
Defines functions prPhDensityPlot prPhRugPlot prPhConfIntPlot prPhNewData prPhEstimate

Documented in prPhConfIntPlot prPhDensityPlot prPhEstimate prPhNewData prPhRugPlot

#' Gets the non-linear function's estimate
#' The function uses predict if not specified contrast
#' in order to attain the estimate, upper, and lower
#' confidence interval
#' @param model The fit of the model to be plotted
#' @param term.label The name of the label
#' @param ylog If the outcome should be presented in the anti-log form, i.e.
#'  \code{exp()}.
#' @param cntrst A boolean that indicates if the \code{\link[rms]{contrast}()}
#'  function is to be deployed for \pkg{rms} generated functions. The nice
#'  thing is that you get the median as a reference by default.
#' @param xlim The xlim if provided
#' @param new_data If not provided the function looks for the most common values
#'  i.e. median for continuous and mode for factors.
#' @importFrom rms contrast
#' @importFrom stats na.pass predict
#' @return \code{data.frame} with the columns xvalues, fit, ucl, lcl
#' @keywords internal
prPhEstimate <- function(model,
                         new_data) {
  if (missing(new_data)) {
    new_data <- prPhNewData(
      model = model,
      term.label = term.label,
      xlim = xlim
  } else {
    # Unfortunately we cannot rely on all the
    # needed variables to be present among the
    # supplied data-frame and we need to see if
    # we're missing something
    tmp <-
        model = model,
        term.label = term.label,
        xlim = xlim
    # Add these variables
    add_vars <- colnames(tmp)[!colnames(tmp) %in% colnames(new_data) &
                                colnames(tmp) != term.label]
    for (dv in add_vars) {
      # Copy the element to the previous new_data
      # Note that the value is the same for the
      # entire column and hence we only need the first value
      new_data[[dv]] <- tmp[1, dv]
    # Remove these variables
    rm_vars <- colnames(new_data)[!colnames(new_data) %in% colnames(tmp) &
                                    colnames(new_data) != term.label]
    for (r in rm_vars) {
      new_data[[r]] <- NULL
  if (inherits(model, "cph")) {
    if (cntrst) {
      a <- list(new_data[, term.label])
      b <- list(attr(new_data, "median"))
      names(b) <- names(a) <- term.label
      for (n in names(new_data)) {
        if (!n %in% names(a)) {
          a[[n]] <- new_data[1, n]
          b[[n]] <- new_data[1, n]
      cntr <- contrast(model,
                       a = a,
                       b = b
      df <- as.data.frame(cntr[c(
    } else {
      pred <- predict(model,
                      newdata = new_data,
                      conf.int = 1 - alpha,
                      expand.na = FALSE,
                      na.action = na.pass
      df <- as.data.frame(pred[c("linear.predictors", "lower", "upper")])
  } else {
    if (cntrst) {
        "Contrast plotting is not defined for the models of class '",
        paste(class(model), collapse = "', '"), "'"
    } else {
      alt_label <- term.label
      if (!alt_label %in% names(model$assign)) {
        # Assume that the term is contained within a function call
        # such as pspline() or similar
        tmp <- names(model$assign)[grep(alt_label, names(model$assign), fixed = TRUE)]
        if (length(tmp) != 1) {
            "Could not identify the term",
            " '", alt_label, "'",
            " among the following model terms:",
            " '", paste(names(model$assign), collapse = "', '"), "'"
        alt_label <- tmp
      pred <- predict(model,
                      newdata = new_data, type = "terms",
                      se.fit = TRUE, terms = alt_label
      pred$upper <- as.double(pred$fit + qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * pred$se.fit)
      pred$lower <- as.double(pred$fit - qnorm(1 - alpha / 2) * pred$se.fit)
      df <- as.data.frame(pred[c("fit", "lower", "upper")])
  colnames(df) <- c(
  df <- cbind(
    xvalues = new_data[, term.label],
  # Change to exponential form
  if (ylog == FALSE) {
    for (n in names(df)) {
      if (n != "xvalues") {
        df[, n] <- exp(df[, n])
  attr(df, "new_data") <- new_data

