
Defines functions mineHPD

Documented in mineHPD

#' Examine (mine) a Hive Plot Data Object and Extract Information Contained
#' Within It
#' A \code{HivePlotData object}, especially one created fresh using
#' \code{\link{dot2HPD}}, generally contains a lot of hidden information about
#' the network described. This function can extract this hidden information.
#' This function has \code{option}s which are quite specific as to what they
#' do.  The user can easily write new options and incorporate them.
#' This function can be called multiple times
#' using different options to gradually modify the \code{HivePlotData} object.
#' \code{option = "rad <- tot.edge.count"} This option looks through the
#' \code{HivePlotData} object and determines how many edges start or end on
#' each node (the "degree").  This value is then assigned to the radius for
#' that node.
#' \code{option = "axis <- source.man.sink"} This option
#' examines the nodes and corresponding edges in a \code{HivePlotData} object
#' to determine if the node is a source, manager or sink.  A source node only
#' has outgoing edges.  A sink node only has incoming edges.  A manager has
#' both.  Hence, this option treats the \code{HivePlotData} object as if it
#' were directed in that the first node of an edge in will be in
#' \code{HPD$nodes$id1} and the second node of an edge will be in
#' \code{HPD$nodes$id2}.  As a result, this option produces a hive plot with 3
#' axes (note: sources are on axis 1, sinks on axis 2, and managers on axis 3).
#' This concept is similar to the idea of \code{\link[FuncMap]{FuncMap}} but
#' the internals are quite different.  See also \code{\link{dot2HPD}} for some
#' details about processing .dot files in an agnostic fashion.
#' \code{option = "remove orphans"} removes nodes that have degree zero (no
#' incoming or outgoing edges).
#' \code{option = "remove zero edge"}
#' removes edges with length zero.  Such edges cause an error because
#' the spline cannot be drawn.  This option combines the next two options.
#' \code{option = "remove self edge"} removes edges that
#' start and end on the same node.
#' \code{option = "remove virtual edge"} removes virtual edges which are
#' edges which involve different nodes but the nodes happen to be on the
#' the same axis at the same radius.
#' \code{option = "remove edges same axis"} removes edges which start and
#' end on the same axis.
#' @param HPD A \code{\link{HivePlotData}} object.
#' @param option A character string giving the option desired.  See Details for
#' current options.
#' @return A modified \code{HivePlotData} object.
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @seealso See the vignette for an example of using this function.  Use
#' \code{browseVignettes("HiveR")} to produce the vignette.
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export mineHPD
mineHPD <- function(HPD, option = "rad <- tot.edge.count") {

  # Function to process HPD objects in various ways
  # to dig out additional hidden info.
  # dot2HPD can only use the attribute tags in the dot file.
  # However, the graph intrinsically contains additional info
  # which can be mapped into a Hive Plot
  # This function can dig that info out.
  # Additional methods are easily added to this function.

  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, July 2011 onward

  # Check for valid option

  curopts <- c(
    "rad <- tot.edge.count",
    "axis <- source.man.sink",
    "remove orphans",
    "remove virtual edge",
    "remove self edge",
    "remove zero edge",
    "remove edges same axis"

  if (!option %in% curopts) {
    message("Unrecognized option, select from:")
    # msg <- paste("Unrecognized option, select from", paste(curopts, collapse = ", "), sep = " ")
    stop("invalid option")
  edges <- HPD$edges
  nodes <- HPD$nodes
  nn <- length(nodes$id)

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "rad <- tot.edge.count") {

    # This option assigns a radius value to a node
    # based upon the total number of edges in which the node participates.

    for (n in 1:nn) {
      pat <- paste("\\b", nodes$id[n], "\\b", sep = "")
      p <- length(grep(pat, edges$id1))
      q <- length(grep(pat, edges$id2))
      nodes$radius[n] <- p + q
  } ##### end of option == "rad <- tot.edge.count"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "axis <- source.man.sink") {

    # This option assigns a node to an axis
    # based upon whether it is a source, manager or sink
    # by examining the edges.
    # Note that this option assumes a directed
    # input graph, as a source node only has "outgoing" edges etc.
    # Thus all edges start at edges$id1 and end on edges$id2.

