
Defines functions plot.gGenericSize plot.gGeneric

Documented in plot.gGeneric plot.gGenericSize

#' @title Plot results of a single generic ghat estimation
#' @description Plot method for a single generic \code{ghat} estimation
#' @param x \code{\link{estgGeneric}} output
#' @param CL confidence level to use
#' @param ... to be passed down
#' @return generic detection probability plot
#' @examples 
#'   data(mock)
#'   model_SE <- pkm(formula_p = p ~ HabitatType, formula_k = k ~ 1,
#'                 data = mock$SE)
#'   model_CP <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Visibility, formula_s = s ~ Visibility, 
#'                 data = mock$CP, left = "LastPresentDecimalDays", 
#'                 right = "FirstAbsentDecimalDays")
#'   avgSS <- averageSS(mock$SS)
#'   ghatsGeneric <- estgGeneric(nsim = 1000, avgSS, model_SE, model_CP)
#'   plot(ghatsGeneric)
#' @export
plot.gGeneric <- function(x, CL = 0.90, ...){
  ghat <- x$ghat
  hwid <- 0.2
  cells <- names(ghat)
  ncell <- length(cells)
  npred <- min(which(grepl("CellNames", colnames(x$predictors)))) - 1
  preds <- colnames(x$predictors)[1:npred]

  if (ncell == 1){
    g <- sort(ghat[[1]])
    qtls <- quantile(g, probs = c(0.005, (1 - CL)/2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 - (1 - CL)/2, 0.995))
    names(qtls) <- c("bot", "lwr", "Q1", "med", "Q3", "upr", "top")
    gmin <- min(g)
    gmax <- max(g)
    nstep <- 11
    steps <- seq(gmin, gmax, length.out = nstep)
    stepSize <- steps[2] - steps[1]
    nrect <- nstep - 1
    rectL <- rep(NA, nrect)
    rectR <- rep(NA, nrect)
    rectY <- rep(NA, nrect)

    for (recti in 1:nrect){
      rectL[recti] <- steps[recti]
      rectR[recti] <- steps[recti + 1]
      rectY[recti] <- sum(g >= steps[recti] & g < steps[recti + 1])
    rectY <- rectY / sum(rectY)
    par(mar = c(4, 5, 2, 2), fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
    ms <- MASS::fitdistr(logit(g), "normal")$estimate
    xx <- seq(gmin, gmax, length.out = length(g))
    yy <- dnorm(logit(xx), mean = ms[1], sd = ms[2])/(xx - xx^2) * # pdf
      (xx[2] - xx[1]) * length(xx)/nstep # tranform to fig's scale

    plot(rectL, rectY, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", las = 1, cex.axis = 1.1,
      xlim = c(rectL[1], rectR[nrect]), ylim = c(0, max(yy, max(rectY))))
    imin <- min(which(xx >= qtls["lwr"]))
    imax <- min(which(xx >= qtls["upr"]))
    polygon(x = c(xx[imin], xx[imax], xx[imax:imin]), y = c(0, 0, yy[imax:imin]),
      col = colors()[520], border = NA)
    lines(xx, yy)
    for (ri in 1:nrect) rect(rectL[ri], 0, rectR[ri], rectY[ri])
    adj <- ifelse(qtls["med"] <= mean(par("usr")[1:2]), 0.97, 0.03)
    cex = 0.9
    mtext(side = 3, line = -1, adj = adj, cex = cex,
      paste0("Median: ", sprintf("%.2f", qtls["med"])))
    mtext(side = 3, line = -2, adj = adj, cex = cex,
      paste0(CL * 100, "% CI: [", sprintf("%.1f", qtls["lwr"]), ", ",
      sprintf("%.1f", qtls["upr"]), "]"))
    mtext(side = 3, line = -3, adj = adj, cex = cex,
      paste0("IQR = [",
        sprintf("%.3f", qtls["Q1"]), ", ",
        sprintf("%.3f", qtls["Q3"]), "]"
  } else {
    par(mar = c(8, 4, 3, 1), oma = c(2, 0, 0, 0))
    plot (0, xlab = "", ylab = "",  xlim = c(0.5, ncell + 0.5), ylim = c(0, 1.03),
      xaxs = "i", type = "n", axes = FALSE)
    title(main = "Estimated Detection Probability (g)", line = 2.2)
    if (npred == 2){
      mtext(side = 3, text = preds[2], cex = 1.2)
      mtext(side = 1, line = 4, text = preds[1], cex = 1.2)
      ngroup <- length(unique(x$predictors[ , preds[2]]))
      nper <- length(unique(x$predictors[ , preds[1]]))
      for (gi in 1:ngroup){
        if (!gi %% 2){
          rect((gi - 1) * nper + 0.5, par("usr")[3],
            (gi - 1) * nper + nper + 0.5, par("usr")[4],
            col = colors()[25], border = NA
        mtext(side = 3, line = -1, at = (gi - 1) * nper + nper/2 + 0.5,
          text = unique(x$predictors[ , preds[2]])[gi])
    } else if (npred == 1){
      mtext(side = 1, line = 4, text = preds[1], cex = 1.2)
    } else if (npred > 2){
      mtext(side = 3, text = paste("Labels = ", paste(preds, collapse = ".")),
        adj = 0)

