
Defines functions .tree.without.params to.logLik .constr.expr .d.dell .cop.pdf dHAC .d.multi.AC .amh.12.density .joe.12.density .frank.12.density .clay.12.density .gumb.12.density .dAC

Documented in dHAC to.logLik

# pdf.r ##################################################################################################################
# FUNCTION:               	DESCRIPTION:
#  .dAC						Computes the values of the bivariate copula density. (Internal function)
#  .gumb.12.density			Bivariate density of the Gumbel copula. (Internal function)
#  .clay.12.density			Bivariate density of the Clayton copula. (Internal function)
#  .frank.12.density		    Bivariate density of the Frank copula. (Internal function)
#  .joe.12.density			Bivariate density of the Joe copula. (Internal function)
#  .amh.12.density			Bivariate density of the Ali-Mikhail-Haq copula. (Internal function)
#  .d.multi.AC				Computes the values of the multivariate Archimedean copula density. (Internal function)
#  dHAC						Returns the values of the an arbitrary HAC density.
#  .cop.pdf					Derives a function for the copula density or evalutes the derived function instantaneously. (Internal function)
#  .d.dell                  Derives the copula expression given by .constr.expr with respect to the arguments of the copula, which are defined on [0,1]. (Internal function)
#  .constr.expr             Returns an expression of the HAC for a given copula type. (Internal function)
#  to.logLik                Returns the log-Likelihood function or evalutes the log-likelihood instantaneously.
#  .tree.without.params     Tranforms a tree of a 'hac' object with numeric values as parameters into a tree with symbolic parameters. (Internal function)

.dAC = function(x, y, theta, type){	
	if((type == 1) | (type == 2)){
		.gumb.12.density(x, y, theta)
	if((type == 3) | (type == 4)){
		.clay.12.density(x, y, theta)       
	if((type == 5) | (type == 6)){
		.frank.12.density(x, y, theta)
	if((type == 7) | (type == 8)){
		.joe.12.density(x, y, theta)
	if((type == 9) | (type == 10)){
		.amh.12.density(x, y, theta)


.gumb.12.density = function(x, y, theta){
	lu1 = -log(x)
	lu2 = -log(y)
	(lu1^(-1 + theta) * (-1 + theta + (lu1^theta + lu2^theta)^(1/theta)) * (lu1^theta + lu2^theta)^(-2 + 1/theta) * lu2^(-1 + theta))/(exp((lu1^theta + lu2^theta)^(1/theta)) *x*y)
.clay.12.density = function(x, y, theta){
	u1pt = x^(-theta)
	u2pt = y^(-theta)
	(1 + theta) * u1pt * u2pt * ((u1pt + u2pt - 1)^( -1/theta - 2))/(x * y)

.frank.12.density = function(x, y, theta){
	u1pt = exp(theta)

.joe.12.density = function(x, y, theta){
	x1 = (1 - x)^theta
	y1 = (1 - y)^theta
	(1 - x)^(-1 + theta)*(theta - (-1 + x1)*(-1 + y1))*(x1 - (-1 + x1)*y1)^(-2 + 1/theta)*(1 - y)^(-1 + theta)

.amh.12.density = function(x, y, theta){


.d.multi.AC = function(X, theta, type, log = TRUE){	
            colnames(X) = c();
            if(type == 2){
                copGumbel@dacopula(X, theta, log = log)
            if(type == 4){
            	copClayton@dacopula(X, theta, log = log)
            if(type == 6){
            	copFrank@dacopula(X, theta, log = log)
            if(type == 8){
            	copJoe@dacopula(X, theta, log = log)
            if(type == 10){
            	copAMH@dacopula(X, theta, log = log)

dHAC = function(X, hac, eval = TRUE, margins = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, ...){ 

    X = .one.ob(X, margins)
    names = colnames(X)    
    if(any(!(names %in% .get.leaves(hac$tree)))){stop("The colnames of X have to coincide with the specifications of the copula model hac.")}
	if(na.rm){X = na.omit(X, ...)}
    type = hac$type; d = NCOL(X);
        if((d >= 3) & ((type == 1) | (type == 3) | (type == 5) | (type == 7) | (type == 9))){
           return(.cop.pdf(tree = hac$tree, sample = X, type = type, d = d, names = names, eval = eval))
        	if((type == 1) | (type == 3) | (type == 5) | (type == 7) | (type == 9)){type = type + 1}
			      .d.multi.AC(X, theta = hac$tree[[length(hac$tree)]], type = type, log = FALSE)[-1]


.cop.pdf = function(tree, sample, type, d, names, eval){
	if(is.null(colnames(sample))){stop("Specify colnames for X.")}
	  string.expr = .constr.expr(tree, type)
    Dd = .d.dell(parse(text = string.expr), names, d)
        for(i in 1:d){formals(Dd)[[i]]=sample[-1 ,i]}
        c(attr(Dd(), "gradient"))


.d.dell = function(expr, names, order){
        deriv(expr, names[order], function.arg = names)
        .d.dell(D(expr, names[order]), names, order-1)}


