
Defines functions prEnvModelCall prMapVariable2Name prConvertShowMissing prGetStatistics prGetModelVariables prGetModelData prExtractOutcomeFromModel prFindRownameMatches

Documented in prConvertShowMissing prEnvModelCall prExtractOutcomeFromModel prFindRownameMatches prGetModelData prGetModelVariables prGetStatistics prMapVariable2Name

# This file contains all the helper funcitons that the outer exported
# functions utilize. I try to have a pr at the start of the name for all
# the private functions.
# Author: max

#' Looks for unique rowname match without grep
#' Since a rowname may contain characters reserved by regular
#' expressions I've found it easier to deal with the rowname
#' finding by just checking for matching strings at the beginning
#' of the name while at the same time excluding names that have the
#' same stem, i.e. DM and DM_COMP will cause an issue since DM will
#' match both rows.
#' @param rnames A vector with the rownames that are looked for
#' @param vn The variable name that is of interest
#' @param vars A vector with all the names and the potentially competing names
#' @return integer A vector containing the position of the matches
#' TODO: remove this function in favor of the more powerful prMapVariable2Name
#' @keywords internal
prFindRownameMatches <- function(rnames, vn, vars) {
  # Find the beginning of the string that matches exactly to the var. name
  name_stub <- substr(rnames, 1, nchar(vn))
  matches <- which(name_stub == vn)

  # Since the beginning of the name may not be unique we need to
  # check for other "competing matches"
  # TODO: make this fix more elegant
  vars_name_stub <- substr(vars, 1, nchar(vn))
  if (sum(vars_name_stub == vn) > 1) {
    competing_vars <- vars[vars != vn &
      vars_name_stub == vn]

    competing_matches <- NULL
    for (comp_vn in competing_vars) {
      competing_name_stub <- substr(rnames, 1, nchar(comp_vn))
      competing_matches <-
          which(competing_name_stub == comp_vn)

    # Clean out competing matches
    matches <- matches[!matches %in% competing_matches]


#' Get model outcome
#' Uses the model to extract the outcome variable. Throws
#' error if unable to find the outcome.
#' @param model The fitted model
#' @param mf The dataset that the model is fitted to - if missing it
#'  uses the \code{\link[stats]{model.frame}()} dataset. This can cause
#'  length issues as there may be variables that are excluded from the
#'  model for different reasons.
#' @return vector
#' @importFrom stats as.formula 
#' @keywords internal
prExtractOutcomeFromModel <- function(model, mf) {
  if (missing(mf)) {
    mf <- model.frame(model)
    outcome <- mf[, names(mf) == deparse(as.formula(model)[[2]])]
  } else {
    outcome <- eval(as.formula(model)[[2]], envir = mf)
  if (is.null(outcome)) {
      "Could not identify the outcome: ", deparse(as.formula(model)[[2]]),
      " among the model.frame variables: '", paste(names(mf), collapse = "', '"), "'"

  # Only use the status when used for survival::Surv objects
  if (inherits(outcome, "Surv")) {
    return(outcome[, "status"])


#' Get model data.frame
#' Returns the raw variables from the original data
#' frame using the \code{\link[stats:model.frame]{get_all_vars}()}
#' but with the twist that it also performs any associated
#' subsetting based on the model's \code{\link[base]{subset}()} argument.
#' @param x The fitted model.
#' @param terms_only Only use the right side of the equation by selecting the terms
#' @param term.label Sometimes need to retrieve specific spline labels that are not among
#'  the `labels(terms(x))`
#' @return data.frame
#' @importFrom stats get_all_vars
#' @importFrom stats terms
#' @keywords internal
prGetModelData <- function(x, terms_only = FALSE, term.label) {
  # Extract the variable names
  true_vars <- all.vars(as.formula(x))

