
Defines functions ranHiveData

Documented in ranHiveData

#' Generate Random Hive Plot Data
#' This function generates random data sets which can be used to make a hive
#' plot.
#' For \code{type = "2D"}, after the function creates an initial set of random
#' nodes, these are randomly chosen and connected between adjacent axes, so
#' that no edge crosses an axis. \cr \cr For \code{type = "3D"}, after the
#' function creates an initial set of random nodes and edges, these are cleaned
#' up by removing the following cases (which the rest of \code{HiveR} is not
#' intended to handle at this time): duplicated nodes, nodes that are not part
#' of any edge, edges that begin and end on the same point, edges that begin
#' and end on the same axis, and finally, for \code{nx = 5 or 6}, edges that
#' begin and end on colinear axes.  Most of these don't cause an error, but
#' produce some ugly results. \cr \cr For the arguments \code{rad, ns, ew, nc}
#' and \code{ec}, the values given are sampled randomly (with replacement) and
#' assigned to particular nodes or edges.
#' @param type The type of hive plot to be generated.  One of \code{c("2D",
#' "3D")}.
#' @param nx An integer giving the number of axes to be created (\code{2 =< nx
#' =< 6}).
#' @param nn An integer giving the number of nodes to be created.  This is an
#' initial number which may be reduced during clean up.  See Details.
#' @param ne An integer giving the number of edges to be created.  This is an
#' initial number which may be reduced during clean up.  See Details.
#' @param rad Numeric; a range of values that will be used as node radius
#' values (the position of the node along the axis).
#' @param ns Numeric; a range of values that will be used as the node sizes.
#' @param ew Numeric; a range of values that will be used as the edge weights.
#' @param nc A vector of valid color names giving the node colors.
#' @param ec A vector of valid color names giving the edge colors.
#' @param axis.cols A vector of valid color names to be used to color the axes;
#' \code{length(axis.cols) must = nx}.
#' @param desc Character; a description of the data set.
#' @param allow.same Logical; indicates if edges may begin and end on the same
#' axis. Only applies to \code{type = 2D}.
#' @param verbose Logical; If \code{TRUE}, the generation, processing and final
#' result is reported to the console.
#' @return An object of S3 class \code{\link{HivePlotData}}.
#' @section Warning: If you create a very small data set with few nodes, there
#' may be no nodes assigned to some axes which will give an error when you try
#' to plot the data.  It's up to the user to check for this possibility (you
#' can use \code{sumHPD}).
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson, DePauw University. \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @keywords datagen
#' @examples
#' test4 <- ranHiveData(nx = 4)
#' str(test4)
#' sumHPD(test4)
#' @export ranHiveData
ranHiveData <- function(type = "2D", nx = 4,
                        nn = nx * 15, ne = nx * 15,
                        rad = 1:100, ns = c(0.5, 1.0, 1.5), ew = 1:3,
                        nc = brewer.pal(5, "Set1"),
                        ec = brewer.pal(5, "Set1"),
                        axis.cols = brewer.pal(nx, "Set1"),
                        desc = NULL, allow.same = FALSE,
                        verbose = FALSE) {

  # Function to generate random data for testing/demonstrating HiveR
  # Bryan Hanson, DePauw Univ, June 2011 onward

  # Defaults make small hives that draw fast and are not too cluttered

  # type = whether data is to be plotted 2D or 3D
  # nx = no. axes
  # nn = no. nodes
  # ne = no. edges
  # nc = node color
  # ec = edge color
  # rad = possible values for radii
  # ns = node size
  # ew = edge weight/width
  # desc = description

  if (!requireNamespace("RColorBrewer", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("You need to install package RColorBrewer to use this function")

  if ((nx == 1) | (nx > 6)) stop("nx out of bounds: 2 =< nx =< 6")

  # Create a set of labels/names to choose from

  Labs <- rep(NA, nn)
  for (n in 1:nn) {
    Labs[n] <- rep(paste(letters[stats::runif(1, 1, 26)],
      letters[stats::runif(1, 1, 26)],
      letters[stats::runif(1, 1, 26)],
      letters[stats::runif(1, 1, 26)],
      letters[stats::runif(1, 1, 26)],
      sep = ""