    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, 0.2), las = 1, cex.axis = 1)
    axis(2, at = seq(0.1, 0.9, by = 0.2), labels = FALSE)
    axis(2, at = seq(0.05, 0.95, by = 0.1), labels = FALSE, tck = -0.012)
    mtext(side = 2, line = 2.75, "Detection Probability", cex = 1.25)
    if (npred %in% 1:2){
      text(x = 1:ncell, y = -0.08, labels = x$predictors[ , 1],
        srt = 25, adj = 0.9, xpd = TRUE, cex = 1)
      axis(1, at = 1:ncell, labels = FALSE)
    } else {
      axis(1, at = 1:ncell, labels = FALSE)
      if (ncell < 10) {
        cex = 1
        srt = 25
        y = -0.08
        adj = 0.8
        shift = 0.1
      } else if (ncell < 16){
        cex = 0.9
        srt = 45
        adj = 0.8
        y = -0.1
        shift = 0.3
      } else {
        cex = 0.8
        srt = 60
        adj = 0.8
        y = -0.12
        shift = 0.6
      text(x = 1:ncell - shift, y = y, labels = x$predictors$CellNames,
        srt = srt, adj = adj, xpd = TRUE, cex = cex)
    mtext(side = 1, outer = T, cex = 0.9, line = 1,  adj = 0.05,
       text = paste0("Box plots show median, IQR, and 99% & ", 100 * CL, "% CIs"))
    probs <- c(0.005, (1 - CL)/2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 - (1 - CL)/2, 0.995)
    for (xi in 1:ncell){
      y <- quantile(ghat[[xi]], probs)
      med <- hwid * c(-1, 1)
      tb <- med/2
      rect(xi - hwid, y[3], xi + hwid, y[5], border = 1, col = colors()[520])
      lines(xi + med, rep(y[4], 2), lwd = 2)
      lines(xi + tb, rep(y[2], 2))
      lines(xi + tb, rep(y[6], 2))
      lines(rep(xi, 3), y[1:3])
      lines(rep(xi, 3), y[5:7])

#' @title Plot results of a set of size-based generic ghat estimations
#' @description Plot method for a size-based generic \code{ghat} estimation
#' @param x \code{\link{estgGenericSize}} output
#' @param CL confidence level to use
#' @param ... to be passed down
#' @return size-based detection probability plot
#' @examples
#'   data(mock)
#'   pkmModsSize <- pkm(formula_p = p ~ HabitatType,
#'                    formula_k = k ~ HabitatType, data = mock$SE,
#'                    obsCol = c("Search1", "Search2", "Search3", "Search4"),
#'                    sizeCol = "Size", allCombos = TRUE)
#'   cpmModsSize <- cpm(formula_l = l ~ Visibility,
#'                    formula_s = s ~ Visibility, data = mock$CP,
#'                    left = "LastPresentDecimalDays",
#'                    right = "FirstAbsentDecimalDays",
#'                    dist = c("exponential", "lognormal"),
#'                    sizeCol = "Size", allCombos = TRUE)
#'   pkMods <- c("S" = "p ~ 1; k ~ 1", "L" = "p ~ 1; k ~ 1",
#'              "M" = "p ~ 1; k ~ 1", "XL" = "p ~ 1; k ~ 1"
#'             )
#'   cpMods <- c("S" = "dist: exponential; l ~ 1; NULL", 
#'               "L" = "dist: exponential; l ~ 1; NULL",
#'               "M" = "dist: exponential; l ~ 1; NULL",
#'               "XL" = "dist: exponential; l ~ 1; NULL"
#'             )
#'   avgSS <- averageSS(mock$SS)
#'   gsGeneric <- estgGenericSize(nsim = 1000, days = avgSS,
#'                  modelSetSize_SE = pkmModsSize,
#'                  modelSetSize_CP = cpmModsSize,
#'                  modelSizeSelections_SE = pkMods,
#'                  modelSizeSelections_CP = cpMods
#'                )
#'  plot(gsGeneric)
#' @export
plot.gGenericSize <- function(x, CL = 0.90, ...){

  nsizeclass <- length(x)

  if (nsizeclass == 1){
    return(plot(x[[1]], CL = CL, ...))

