
## ----setup, include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------
  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

## loading the data-set

  # now extract 
    meteo_data   <- alerce_data$meteo_data   # meteorological forcing series
    mass_balance <- alerce_data$mass_balance # annual glacier mass balances
    mb_dates     <- alerce_data$mb_dates     # fix seasonal dates
    gl_topo      <- alerce_data$topography   # elevation bands
    z_tair   <- alerce_data$station_height[1] # topographic elevation air temp.
    z_precip <- alerce_data$station_height[2] # topographic elevation of precipitation gauge 

## ----definition, echo = TRUE--------------------------------------------------
# in this example we incorporate the precipitation and 
# air temperature extrapolation functions into our model

## agruments description
  # topograpphy: data frame with the elevation bands (gl_topo in this script).
  # meteo: data frame with dates, air temperature and precipitation series.
  # z_topo: numeric vector with air temperature and precipitation gauge elevation.
  # param_tair: numeric vector with air temperature module parameters.
  # param_precip: numeric vector with precipitation module parameters.
  # param_ice: numeric vector with the glacier module parameters.
  # init_ice: numeric value with initial snow water equivalent. Default value being 00 mm.
## output
  # data frame with two columns: the date and the daily mass balance.

glacier_hbv <- function(topography,
                        init_ice = 0){

  n_it    <- nrow(topography) # to get the number of elevation bands
  n_dates <- nrow(meteo) # to get number of rows

  precip_model  <- tair_model <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_dates, ncol = n_it)
  glacier_model <- list()

  for(i in 1:n_it){
    # we first distribute the meteo forcing among the elevation bands
    precip_model[ , i] <- Precip_model(model = 1,
                                       inputData = meteo[ , "P(mm/d)"],
                                       zmeteo = z_topo[2],
                                       ztopo = topography[i , "mean"],
                                       param = param_precip)

    tair_model[ , i] <- Temp_model(model = 1,
                                   inputData = meteo[ , "Tair(ÂșC)"],
                                   zmeteo = z_topo[1],
                                   ztopo = topography[i , "mean"],
                                   param = param_tair)

    # now we use the extrapolated values in the glacier module
    glacier_model[[ i ]] <-
      SnowGlacier_HBV(model = 1,
                      inputData = cbind( tair_model[ , i], precip_model[ , i]),
                      initCond = c(init_ice, 1, topography[i, "area_rel"]),
                      param = param_ice )

  # we aggregate the mass balance series for the whole glacier
  cum_mb <- lapply(X = 1:n_it, FUN = function(x){
    out <- glacier_model[[x]][ , 7] * topography[x, "area_rel"]
  cum_mb <- Reduce(f = `+`, x = cum_mb)

  # return the column Cum = Psnow - Mtot (aggregated at glacier scale)
  cum_out <- data.frame(date = meteo[ , "Date"],
                        "cum_mb(mm)" = cum_mb,
                        check.names = FALSE)


## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# this function will use the glacier_hbv output data frame
# in order to get the annual mass balance

## arguments
  # x: data frame resulting from glacier_hbv model
  # start_date: string vector with starting dates.
  # end_date: string vector with ending dates.
## output
  # data frame with the annual mass balances

agg_mb <- function(x, start_date, end_date){
  n_it <- length(start_date)

  annual_mb <- c()
  for(i in 1:n_it){
    flag_start <- which(x[ , 1] == start_date[i])
    flag_end   <- which(x[ , 1] == end_date[i])

    annual_mb[i] <- sum( x[flag_start:flag_end, 2] )


  # build output data frame
  out <- data.frame(start = start_date,
                    end = end_date,
                    "mb(mm we)" = annual_mb,
                    check.names = FALSE)



# in this chunk of code I will also build the GOF function (you can also take a look 
# at the hydroGOF package)

## arguments
  # obs_upp: numeric vector with the acceptable upper limit
  # obs_lwr: numeric vector with the acceptable lower limit
  # sim: numeric vector with simulated mass balance
## output
  # numeric value with the number of times that the simulation fits in between 
  # the lower and upper limits.

