Man pages for GLMsData
Generalized Linear Model Data Sets

AISAustralian Institute of Sports (AIS) data
antsAnts species richness
apprenticeApprentice migration to Edinburgh
babblersFeeding rates of babblers
belectionBritish election candidates
blocksBlocks stacked by children
boricDead embryos after exposure to boric acid
breakdownDialetric breakdown data
bttstudyThe South African Birth to Ten (BTT) study
budwormInsecticide doses and tobacco budworm
butterfatButterfat and dairy cattle
ccancerCanadian cancers
ceoCEO salaries
cervicalDeaths from cervical cancer
cheeseTasting cheese
cinsCanadian car insurance data
crawlThe age at which babies start to crawl
cyclonesCyclones near Australia
danishlcDanish lung cancer
dentalDecayed, missing and filled teeth
downsDowns Syndrome cases in British Columbia
dwomenDepression and children
dyouthDepression in adolescents
earinfEar infections in swimmers
emeraldaugAugust monthly rainfall in Emerald
energyEnergy expenditure
failuresFailures of electronic equipment
feedratesFeeding rates of birds
finerootThe root length density of apple trees
fishfoodFood consumption for fish
flatheadTiger flathead from trawls
flowersThe average number of meadowfoam flowers
fluoroThe time of fluoroscopy and total radiation
galapagosGal\'apagos Island species data
germGermination of seeds
germBinGermination of seeds
gestationGestation time
gforcesG-induced loss of consciousness
gopherClutch sizes of Gopher tortoises
gpsleepSleep times for guinea pigs
grazingBird abundance in grazing areas
hcrabsMales attached to female horseshoe crabs
heatcapHeat capacity of hydrobromic acid
humanfatHuman age and fatness
jankaJanka hardness
kstonesTreating kidney stones
lactationLactation of dairy cows
leafblotchPercentage leaf area of leaf blotch
leukwbcLeukaemia survival times
limeSmall-leaved lime trees
lungcapLung capacity and smoking in youth
mammaryAdult mammary stem cells
mandibleMandible length and gestational age
manukaManuka honey and wound healing
motorinsSwedish third-party car insurance
mutagenMutagenicity assay
mutantfreqCell mutant frequencies in children
nambewareNambeware products
nhospitalNaval hospital maintenance
nitrogenSoil nitrogen
nminerNoisy miner abundance
paperThe tensile strength of paper
permPermeability of building materials
phosphorusSoil phosphorus
pockPock counts
poisonSurvival times of animals
polypsThe number of polyps and suldinac
polytheneCosmetic company use of polythene
puntingFootball punting
quilpieTotal July rainfall at Quilpie
ratliverDrugs present in rat livers
rootstockRootstock data
rratesOxidation rate of benzene
rtroutWeights of rainbow trout
ruminantEnergy in ruminant's diets
satiswtSatisfaction with weight in youth
sdrinkSoft drink delivery times
seabirdsCounts of seabirds
serumMice surviving doses of antipneumococcus serum
settingHeat evolved by setting cement
sharpenerSharpener data
sheepThe daily energy requirements for wethers
shuttlesO-rings on the space shuttles
teenconcernsConcerns of teenagers
toothbrushEffectiveness of toothbrushes
toxoToxoplasmosis and rainfall
triangleArtificial data from triangles
troutThe effect of potassium cyanate on trout eggs
turbinesFissures in turbine wheels
urinationDUrination time
urinationLUrethral length
wacancerCancer in Western Australia
wheatrainAnnual rainfall in the NSW wheat belt
windmillPower generation by windmills
wwomenSmoking and survival
yielddenYield of onions at various densities
GLMsData documentation built on Aug. 22, 2022, 9:10 a.m.