  # Get the environment of the formula
  env <- environment(as.formula(x))
  data <- eval(x$call$data,
    envir = env

  # The data frame without the
  mf <- get_all_vars(as.formula(x),
    data = data

  if (terms_only) {
    cols2keep <- labels(terms(x))
    if (!missing(term.label)) {
      cols2keep <- c(cols2keep, term.label)

    mf <- mf[, names(mf) %in% cols2keep, drop = FALSE]

  if (!is.null(x$call$subset)) {
    if (!is.null(data)) {
      # As we don't know if the subsetting argument
      # contained data from the data frame or the environment
      # we need this additional check
      mf <- tryCatch(mf[eval(x$call$subset,
        envir = data,
        enclos = env
      ), ],
      error = function(e) {
        stop("Could not deduce the correct subset argument when extracting the data. ", e)
    } else {
      mf <- mf[eval(x$call$subset,
        envir = env
      ), ]


#' Get the models variables
#' This function extract the modelled variables. Any interaction
#' terms are removed as those should already be represented by
#' the individual terms.
#' @param model A model fit
#' @param remove_splines If splines, etc. should be cleaned
#'  from the variables as these no longer are "pure" variables
#' @param remove_interaction_vars If interaction variables are
#'  not interesting then these should be removed. Often in
#'  the case of \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()} it is impossible
#'  to properly show interaction variables and it's better to show
#'  these in a separate table
#' @param add_intercept Adds the intercept if it exists
#' @return vector with names
#' @importFrom stringr str_split
#' @importFrom stringr str_trim
#' @keywords internal
prGetModelVariables <- function(model,
                                remove_splines = TRUE,
                                remove_interaction_vars = FALSE,
                                add_intercept = FALSE) {
  # We need the call names in order to identify
  # - interactions
  # - functions such as splines, I()
  if (inherits(model, "nlme")) {
    vars <- attr(model$fixDF$terms, "names")
  } else {
    vars <- attr(model$terms, "term.labels")

  strata <- NULL
  if (any(grepl("^strat[a]{0,1}\\(", vars))) {
    strata <- vars[grep("^strat[a]{0,1}\\(", vars)]
    vars <- vars[-grep("^strat[a]{0,1}\\(", vars)]

  cluster <- NULL
  if (any(grepl("^cluster{0,1}\\(", vars))) {
    cluster <- vars[grep("^cluster{0,1}\\(", vars)]
    vars <- vars[-grep("^cluster{0,1}\\(", vars)]
  # Fix for bug in cph and coxph
  if (is.null(cluster) &&
    inherits(model, c("cph", "coxph"))) {
    alt_terms <- stringr::str_trim(strsplit(deparse(model$call$formula[[3]]),
      fixed = TRUE
    if (any(grepl("^cluster{0,1}\\(", alt_terms))) {
      cluster <- alt_terms[grep("^cluster{0,1}\\(", alt_terms)]

  # Remove I() as these are not true variables
  unwanted_vars <- grep("^I\\(.*$", vars)
  if (length(unwanted_vars) > 0) {
    attr(vars, "I() removed") <- vars[unwanted_vars]
    vars <- vars[-unwanted_vars]

  pat <- "^[[:alpha:]\\.]+[^(]+\\(.*$"
  fn_vars <- grep(pat, vars)
  if (length(fn_vars) > 0) {
    if (remove_splines) {
      # Remove splines and other functions
      attr(vars, "functions removed") <- vars[fn_vars]
      vars <- vars[-fn_vars]
    } else {
      # Cleane the variable names into proper names
      # the assumption here is that the real variable
      # name is the first one in the parameters
      pat <- "^[[:alpha:]\\.]+.*\\(([^,)]+).*$"
      vars[fn_vars] <- sub(pat, "\\1", vars[fn_vars])

  # Remove interaction terms as these are not variables
  int_term <- "^.+:.+$"
  in_vars <- grep(int_term, vars)
  if (length(in_vars) > 0) {
    if (remove_interaction_vars) {
      in_vn <- unlist(str_split(vars[in_vars], ":"),
        use.names = FALSE
      in_vars <- unique(c(in_vars, which(vars %in% in_vn)))
    attr(vars, "interactions removed") <- vars[in_vars]
    vars <- vars[-in_vars]

  if (add_intercept &&
    grepl("intercept", names(coef(model))[1], ignore.case = TRUE)) {
    vars <- c(

  clean_vars <- unique(vars)
  attributes(clean_vars) <- attributes(vars)
  if (!is.null(strata)) {
    attr(clean_vars, "strata") <- strata
  if (!is.null(cluster)) {
    attr(clean_vars, "cluster") <- cluster