    # source = axis 1, manager = axis 3, sink = axis  2
    # Basic procedure is that a node only listed in
    # edges$id2 is a sink etc.
    # Do things affirmatively, not assuming a default:
    # Ensures that things are done correctly.

    # if (!length(unique(nodes$axis)) == 3) {
    # stop("This option requires 3 unique axes")
    # }

    done <- FALSE # a check to make sure all nodes get an axis

    for (n in 1:nn) {
      pat <- paste("\\b", nodes$id[n], "\\b", sep = "")
      id1 <- grep(pat, edges$id1)
      id2 <- grep(pat, edges$id2)

      if ((length(id1) == 0) & (length(id2) > 0)) {
        nodes$axis[n] <- 2
        done <- TRUE
      } # these are sinks, as they only receive an edge

      # note that set operations below drop duplicate values

      if ((length(id1) > 0) & (length(id2) > 0)) {
        common <- union(id1, id2)
        source <- setdiff(id1, common)
        if (length(source) == 1) {
          nodes$axis[n] <- 1
          done <- TRUE
        } # these are sources

        if (length(common) >= 1) {
          nodes$axis[n] <- 3
          done <- TRUE
        } # these are managers

      if (!done) {
        msg <- paste("node ", nodes$id[n], " was not assigned to an axis", sep = "")
      } # alert the user there was a problem
    } # end of loop inspecting nodes

    nodes$axis <- as.integer(nodes$axis)
  } ##### end of option == "axis <- source.man.sink

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "remove orphans") {

    # This option removes orphaned nodes (which have no edges)
    # Almost the same code as over in sumHPD

    e.ids <- union(HPD$edges$id1, HPD$edges$id2)
    n.ids <- HPD$nodes$id
    prob <- setdiff(n.ids, e.ids)
    prob <- match(prob, HPD$nodes$id)
    if (length(prob) == 0) cat("\n\t No orphaned nodes were found\n")
    if (length(prob) > 0) {
      cat("\n\t", length(prob), "orphaned nodes (degree = 0) were removed\n\n")
      nodes <- nodes[-prob, ]
  } ##### end of option == "remove orphans"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "remove self edge") {

    # This option removes edges which start and end on the same node
    # It re-uses code from sumHPD

    # Create a list of edges to be drawn

    n1.lab <- n1.rad <- n2.lab <- n2.rad <- n1.ax <- n2.ax <- c()

    for (n in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
      pat1 <- HPD$edges$id1[n]
      pat2 <- HPD$edges$id2[n]
      pat1 <- paste("\\b", pat1, "\\b", sep = "") # ensures exact match
      pat2 <- paste("\\b", pat2, "\\b", sep = "")
      i1 <- grep(pat1, HPD$nodes$id)
      i2 <- grep(pat2, HPD$nodes$id)
      n1.lab <- c(n1.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i1])
      n2.lab <- c(n2.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i2])
      n1.rad <- c(n1.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i1])
      n2.rad <- c(n2.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i2])
      n1.ax <- c(n1.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i1])
      n2.ax <- c(n2.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i2])

    fd <- data.frame(
      n1.id = HPD$edges$id1,
      n1.lab = as.character(n1.lab), # June 2017
      n2.id = HPD$edges$id2,
      n2.lab = as.character(n2.lab), # June 2017
      e.wt = HPD$edges$weight,
      e.col = HPD$edges$color,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    bad <- NA_integer_

    prob <- which(fd$n1.lab == fd$n2.lab)
    if (length(prob) == 0) cat("\n\t No edges were found that start and end on the same node\n")
    if (length(prob) > 0) {
      for (n in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
        pat1 <- HPD$edges$id1[n]
        pat2 <- HPD$edges$id2[n]
        if (pat1 == pat2) bad <- c(bad, n)

      cat("\n\t", length(na.omit(bad)), "edge(s) that start and end on the same node were removed\n")

    # Now actually remove the edges

    bad <- unique(na.omit(bad))
    edges <- edges[-bad, ]
  } ##### end of option == "remove self edge"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "remove edges same axis") {

