
Defines functions FreqPlus1 CandidatesNum CandidatesDefault

Documented in CandidatesDefault CandidatesNum

#' Candidates functions
#' Function for \code{\link{GaussSuppressionFromData}}
#' `CandidatesDefault` orders the indices decreasingly according to `freq` or, 
#' when `weight` is non-NULL,  `(freq+1)*weight`. Ties are handled by prioritizing output cells 
#' that are calculated from many input cells. In addition, zeros are handled according to parameter `secondaryZeros`. 
#' When `freq` is negative (special hierarchy), `abs(freq)*weight` is used.  
#' `CandidatesNum` orders the indices decreasingly according to absolute values of the numeric variable (according to  `abs(num[[1]])`).
#' In practice this is done by running `CandidatesDefault` with manipulated weights.
#' @param freq Vector of output frequencies 
#' @param x The model matrix
#' @param secondaryZeros When `TRUE`, cells with zero frequency or value are prioritized to 
#'        be published so that they are not secondary suppressed.
#'        This is achieved by this function by having the zero frequency indices first in the retuned order.
#' @param weight Vector of output weights
#' @param ... Unused parameters 
#' @return candidates, \code{\link[SSBtools]{GaussSuppression}} input 
#' @export
#' @importFrom Matrix colSums
CandidatesDefault <- function(freq, x, secondaryZeros = FALSE, weight, ...) {
  if(is.null(secondaryZeros)) stop("A non-NULL value of secondaryZeros is required.")
    weight <- 1
      weight[weight<0] = 0
      warning("Negative weights treated as zero")
      weight <- weight + max(weight)*1E-20
  freq1weight <- FreqPlus1(freq)*weight   # As (freq+1)*weight with treatment of negative freq
  tie <- abs(as.matrix(Matrix::crossprod(x, x %*% (freq1weight))))
  tie <- tie/max(tie)
  freqOrd <- (abs(freq1weight) + 0.99 * tie)[, 1, drop = TRUE]
  if (!secondaryZeros) {
    freqOrd[freq == 0] <- 0.01 + max(freqOrd) + freqOrd[freq == 0]
  candidates <- order(freqOrd, decreasing = TRUE)

#' @rdname CandidatesDefault
#' @param num Data frame of output aggregates calculated from `numVar`. When several variables, 
#'            and without specifying `candidatesVar`,  only first is used. 
#' @param candidatesVar One of the variable names from `numVar` to be used in the calculations. 
#'                       Specifying `candidatesVar` helps avoid warnings when multiple `numVar` variables are present.
#' @param removeCodes Same parameter as used in suppression rules, e.g. \code{\link{NContributorsRule}}.
#'         It is often assumed that cells where all contributors (`charVar`)  are present in 
#'         `removeCodes` should be published. Here, such cells will be prioritized to achieve 
#'         this. Note that this functionality is redundant if the same cells are specified by `forced`.
#' @param removeCodesForCandidates `removeCodes` ignored when set to `FALSE`.                                
#' @param data Input data as a data frame (needed for `removeCodes` calculations)   
#' @param charVar Variable(s) with contributor codes (needed for `removeCodes` calculations)            
#' @export
CandidatesNum <- function(secondaryZeros = FALSE, freq = NULL, num, weight, x, candidatesVar = NULL,
                          removeCodes = character(0), 
                          removeCodesForCandidates = TRUE, 
                          data, charVar, ...) {
  if (length(candidatesVar)) {
    numidx <- match(candidatesVar, names(num))
    numidx <- numidx[!is.na(numidx)]
    if (length(numidx) != 1) {
      stop("candidatesVar must match a single numVar")
  } else {
    if (ncol(num) > 1) {
      warning("Multiple numVar were supplied, only the first is used in candidates function.")
    numidx <- 1
  if (!length(freq)) {
    freq <- colSums(x)
  newWeight <- abs(num[[numidx]]/FreqPlus1(freq))
  if (!is.null(weight)) {
    newWeight <- newWeight * weight
  candidates <- CandidatesDefault(weight = newWeight, freq = freq, 
                                  secondaryZeros = secondaryZeros, x = x, ...)
  if (removeCodesForCandidates & length(removeCodes)) {
    numExtra <- NContributorsRule(data = data, freq = freq, numVar = names(num), 
                  x = x, maxN = 1, # Here it does not matter what maxN is set to
                  charVar = charVar, removeCodes = removeCodes)$numExtra
    idxRule <- grep("nRule", names(numExtra))
    idxAll <- grep("nAll", names(numExtra))
    zeroByRemove <- rep(TRUE, nrow(numExtra))
    for (i in seq_along(idxRule)) {
      zeroByRemove <- zeroByRemove & (numExtra[[idxRule[i]]] == 0 & numExtra[[idxAll[i]]] > 0)
    is_zeroByRemove <- candidates %in% which(zeroByRemove)
    candidates <- c(candidates[is_zeroByRemove], candidates[!is_zeroByRemove])

# Add ones, but not for negative numbers 
# FreqPlus1(-5:5)
FreqPlus1 <- function(freq) {
  freq <- freq + 1L
  if (min(freq) <= 0) {
    freqNonPos <- freq <= 0
    freq[freqNonPos] <- freq[freqNonPos] - 1L

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GaussSuppression documentation built on Sept. 24, 2024, 5:07 p.m.