#' Get statistics according to the type
#' A simple function applied by the \code{\link[Gmisc]{getDescriptionStatsBy}()}
#' for the total column. This function is also used by \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()}
#' in case of a basic linear regression is asked for a raw stat column
#' @param x The variable that we want the statistics for
#' @param show_perc If this is a factor/proportion variable then we
#'  might want to show the percentages
#' @param html If the output should be in html or LaTeX formatting
#' @param digits Number of decimal digits
#' @param numbers_first If number is to be prior to the percentage
#' @param useNA If missing should be included
#' @param show_all_values This is by default false as for instance if there is
#'  no missing and there is only one variable then it is most sane to only show
#'  one option as the other one will just be a complement to the first. For instance
#'  sex - if you know gender then automatically you know the distribution of the
#'  other sex as it's 100 \% - other \%.
#' @param continuous_fn A function for describing continuous variables
#'  defaults to \code{\link{describeMean}()}
#' @param prop_fn A function for describing proportions, defaults to
#'  the factor function
#' @param factor_fn A function for describing factors, defaults to
#'  \code{\link{describeFactors}()}
#' @param percentage_sign If you want to suppress the percentage sign you
#'  can set this variable to FALSE. You can also choose something else that
#'  the default \% if you so wish by setting this variable.
#' @return A matrix or a vector depending on the settings
#' TODO: Use the Gmisc function instead of this copy
#' @importFrom Gmisc describeMean
#' @importFrom Gmisc describeFactors
#' @keywords internal
prGetStatistics <- function(x,
                            show_perc = FALSE,
                            html = TRUE,
                            digits = 1,
                            numbers_first = TRUE,
                            useNA = "no",
                            show_all_values = FALSE,
                            continuous_fn = describeMean,
                            factor_fn = describeFactors,
                            prop_fn = factor_fn,
                            percentage_sign = percentage_sign) {
  useNA <- prConvertShowMissing(useNA)
  if (is.factor(x) ||
    is.logical(x) ||
    is.character(x)) {
    if (length(unique(x)) == 2) {
      if (show_perc) {
        total_table <- prop_fn(x,
          html = html,
          digits = digits,
          number_first = numbers_first,
          useNA = useNA,
          percentage_sign = percentage_sign
      } else {
        total_table <- table(x, useNA = useNA)
        names(total_table)[is.na(names(total_table))] <- "Missing"
        # Choose only the reference level
        # Note: Currently references are required
        if (show_all_values == FALSE && FALSE) {
          total_table <- total_table[names(total_table) %in% c(levels(x)[1], "Missing")]
    } else {
      if (show_perc) {
        total_table <- factor_fn(x,
          html = html,
          digits = digits,
          number_first = numbers_first,
          useNA = useNA,
          percentage_sign = percentage_sign
      } else {
        total_table <- table(x, useNA = useNA)
        names(total_table)[is.na(names(total_table))] <- "Missing"
  } else {
    total_table <- continuous_fn(x,
      html = html, digits = digits,
      number_first = numbers_first,
      useNA = useNA

    # If a continuous variable has two rows then it's assumed that the second is the missing
    if (length(total_table) == 2 &&
      show_perc == FALSE) {
      total_table[2] <- sum(is.na(x))

#' A function for converting a useNA variable
#' The variable is suppose to be directly compatible with
#' table(..., useNA = useNA). It throughs an error
#' if not compatible
#' @param useNA Boolean or "no", "ifany", "always"
#' @return string
#' @keywords internal
prConvertShowMissing <- function(useNA) {
  if (useNA == FALSE || useNA == "no") {
    useNA <- "no"
  } else if (useNA == TRUE) {
    useNA <- "ifany"

  if (!useNA %in% c("no", "ifany", "always")) {
    stop(sprintf("You have set an invalid option for useNA variable, '%s' ,it should be boolean or one of the options: no, ifany or always.", useNA))