my_gof <- function(obs_upp, obs_lwr, sim){
  n_it <- length(sim)
  out  <- 0

  for(i in 1:n_it){

    if(sim[i] >= obs_lwr[i] & sim[i] <= obs_upp[i]){
      out <- 1 + out

    } else {
      out <- 0 + out





## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 # air temperature model
tair_range <- rbind(
  t_grad  = c(-9.8, -2)

# precip model
precip_range <- rbind(
  p_grad  = c(5, 25)

# glacier module
glacier_range <- rbind(
  sfcf = c(1, 2),
  tr   = c(0, 3),
  tt   = c(0, 3),
  fm   = c(1, 4),
  fi   = c(4, 8)

## we aggregate them in a matrix
param_range <-

## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# set the number of model runs that you want to try
n_run <- 10000

# build the matrix
n_it <- nrow(param_range)

param_sets <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = n_run, ncol = n_it)

colnames(param_sets) <- rownames(param_range)

set.seed(123) # just for reproducibility 
for(i in 1:n_it){

  param_sets[ , i] <- runif(n = n_run,
                            min = param_range[i, 1],
                            max = param_range[i, 2]



## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  # goodness of fit vector
#  gof <- c()
#  # make a loop
#  for(i in 1:n_run){
#    # run the model
#    glacier_sim <- glacier_hbv(topography = gl_topo,
#                               meteo = meteo_data,
#                               z_topo = c(z_tair, z_precip),
#                               param_tair = param_sets[i, rownames(tair_range)],
#                               param_precip = param_sets[i, rownames(precip_range) ],
#                               param_ice = param_sets[i, rownames(glacier_range)] )
#    # aggregate the simulation
#    annual_mb <- agg_mb(x = glacier_sim,
#                        start_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-4] ),
#                        end_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-1] ) - 1 )
#    # compare the simulations with measurements
#    gof[i] <- my_gof(obs_upp = mass_balance$upp,
#                     obs_lwr = mass_balance$lwr,
#                     sim = annual_mb[ , 3])
#    rm(glacier_sim, annual_mb)
#  }
#  param_sets <- cbind(param_sets, gof)
#  # we apply a filter
#  param_subset <- subset(x = param_sets, subset = gof == 3)

## ----eval = FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------
#  # now we run the model again to get our simulations
#  n_it <- nrow(param_subset)
#  mb_sim <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = 3, ncol = n_it)
#  for(i in 1:n_it){
#    glacier_sim <- glacier_hbv(topography = gl_topo,
#                               meteo = meteo_data,
#                               z_topo = c(z_tair, z_precip),
#                               param_tair = param_subset[i, rownames(tair_range)],
#                               param_precip = param_subset[i, rownames(precip_range) ],
#                               param_ice = param_subset[i, rownames(glacier_range)] )
#    annual_mb <- agg_mb(x = glacier_sim,
#                        start_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-4] ),
#                        end_date = as.Date( mb_dates$winter[-1] ) - 1 )
#    mb_sim[ , i] <- annual_mb[ , 3]
#    rm(i, glacier_sim, annual_mb)
#  }
#  # now we are going to make a data frame with the mean surface mass balance simulation
#  mean_sim <- cbind( mass_balance,
#                     "mb_sim" =  rowMeans(mb_sim)    )
#  # make the plot
#  library(ggplot2)
#  g1 <-
#    ggplot(data =  mean_sim, aes(x = year)) +
#    geom_pointrange(aes(y = `mb(mm we)`, ymin = `lwr`, color = 'obs',
#                        ymax = `upp` ), size = 1,  fill = "white", shape = 21) +
#    geom_point(aes(y = `mb_sim`, fill = 'sim'), shape = 23,
#               size = 3) +
#    geom_hline(yintercept = 0) +
#    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1500, 500), breaks = seq(-1500, 500, 250) ) +
#    scale_color_manual(name = '', values = c('obs' = 'blue') ) +
#    scale_fill_manual(name = '', values = c('sim' = 'red') ) +
#    ggtitle('') +
#    xlab('') + ylab('mb (mm we)') +
#    theme_minimal() +
#    theme(
#      title = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
#      axis.title.x = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
#      axis.title.y = element_text(color = "black", size = 12, face = "bold"),
#      legend.text = element_text(size = 11),
#      axis.text = element_text(size = 11))
#  g1

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HBV.IANIGLA documentation built on Nov. 24, 2022, 1:07 a.m.