
Defines functions g.getM5L5

Documented in g.getM5L5

g.getM5L5 = function(varnum, ws3, t0_LFMF, t1_LFMF, M5L5res, winhr, 
                     qM5L5  = c(), iglevels = c(), MX.ig.min.dur = 10) {
  #diurnal pattern features extracted only meaningful if more than 16 hours
  # note: acceleration 1-6am removed from this function and
  # placed in g.analyse because it is not related to M5L5 analyse (23-7-2019)
  meanVarnum = mean(varnum)
  do.M5L5 = meanVarnum > 0 # & length(varnum) > 1440*(60/ws3)
  nwindow_f = (t1_LFMF-winhr) - t0_LFMF #number of windows for L5M5 analyses
  if (length(do.M5L5) == 0 | is.na(do.M5L5) == TRUE | nwindow_f < 1) do.M5L5 = FALSE
  if (do.M5L5 == TRUE) { # only do the analysis if varnum has values other than zero
    reso = M5L5res #resolution
    nwindow_f = nwindow_f * (60/reso)
    DAYrunav5 = matrix(NA,nwindow_f,1)
    first_hri = (t0_LFMF*(60/reso))
    last_hri = min(nrow(DAYrunav5),floor(((t1_LFMF-winhr)*(60/reso))-1))
    for (hri in first_hri:last_hri) { #e.g.9am-9pm
      e1 = (hri*reso*(60/ws3))+1 #e.g. 9am
      e2 = (hri+(winhr*(60/reso))) * reso*(60/ws3) #e.g. 9am + 5 hrs
      if (e2 <= length(varnum)) {
        einclude = e1:e2
      } else { #allow for analyses beyond end of day 
        einclude = c(1:(e2-length(varnum)),e1:length(varnum))
      DAYrunav5[((hri-(t0_LFMF*(60/reso)))+1),1] = mean(varnum[einclude])
    valid = which(is.na(DAYrunav5) == F)
    DAYL5HOUR = ((which(DAYrunav5 == min(DAYrunav5[valid], na.rm = T) &
                          is.na(DAYrunav5) == F)-1)/(60/reso)) + t0_LFMF #- 1
    DAYL5VALUE = min(DAYrunav5[valid]) * 1000
    DAYM5HOUR = ((which(DAYrunav5 == max(DAYrunav5[valid], na.rm = T)  & is.na(DAYrunav5) == F)-1)/(60/reso)) + t0_LFMF #- 1
    DAYM5VALUE = max(DAYrunav5[valid]) * 1000
    if (length(DAYL5VALUE) > 1) { DAYL5VALUE = sort(DAYL5VALUE)[ceiling(length(DAYL5VALUE)/2)] }
    if (length(DAYL5HOUR) > 1) { DAYL5HOUR = sort(DAYL5HOUR)[ceiling(length(DAYL5HOUR)/2)] }
    if (length(DAYM5VALUE) > 1) { DAYM5VALUE = sort(DAYM5VALUE)[ceiling(length(DAYM5VALUE)/2)] }
    if (length(DAYM5HOUR) > 1) { DAYM5HOUR = sort(DAYM5HOUR)[ceiling(length(DAYM5HOUR)/2)] }
                          DAYM5VALUE=DAYM5VALUE, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  } else {
    M5L5vars = data.frame(DAYL5HOUR=NA,DAYL5VALUE=NA, 
                          DAYM5HOUR=NA,DAYM5VALUE=NA, stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
  ML5N = c(paste0("L",winhr,"hr"), paste0("L",winhr), paste0("M",winhr,"hr"), paste0("M",winhr))
  names(M5L5vars) = ML5N
  if (length(iglevels) > 0 | length(qM5L5 ) > 0) {
    # get indices of window
    L5start = (DAYL5HOUR * (3600 / ws3)) + 1 # (hour * (number of ws3 epochs in an hour)) + 1 because first epoch is one and not zero
    L5end = L5start + (winhr * (3600 / ws3))
    M5start = (DAYM5HOUR * (3600 / ws3)) + 1 # (hour * (number of ws3 epochs in an hour)) + 1 because first epoch is one and not zero
    M5end = M5start + (winhr * (3600 / ws3))
  if (length(iglevels) > 0 & length(MX.ig.min.dur) == 1) { # intensity gradient (as described by Alex Rowlands 2018)
    if (winhr >= MX.ig.min.dur) {
      for (li in 1:2) { # do twice, once for LX and once for MX
        q49 = c()
        if (li == 1) {
          q50 = cut(varnum[L5start:L5end]*1000, breaks = iglevels,right=FALSE)
        } else {
          q50 = cut(varnum[M5start:M5end]*1000, breaks = iglevels,right=FALSE)
        q50 = table(q50)
        q49  = (as.numeric(q50) * ws3)/60 #converting to minutes
        x_ig = zoo::rollmean(iglevels,k=2)
        y_ig = q49
        igout = g.intensitygradient(x_ig, y_ig) # produces three values
        varnameig = paste0(paste0(ifelse(li == 1, yes = "L", no = "M"),winhr,"_"),c("ig_gradient","ig_intercept","ig_rsquared"))
        if (length(varnum) > 0) {
          M5L5vars =as.data.frame(c(M5L5vars, as.vector(unlist(igout))), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        } else {
          M5L5vars =as.data.frame(c(M5L5vars, rep("",3)), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
        names(M5L5vars) = c(ML5N, varnameig)
  if (length(qM5L5 ) > 0) {  # add statistical features:
    if (do.M5L5 == TRUE) {
      # calculate statistics
      L5q = quantile(varnum[L5start:L5end], probs = qM5L5 , na.rm = TRUE)
      M5q = quantile(varnum[M5start:M5end], probs = qM5L5 , na.rm = TRUE)
      M5L5varsExtra = as.numeric(c(L5q, M5q)) * 1000
    } else {
      M5L5varsExtra = rep(NA, length(qM5L5) * 2)
    M5L5varsExtraNames = c(paste0("L",winhr,"_q",round(qM5L5 *100)), paste0("M",winhr,"_q",round(qM5L5 *100)))
    # add to M5L5vars data.frame
    M5L5vars =as.data.frame(c(M5L5vars,M5L5varsExtra), stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
    names(M5L5vars) = c(ML5N, M5L5varsExtraNames)

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GGIR documentation built on Oct. 17, 2023, 1:12 a.m.