been deprecated following issues with the ",
                  "activityCounts package. We will reinsert brondcounts ",
                  "once the issues are resolved. Consider using argument do.neishabouricounts, ",
                  "for more information see package documentation."), call. = FALSE)
  if (length(params_rawdata) > 0) {
    if (params_rawdata[["frequency_tol"]] < 0 | params_rawdata[["frequency_tol"]] > 1) {
      stop(paste0("\nArgument frequency_tol is ", params_rawdata[["frequency_tol"]],
                  " , please adjust such that it is a number between 0 and 1"))
  if (length(params_sleep) > 0) {
    if (length(params_sleep[["def.noc.sleep"]]) != 2) {
      if (params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] %in% c("HorAngle", "NotWorn") == FALSE) {
        params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] = "HDCZA"
    } else if (length(params_sleep[["def.noc.sleep"]]) == 2) {
      params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] = "notused"
  if (length(params_metrics) > 0 & length(params_sleep) > 0) {
    if (params_sleep[["HASIB.algo"]] %in% c("Sadeh1994", "Galland2012", "ColeKripke1992") == TRUE) {
      if (params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] %in% c("X","Y","Z") == FALSE) {
        warning("Argument Sadeh_axis does not have meaningful value, it needs to be X, Y or Z (capital)", call. = FALSE)
      if (params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] == "X" & params_metrics[["do.zcx"]] == FALSE) params_metrics[["do.zcx"]] =  TRUE
      if (params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] == "Y" & params_metrics[["do.zcy"]] == FALSE) params_metrics[["do.zcy"]] =  TRUE
      if (params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] == "Z" & params_metrics[["do.zcz"]] == FALSE) params_metrics[["do.zcz"]] =  TRUE
    } else { # vanHees2015
      params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] = "" # not used
  if (length(params_general) > 0 & length(params_metrics) > 0 & length(params_sleep) > 0) {
    if (params_general[["sensor.location"]] == "hip" &  params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] != "notused") {
      if (params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] == FALSE | params_metrics[["do.angley"]] == FALSE | params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] == FALSE) {
        warning(paste0("\nWhen working with hip data all three angle metrics are needed,",
                       "so GGIR now auto-sets arguments do.anglex, do.angley, and do.anglez to TRUE."), call. = FALSE)
        params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] = params_metrics[["do.angley"]] = params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] = TRUE
      if (params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] != "HorAngle") {
        warning("\nChanging HASPT.algo value to HorAngle, because sensor.location is set as hip", call. = FALSE)
        params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] = "HorAngle"; params_sleep[["def.noc.sleep"]] = 1
  if (length(params_sleep) > 0) {
    if (length(params_sleep[["loglocation"]]) == 1) {
      if (params_sleep[["loglocation"]] == "") {
        params_sleep[["loglocation"]] = c() #inserted because some users mistakingly use this
      } else {
        # Convert paths from Windows specific slashed to generic slashes
        params_sleep[["loglocation"]] = gsub(pattern = "\\\\", replacement = "/", x = params_sleep[["loglocation"]])
    if (length(params_sleep[["loglocation"]]) > 0 & length(params_sleep[["def.noc.sleep"]]) != 1) {
      warning(paste0("\nloglocation was specified and def.noc.sleep does not have length of 1, this is not compatible. ",
                     " We assume you want to use the sleeplog and misunderstood",
                     " argument def.noc.sleep. Therefore, we will reset def.noc.sleep to its default value of 1"), call. = FALSE)
      params_sleep[["def.noc.sleep"]] = 1
    if (params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] == "HorAngle" & params_sleep[["sleepwindowType"]] != "TimeInBed") {
      warning("\nHASPT.algo is set to HorAngle, therefore auto-updating sleepwindowType to TimeInBed", call. = FALSE)
      params_sleep[["sleepwindowType"]] = "TimeInBed"
    if (length(params_sleep[["loglocation"]]) == 0 & params_sleep[["HASPT.algo"]] != "HorAngle" & params_sleep[["sleepwindowType"]] != "SPT") {
      warning("\nAuto-updating sleepwindowType to SPT because no sleeplog used and neither HASPT.algo HorAngle used.", call. = FALSE)
      params_sleep[["sleepwindowType"]] = "SPT"
  if (length(params_cleaning) > 0) {
    if (params_cleaning[["strategy"]] %in% c(2, 4) & params_cleaning[["hrs.del.start"]] != 0) {
      warning(paste0("\nSetting argument hrs.del.start in combination with strategy = ",
                     params_cleaning[["strategy"]]," is not meaningful, because this is only used when straytegy = 1"), call. = FALSE)
    if (params_cleaning[["strategy"]] %in% c(2, 4) & params_cleaning[["hrs.del.end"]] != 0) {
      warning(paste0("\nSetting argument hrs.del.end in combination with strategy = ",
                     params_cleaning[["strategy"]]," is not meaningful, because this is only used when straytegy = 1"), call. = FALSE)
    if (!(params_cleaning[["strategy"]] %in% c(3, 5)) & params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]] != 7) {
      warning(paste0("\nSetting argument ndayswindow in combination with strategy = ",
                     params_cleaning[["strategy"]]," is not meaningful, because this is only used when strategy = 3 or strategy = 5"), call. = FALSE)
    if (params_cleaning[["strategy"]] == 5 &