#' A function for retrieving new_data argument for predict
#' @param model The model fit from \code{\link[survival]{coxph}()}
#'  or \code{\link[rms]{cph}()}
#' @param term.label The label that is the one that \code{\link{plotHR}()}
#'  intends to plot.
#' @param xlim The x-limits for the plot if any
#' @return \code{data.frame}
#' @keywords internal
prPhNewData <- function(model, term.label, xlim) {
  # Get new data to use as basis for the prediction
  new_data <- prGetModelData(model, terms_only = TRUE, term.label = term.label)
  # Remove any Surv class variable as this is not
  # part of the predictors
  new_data <-
    new_data[, sapply(new_data, function(x) !inherits(x, "Surv")),
             drop = FALSE]
  getMode <- function(x) {
    tbl <- table(x)
    ret <- names(tbl)[which.max(tbl)]
    factor(ret, levels = names(tbl))
  # Set all other but the variable of interest to the
  # mode or the median
  for (variable in colnames(new_data)) {
    if (variable != term.label) {
      if (is.numeric(new_data[, variable])) {
        new_data[, variable] <- median(new_data[, variable])
      } else {
        new_data[, variable] <- getMode(new_data[, variable])
  if (is.numeric(new_data[, term.label])) {
    nd_median <- median(new_data[, term.label], na.rm = TRUE)
  } else {
    nd_median <- getMode(new_data[, term.label])
  new_data <- new_data[!duplicated(new_data[, term.label]), , drop = FALSE]
  if (!missing(xlim)) {
    if (NCOL(new_data) == 1) {
      new_data <- as.data.frame(
          new_data[new_data >= min(xlim) &
                     new_data <= max(xlim)],
          ncol = 1,
          dimnames = list(NULL, c(term.label))
    } else {
      new_data <- new_data[new_data[, term.label] >= min(xlim) &
                             new_data[, term.label] <= max(xlim), ,
                           drop = FALSE
  attr(new_data, "median") <- nd_median

#' Plots the confidence intervals
#' Uses \code{\link[graphics]{polygon}()} or
#' \code{\link[graphics]{lines}()} to plot confidence
#' intervals.
#' @param model_data A data frame with 'xvalues', 'upper', and 'lower'
#'  columns.
#' @param color The color of the line/polygon
#' @param polygon Boolean indicating polygon or line
#' @param lwd Line width - see \code{\link[grid]{gpar}()}
#' @param lty Line type - see \code{\link[grid]{gpar}()}
#' @keywords internal
#' @return \code{void} The function performs the print
prPhConfIntPlot <- function(model_data, color, polygon, lwd, lty) {
  current_i.backw <- order(model_data$xvalues, decreasing = TRUE)
  current_i.forw <- order(model_data$xvalues)
  if (polygon) {
    # The x-axel is always the same
    x.poly <- c(model_data$xvalues[current_i.forw], model_data$xvalues[current_i.backw])
    # The y axel is based upin the current model
    y.poly <- c(model_data$upper[current_i.forw], model_data$lower[current_i.backw])
    polygon(x.poly, y.poly, col = color, border = NA)
  } else {
    lines(model_data$xvalues[current_i.forw], model_data$upper[current_i.forw],
          col = color,
          lwd = lwd, lty = lty
          col = color,
          lwd = lwd, lty = lty

#' Plot a rug on the datapoints
#' @param xvalues The xvalues that are used for the density
#' @return \code{void}
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stats fivenum
prPhRugPlot <- function(xvalues) {
  # rugs at datapoints
    side = 1,
    line = 0,
    at = jitter(xvalues),
    labels = FALSE,
    tick = TRUE,
    tcl = 0.8,
    lwd.ticks = 0.1,
    lwd = 0
  # rugs and labels at 1Q, median and 3Q
    side = 1,
    line = -1.5,
    at = fivenum(xvalues)[2:4],
    lwd = 0,
    tick = TRUE,
    tcl = 1.2,
    lwd.ticks = 1,
    col.ticks = "black",
    labels = c("Quartile 1", "Median", "Quartile 3"),
    cex.axis = 0.7,
    col.axis = "black",
    padj = -2.8
    side = 1,
    line = 0.0,
    at = fivenum(xvalues)[2:4],
    lwd = 0,
    tick = TRUE,
    tcl = 0.2,
    lwd.ticks = 1,
    col.ticks = "black",
    labels = FALSE

#' Plot a density on the datapoints
#' @param xvalues The xvalues that are used for the density
#' @param color The color of the density polygon
#' @return \code{void}
#' @keywords internal
prPhDensityPlot <- function(xvalues, color) {
  # calculate the coordinates of the density function
  density <- density(xvalues)
  # the height of the densityity curve
  max.density <- max(density$y)
  # Get the boundaries of the plot to
  # put the density polygon at the x-line
  plot_coordinates <- par("usr")
  # get the "length" and range of the y-axis
  y.scale <- plot_coordinates[4] - plot_coordinates[3]
  # transform the y-coordinates of the density
  # to the lower 10% of the plotting panel
  density$y <- (0.1 * y.scale / max.density) * density$y + plot_coordinates[3]
  ## plot the polygon
  polygon(density$x, density$y,
          border = FALSE, col = color

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