
Defines functions ff.cf ff.infomax ff.geomin ff.bentler ff.fss fssQ.df fssT.df ff.simplimax ff.cubimax cubimax.df ff.entropy ff.oblimax ff.pst ff.target ff.quartimin ff.varimax ff.quartimax GPForth.df

Documented in cubimax.df ff.bentler ff.cf ff.cubimax ff.entropy ff.fss ff.geomin ff.infomax ff.oblimax ff.pst ff.quartimax ff.quartimin ff.simplimax ff.target ff.varimax fssQ.df fssT.df GPForth.df

# GPForth.df is the main GP algorithm for orthogonal rotation.
# GPFoblq.df is the main GP algorithm for oblique rotation.
# Gf computes the numerical derivative and is needed by GPForth.df and GPFoblq.df.
# For both algorithms is required: a loadings matrix A. Optional  
# a initial rotation matrix Tmat. By default this is the identity matrix.
# Optional: the rotation method to be used. Between quation marks have to
# be the last part of the name of the ff function, e.g. for ff.varimax
# the argument is "varimax". Identical arguments can be used for oblique
# rotation. Some rotation criteria (including simplimax, pst, fss, 
# cf,...) require one or more additional arguments. 

GPForth.df <- function(A, Tmat = diag(ncol(A)), normalize = FALSE, eps = 1e-05, 
  maxit = 1000, method="varimax", methodArgs = NULL){
# begin of function Gf
  Gf <- function(Tmat, A, Method, methodArgs){
   k <- nrow(Tmat)
   G <- Z <- matrix(0,k,k)
   ep <- 0.0001
   for (r in 1:k){
     for (s in 1:k){
        dT <- Z
        dT[r,s] <- ep
        p1 <- do.call(Method, append(list(A %*% (Tmat + dT)), methodArgs))
        p2 <- do.call(Method, append(list(A %*% (Tmat - dT)), methodArgs))
        G[r,s] <- (p1$f - p2$f)/(2 * ep)
# end of function Gf
 if((!is.logical(normalize)) || normalize) {
   W <- NormalizingWeight(A, normalize=normalize)
   normalize <- TRUE
   A <- A/W
  k <- nrow(Tmat)
  if (1 >= k) 
    stop("rotation does not make sense for single factor models.")
 Method <- paste("ff", method, sep = ".")
 al <- 1
 Table <- NULL
 L <- A %*% Tmat
 for (iter in 0:maxit){
   f <- do.call(Method, append(list(L), methodArgs))
   G <- Gf(Tmat, A, Method, methodArgs)
   M <- crossprod(Tmat,G)
   S <- (M + t(M))/2
   Gp <- G-Tmat %*% S
      s <- sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(Gp))))
   Table <- rbind(Table,c(iter,f$f,log10(s),al))
   if (s < eps)
   al <- 2*al
   for (i in 0:10){
     X <- Tmat - al * Gp
     UDV <- svd(X)
     Tmatt <- UDV$u %*% t(UDV$v)
     L <- A %*% Tmatt
     ft <- do.call(Method, append(list(L), methodArgs))
     if (ft$f < (f$f-.5*s^2*al))
     al <- al/2
    Tmat <- Tmatt
  L <- A %*% Tmat
  convergence <- (s < eps)
  if ((iter == maxit) & !convergence) 
        warning("convergence not obtained in GPForth.df. ", maxit, 
            " iterations used.")
  if(normalize) L <- L * W
  dimnames(L) <- dimnames(A)
  r <- list(loadings = L, Th = Tmat, Table = Table, method = f$Method, 
        orthogonal = TRUE, convergence = convergence, G = G)
  colnames(r$Table) <- c("iter", "f", "log10(s)", "alpha")
  class(r) <- "GPArotation"


