#' @title Identify outdated or Excel-mogrified gene symbols
#' @description This function identifies gene symbols which are outdated or may
#' have been mogrified by Excel or other spreadsheet programs. If output is assigned
#' to a variable, it returns a data.frame of the same number of rows as the input,
#' with a second column indicating whether the symbols are valid and a third column
#' with a corrected gene list.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @importFrom utils read.csv data
#' @param x A character vector of gene symbols to check for modified or outdated values
#' @param chromosome An optional integer vector containing the chromosome number of each gene
#' provided through the argument \code{x}. It should be the
#' same length as the input for \code{x}. Currently, this argument is implemented
#' only for human gene cases.
#' @param If \code{TRUE} (default), unmapped symbols will appear as
#' NA in the \code{Suggested.Symbol} column. If \code{FALSE}, the original unmapped
#' symbol will be kept.
#' @param map Specify if you do not want to use the default maps provided by setting
#' species equal to "mouse" or "human". Map can be any other data.frame with colnames
#' identical to \code{c("Symbol", "Approved.Symbol")}. The default maps can be updated
#' by running the interactive example below.
#' @param species A character vector of length 1, either "human" (default) or "mouse".
#' If \code{NULL}, or anything other than "human" or "mouse", then the map argument
#' must be provided.
#' @param expand.ambiguous If \code{FALSE} (default), genes with multiple mapping will only
#' map to its approved symbol as the correct one. If \code{TRUE}, genes with multiple/ambiguous mapping
#' will map to all the symbols linked to it.
#' @return The function will return a data.frame of the same number of rows as the
#' input, with corrections possible from map.
#' @seealso \code{\link{mouse.table}} for the mouse lookup table, \code{\link{hgnc.table}} for the human lookup table
#' @examples
#' library(HGNChelper)
#' ## Human
#' human <- c("FN1", "TP53", "UNKNOWNGENE","7-Sep", "9/7", "1-Mar", "Oct4", "4-Oct",
#' "OCT4-PG4", "C19ORF71", "C19orf71")
#' checkGeneSymbols(human)
#' ## Mouse
#' mouse <- c("1-Feb", "Pzp", "A2m")
#' checkGeneSymbols(mouse, species="mouse")
#' ## expand.ambiguous
#' ## Human
#' human <- "AAVS1"
#' checkGeneSymbols(human, expand.ambiguous=FALSE)
#' checkGeneSymbols(human, expand.ambiguous=TRUE)
#' ## Mouse
#' mouse <- c("Cpamd8", "Mug2")
#' checkGeneSymbols(mouse, species = "mouse", expand.ambiguous = FALSE)
#' checkGeneSymbols(mouse, species = "mouse", expand.ambiguous = TRUE)
#' ## Updating the map
#' if (interactive()) {
#' currentHumanMap <- getCurrentHumanMap()
#' checkGeneSymbols(human, map=currentHumanMap)
#' # You should save this if you are going to use it multiple times,
#' # then load it from file rather than burdening HGNC's servers.
#' save(hgnc.table, file="hgnc.table.rda", compress="bzip2")
#' load("hgnc.table.rda")
#' checkGeneSymbols(human, map=hgnc.table)
#' }
#' @export
checkGeneSymbols <- function(x,
chromosome = NULL, = TRUE,
map = NULL,
species = "human",
expand.ambiguous = FALSE) {
lastupdate <- readLines(system.file(file.path("extdata", "date_of_last_update.txt"),
package = "HGNChelper"))
# check input class
if (!is(x, "character")) {
x <- as.character(x)
warning("coercing x to character.")
# chromosome argument is used only for human
if (!identical(species, "human")) {chromosome <- NULL}
if (!is.null(chromosome) & (length(x) != length(chromosome))) {
stop("The length of gene symbols and chromosome lists should be same.")
