
Defines functions are.compatible summary.GROAN.NoisyDataset print.GROAN.NoisyDataset getExtraCovariatesNames getNoisyPhenotype check.name check.noiseInjector check.strata check.covariance check.genotypes check.genetic_data check.extraCovariates check.ploidy check.phenotypes

Documented in are.compatible getExtraCovariatesNames getNoisyPhenotype print.GROAN.NoisyDataset summary.GROAN.NoisyDataset

# Copyright 2017 Nelson Nazzicari
# This file is part of GROAN.
# GROAN is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GROAN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with GROAN  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#in this file functions related to creation of noisy dataset

####################### MAIN CLASS DEFINITION #######################
#' Noisy Data Set Constructor
#' This function creates a GROAN.NoisyDataset object (or fails trying). The
#' class will contain all noisy data set components: genotypes and/or covariance matrix,
#' phenotypes, strata (optional), a noise injector function and its parameters.\cr
#' You can have a general description of the created object using the overridden \link{print.GROAN.NoisyDataset}
#' function.
#' @param name A string defining the dataset name, used later do identify this
#'             particular instance in reports and result files. It is advisable for
#'             it to be it somewhat meaningful (to you, GROAN simply reports it as it is)
#' @param genotypes Matrix or dataframe containing SNP genotypes, one row per sample (N), one column per marker (M), 0/1/2 format (for diploids)
#'                  or 0/1/2.../ploidy in case of polyploids
#' @param covariance matrix of covariances between samples of this dataset. It is usually a square (NxN) matrix,
#'                   but rectangular matrices (NxW) are accepted to incapsulate covariances between samples in
#'                   this set and samples of other sets. Please note that some regression models expect the
#'                   covariance to be square and will fail on rectangular ones
#' @param phenotypes numeric array, N slots
#' @param strata array of M slots, describing the strata each data point belongs to. This is
#'                used for stratified crossvalidation (see \code{\link{createWorkbench}})
#' @param extraCovariates dataframe of optional extra covariates (N lines, one column per extra covariate).
#'                        Numeric ones will be normalized, string and categorical ones will be transformed
#'                        in stub TRUE/FALSE variables (one per possible value, see \link[stats]{model.matrix}).
#' @param ploidy number of haploid sets in the cell. Defaults to 2 (diploid).
#' @param allowFractionalGenotypes if TRUE non-integer values for genotypes can be allowed. Defaults to FALSE
#' @param noiseInjector name of a noise injector function, defaults to \link{noiseInjector.dummy}
#' @param ... further arguments are passed along to noiseInjector
#' @return a GROAN.NoisyDataset object.
#' @seealso \link{GROAN.run} \link{createWorkbench}
#' @export
#' @examples #For more complete examples see the package vignette
#' #creating a noisy dataset with normal noise
#' nds = createNoisyDataset(
#'   name = 'PEA, normal noise',
#'   genotypes = GROAN.KI$SNPs,
#'   phenotypes = GROAN.KI$yield,
#'   noiseInjector = noiseInjector.norm,
#'   mean = 0,
#'   sd = sd(GROAN.KI$yield) * 0.5
#' )
createNoisyDataset = function (name, genotypes=NULL, covariance=NULL, phenotypes, strata=NULL, extraCovariates=NULL, ploidy=2, allowFractionalGenotypes=FALSE, noiseInjector=noiseInjector.dummy, ...){
  #checking inputs
  check.genetic_data(genotypes, covariance, n=length(phenotypes), ploidy=ploidy, allowFractionalGenotypes=allowFractionalGenotypes)
  check.strata(strata, n=length(phenotypes))
  check.extraCovariates(extraCovariates, n=length(phenotypes))

  #class attributes
  me = list(
    name = name,
    ploidy = ploidy,
    genos = genotypes,
    covs = covariance,
    phenos = phenotypes,
    strata = strata,
    strata.available = !is.null(strata),
    injector = noiseInjector,
    extraParms = list(...)