        params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]] != round(params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]])) {
      newValue = round(params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]])
      warning(paste0("\nArgument ndayswindow has been rounded from ",
                     params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]], " to ", newValue, " days",
                     "because when strategy == 5 we expect an integer value", call. = FALSE))
      params_cleaning[["ndayswindow"]] = newValue
    if (length(params_cleaning[["data_cleaning_file"]]) > 0) {
      # Convert paths from Windows specific slashed to generic slashes
      params_cleaning[["data_cleaning_file"]] = gsub(pattern = "\\\\",
                                                     replacement = "/", x = params_cleaning[["data_cleaning_file"]])
  if (length(params_phyact) > 0) {
    if (length(params_phyact[["bout.metric"]]) > 0 |
        length(params_phyact[["closedbout"]]) > 0) {
      warning(paste0("\nArguments bout.metric and closedbout are no longer used",
                     " by GGIR, we now use one piece of code stored in",
                     " function g.getbout."), call. = FALSE)
    if (length(params_phyact[["mvpadur"]]) != 3) {
      params_phyact[["mvpadur"]] = c(1,5,10)
      warning("\nmvpadur needs to be a vector with length three, value now reset to default c(1, 5, 10)", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(params_247) > 0) {
    if (length(params_247[["iglevels"]]) > 0) {
      if (length(params_247[["iglevels"]]) == 1) {
        params_247[["iglevels"]] = c(seq(0, 4000, by = 25), 8000) # to introduce option to just say TRUE
    if (length(params_247[["qwindow"]]) > 0) {
      if (is.character(params_247[["qwindow"]])) {
        # Convert paths from Windows specific slashed to generic slashes
        params_247[["qwindow"]] = gsub(pattern = "\\\\", replacement = "/", x = params_247[["qwindow"]])
    if (length(params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]]) > 0) {
      params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]] = sort(unique(round(params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]])))
      if (params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]][1] != 0) {
        params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]] = c(0, params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]])
      if (params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]][length(params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]])] != 24) {
        params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]] = c(params_247[["LUX_day_segments"]], 24)
  if (!is.null(params_general[["expand_tail_max_hours"]])) {
    if (is.null(params_general[["recordingEndSleepHour"]]) & params_general[["expand_tail_max_hours"]] != 0) {
      params_general[["recordingEndSleepHour"]] = 24 - params_general[["expand_tail_max_hours"]] # redefine the argument
      params_general[["expand_tail_max_hours"]] = NULL # set to null so that it keeps this configuration in the config file for the next run of the script.
      stop("\nThe argument expand_tail_max_hours has been replaced by",
           " recordingEndSleepHour which has a different definition. Please",
           " see the documentation for further details and replace",
           " expand_tail_max_hour in your function call and config.csv file.", call. = FALSE)
    } else {
      # If both are defined, this is probably because expand_tail_max_hours is
      # in the config file from a previous run
      params_general[["expand_tail_max_hours"]] = NULL # set to null so that it keeps this configuration in the config file for the next run of the script.
      warning("\nBoth expand_tail_max_hours and recordingEndSleepHour",
              " are defined. GGIR will only use recordingEndSleepHour",
              " and expand_tail_max_hours will be set to NULL.", call. = FALSE)
  if (length(params_metrics) > 0 & length(params_general) > 0) {
    if (params_general[["dataFormat"]] %in% c("actiwatch_awd", "actiwatch_csv")) {
      if (params_metrics[["do.zcy"]] == FALSE | params_general[["acc.metric"]] != "ZCY") {
        params_metrics[["do.zcy"]] = TRUE
        params_general[["acc.metric"]] = "ZCY"
        warning(paste0("\nWhen dataFormat is set to ", params_general[["dataFormat"]],
                       " we assume that metric is ZCY, this is now used"), call. = FALSE)
      if (params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.angley"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.enmoa"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.enmo"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.lfenmo"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.bfen"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.mad"]] == TRUE) {
        metricsNotFalse = NULL
        for (metricName in c("do.anglex", "do.angley", "do.anglez", "do.enmoa",
                             "do.enmo", "do.bfen", "do.mad", "do.lfenmo")) {
          if (params_metrics[[metricName]] == TRUE) {
            metricsNotFalse = c(metricsNotFalse, metricName)
        warning(paste0("\nWhen dataFormat is set to ", params_general[["dataFormat"]],
                       " we assume that only metric ZCY is extracted and",
                       " GGIR ignores all other metric requests. So, you should set arguments ",
                       paste0(metricsNotFalse, collapse = " & "), " to FALSE"), call. = FALSE)
        # Turn all commonly used metrics to FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] = params_metrics[["do.angley"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] = params_metrics[["do.enmoa"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.enmo"]] = params_metrics[["do.bfen"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.mad"]] = params_metrics[["do.lfenmo"]] = FALSE