GPFoblq.df <- function (A, Tmat = diag(ncol(A)), normalize = FALSE, eps = 1e-05, 
    maxit = 1000, method = "quartimin", methodArgs = NULL){ 
  Gf <- function(Tmat, A, Method, methodArgs){ # begin function Gf
   k <- nrow(Tmat)
   ep <- .0001
   G <- Z <- matrix(0,k,k)
   for (r in 1:k){
     for (s in 1:k){
        dT <- Z
        dT[r,s] <- ep
        p1 <- do.call(Method, append(list(A %*% t(solve(Tmat + dT))), methodArgs))
        p2 <- do.call(Method, append(list(A %*% t(solve(Tmat - dT))), methodArgs))
        G[r,s] <- (p1$f - p2$f)/(2*ep)
  }  # end of function Gf
  if((!is.logical(normalize)) || normalize) {
    W <- NormalizingWeight(A, normalize=normalize)
    normalize <- TRUE
    A <- A/W
  k <- nrow(Tmat)
  if (1 >= k) 
     stop("rotation does not make sense for single factor models.")
 Method <- paste("ff", method, sep = ".")
 al <- 1
 Table <- NULL
 L <- A %*% t(solve(Tmat))
 for (iter in 0:maxit){
   f <- do.call(Method, append(list(L), methodArgs))
   G <- Gf(Tmat, A, Method, methodArgs)
    Gp <- G-Tmat %*% diag(apply(Tmat*G,2,sum))
    s <- sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(Gp))))
    Table <- rbind(Table,c(iter,f$f,log10(s),al))
    if (s < eps)
     al <- 2*al
     for (i in 0:10){
       X <- Tmat-al*Gp
       v <- 1/sqrt(apply(X^2,2,sum))
       Tmatt <- X %*% diag(v)
       L <- A %*% t(solve(Tmatt))
       ft <- do.call(Method, append(list(L), methodArgs))
       if (ft$f < (f$f-.5*s^2*al))
       al <- al/2
     Tmat <- Tmatt
   L <- A %*% t(solve(Tmat))
   convergence <- (s < eps)
   if ((iter == maxit) & !convergence) 
        warning("convergence not obtained in GPFoblq.df. ", maxit, 
            " iterations used.")
   if(normalize) L <- L * W
    dimnames(L) <- dimnames(A)
    r <- list(loadings = L, Phi = t(Tmat) %*% Tmat, Th = Tmat, 
        Table = Table, method = ft$Method, orthogonal = FALSE, 
        convergence = convergence, G = G)
    colnames(r$Table) <- c("iter", "f", "log10(s)", "alpha")
    class(r) <- "GPArotation"

ff.quartimax <- function(L){
  f = -sum(L^4) / 4
  list(f = f, Method = "DF-Quartimax")

ff.varimax <- function(L){
  QL <- sweep(L^2,2,apply(L^2,2,mean),"-")
  f= -sqrt(sum(diag(crossprod(QL))))^2/4
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Varimax")

ff.quartimin <- function(L){
  L2 <- L^2
  k <- ncol(L)
  M <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k)
  f <- sum(L2 * (L2 %*% M))/4
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Quartimin")

ff.target <- function(L,Target = NULL){
  # Needs Target matrix, e.g.  Target <-matrix(c(rep(9,4),rep(0,8),rep(9,4)),8) 
  f <- sum((L-Target)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Target rotation")

ff.pst <- function(L,W = NULL,Target = NULL){
  # Needs weight matrix W with 1's at specified values, 0 otherwise
  # e.g. W = matrix(c(rep(1,4),rep(0,8),rep(1,4)),8). 
  # When W has only 1's this is procrustes rotation
  # Needs a Target matrix Target with hypothesized factor loadings.
  # e.g. Target = matrix(0,8,2)
  Btilde <- W * Target
  f <- sum((W*L-Btilde)^2, na.rm = TRUE)
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-PST")

ff.oblimax <- function(L){
  f <- -(log(sum(L^4))-2*log(sum(L^2)))
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Oblimax")