# load map for correct species
if (identical(species, "human") & is.null(map)) {
message(paste("Maps last updated on:", lastupdate, collapse = " "))
map <- HGNChelper::hgnc.table
} else if (identical(species, "mouse") & is.null(map)) {
message(paste("Maps last updated on:", lastupdate, collapse = " "))
map <- HGNChelper::mouse.table
} else {
if (is.null(map)) {
stop("If species is not 'human' or 'mouse' then map argument must be specified")
# check chromosome input
if (!is.null(chromosome)) {
map <- map
if (!is(map, "data.frame") | !identical(colnames(map), c("Symbol", "Approved.Symbol", "chromosome")))
stop("If map is specified, it must be a dataframe with three columns named 'Symbol', 'Approved.Symbol' and 'chromosome'")
else {
map <- map[, 1:2]
if (!is(map, "data.frame") | !identical(colnames(map), c("Symbol", "Approved.Symbol")))
stop("If map is specified, it must be a dataframe with two columns named 'Symbol' and 'Approved.Symbol'")
approved <- x %in% map$Approved.Symbol
if (!is.null(chromosome)) {
approved.chr <- sapply(1:length(chromosome), function(i)
ifelse(chromosome[i] %in% unique(map$chromosome[map$Approved.Symbol %in% x[i]]),
approved <- approved & approved.chr
if (identical(species, "human")) {
# change to uppercase, then change orfs back to lowercase
x.casecorrected <- toupper(x)
x.casecorrected <- sub("(.*C[0-9XY]+)ORF(.+)", "\\1orf\\2", x.casecorrected)
} else if (identical(species, "mouse")) {
x.casecorrected <- x
for (i in seq_along(x)) {
# don't correct if gene symbol starts with non-alphabet
alphabetPrefix <- substring(x[i], 1, 1) %in% c(LETTERS, letters)
# make it begin with an uppercase, followed by all lowercase
if (isTRUE(alphabetPrefix)) {
x.casecorrected[i] <- tolower(x[i])
x.casecorrected[i] <- paste0(toupper(substr(x.casecorrected[i], 1, 1)),
substr(x.casecorrected[i], 2, nchar(x.casecorrected[i])))
} else {
x.casecorrected <- x
# wrong chromosome input
if (!is.null(chromosome)) {
chromosome.check <- sapply(1:length(chromosome), function(i)
ifelse(x.casecorrected[i] %in% map$Symbol,
sum(chromosome[i] == map$chromosome[map$Symbol %in% x.casecorrected[i]]) > 0,
if (sum(chromosome.check) != length(chromosome))
warning("Specified chromosome list contains wrong chromosome number for some genes.")
} else chromosome.check <- FALSE
approvedaftercasecorrection <- x.casecorrected %in% map$Approved.Symbol
if (!identical(all.equal(x, x.casecorrected), TRUE) & identical(species, "human"))
warning("Human gene symbols should be all upper-case except for the 'orf' in open reading frames. The case of some letters was corrected.")
alias <- x.casecorrected %in% map$Symbol
df <- data.frame(x = x,
Approved = approved,
Suggested.Symbol = sapply(1:length(x), function(i)
ifelse(!(is.null(chromosome)) & chromosome.check[i],
paste(unique(c(x[i], map$Approved.Symbol[x[i] == map$Symbol
& chromosome[i] == map$chromosome])),
collapse = " /// "),
paste(unique(c(x[i], map$Approved.Symbol[x[i] == map$Symbol])), collapse = " /// ")),
ifelse(alias[i], # format chromosome output
ifelse(!(is.null(chromosome)) & chromosome.check[i],
paste(map$Approved.Symbol[x.casecorrected[i] == map$Symbol
& chromosome[i] == map$chromosome], collapse = " /// "),
paste(map$Approved.Symbol[x.casecorrected[i] == map$Symbol], collapse = " /// ")),
df$Approved[$x)] <- FALSE
if (!is.null(chromosome)) { # format chromosome output
df$Input.chromosome = chromosome
df$Correct.chromosome = sapply(1:length(x), function(i)
paste(map$chromosome[x.casecorrected[i] == map$Symbol], collapse = " /// "),
if(! {
df[$Suggested.Symbol), "Suggested.Symbol"] <- df[$Suggested.Symbol), "x"]
if (sum(df$Approved) != nrow(df))
warning("x contains non-approved gene symbols")
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