        # Force acc.metric to be ZCY
        params_general[["acc.metric"]] = "ZCY"
      if (length(params_sleep) > 0) {
        if (params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] != "Y") {
          params_sleep[["Sadeh_axis"]] = TRUE
          warning(paste0("\nWhen dataFormat is set to ", params_general[["dataFormat"]],
                         " we assume that Sadeh_axis Y, this is now overwritten"), call. = FALSE)
        if (params_sleep[["HASIB.algo"]] == "vanHees2015") {
          stop(paste0("\nSleep algorithm ", params_sleep[["HASIB.algo"]], " is not a valid",
                      " setting in combination with dataFormat set to ",
                      params_general[["dataFormat"]], " Please fix"), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (params_general[["dataFormat"]] == "ukbiobank") {
      if (params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.angley"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.enmoa"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.enmo"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.bfen"]] == TRUE |
          params_metrics[["do.mad"]] == TRUE |
          params_general[["acc.metric"]] != "LFENMO") {
        metricsNotFalse = NULL
        for (metricName in c("do.anglex", "do.angley", "do.anglez", "do.enmoa",
                             "do.enmo", "do.bfen", "do.mad")) {
          if (params_metrics[[metricName]] == TRUE) {
            metricsNotFalse = c(metricsNotFalse, metricName)
        warning(paste0("\nWhen dataFormat is set to ukbiobank",
                       " we assume that only metric LFENMO is extracted and",
                       " GGIR ignores all other metric requests. So, you should set arguments ",
                       paste0(metricsNotFalse, collapse = " & "), " to FALSE"), call. = FALSE)
        # Turn all commonly used metrics to FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.anglex"]] = params_metrics[["do.angley"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.anglez"]] = params_metrics[["do.enmoa"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.enmo"]] = params_metrics[["do.bfen"]] = FALSE
        params_metrics[["do.mad"]] = FALSE
        # Force acc.metric to be LFENMO
        params_general[["acc.metric"]] = "LFENMO"
  if (!is.null(params_general[["recordingEndSleepHour"]])) {
    # stop if expand_tail_max_hours was defined before 7pm
    if (params_general[["recordingEndSleepHour"]] < 19) {
      stop(paste0("\nrecordingEndSleepHour expects the latest time at which",
                  " the participant is expected to fall asleep. recordingEndSleepHour",
                  " has been defined as ", params_general[["recordingEndSleepHour"]],
                  ", which does not look plausible, please specify time at or later than 19:00",
                  " . Please note that it is your responsibility as user to verify that the
                  assumption is credible."), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(params_general[["maxRecordingInterval"]])) {
    if (params_general[["maxRecordingInterval"]] > 24 * 21) {
      stop(paste0("A maxRecordingInterval value higher than 21 days (504 hours) is permitted,",
                  " please specify a lower value."), call. = FALSE)
  # cleaning parameters for segments
  if (length(params_cleaning) > 0) {
    if (is.null(params_cleaning[["segmentWEARcrit.part5"]])) {
      # if null, then assign default value
      params_cleaning[["segmentWEARcrit.part5"]] = 0.5
      warning(paste0("\nsegmentWEARcrit.part5 is expected to be a number between 0 and 1",
                     ", the default value has been assigned (i.e., 0.5) "), call. = FALSE)
    } else if (params_cleaning[["segmentWEARcrit.part5"]] < 0 | 
               params_cleaning[["segmentWEARcrit.part5"]] > 1) {
      stop(paste0("Incorrect value of segmentWEARcrit.part5, this should be a",
                  "fraction of the day between zero and one, please change."), 
           call. = FALSE)
    if (length(params_cleaning[["segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5"]]) != 2) {
      stop("\nArgument segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5 is expected to be a numeric vector of length 2", call. = FALSE)
    if (sum(params_cleaning[["segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5"]]) < 0.5 |
        0 %in% params_cleaning[["segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5"]] == FALSE) {
      stop(paste0("\nIf you used argument segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5 then make sure",
                  " it includes one zero",
                  " and one value of at least 0.5, see documentation for",
                  " argument segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5. If you do not use",
                  " argument segmentDAYSPTcrit.part5",
                  " then delete it from your config.csv file (in your output folder)",
                  " or delete the config.csv file itself."), call. = FALSE)
  invisible(list(params_sleep = params_sleep,
                 params_metrics = params_metrics,
                 params_rawdata = params_rawdata,
                 params_247 = params_247,
                 params_phyact = params_phyact,
                 params_cleaning = params_cleaning,
                 params_output = params_output,
                 params_general = params_general))

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

GGIR documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:12 a.m.