
validate(need(!(input[["state_first"]] == input[["state_second"]]), "Please select two different states."))

if (input[["theory"]]) {
  if (input[["calc_type"]] == "relative") {
    wp <- differential_plot_theo() 
  } else {
    wp <- differential_plot_theo_abs() 
} else {
  if (input[["calc_type"]] == "relative") {
    wp <- differential_plot_exp() 
  } else {
    wp <- differential_plot_exp_abs() 

wp <- wp + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(input[["plot_x_range"]][[1]], input[["plot_x_range"]][[2]]),
                           ylim = c(input[["woods_plot_y_range"]][[1]], input[["woods_plot_y_range"]][[2]])) +
  labs(title = input[["woods_plot_title"]],
       x = input[["woods_plot_x_label"]],
       y = input[["woods_plot_y_label"]])

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Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

HaDeX documentation built on Aug. 12, 2021, 5:20 p.m.