#' A function that tries to resolve what variable corresponds to what row
#' As both the \code{\link{getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData}()} and the
#' \code{\link{printCrudeAndAdjustedModel}()} need to now exactly
#' what name from the \code{\link[stats]{coef}()}/\code{\link[rms]{summary.rms}()}
#' correspond to we for generalizeability this rather elaborate function.
#' @param var_names The variable names that are saught after
#' @param available_names The names that are available to search through
#' @param data The data set that is saught after
#' @param force_match Whether all variables need to be identified or not.
#'  E.g. you may only want to use some variables and already pruned the
#'  \code{available_names} and therefore wont have matches. This is the
#'  case when \code{\link{getCrudeAndAdjustedModelData}()} has been used together
#'  with the \code{var_select} argument.
#' @return \code{list} Returns a list with each element has the corresponding
#'  variable name and a subsequent list with the parameters \code{no_rows}
#'  and \code{location} indiciting the number of rows corresponding to that
#'  element and where those rows are located. For factors the list also contains
#'  \code{lvls} and \code{no_lvls}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import utils
prMapVariable2Name <- function(var_names, available_names,
                               data, force_match = TRUE) {
  if (any(duplicated(available_names))) {
      "You have non-unique names. You probably need to adjust",
      " (1) variable names or (2) factor labels."

  # Start with figuring out how many rows each variable
  var_data <- list()
  for (name in var_names) {
    if (grepl("intercept", name, ignore.case = TRUE)) {
      var_data[[name]] <-
        list(no_rows = 1)
    } else if (is.factor(data[, name])) {
      var_data[[name]] <-
        list(lvls = levels(data[, name]))
      # Sometimes due to subsetting some factors don't exist
      # we therefore need to remove those not actually in the dataset
      var_data[[name]]$lvls <-
        var_data[[name]]$lvls[var_data[[name]]$lvls %in%
          as.character(unique(data[, name][!is.na(data[, name])]))]
      var_data[[name]][["no_lvls"]] <- length(var_data[[name]]$lvls)
      var_data[[name]][["no_rows"]] <- length(var_data[[name]]$lvls) - 1
    } else {
      var_data[[name]] <-
        list(no_rows = 1)

  # A function for stripping the name and the additional information
  # from the available name in order to get the cleanest form
  getResidualCharacters <- function(search, conflicting_name) {
    residual_chars <- substring(conflicting_name, nchar(search) + 1)
    if (!is.null(var_data[[search]]$lvls)) {
      best_resid <- residual_chars

      for (lvl in var_data[[search]]$lvls) {
        new_resid <- sub(lvl, "", residual_chars,
          fixed = TRUE
        if (nchar(new_resid) < nchar(best_resid)) {
          best_resid <- new_resid
          if (nchar(new_resid) == 0) {
      residual_chars <- best_resid

  matched_names <- c()
  matched_numbers <- c()
  org_available_names <- available_names
  # Start with simple non-factored variables as these should give a single-line match
  # then continue with the longest named variable
  for (name in var_names[order(sapply(var_data, function(x) is.null(x$lvls)),
    decreasing = TRUE
  )]) {
    matches <- which(name == substr(available_names, 1, nchar(name)))
    if (length(matches) == 0) {
      if (force_match) {
          "Sorry but the function could not find a match for '", name, "'",
          " among any of the available names: '", paste(org_available_names,
            collapse = "', '"
          ), "'"
    } else if (length(matches) == 1) {
      if (var_data[[name]]$no_rows != 1) {
          "Expected more than one match for varible '", name, "'",
          " the only positive match was '", available_names[matches], "'"
    } else if (length(var_names) > length(matched_names) + 1) {
      if (is.null(var_data[[name]]$lvls) &&
        sum(name == available_names) == 1) {
        # Check if the searched for variable is a non-factor variable
        # if so then match if there is a perfect match

        matches <- which(name == available_names)
      } else if (length(var_names) > length(matched_names) + 1) {