.constr.expr = function(tree, type){
     n = length(tree)
     s = sapply(tree[-n], is.character)
                 paste("exp(-(", paste("(-log(", unlist(tree[which(s)]),"))^", tree[[n]], collapse="+", sep = ""),"+", paste("(-log(",sapply(tree[which(!s)], .constr.expr, type=type),"))^", tree[[n]], collapse="+", sep = ""),")^(1/", tree[[n]],"))", sep="")
                 paste("(", paste("(", unlist(tree[which(s)]),"^(-", tree[[n]],")-1)", collapse="+", sep = ""),"+", paste("((", sapply(tree[which(!s)], .constr.expr, type=type),")^(-", tree[[n]],")-1)", collapse="+", sep = ""), "+1)^(-1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                 paste("-log(1-(1-exp(-", tree[[n]],"))*exp(", paste("log((exp(-(",unlist(tree[which(s)]),")*", tree[[n]],")-1)/(exp(-", tree[[n]],")-1))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "+", paste("log((exp(-(", sapply(tree[which(!s)], .constr.expr, type=type),")*", tree[[n]],")-1)/(exp(-", tree[[n]],")-1))", collapse="+", sep = ""),"))/",tree[[n]], sep="")
                 paste("1-(1-exp(", paste("log(1-(1-", unlist(tree[which(s)]),")^(", tree[[n]],"))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "+", paste("log(1-(1-(", sapply(tree[which(!s)], .constr.expr, type=type),"))^(", tree[[n]],"))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "))^(1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                  paste("(1-", tree[[n]],")/(", paste("((1-", tree[[n]],")/(", unlist(tree[which(s)]),")+", tree[[n]],")", collapse="*", sep = ""),"*", paste("((1-", tree[[n]],")/(", sapply(tree[which(!s)], .constr.expr, type=type), ")+", tree[[n]],")", collapse="*", sep = ""), "-", tree[[n]],")", sep="")
                 paste("exp(-(", paste("(-log(", unlist(tree[-n]),"))^", tree[[n]], collapse="+", sep = ""),")^(1/", tree[[n]],"))", sep="")
                 paste("(", paste("(",unlist(tree[-n]),"^(-", tree[[n]],")-1)", collapse="+", sep = ""), "+1)^(-1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                 paste("-log(1-(1-exp(-", tree[[n]],"))*exp(", paste("log((exp(-(",unlist(tree[-n]),")*", tree[[n]],")-1)/(exp(-", tree[[n]],")-1))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "))/",tree[[n]], sep="")
                 paste("1-(1-exp(", paste("log(1-(1-", unlist(tree[-n]),")^(", tree[[n]],"))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "))^(1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                 paste("(1-", tree[[n]],")/(", paste("((1-", tree[[n]],")/(", unlist(tree[-n]),")+", tree[[n]],")", collapse="*", sep = ""), "-", tree[[n]],")", sep="")
                 paste("exp(-(", paste("(-log(", sapply(tree[-n], .constr.expr, type=type),"))^", tree[[n]], collapse="+", sep = ""),")^(1/", tree[[n]],"))", sep="")           
                 paste("(", paste("((", sapply(tree[-n], .constr.expr, type=type),")^(-", tree[[n]],")-1)", collapse="+", sep = ""), "+1)^(-1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                 paste("-log(1-(1-exp(-", tree[[n]],"))*exp(", paste("log((exp(-(", sapply(tree[-n], .constr.expr, type=type),")*", tree[[n]],")-1)/(exp(-", tree[[n]],")-1))", collapse="+", sep = ""),"))/",tree[[n]], sep="")
                 paste("1-(1-exp(",paste("log(1-(1-(", sapply(tree[-n], .constr.expr, type=type),"))^(", tree[[n]],"))", collapse="+", sep = ""), "))^(1/", tree[[n]], ")", sep="")
                  paste("(1-", tree[[n]],")/(", paste("((1-", tree[[n]],")/(", sapply(tree[-n], .constr.expr, type=type),")+", tree[[n]],")", collapse="*", sep = ""), "-", tree[[n]],")", sep="")


to.logLik = function(X, hac, eval = FALSE, margins = NULL, sum.log = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, ...){
	X = .margins(X, margins)
	if(na.rm){X = na.omit(X, ...)}
    tree = .tree.without.params(hac$tree)
    thetas = .read.params(tree); values = get.params(hac); d = NCOL(X)
    expr = .constr.expr(tree, hac$type)
    f = .d.dell(parse(text=expr), c(colnames(X), thetas[order(values)]), order=d)
    for(i in 1:d){formals(f)[[i]]=X[,i]}
    g = function(theta, density=f){
            n.par = length(theta)
            for(i in 1:n.par){formals(density)[[length(formals(density))-n.par+i]]=theta[i]}
	            sum(log(c(attr(density(), "gradient"))))
	        	log(c(attr(density(), "gradient")))
.tree.without.params = function(tree, k=1, l=1){
     n = length(tree)
     s = sapply(tree[-n], is.character)
     tree[[n]] = paste("theta",k,".",l, sep="")

            for(i in which(!s)){
                tree[[i]]=.tree.without.params(tree[[i]], k=k+1,l=i)
            tree = tree
         for(i in 1:(n-1)){
                tree[[i]]=.tree.without.params(tree[[i]], k=k+1,l=i)

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HAC documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 1:06 a.m.