  # Create nodes df

  ndf <- data.frame(
    id = 1:nn,
    lab = as.character(Labs),
    axis = sample(1:nx, nn, replace = TRUE),
    radius = sample(rad, nn, replace = TRUE),
    size = sample(ns, nn, replace = TRUE),
    color = sample(nc, nn, replace = TRUE)
  ndf$color <- as.character(ndf$color)

  # Clean up ndf by removing duplicates
  # (do before the creation of edf calls on these points)
  # Important: this means that nodes$id is not continuous!

  dup <- duplicated(ndf[, c(3, 4)])
  if (any(dup)) {
    ndf <- ndf[-dup, ]
    if (verbose) cat(length(any(!dup)), "duplicate nodes were removed\n\n")

  ##### Time to create the nodes.
  ##### Note that nx = 2 or 3 are going to be the same regardless of type
  ##### and they will be plotted with plotHive not plot3dHive.
  ##### As a result, there are 3 if statements below.

  if ((nx == 2) | (nx == 3)) { ###### 2D edges for nx = 2 or 3

    # Create edges df

    edf <- data.frame(
      id1 = sample(ndf$id, ne, replace = TRUE),
      id2 = sample(ndf$id, ne, replace = TRUE),
      weight = sample(ew, ne, replace = TRUE),
      color = as.character(sample(ec, ne, replace = TRUE))
    edf$color <- as.character(edf$color)

    # Clean up edf

    # remove edges that start & end on the same point

    same.pt <- which(edf$id1 == edf$id2)
    if (length(!same.pt == 0)) {
      edf <- edf[-same.pt, ]
      if (verbose) cat("Removing an edge (same.pt) = ", same.pt, "\n\n")

    # remove edges that start & end on the same axis

    if (!allow.same) {
      same.axis <- c()

      if (nx >= 2) {
        one <- which(ndf$axis == 1) # row indices
        one <- ndf$id[one] # id values
        two <- which(ndf$axis == 2) # row indices
        two <- ndf$id[two] # id values
        for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) {
          if ((edf$id1[n] %in% one) && (edf$id2[n] %in% one)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)
          if ((edf$id1[n] %in% two) && (edf$id2[n] %in% two)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

      if (nx == 3) {
        three <- which(ndf$axis == 3) # row indices
        three <- ndf$id[three] # id values
        for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) if ((edf$id1[n] %in% three) && (edf$id2[n] %in% three)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

      if (length(!same.axis == 0)) {
        edf <- edf[-same.axis, ]
        if (verbose) cat("Removing an edge (same.axis) = ", same.axis, "\n\n")
  } ###### End of 2D edges for nx = 2 or 3

  if ((type == "3D") & (nx > 3)) { ###### 3D edge generation and checking for nx > 3

    # Create edges df

    edf <- data.frame(
      id1 = sample(ndf$id, ne, replace = TRUE),
      id2 = sample(ndf$id, ne, replace = TRUE),
      weight = sample(ew, ne, replace = TRUE),
      color = as.character(sample(ec, ne, replace = TRUE))
    edf$color <- as.character(edf$color)

    # Clean up edf

    # remove edges that start & end on the same point
    same.pt <- which(edf$id1 == edf$id2)
    if (length(!same.pt == 0)) {
      edf <- edf[-same.pt, ]
      if (verbose) cat("Removing an edge (same.pt) = ", same.pt, "\n\n")

    # remove edges that start & end on the same axis

    same.axis <- c()

    if (nx >= 2) { # going to use these values later too when checking colinearity
      one <- which(ndf$axis == 1) # row indices
      one <- ndf$id[one] # id values
      two <- which(ndf$axis == 2) # row indices
      two <- ndf$id[two] # id values
      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) {
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% one) && (edf$id2[n] %in% one)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% two) && (edf$id2[n] %in% two)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

    if (nx >= 3) {
      three <- which(ndf$axis == 3) # row indices
      three <- ndf$id[three] # id values
      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) if ((edf$id1[n] %in% three) && (edf$id2[n] %in% three)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

