
Defines functions axis.RightAdjustRight

Documented in axis.RightAdjustRight

panel.axis.right <-
function (side = c("bottom", "left", "top", "right"), at = pretty(scale.range),
    labels = TRUE, draw.labels = TRUE, check.overlap = FALSE,
    outside = FALSE, ticks = TRUE, half = !outside, which.half = switch(side,
        bottom = "lower", left = "upper", top = "upper", right = "lower"),
    tck = as.numeric(ticks), rot = if (is.logical(labels)) 0 else c(90,
        0), text.col = axis.text$col, text.alpha = axis.text$alpha,
    text.cex = axis.text$cex, text.font = axis.text$font, text.fontfamily = axis.text$fontfamily,
    text.fontface = axis.text$fontface, text.lineheight = axis.text$lineheight,
    line.col = axis.line$col, line.lty = axis.line$lty, line.lwd = axis.line$lwd,
    line.alpha = axis.line$alpha)
    side <- match.arg(side)
    orientation <- if (outside)
    else "inner"
    cpl <- current.panel.limits()
    scale.range <- range(switch(side, left = cpl$ylim, top = cpl$xlim,
        right = cpl$ylim, bottom = cpl$xlim))
    axis.line <- trellis.par.get("axis.line")
    axis.text <- trellis.par.get("axis.text")
    rot <- rep(rot, length.out = 2)
    if (is.null(at) || length(at) == 0)
    if (is.logical(labels))
        labels <- if (labels)
            format(at, trim = TRUE)
        else NULL
    if (check.overlap) {
        pad <- lattice.getOption("skip.boundary.labels")
        ## scale.range <- lattice:::extend.limits(scale.range, prop = -pad)
        scale.range <- lattice.extend.limits(scale.range, prop = -pad)
    keep.at <- at >= scale.range[1] & at <= scale.range[2]
    at <- at[keep.at]
    labels <- labels[keep.at]
    keep.labels <- TRUE
    nal <- length(at)/2 + 0.5
    all.id <- seq(along=at)
    lower.id <- all.id <= nal
    upper.id <- all.id >= nal
    axid <- if (half) {
        if (which.half == "lower")
        else upper.id
    else rep(TRUE, length(all.id))
    gp.line <- gpar(col = line.col, alpha = line.alpha, lty = line.lty,
        lwd = line.lwd)
    gp.text <- gpar(col = text.col, cex = text.cex, alpha = text.alpha,
        ## fontface = lattice:::chooseFace(text.fontface, text.font), fontfamily = text.fontfamily,
        fontface = lattice.chooseFace(text.fontface, text.font), fontfamily = text.fontfamily,
        lineheight = text.lineheight)
    axis.units <- lattice.getOption("axis.units")[[orientation]][[side]]
    axis.settings <- trellis.par.get("axis.components")[[side]]
    tck.unit.x <- tck * axis.settings$tck * axis.units$tick$x
    tck.unit <- unit(x = tck.unit.x, units = axis.units$tick$units)
    lab.unit <- if (any(tck.unit.x > 0))
        tck.unit + unit(x = axis.settings$pad1 * axis.units$pad1$x,
            units = axis.units$pad1$units)
    else unit(x = axis.settings$pad1 * axis.units$pad1$x, units = axis.units$pad1$units)
    orient.factor <- if (outside)
    else 1
    if (ticks && any(tck.unit.x != 0))
        switch(side, bottom = grid.segments(x0 = unit(at[axid],
            "native"), x1 = unit(at[axid], "native"), y0 = unit(0,
            "npc"), y1 = orient.factor * tck.unit, name = trellis.grobname("ticks.bottom",
            type = "panel"), gp = gp.line), top = grid.segments(x0 = unit(at[axid],
            "native"), x1 = unit(at[axid], "native"), y0 = unit(1,
            "npc"), y1 = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * tck.unit,
            name = trellis.grobname("ticks.top", type = "panel"),
            gp = gp.line), left = grid.segments(y0 = unit(at[axid],
            "native"), y1 = unit(at[axid], "native"), x0 = unit(0,
            "npc"), x1 = orient.factor * tck.unit, name = trellis.grobname("ticks.left",
            type = "panel"), gp = gp.line), right = grid.segments(y0 = unit(at[axid],
            "native"), y1 = unit(at[axid], "native"), x0 = unit(1,
            "npc"), x1 = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * tck.unit,
            name = trellis.grobname("ticks.right", type = "panel"),
            gp = gp.line))
    if (draw.labels && !is.null(labels)) {
            just <- if (outside)
bottom = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre",
                  "top") else c("right", "centre"), top = if (rot[1] ==
                  0) c("centre", "bottom") else c("left", "centre"),

left = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "bottom") else c("right",
                    "centre"), right = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre",
                    "top") else c("right", "centre"))
            else switch(side, bottom = if (rot[1] == 0) c("centre",
                "bottom") else c("left", "centre"),
top = if (rot[1] ==
                0) c("centre", "top") else c("right", "centre"),
                left = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre", "top") else c("left",
right = if (rot[2] == 90) c("centre",
                  "bottom") else c("right", "centre"))
bottom = grid.text(label = labels[axid &
            keep.labels], x = unit(at[axid & keep.labels], "native"),
            y = orient.factor * lab.unit, rot = rot[1], check.overlap = check.overlap,
            just = just, name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.bottom",
                type = "panel"), gp = gp.text),
top = grid.text(label = labels[axid &
            keep.labels], x = unit(at[axid & keep.labels], "native"),
            y = unit(1, "npc") - orient.factor * lab.unit, rot = rot[1],
            check.overlap = check.overlap, just = just, name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.top",
                type = "panel"), gp = gp.text),
left = grid.text(label = labels[axid &
            keep.labels], y = unit(at[axid & keep.labels], "native"),
            x = orient.factor * lab.unit, rot = rot[2], check.overlap = check.overlap,
            just = just, name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.left",
                type = "panel"), gp = gp.text),
right = grid.text(label = labels[axid &
            keep.labels], y = unit(at[axid & keep.labels], "native"),
            x = unit(1, "npc") - (orient.factor-1) * lab.unit, rot = rot[2],
            check.overlap = check.overlap, just = just, name = trellis.grobname("ticklabels.right",
                type = "panel"), gp = gp.text))

