Man pages for Geneland
Detection of Structure from Multilocus Genetic Data

coordinatesExample of coordinate file
EstimateFreqNAEstimate frequencies of null alleles.
FormatGenotypesFormatting file of genotype data.
FstatComputes F statistics on a population genetics dataset given...
Fstat.outputComputes F statistics on the output of an inference by MCMC...
Geneland.GUIGraphical interface for package Geneland
Geneland-packageSimulation and inference for subdivided populations
genotypesExample of coordinate file
gl2gpGeneland to Genepop conversion
HZEstimate parameters of the hybrid zone model by MCMC...
MCMCMarkov Chain Monte-Carlo inference of clusters from genotpype...
nullifySimulates null alleles
PlotDriftPlot the drift factors
PlotFreqPlot the trace of allele frequencies in present time...
PlotFreqAPlots allele frequencies in ancestral population along the...
PlotnpopPlot of number of populations along the MCMC run
PlotntilePlot of number of tiles along the MCMC run
PlotTessDynPlot tessellation along an MCMC run.
PlotTessellationMaps of posterior probability of membership
PosteriorModeMap of mode of posterior distribution of population...
PostProcessChainComputation for maps of posterior probability of population...
show.estimate.hzShow estimate of parameters of the hybrid zone model by MCMC...
show.simdataGraphical display of data simulated by simdata
simdataSimulation of georeferenced genotypes under an IBD + barrier...
simFmodelSimulation of multi-locus genetic data from the spatial...
Geneland documentation built on April 14, 2017, 2:31 p.m.