#' @name MartG_test
#' @title Testing for martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension
#' @description \code{MartG_test()} implements a new test proposed in
#' Chang, Jiang and Shao (2021) for the following hypothesis testing problem:
#' \deqn{H_0:\{{\bf x}_t\}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ a\ MDS\ \ versus\ \ }H_1:
#' \{{\bf x}_t\}_{t=1}^n\mathrm{\ is\ not\ a\ MDS,} } where
#' MDS is the abbreviation of "martingale difference sequence".
#' @param X \eqn{{\bf X} = \{{\bf x}_1, \dots , {\bf x}_n \}'}, an \eqn{n\times
#' p} sample matrix, where \eqn{n} is the sample size and \eqn{p} is the
#' dimension of \eqn{{\bf x}_t}.
#' @param lag.k Time lag \eqn{K}, a positive integer, used to calculate the test
#' statistic. Default is \code{lag.k} \eqn{=2}.
#' @param B Bootstrap times for generating multivariate normal distributed
#' random vectors in calculating the critical value.
#' Default is \code{B} \eqn{=1000}.
#' @param type String, a map is chosen by the \proglang{R} users, such as the
#' default option is \code{'Linear'} means linear identity
#' map (\eqn{\boldsymbol \phi({\bf x})={\bf x}}). Also including another
#' option \code{'Quad'} (Both linear and quadratic terms
#' \eqn{\boldsymbol \phi({\bf x})=\{{\bf x}',({\bf x}^2)'\}'}). Also the users
#' can choose set the map themselves, use for example \code{expression(X, X^2)},
#' \code{quote(X, X^2)}, \code{parse(X, X^2)}, \code{substitute(X, X^2)} or
#' just map without function (such as cbind(X, X^2)) to set their own map.
#' See Section 2.1 in Chang, Jiang and Shao (2021) for more information.
#' @param alpha The prescribed significance level. Default is 0.05.
#' @param kernel.type String, an option for choosing the symmetric kernel
#' used in the estimation of long-run covariance matrix,
#' for example, \code{'QS'} (Quadratic spectral kernel),
#' \code{'Par'} (Parzen kernel) and \code{'Bart'}
#' (Bartlett kernel), see Andrews (1991) for more
#' information. Default option is \code{kernel.type = 'QS'}.
#' @return An object of class "hdtstest" is a list containing the following
#' components:
#'. \item{statistic}{The value of the test statistic.}
#' \item{p.value}{Numerical value which represents the p-value of the test.}
#' \item{lag.k}{The time lag used in function.}
#' \item{method}{A character string indicating what method was performed.}
#' \item{type}{A character string which map used on data matrix \code{X}.}
#' \item{kernel.type}{A character string indicating what kenel method was performed.}
#' @references Chang, J., Jiang, Q. & Shao, X. (2022). \emph{Testing the
#' martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension}. Journal of
#' Econometrics, in press
#' @examples
#' n <- 200
#' p <- 10
#' X <- matrix(rnorm(n*p),n,p)
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type="Linear")
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=cbind(X, X^2)) #the same as Linear type
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=quote(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using quote
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=substitute(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using substitute
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=expression(cbind(X, X^2))) # expr using expression
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=parse(text="cbind(X, X^2)")) # expr using parse
#' map_fun <- function(X) {X <- cbind(X,X^2); X}
#' res <- MartG_test(X, type=map_fun)
#' Pvalue <- res$p.value
#' rej <- res$reject
#' @useDynLib HDTSA
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp
#' @importFrom Rcpp evalCpp
#' @importFrom methods formalArgs
#' @import Rcpp
#' @export
MartG_test <- function (X, lag.k=2, B=1000, type=c('Linear','Quad'),
alpha=0.05, kernel.type=c('QS','Par','Bart')) {
data_name <- all.vars(substitute(X))
if (is.character(type)) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == 'Linear') {
Xj <- X
d <- ncol(Xj)
if (type == 'Quad'){
Xj <- cbind(X,X^2)
d <- ncol(Xj)
storage.mode(d) <- "integer"
else if ({
varnames_expr <- all.vars(type)
if (data_name != varnames_expr)
stop("expr is not validate, The variable name is different from the data name.")
# print(type)
Xj <- eval(type)
d <- ncol(Xj)
else if ( || is.expression(type)){
varnames_expr <- all.vars(type)
if (length(varnames_expr) != 1)
stop("expr is not validate, only support one data name and expr must include data name.")
if (data_name != varnames_expr)
stop("expr is not validate, The variable name is different from the data name.")
Xj <- eval(type)
d <- ncol(Xj)
else if(is.function(type)){
f <- type
f_para <- formalArgs(f)
varnames_expr <- f_para[1]
if (data_name != varnames_expr)
stop("function is not validate, The first argument of function is different
from the data name.")
if(!is.null(args) && length(f_para)>1)
Xj <-, args=c(list(X),args))
else Xj <- f(X)
d <- ncol(Xj)
else if(is.matrix(type)){
Xj <- type
names(type) <- "User define"
d <- ncol(Xj)
else {
expr <- substitute(type)
varnames_expr <- all.vars(expr)
if (length(varnames_expr) != 1)
stop("expr is not validate, only support one data name.")
if (data_name != varnames_expr)
stop("expr is not validate, The variable name is different from the data name.")
# print(expr)
Xj <- eval(expr)
d <- ncol(Xj)
kernel.type <- match.arg(kernel.type)
ken_type <- switch(kernel.type,
"QS" = 1,
"Par" = 2,
"Bart" = 3)
n <- nrow(X)
p <- ncol(X)
storage.mode(p) <- "integer"
storage.mode(n) <- "integer"
# ---------- step 1: Transformation function ----------
# ---------- step 2: compute test statistic ----------
Tn <- MartG_TestStatC(n, lag.k, X, Xj)
ft <- MartG_ftC(n, lag.k, p, d, X, Xj)
bn <- bandwith(ft,lag.k,p,d,ken_type)
Gnstar <- MartG_bootc(n, lag.k, p, d, B, bn, ken_type, ft) # critical value
p.value <- mean(Gnstar>Tn)
names(Tn) <- "Statistic"
names(lag.k) <-"Time lag"
names(kernel.type) <- "Symmetric kernel"
METHOD <- "Testing for martingale difference hypothesis in high dimension"
structure(list(statistic = Tn, p.value = p.value, lag.k=lag.k,
method = METHOD,
type = type, kernel = kernel.type),
class = "hdtstest")
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