
# Trend functions should implement:
# mu prediction for new matrix
# update_params
# get_optim_functions: return optim.func, optim.grad, optim.fngr
# param_optim_lower - lower bound of params
# param_optim_upper - upper
# param_optim_start - current param values
# param_optim_start0 - some central param values that can be used for optimization restarts
# param_optim_jitter - how to jitter params in optimization

#' Trend R6 class
#' @docType class
#' @importFrom R6 R6Class
#' @export
#' @useDynLib GauPro, .registration = TRUE
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom stats optim
# @keywords data, kriging, Gaussian process, regression
#' @return Object of \code{\link{R6Class}} with methods for fitting GP model.
#' @format \code{\link{R6Class}} object.
#' @field m Trend parameters
#' @field m_lower m lower bound
#' @field m_upper m upper bound
#' @field m_est Should m be estimated?
#' @examples
#' t1 <- trend_c$new()
trend_c <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "GauPro_trend_c",
  inherit = GauPro_trend,
  public = list(
    m = NULL,
    m_lower = NULL,
    m_upper = NULL,
    m_est = NULL,
    #' @description Initialize trend object
    #' @param D Number of input dimensions of data
    #' @param m trend initial parameters
    #' @param m_lower trend lower bounds
    #' @param m_upper trend upper bounds
    #' @param m_est Logical of whether each param should be estimated
    initialize = function(m = 0, m_lower=-Inf, m_upper=Inf, m_est=TRUE, D=NA) {
      stopifnot(is.numeric(m), length(m)==1)
      stopifnot(is.numeric(m_lower), length(m_lower)==1)
      stopifnot(is.numeric(m_upper), length(m_upper)==1)
      stopifnot(m_lower <= m_upper)
      stopifnot(is.logical(m_est), length(m_est)==1, m_est || !m_est)
      self$m <- m
      self$m_lower <- m_lower
      self$m_upper <- m_upper
      self$m_est <- m_est
      self$D <- D
    #' @description Get trend value for given matrix X
    #' @param X matrix of points
    #' @param m trend parameters
    #' @param params trend parameters
    Z = function(X, m=self$m, params=NULL) {
      if (!is.null(params)) {m <- params}
      if (is.matrix(X)) {
        matrix(m, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=1)
      } else { # If a vector then just a single value
    #' @description Derivative of trend with respect to trend parameters
    #' @param X matrix of points
    #' @param m trend values
    #' @param params overrides m
    dZ_dparams = function(X, m=self$m, params=NULL) {
      # Gradient is -2 * t(yminusmu) %*% Siginv %*% du/db
      if (!is.null(params)) {m <- params}
      matrix(1, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=1)
      # array(1, dim=c(1, nrow(X), 1))
    #' @description Derivative of trend with respect to X
    #' @param X matrix of points
    #' @param m trend values
    #' @param params overrides m
    dZ_dx = function(X, m=self$m, params=NULL) {
      if (!is.null(params)) {m <- params}
      matrix(0, nrow=nrow(X), ncol=ncol(X))

    #' @description Get parameter initial point for optimization
    #' @param jitter Not used
    #' @param m_est If the trend should be estimate.
    param_optim_start = function(jitter=F, m_est=self$m_est) {
      if (m_est) {
        self$m + if (jitter) {rnorm(1)} else {0}
      } else {
    #' @description Get parameter initial point for optimization
    #' @param jitter Not used
    #' @param m_est If the trend should be estimate.
    param_optim_start0 = function(jitter=F, m_est=self$m_est) {
      if (m_est) {
        0 + if (jitter) {rnorm(1)} else {0}
      } else {
    #' @description Get parameter lower bounds for optimization
    #' @param m_est If the trend should be estimate.
    param_optim_lower = function(m_est=self$m_est) {
      # -Inf
      if (m_est) {
      } else {
    #' @description Get parameter upper bounds for optimization
    #' @param m_est If the trend should be estimate.
    param_optim_upper = function(m_est=self$m_est) {
      # Inf
      if (m_est) {
      } else {
    #' @description Set parameters after optimization
    #' @param optim_out Output from optim
    set_params_from_optim = function(optim_out) {
      self$m <- optim_out

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GauPro documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:13 a.m.