HTT <- function(formula, data = list(), method, distance = NULL, controls = htt_control(...), ...) {
if (missing(formula)) {
stop("argument 'formula' is missing, with no default")
mf = model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
if(sum(sapply(mf, is.character))) {
stop("data class 'character' is not supported")
Y = model.extract(mf, "response")
mf[[1]] = NULL
X = mf
if (missing(method)) {
if (is.factor(Y)) {
method <- "classification"
} else if (is.matrix(Y) || is.numeric(Y)) {
method <- "regression"
} else {
stop("Y should be a numeric or factor!")
} <- pmatch(method, c("regression", "classification"))
if (
stop("Invalid method")
var_type <- sapply(X, function(x) {
if (is.numeric(x)) {
} else if (is.ordered(x)) {
} else {
factor_cols <- sapply(X, is.factor)
X_mat = X
X_mat[factor_cols] <- lapply(X[factor_cols], as.numeric)
X_mat = as.matrix(X_mat)
alpha <- controls$alpha
controls$maxnode <- ceiling(nrow(X)/(controls$minsplit)) * 4 + 1
if (is.null(distance)) {
if ( == 1L) {
dmat <- dist(as.matrix(Y), alpha)
if ( == 2L) {
dmat <- outer(Y, Y, FUN = function(x, y) x != y)
fit <- TreeGrow(X_mat, dmat, var_type, controls)
} else {
if (!is.matrix(distance)) {
stop(" 'distance' should be a matrix")
if (nrow(distance) != ncol(distance)) {
stop(" 'distance' should be a square matrix")
if (nrow(distance) != nrow(X)) {
stop(" 'distance' should have the same rows as X")
if (!is.numeric(distance)) {
stop(" 'distance' should be a numeric matrix")
if (any(distance < 0)) {
stop(" 'distance' should be a non-negative matrix")
if (sum(diag(distance)) > 0) {
stop(" The diagonal of 'distance' should be 0")
if (any(distance != t(distance))) {
stop(" 'distance' should be a symmetric matrix")
fit <- TreeGrow(X_mat, distance, var_type, controls)
frame <- fit$frame
where <- fit$where + 1
if (!is.null(rownames(X))) {
names(where) <- rownames(X)
} else {
names(where) <- 1:nrow(X)
n0 <- which.max(frame$node)
frame <- frame[1:n0, ]
frame[, c("node", "parent", "leftChild", "rightChild")] <-
frame[, c("node", "parent", "leftChild", "rightChild")] + 1
frame[1, "parent"] <- 0
leaf <- which(frame$isleaf == 1)
frame$leftChild[leaf] <- NA
frame$rightChild[leaf] <- NA
frame$statistic <- round(frame$statistic, getOption("digits") - 2)
frame$split <- as.character(round(frame$split, getOption("digits")))
frame$split[leaf] <- "<leaf>"
ind <- which($split) & frame$isleaf == 0)
if (length(ind) > 0) {
for (i in ind) {
lchild <- frame[i, "leftChild"]
rchild <- frame[i, "rightChild"]
d <- frame[i, "var"]
ind_l <- which(where %in% node_all(frame, lchild))
ind_r <- which(where %in% node_all(frame, rchild))
split_l <- sort(unique(X[ind_l, d]))
split_r <- sort(unique(X[ind_r, d]))
string <- paste0("{", paste0(split_l, collapse = ","), "}{",
paste0(split_r, collapse = ","), "}")
frame[i, "split"] <- string
if (!is.factor(Y) & is.vector(Y)) {
yval <- sapply(1:nrow(frame), function(i) {
Node <- node_all(frame, i)
ind <- which(where %in% Node)
frame$yval <- round(yval, getOption("digits") - 2)
} else if (!is.factor(Y) & is.matrix(Y)) {
yval <- sapply(1:nrow(frame), function(i) {
Node <- node_all(frame, i)
ind <- which(where %in% Node)
return(colMeans(Y[ind, ]))
yval <- t(yval)
colnames(yval) <- paste0("yval", 1:ncol(yval))
frame <- data.frame(frame, round(yval, getOption("digits") - 2))
} else {
y <- droplevels(Y)
k <- nlevels(y)
Prob <- matrix(0, nrow(frame), k)
colnames(Prob) <- paste0("prob_", levels(y))
yval <- rep("", nrow(frame))
for (i in 1:nrow(frame)) {
Node <- node_all(frame, i)
ind <- which(where %in% Node)
n <- length(ind)
prob <- table(y[ind])/n
Prob[i, ] <- prob
yval[i] <- names(which.max(prob))
frame <- data.frame(frame, yval, round(Prob, 3))
frame$var <- colnames(X)[frame$var]
res <- list(frame = frame, where = where, method = method, control = controls,
X = X, var.type = var_type)
class(res) <- "htt"
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