ff.entropy <- function(L){
  f <- -sum(L^2 * log(L^2 + (L^2==0)))/2
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Entropy")
cubimax.df <-  function(A, Tmat = diag(ncol(A)), normalize = FALSE, eps = 1e-05, 
    maxit = 1000){
    GPForth.df(A, Tmat = Tmat, method = "cubimax", normalize = normalize, 
        eps = eps, maxit = maxit)
ff.cubimax <- function(L){
  f <- -sum(diag(t(L^2) %*% abs(L)))
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Cubimax")

ff.simplimax <- function(L,k=nrow(L)){
  # k: Number of close to zero loadings
  Imat <- sign(L^2 <= sort(L^2)[k])
  f <- sum(Imat*L^2)
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Simplimax")

fssT.df <-  function(A, Tmat = diag(ncol(A)), kij = 2, normalize = FALSE, eps = 1e-05, 
    maxit = 1000){
    GPForth.df(A, Tmat = Tmat, method = "fss", normalize = normalize, 
        eps = eps, maxit = maxit, methodArgs = (kij = kij) )
fssQ.df <-  function(A, Tmat = diag(ncol(A)), kij = 2, normalize = FALSE, eps = 1e-05, 
    maxit = 1000){
    GPFoblq.df(A, Tmat = Tmat, method = "fss", normalize = normalize, 
        eps = eps, maxit = maxit, methodArgs = (kij = kij) )

ff.fss <- function(L, kij=2){
  m <- ncol(L)
  p <- nrow(L)
  zm <- m + kij
  Imat <- matrix(0, p, m)
  for (j in 1:m){
    Imat[abs(L[,j]) <= sort(abs(L[,j]))[zm],j] <- 1 }
  for (i in 1:(m-1)){
    for (j in (i+1):m){
      nz <- sum( (Imat[,i] + Imat[,j]) ==1)
      while (nz < zm && sum(Imat[ ,c(i,j)]) < m * 2){
	    tbc <- c(abs(L[,i]), abs(L[,j]))
	    tbcs <- sort(tbc [c(Imat[,i], Imat[,j])==0])[1]
	    Imat[abs(L) == tbcs] <- 1
	    nz <- sum( (Imat[,i] + Imat[,j]) ==1)
  Method <- paste("DF-Forced Simple Structure (kij = ",kij,")", sep="")
  f <- sum(Imat*L^2)
  list(f = f, Imat = Imat,
       Method = Method)

ff.bentler <- function(L){
  L2 <- L^2
  M <- crossprod(L2)
  D <- diag(diag(M))
  f <- -(log(det(M))-log(det(D)))/4
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Bentler")

ff.geomin <- function(L,delta=0.01){
  k <- ncol(L)
  L2 <- L^2 + delta
  pro <- exp(apply(log(L2),1,sum)/k) #apply(L2,1,prod)^(1/k)
  f <- sum(pro)
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Geomin")

ff.infomax <- function(L){
  k <- ncol(L)
  S <- L^2
  s <- sum(S)
  s1 <- apply(S, 1, sum)
  s2 <- apply(S, 2, sum)
  E <- S/s
  e1 <- s1/s
  e2 <- s2/s
  Q0 <- sum(-E * log(E))
  Q1 <- sum(-e1 * log(e1))
  Q2 <- sum(-e2 * log(e2))
  f <- log(k) + Q0 - Q1 - Q2
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Infomax")

ff.cf <- function(L,kappa=0){
  k <- ncol(L)
  p <- nrow(L)
  # kappa <- 0 # Quartimax 
  # kappa <- 1/p # Varimax
  # kappa <- m/(2*p) # Equamax
  # kappa <- (m-1)/(p+m-2) # Parsimax
  # kappa <- 1 # Factor parsimony
  # Method <- paste("Crawford-Ferguson:k=",kappa,sep="")
  N <- matrix(1,k,k)-diag(k)
  M <- matrix(1,p,p)-diag(p)
  L2 <- L^2
  f1 <- (1-kappa)*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,L2 %*% N)))/4
  f2 <- kappa*sum(diag(crossprod(L2,M %*% L2)))/4
  f <- f1 + f2
  list(f = f,
  		Method = "DF-Crawford-Ferguson")

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