Defines functions AIC_A

#' AIC Score Calculator with Adaptive Distance Bandwidth
#' @description Get AIC score with an adaptive distance bandwidth
#' @param bw                Current potential bandwidth put into the calculation.
#' @param data_input        The data.frame has been washed
#' @param ID_list           The data.frame with individuals' ID
#' @param formula           The regression formula: : Y ~ X1 + ... + Xk
#' @param p                 The power of the Minkowski distance, default is 2, i.e. the Euclidean distance (see GWmodel::bw.gwr)
#' @param longlat           If TRUE, great circle distances will be calculated (see GWmodel::bw.gwr)
#' @param adaptive          If TRUE, adaptive distance bandwidth is used, otherwise, fixed distance bandwidth.
#' @param kernel            Kernel, default "bisquare". gaussian,exponential, bisquare, tricube, boxcar (see GWmodel::gw.weight)
#' @param model             Panel models transformation : (c("within", "random", "pooling"))
#' @param index             The index C("id", "time"), here "id" is always "id", but "time" is set by user
#' @param effect            The effects introduced in the model, one of "individual", "time", "twoways", or "nested"
#' @param random.method     Method of estimation for the variance components in the random effects model, one of "swar" (default), "amemiya", "walhus", or "nerlove"
#' @param huge_data_size    If TRUE, the "progress_bar" function will be launched
#' @import dplyr
#' @import GWmodel
#' @importFrom  plm plm pdata.frame
#' @importFrom  stats sd aggregate
#' @return A AIC score
#' @references Fotheringham, A. Stewart, Chris Brunsdon, and Martin Charlton. Geographically weighted regression: the analysis of spatially varying relationships. John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
#' @noRd
AIC_A <- function(bw, data_input, ID_list, formula, p, longlat, adaptive, kernel,
                  model = model, index = index, effect = effect,
                  random.method = random.method, huge_data_size)
    ### 0.1.1
    #AICscore_vector <- c()
    ### 0.1.1
    ID_list_single <- as.vector(ID_list[[1]])
    loop_times <- 1
    wgt <- 0
    ### 0.2.0
    residualsVector <- c()
    tr_hatmatVector <- c()
    ### 0.2.0
    for (ID_individual in ID_list_single)
      data_input$aim[data_input$id == ID_individual] <- 1
      data_input$aim[data_input$id != ID_individual] <- 0
      ### 0.2.0 to get the trace vector
      aim_number <- sum(data_input$aim)
      ### 0.2.0
      subsample <- data_input
      subsample <- subsample[order(-subsample$aim),]
      dp_locat_subsample <- dplyr::select(subsample, 'X', 'Y')
      dp_locat_subsample <- as.matrix(dp_locat_subsample)
      dMat <- GWmodel::gw.dist(dp.locat = dp_locat_subsample, rp.locat = dp_locat_subsample,
                               focus = 1, p=p, longlat=longlat)
      subsample$dist <- as.vector(dMat)
      subsample <- subsample[order(subsample$dist),]
      id_subsample <- dplyr::select(subsample, "id")
      id_subsample <- id_subsample[!duplicated(id_subsample$id),]
      id_subsample <- as.data.frame(id_subsample)
      id_subsample <- id_subsample[1:bw,]
      id_subsample <- as.data.frame(id_subsample)
      colnames(id_subsample) <- "id"
      id_subsample <- dplyr::mutate(id_subsample, flag = 1)
      subsample <- dplyr::inner_join(subsample, id_subsample, by = "id")
      bw_to_total <- nrow(subsample)
      weight <- GWmodel::gw.weight(as.numeric(subsample$dist), bw=bw_to_total, kernel=kernel, adaptive=adaptive)
      subsample$wgt <- as.vector(weight)
      Psubsample <- plm::pdata.frame(subsample, index = index, drop.index = FALSE, row.names = FALSE,
                                     stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      plm_subsample <- plm::plm(formula=formula, model=model, data=Psubsample,
                                effect = effect, index=index, weights = wgt,
                                random.method = random.method)
      if(model == "within")
        theta = 1
      if(model == "pooling")
        theta = 0
      if(model == "random")
        theta = as.numeric(plm_subsample$ercomp$theta)
      varibale_name_in_equation <- all.vars(formula)
      indep_varibale_name_in_equation <- varibale_name_in_equation[2:length(varibale_name_in_equation)]
      X <- as.data.frame(Psubsample[,c("id", indep_varibale_name_in_equation)])
      X$id <- as.character(X$id)
      if((model == "random")|(model == "pooling"))
        X$intercept <- 1
      if((model == "random")|(model == "pooling"))
        X$intercept <- 1
      if (model == "pooling")
        X_trans <- (dplyr::select(X, -"id"))
        X_mean <- stats::aggregate(X[,indep_varibale_name_in_equation], by = list(X[,'id']), mean)
        colnames(X_mean)[1] <- "id"
        X_mean <- dplyr::left_join(dplyr::select(X, "id"), X_mean, by = "id")
        X_trans <- (dplyr::select(X, -"id")) - (dplyr::select(X_mean, -"id")) * theta
      X_trans <- as.matrix(X_trans)
      W <- as.vector(Psubsample$wgt)
      P <- try(X_trans %*%  solve(t(X_trans) %*% (W * X_trans)) %*% t(X_trans) * W, silent=TRUE)
      ### 0.2.0
      if(!inherits(P, "try-error"))
        sub_tr_hatmat <- diag(P)
        sub_tr_hatmat.aim <- sub_tr_hatmat[1:aim_number]
        sub_resid <- plm_subsample$residuals
        sub_resid.aim <- sub_resid[1:aim_number]
        sub_tr_hatmat.aim <- Inf
        sub_resid.aim <- Inf
      residualsVector <- append(residualsVector, sub_resid.aim)
      tr_hatmatVector <- append(tr_hatmatVector, sub_tr_hatmat.aim)
      ### 0.2.0

      ### 0.1.1
      #if(!inherits(P, "try-error"))
      #  tr_hatmat <- sum(diag(P))
      #  n <- nrow(Psubsample)
      #  AICscore <- 2*n*log(sd(plm_subsample$residuals)) + n*log(2*pi) +  n * (tr_hatmat + n) / (n - 2 - tr_hatmat)
      #    AICscore <- Inf
      ### 0.1.1

      if (huge_data_size == T)
        progress_bar(loop_times = loop_times, nrow(ID_list))
        loop_times <- loop_times + 1
    ### 0.1.1
    #mean_AICscore <- mean(AICscore_vector)
    #cat("Adaptive Bandwidth:", bw, "AIC score:", mean_AICscore, "\n")
    ### 0.1.1
    ### 0.2.0
    n <- nrow(data_input)
    tr_hatmat <- sum(tr_hatmatVector)
    AICscore <- 2*n*log(sd(residualsVector)) + n*log(2*pi) +  n * (tr_hatmat + n) / (n - 2 - tr_hatmat)
    cat("Adaptive Bandwidth:", bw, "AIC score:", AICscore, "\n")
    ### 0.2.0

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GWPR.light documentation built on June 21, 2022, 5:05 p.m.