  #if no strata were specified, we fill with dummy values and take notes
    me$strata = rep('dummyStrata', length(me$phenos))

  #optional extra covariates get special treatment
  if (is.null(extraCovariates)){
    me$extraCovs = NULL
    #if extraCovs is already a multi dimensional thing (matrix, dataframe, etc)
    #we are good (correct dimentions, we have colnames). Otherwise
    #we force it
    if (is.null(dim(extraCovariates))){
      extraCovariates = as.data.frame(extraCovariates)
    if (length(dim(extraCovariates)) == 1){
      extraCovariates = as.data.frame(extraCovariates)

    me$extraCovs = model.matrix( ~ ., extraCovariates)
    #because of how we built the model matrix, the first
    #column is "(Intercept)". This is ok, but the parenthesis
    #in the column name are bad for some regressors. Let's
    #correct it
    tmp.names = colnames(me$extraCovs)
    tmp.names[1] = 'Intercept'
    colnames(me$extraCovs) = tmp.names

    #Let's just keep the original covariate names
    me$extraCovsOriginalNames = colnames(extraCovariates)

  ## Set the name for the class
  class(me) = c("GROAN.NoisyDataset", class(me))

  #we are done

####################### INPUT CHECKERS #######################
#fails if phenotypes is not numeric, or if it contains NA
check.phenotypes = function(phenotypes){
    stop(paste('Passed phenotypes is not a numeric array.'), call. = FALSE)
    stop(paste('Passed phenotypes contains missing values.'), call. = FALSE)

#fails if ploidy is not a positive integer
check.ploidy = function(ploidy){
  if (!is.naturalnumber(ploidy)){
    stop(paste('Passed ploidy is not a positive integer:', ploidy), call. = FALSE)

#check that extra covariates are NULL or a matrix/df in the form:
#-n rows (where n is the number of samples)
#-no missings
#fails if any condition is not met
check.extraCovariates = function(extraCovariates, n){
  #extraCovariates are optional, so NULL is a valid value
  if (is.null(extraCovariates)) return()

  #adjusting for single dimension (vector) vs. multiple dimension (array, data.frame, matrix)
  if (is.null(dim(extraCovariates))){
    extraCovariates = as.data.frame(extraCovariates)
  if (length(dim(extraCovariates)) == 1){
    extraCovariates = as.data.frame(extraCovariates)

  #dimensional check
  if (nrow(extraCovariates) != n){
    stop(paste('Passed extra covariates should have as many rows as phenotypes slots.'), call. = FALSE)

  #missing values
  if (any(is.na(extraCovariates))){
    stop(paste('Passed extra covariates contains missing values.'), call. = FALSE)

#checks that at least one of genotypes and covariance is not NULL
#calls the proper further checks on the available data
check.genetic_data = function(genotypes, covariance, n, ploidy, allowFractionalGenotypes){
  if (all(is.null(genotypes), is.null(covariance))){
    stop(paste('At least one among genotypes and covariance matrix need to be not NULL'), call. = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(genotypes)){
    check.genotypes(genotypes, n, ploidy, allowFractionalGenotypes)
  if (!is.null(covariance)){
    check.covariance(covariance, n)

#check genotypes are a matrix/df in the form
#-n rows (where n is the number of samples)
#-one column per locus
#-values in 0/1/2/...ploidy unless allowFractionalGenotypes==TRUE (in which case the [0..ploidy] range is allowed)
#-no missings
#fails if any condition is not met
check.genotypes = function(genotypes, n, ploidy, allowFractionalGenotypes){
  #dimensional check
  if (nrow(genotypes) != n){
    stop(paste('Passed genotypes should have as many rows as phenotypes slots.'), call. = FALSE)

  #missing values
  if (any(is.na(genotypes))){
    stop(paste('Passed genotypes contains missing values.'), call. = FALSE)

  #for numeric check we need a matrix
  genotypes.max = as.matrix(genotypes)