        # Check that there is no conflicting match
        conflicting_vars <- var_names[var_names != name &
          !var_names %in% matched_names]
        possible_conflicts <- c()
        for (conf_var in conflicting_vars) {
          possible_conflicts <-
              which(substr(available_names, 1, nchar(conflicting_vars)) %in%
        conflicts <- intersect(possible_conflicts, matches)
        if (length(conflicts) > 0) {
          conflicting_vars <- conflicting_vars[sapply(
            function(search) {
              any(search == substr(available_names, 1, nchar(search)))

          for (conflict in conflicts) {
            # We will try to find a better match that leaves fewer "residual characters"
            # than what we started with
            start_res_chars <- getResidualCharacters(name, available_names[conflict])

            best_match <- NULL
            best_conf_name <- NULL
            for (conf_name in conflicting_vars) {
              resid_chars <- getResidualCharacters(conf_name, available_names[conflict])
              if (is.null(best_match) ||
                nchar(best_match) > nchar(resid_chars)) {
                best_match <- resid_chars
                best_conf_name <- conf_name

            if (nchar(start_res_chars) == nchar(best_match)) {
                "The software can't decide which name belongs to which variable.",
                " The variable that is searched for is '", name, "'",
                " and there is a conflict with the variable '", best_conf_name, "'.",
                " The best match for '", name, "' leaves: '", start_res_chars, "'",
                " while the conflict '", best_conf_name, "' leaves: '", best_match, "'",
                " when trying to match the name: '", available_names[conflict], "'"
            } else if (nchar(start_res_chars) > nchar(best_match)) {
              # Now remove the matched row if we actually found a better match
              matches <- matches[matches != conflict]
      if (length(matches) == 0) {
          "Could not identify the rows corresponding to the variable '", name, "'",
          " this could possibly be to similarity between different variable names",
          " and factor levels. Try to make sure that all variable names are unique",
          " the variables that are currently looked for are:",
          " '", paste(var_names,
            collapse = "', '"

    # Check that multiple matches are continuous, everything else is suspicious
    if (length(matches) > 1) {
      matches <- matches[order(matches)]
      if (any(1 != tail(matches, length(matches) - 1) -
        head(matches, length(matches) - 1))) {
          "The variable '", name, "' failed to provide an adequate",
          " consequent number of matches, the names matched are located at:",
          " '", paste(matches, collapse = "', '"), "'"

    # Since we remove the matched names we need to look back at the original and
    # find the exact match in order to deduce the true number
    true_matches <- which(org_available_names %in%
    # Avoid accidentally rematching
    true_matches <- setdiff(true_matches, matched_numbers)
    var_data[[name]][["location"]] <- true_matches
    # Update the loop vars
    if (length(matches) > 0) {
      available_names <- available_names[-matches]

    matched_names <- c(matched_names, name)
    matched_numbers <- c(matched_numbers, true_matches)

    if (length(var_data[[name]][["location"]]) == 0 &
      !force_match) {
      # Remove variable as it is not available
      var_data[[name]] <- NULL
    } else if (length(var_data[[name]][["location"]]) !=
      var_data[[name]][["no_rows"]]) {
        "Expected the variable '", name, "'",
        " to contain '", var_data[[name]][["no_rows"]], "' no. rows",
        " but got '", length(var_data[[name]][["location"]]), "' no. rows."
      var_data[[name]][["no_rows"]] <- length(var_data[[name]][["location"]])


#' Runs an \code{\link[Gmisc]{fastDoCall}()} within the environment of the model
#' Sometimes the function can't find some of the variables that
#' were available when running the original variable. This function
#' uses the \code{\link[stats:formula]{as.formula}()} together with
#' \code{\link[base]{environment}()} in order to get the environment
#' that the original code used.
#' @param model The model used
#' @param what The function or non-empty character string used for
#'  \code{\link[Gmisc]{fastDoCall}()}
#' @param ... Additional arguments passed to the function
#' @keywords internal
prEnvModelCall <- function(model, what, ...) {
  call_lst <- list(object = model)
  dots <- list(...)
  if (length(dots) > 0) {
    for (i in 1:length(dots)) {
      if (!is.null(names(dots)[i])) {
        call_lst[[names(dots)[i]]] <- dots[[i]]
      } else {
        call_lst <- c(
  model_env <- new.env(parent = environment(as.formula(model)))
  model_env$what <- what
  model_env$call_lst <- call_lst
  fastDoCall(what, call_lst,
    envir = model_env

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