  sizeclasses <- names(x)

  increm <- 1 / nsizeclass
  y1 <- seq(0, 1, by = increm)
  y1 <- y1[-length(y1)]
  y2 <- seq(0, 1, by = increm)
  y2 <- y2[-1]
  names(y1) <- sizeclasses
  names(y2) <- sizeclasses
  par(fig = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
  par(mar = c(3, 3, 1, 1))  
  plot(1, 1, type = "n", ylab= "", xlab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
    bty = "n"
  mtext(side = 2, line = 2, "Detection Probability", cex = 1)

  for (sci in sizeclasses){
    par(fig = c(0, 0.9, y1[sci], y2[sci]), new = TRUE)
    ghats <- x[[sci]]$ghat
    cells <- names(ghats)
    ncell <- length(cells)
    predsByCell <- strsplit(cells, "\\.")
    npred <- length(predsByCell[[1]])
    colNames <- colnames(x[[sci]]$predictors)
    predNames <- colNames[-grep("CellNames", colNames)]
    labelText <- paste("Labels = ", paste(predNames, collapse = "."))

    par(mar = c(3, 4, 3, 1))  
    plot (1, 1, type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", 
      bty = "o", xlim = c(0.5, ncell + 0.5), ylim = c(0, 1)
    axis(2, at = seq(0, 1, 0.25), las = 1, cex.axis = 0.5)
    axis(1, at = 1:ncell, labels = FALSE, tck = -0.05)
    ang <- 0
    offx <- NULL
    if (ncell > 3){
      ang <- 45 
      offx <- 1

    text(1:ncell, -0.2, srt = ang, adj = offx, labels = cells, xpd = TRUE, 
      cex = 0.5
    if (predNames[1] == "group" & length(predNames) == 1 & cells[1] == "all"){
      labelText <- NULL

    text(0.5, 1.15, labelText, xpd = TRUE, cex = 0.5, adj = 0)

    if (!is.null(sci)){
      text_sc <- paste("Carcass class: ", sci, sep = "")
      text(x = 0.5, y = 1.25, xpd = TRUE, text_sc, adj = 0, cex = 0.5)

    probs <- c(0, (1 - CL) / 2, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 - (1 - CL) / 2, 1)

    for (celli in 1:ncell){
      xx <- celli
      yy <- quantile(ghats[[celli]], probs)

      med <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
      tb <- c(-0.07, 0.07)

      rect(xx - 0.1, yy[3], xx + 0.1, yy[5], lwd = 2, border = 1) 
      points(xx + med, rep(yy[4], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
      points(xx + tb, rep(yy[2], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
      points(xx + tb, rep(yy[6], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
      points(rep(xx, 3), yy[1:3], type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
      points(rep(xx, 3), yy[5:7], type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)


  par(mar = c(2,0,2,0))
  par(fig = c(0.9, 1, 0, 1), new = TRUE)
  plot(1,1, type = "n", bty = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", 
    ylab = "", ylim = c(0, 1), xlim = c(0, 1)
  x_s <- 0.1
  CL_split <- (1 - CL) / 2
  probs_y <- c(0, CL_split, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1 - CL_split, 1)
  y_s <- quantile(rnorm(1000, 0.5, 0.1), probs = probs_y)
  med <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
  tb <- c(-0.07, 0.07)
  rect(x_s - 0.1, y_s[3], x_s + 0.1, y_s[5], lwd = 2, border = 1) 
  points(x_s + med, rep(y_s[4], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
  points(x_s + tb, rep(y_s[2], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
  points(x_s + tb, rep(y_s[6], 2), type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
  points(rep(x_s, 3), y_s[1:3], type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
  points(rep(x_s, 3), y_s[5:7], type = 'l', lwd = 2, col = 1)
  num_CL <- c(CL_split, 1 - CL_split) * 100
  text_CL <- paste(num_CL, "%", sep = "")
  text_ex <- c("min", text_CL[1], "25%", "50%", "75%", text_CL[2], "max")
  text(x_s + 0.2, y_s, text_ex, cex = 0.65, adj = 0)


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GenEst documentation built on June 7, 2023, 6:35 p.m.