  #are we in the allowed range?
  if(min(genotypes.max) < 0){
    stop(paste('Passed genotypes contains negative values'), call. = FALSE)
  if(max(genotypes.max) > ploidy){
    stop(paste('Passed genotypes contains values greater than the ploidy'), call. = FALSE)

  #unless explicitly allowed, we should check for having only integer numbers
  if(!allowFractionalGenotypes & !all(is.naturalnumber(genotypes.max, -1))){
    stop("Passed genotypes contains non integer values (if it's expected consider setting allowFractionalGenotypes=TRUE)", call. = FALSE)

#check covariance is a matrix/df in the form
#-n x something (where n is the number of samples)
#-no missings
#fails if any condition is not met
check.covariance = function(covariance, n){
  #dimensional check
  if (nrow(covariance) != n){
    stop(paste('Passed covariance should have as many rows as phenotypes slots.'), call. = FALSE)

  #missing values
  if (any(is.na(covariance))){
    stop(paste('Passed covariance contains missing values.'), call. = FALSE)

#check that strata array is either NULL or contain n elements,
#with no empty ones
check.strata = function(strata, n){
  #if it's NULL it's ok

  #dimensional check
  if (length(strata) != n){
    stop(paste('Passed strata should have as many rows as phenotypes slots.'), call. = FALSE)

  #no empty spaces allowed
    stop(paste('Passed strata contains missing values.'), call. = FALSE)

#fails if noiseInjector is not a valid noise injection function or function name
check.noiseInjector = function(noiseInjector){
  if (!is.function(noiseInjector)){
    stop(paste('Passed noiseInjector is not a function'), call. = FALSE)

  #checking at least function arguments (there's no way to check return
  args.list = names(formals(noiseInjector))
  if (!("phenotypes" %in% args.list)){
    stop(paste('Passed noiseInjector function must (at least) accept arguments "phenotypes"'), call. = FALSE)

#fails if name is not a string
check.name = function(name){
  if (!is.string(name)){
    stop(paste('Passed name is not a valid string:', name), call. = FALSE)

###################### METHODS #######################
#' Generate an instance of noisy phenotypes
#' Given a \code{Noisy Dataset} object, this function
#' applies the noise injector to the data and returns
#' a noisy version of it.
#' It is useful for inspecting the noisy injector effects.
#' @param nds a \code{Noisy Dataset} object
#' @return the phenotypes contained in \code{nds} with added noise.
#' @export
getNoisyPhenotype = function(nds){
  #the noise injection function
  f = nds$injector
  #the phenotypes
  p = nds$phenos
  #the extra arguments
  ex = nds$extraParms
  #creating an argument list where phenotypes are the first element
  parms = list(phenotypes=p)
  parms = c(parms, ex)

  return (do.call(f, parms))

#' String of extra covariates names
#' Given a \code{Noisy Dataset} object, this function
#' returns a representation of the extra covariates
#' present in the object. If no extra covariates are
#' present an empty string is returned.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param nds a \code{Noisy Dataset} object.
#' @param separator used for string concatenation.
#' @return a string representation of extra covariates names.
getExtraCovariatesNames = function(nds, separator=' '){
  if (is.null(nds$extraCovs)){
  return(paste(collapse=separator, nds$extraCovsOriginalNames))

#' Print a GROAN Noisy Dataset object
#' Short description for class GROAN.NoisyDataset, created with \link{createNoisyDataset}.
#' @param x object of class GROAN.NoisyDataset.
#' @param ... ignored, put here to match S3 function signature
#' @return This function returns the original \code{GROAN.NoisyDataset} object invisibly (via \link[=invisible]{invisible(x)})
#' @export
print.GROAN.NoisyDataset = function(x, ...){