## panel.axis.right was written by David Winsemius, based on the
## lattice::panel.axis function.
## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2011-October/292806.html

## source("c:/HOME/rmh/HH-R.package/HH/R/panel.axis.right.R")

## based on axis.default
## Right axis labels are right adjusted.  Otherwise no change.
## default function to draw axes.  This (or its user-specified
## replacement) will be called once for each side of each panel,
## regardless of whether relation == "same".

axis.RightAdjustRight <-
    function(side = c("top", "bottom", "left", "right"),
             scales, components, as.table,
             labels = c("default", "yes", "no"),
             ticks = c("default", "yes", "no"),
             ## prefix = lattice:::lattice.getStatus("current.prefix")) # rmh
             prefix = lattice.lattice.getStatus("current.prefix")) # rmh
    side <- match.arg(side)
    labels <- match.arg(labels)
    ticks <- match.arg(ticks)

    ## row <- lattice:::lattice.getStatus("current.focus.row", prefix = prefix) # rmh
    row <- lattice.lattice.getStatus("current.focus.row", prefix = prefix) # rmh
    ## column <- lattice:::lattice.getStatus("current.focus.column", prefix = prefix) # rmh
    column <- lattice.lattice.getStatus("current.focus.column", prefix = prefix) # rmh
    panel.layout <- trellis.currentLayout("panel", prefix = prefix)
    layout.dim <- dim(panel.layout)

    determineStatus <- function(x)
        ## whether the relevant component of 'components' wants us to
        ## draw something here
        if (is.null(x) || (is.logical(x) && !x)) FALSE
        else TRUE
    lastPanel <- function()
        ## is this the last panel? In that case, it is considered to
        ## be ``on the boundary'' on the right side.
        ((pn <- panel.number(prefix = prefix)) > 0 && pn == max(panel.layout))
    atBoundary <- function()
               top = if (as.table) row == 1 else row == layout.dim[1],
               bottom = if (!as.table) row == 1 else row == layout.dim[1],
               left = column == 1,
               right = column == layout.dim[2] || lastPanel())

    ## FIXME: what about scales$relation ?
    do.ticks <-
               yes = TRUE,
               no = FALSE,
               default = scales$draw && determineStatus(components[[side]]) &&
               (if (scales$relation == "same") atBoundary() else TRUE))
    do.labels <-
               yes = TRUE,
               no = FALSE,

               default =
               scales$draw &&
               (if (scales$relation == "same") {

                   atBoundary() &&

                   ## rule: if (alternating[row/column] %in% c(2, 3)) for
                   ## a ``boundary'' panel, then draw, otherwise don't.
                          top    = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = column)[column] %in% c(2, 3),
                          bottom = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = column)[column] %in% c(1, 3),
                          left   = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = row)[row] %in% c(1, 3),
                          right  = rep(scales$alternating, length.out = row)[row] %in% c(2, 3))

               } else TRUE))

    if (do.ticks || do.labels)
        comp.list <-
                   top = if (is.logical(components[["top"]]) && components[["top"]])
                   components[["bottom"]] else components[["top"]],
                   bottom = components[["bottom"]],
                   left = components[["left"]],
                   right = if (is.logical(components[["right"]]) && components[["right"]])
                   components[["left"]] else components[["right"]])
        scales.tck <-
                   left = ,
                   bottom = scales$tck[1],
                   right = ,
                   top = scales$tck[2])
        if (!is.logical(comp.list)) ## must be FALSE if it is
            ## WAS: (but did not allow ticks$at and labels$at to be different)
            ## panel.axis(side = side,
            ##            at = comp.list$ticks$at,
            ##            labels = comp.list$labels$labels,
            ##            draw.labels = do.labels,
            ##            check.overlap = comp.list$labels$check.overlap,
            ##            outside = TRUE,
            ##            ticks = do.ticks,
            ##            tck = scales.tck * comp.list$ticks$tck,
            ##            ...)
            if (do.ticks)
                panel.axis.right(side = side,  ##rmh
                           at = comp.list$ticks$at,
                           labels = FALSE,
                           draw.labels = FALSE,
                           check.overlap = FALSE,
                           outside = TRUE,
                           ticks = TRUE,
                           tck = scales.tck * comp.list$ticks$tck,
            if (do.labels)
                panel.axis.right(side = side,  ##rmh
                           at = comp.list$labels$at,
                           labels = comp.list$labels$labels,
                           draw.labels = TRUE,
                           check.overlap = comp.list$labels$check.overlap,
                           outside = TRUE,
                           ticks = FALSE,
                           tck = scales.tck * comp.list$ticks$tck,
## environment(axis.RightAdjustRight) <- environment(xyplot)

## axis.RightAdjustRight was written by Richard Heiberger, based on the
## lattice:::axis.default function.

## source("c:/HOME/rmh/HH-R.package/HH/R/axis.RightAdjustRight.R")

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HH documentation built on Aug. 9, 2022, 5:08 p.m.