    # This option removes edges which start and end on the same axis

    # Create a list of edges to be drawn

    n1.lab <- n1.rad <- n2.lab <- n2.rad <- n1.ax <- n2.ax <- edge.no <- c()

    for (n in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
      pat1 <- HPD$edges$id1[n]
      pat2 <- HPD$edges$id2[n]
      pat1 <- paste("\\b", pat1, "\\b", sep = "") # ensures exact match
      pat2 <- paste("\\b", pat2, "\\b", sep = "")
      i1 <- grep(pat1, HPD$nodes$id)
      i2 <- grep(pat2, HPD$nodes$id)
      n1.lab <- c(n1.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i1])
      n2.lab <- c(n2.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i2])
      n1.rad <- c(n1.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i1])
      n2.rad <- c(n2.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i2])
      n1.ax <- c(n1.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i1])
      n2.ax <- c(n2.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i2])
      edge.no <- c(edge.no, n) # Jan 2019 for this method in particular

    fd <- data.frame(
      n1.id = HPD$edges$id1,
      n1.lab = as.character(n1.lab), # June 2017
      n2.id = HPD$edges$id2,
      n2.lab = as.character(n2.lab), # June 2017
      edge.no = edge.no,
      e.wt = HPD$edges$weight,
      e.col = HPD$edges$color,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    prob <- which(fd$n1.ax == fd$n2.ax)
    if (length(prob) == 0) cat("\n\t No edges were found that start and end on the same axis\n")
    if (length(prob) > 0) {
      bad <- fd$edge.no[prob]
      edges <- edges[-bad, ]
      cat("\n\t", length(na.omit(bad)), "edge(s) that start and end on the same axis were removed\n")
  } ##### end of option == "remove edges same axis"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "remove virtual edge") {

    # This option removes edges which start and end on the same
    # axis at the same radius.  It reuses code from sumHPD

    # Create a list of edges to be drawn

    n1.lab <- n1.rad <- n2.lab <- n2.rad <- n1.ax <- n2.ax <- c()

    for (n in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
      pat1 <- HPD$edges$id1[n]
      pat2 <- HPD$edges$id2[n]
      pat1 <- paste("\\b", pat1, "\\b", sep = "") # ensures exact match
      pat2 <- paste("\\b", pat2, "\\b", sep = "")
      i1 <- grep(pat1, HPD$nodes$id)
      i2 <- grep(pat2, HPD$nodes$id)
      n1.lab <- c(n1.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i1])
      n2.lab <- c(n2.lab, HPD$nodes$lab[i2])
      n1.rad <- c(n1.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i1])
      n2.rad <- c(n2.rad, HPD$nodes$radius[i2])
      n1.ax <- c(n1.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i1])
      n2.ax <- c(n2.ax, HPD$nodes$axis[i2])

    fd <- data.frame(
      n1.id = HPD$edges$id1,
      n1.lab = as.character(n1.lab), # June 2017
      n2.id = HPD$edges$id2,
      n2.lab = as.character(n2.lab), # June 2017
      e.wt = HPD$edges$weight,
      e.col = HPD$edges$color,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

    bad <- NA_integer_
    prob1 <- which((fd$n1.rad == fd$n2.rad) & (fd$n1.ax == fd$n2.ax))
    prob2 <- which(fd$n1.id == fd$n2.id) # omit true self edges
    prob <- setdiff(prob1, prob2)

    if (length(prob) == 0) cat("\n\t No virtual self-edges were found\n")
    if (length(prob) > 0) {
      virtProb <- data.frame(id1 = fd$n1.id[prob], id2 = fd$n2.id[prob])
      for (i in 1:nrow(virtProb)) {
        for (j in 1:(length(HPD$edges$id1))) {
          if ((HPD$edges$id1[j] == virtProb[i, 1]) & (HPD$edges$id2[j] == virtProb[i, 2])) bad <- c(bad, j)
          if ((HPD$edges$id1[j] == virtProb[i, 2]) & (HPD$edges$id2[j] == virtProb[i, 1])) bad <- c(bad, j)
      cat("\n\t", length(na.omit(bad)), "virtual self-edge(s) were removed\n")

    # Now actually remove the edges

    bad <- unique(na.omit(bad))
    edges <- edges[-bad, ]
  } ##### end of option == "remove virtual edge"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  if (option == "remove zero edge") {

    # This option runs the two above
    HPD <- mineHPD(HPD, option = "remove self edge")
    HPD <- mineHPD(HPD, option = "remove virtual edge")
  } ##### end of option == "remove zero edge"

  ### ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ###

  # Final assembly and checking...

  HPD$edges <- edges
  HPD$nodes <- nodes

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