#' Summary for GROAN Noisy Dataset object
#' Returns a dataframe with some description of an object created with \link{createNoisyDataset}.
#' @param object instance of class GROAN.NoisyDataset.
#' @param ... additional arguments ignored, added for compatibility to generic \code{summary} function
#' @return a data frame with GROAN.NoisyDataset stats.
#' @export
summary.GROAN.NoisyDataset = function(object, ...){
  res = data.frame()
  res['dataset.name', 'value'] = object$name
  res['ploidy', 'value'] = object$ploidy
  res['samples', 'value'] = length(object$phenos)

  res['SNPs.num', 'value'] = 'absent'
  if (!is.null(object$genos)){
    res['SNPs.num', 'value'] = ncol(object$genos)

  res['covariance', 'value'] = 'present'
  if (is.null(object$covs)){
    res['covariance', 'value'] = 'absent'

  res['extraCovariates', 'value'] = 'absent'
  if (!is.null(object$extraCovs)){
    res['extraCovariates', 'value'] = paste(collapse = ', ', object$extraCovsOriginalNames)

  res['strata', 'value'] = 'absent'
    res['strata', 'value'] = paste(collapse = ', ', unique(object$strata))


#' Check two GROAN.NoisyDataSet for dimension compatibility
#' This function verifies that the two passed GROAN.NoisyDataSet objects have
#' the same dimensions and can thus be used in the same experiment (typically training
#' models on one and testing on the other). The function returns a TRUE/FALSE. In \code{verbose}
#' mode the function also prints messages detailing the comparisons.
#' @param nds1 the first GROAN.NoisyDataSet to be tested
#' @param nds2 the second GROAN.NoisyDataSet to be tested
#' @param verbose boolean, if TRUE the function prints messages detailing the comparison.
#' @return TRUE if the passed GROAN.NoisyDataSet are dimensionally compatible, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
are.compatible = function(nds1, nds2, verbose=FALSE){
  #test on arguments
  if (!'GROAN.NoisyDataset' %in% class(nds1)) stop('First argument is not a GROAN.NoisyDataset')
  if (!'GROAN.NoisyDataset' %in% class(nds2)) stop('Second argument is not a GROAN.NoisyDataset')
  if (!is.boolean(verbose)) stop('Parameter "verbose" should be boolean')

  #retrieving the two summaries, will be used for comparison
  nds1.sum = summary(nds1)
  nds2.sum = summary(nds2)

  #comparing the value column
  check = nds1.sum$value == nds2.sum$value
  names(check) = rownames(nds1.sum)

  #output message, printed only if verbose==TRUE
  msg.tot = NULL
  res = TRUE

  msg = 'Comparing ploidy...'
  if (check['ploidy']){
    msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
    res = FALSE
    msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR')
  msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  #SNP number
  msg = 'Comparing SNP number...'
  if (check['SNPs.num']){
    msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
    res = FALSE
    msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: SNP number differs')
  msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  #SNP names
  msg = 'Comparing SNP names...'
  SNP.names.nds1 = colnames(nds1$genos)
  SNP.names.nds2 = colnames(nds1$genos)
  if (all(SNP.names.nds1 == SNP.names.nds1)){
    msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
    res = FALSE
    msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: SNP names differ')
  msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  msg = 'Comparing covariance matrix...'
  if (check['covariance']){
    msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
    res = FALSE
    msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: covariance must be either present or absent in both datasets')
  msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  #Comparing convariances (if present)
  if (nds1.sum['covariance', 'value'] == 'present' & nds2.sum['covariance', 'value'] == 'present'){
    msg = 'Comparing covariance size...'
    if (ncol(nds1$covs) == ncol(nds2$covs)){
      msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
      res = FALSE
      msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: covariance matrices must have the same number of columns in the two datasets')
    msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

    msg = 'Comparing covariance columns...'
    if (all(colnames(nds1$covs) == colnames(nds2$covs))){
      msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
      res = FALSE
      msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: column names differ')
    msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  #Extra covariates
  msg = paste(sep='', 'Comparing extra covariates...')
  if (check['extraCovariates']){
    msg = paste(msg, 'OK')
    res = FALSE
    msg = paste(msg, 'ERROR: extra covariates names differ')
  msg.tot = c(msg.tot, msg)

  #and we are done
  if (verbose) writeLines(msg.tot)

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