    if (nx >= 4) {
      four <- which(ndf$axis == 4) # row indices
      four <- ndf$id[four] # id values
      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) if ((edf$id1[n] %in% four) && (edf$id2[n] %in% four)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

    if (nx >= 5) {
      five <- which(ndf$axis == 5)
      five <- ndf$id[five]
      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) if ((edf$id1[n] %in% five) && (edf$id2[n] %in% five)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

    if (nx == 6) {
      six <- which(ndf$axis == 6) # row indices
      six <- ndf$id[six] # id values
      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) if ((edf$id1[n] %in% six) && (edf$id2[n] %in% six)) same.axis <- c(same.axis, n)

    if (length(!same.axis == 0)) {
      edf <- edf[-same.axis, ]
      if (verbose) cat("Removing an edge (same.axis) = ", same.axis, "\n\n")

    # For nx = 5 and 6, we need to remove edges that start and end on colinear axes

    colin <- c()

    if (nx == 5) { # axes 4 & 5 are colinear

      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) {
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% four) && (edf$id2[n] %in% five)) colin <- c(colin, n)
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% five) && (edf$id2[n] %in% four)) colin <- c(colin, n)

      if (length(!colin == 0)) {
        edf <- edf[-colin, ] # remove the colinear edges
        if (verbose) cat("Removing colinear edges (nx = 5): ", colin, "\n\n")

    if (nx == 6) {

      # axes 1 & 3, 2 & 4, 5 & 6 are colinear

      for (n in 1:nrow(edf)) {
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% one) && (edf$id2[n] %in% three)) colin <- c(colin, n)
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% two) && (edf$id2[n] %in% four)) colin <- c(colin, n)
        if ((edf$id1[n] %in% five) && (edf$id2[n] %in% six)) colin <- c(colin, n)

      if (length(!colin == 0)) {
        edf <- edf[-colin, ] # remove the colinear edges
        if (verbose) cat("Removing colinear edges (nx = 5): ", colin, "\n\n")
  } ##### end of 3D edge generation and checking

  if ((type == "2D") & (nx > 3)) { ###### 2D edge generation and checking

    # Create edges df
    # In this case, edges must be 1->2, 2->3... 5->6 but not 3->5
    # i.e. no crossings. Thus they are pretty much done manually

    # Select from possibilites pairwise, roughly equal no. per axis pair

    ne <- round(ne / nx) # divide edges among axes
    if (allow.same) ne <- ne / nx # acct for edges st/end on same axis

    one <- which(ndf$axis == 1) # row indices
    one <- ndf$id[one] # id values
    two <- which(ndf$axis == 2) # row indices
    two <- ndf$id[two] # id values
    three <- which(ndf$axis == 3) # row indices
    three <- ndf$id[three] # id values

    if (nx >= 4) {
      four <- which(ndf$axis == 4) # row indices
      four <- ndf$id[four] # id values

    if (nx >= 5) {
      five <- which(ndf$axis == 5)
      five <- ndf$id[five]

    if (nx == 6) {
      six <- which(ndf$axis == 6) # row indices
      six <- ndf$id[six] # id values

    id1 <- id2 <- c()

    if (nx == 4) {
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))

      if (allow.same) {
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))

    if (nx == 5) {
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))

      if (allow.same) {
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))

    if (nx == 6) {
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(six, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id1 <- c(id1, sample(six, ne, replace = TRUE))
      id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))

      if (allow.same) {
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(one, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(two, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(three, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(four, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(five, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id1 <- c(id1, sample(six, ne, replace = TRUE))
        id2 <- c(id2, sample(six, ne, replace = TRUE))

    edf <- data.frame( # clean momentaril
      id1 = id1,
      id2 = id2,
      weight = sample(ew, ne, replace = TRUE),
      color = as.character(sample(ec, ne, replace = TRUE))
    edf$color <- as.character(edf$color)

    # Remove edges that start & end on the same point
    # (allow.same may have introduced some new cases)

    same.pt <- which(edf$id1 == edf$id2)
    if (length(!same.pt == 0)) {
      edf <- edf[-same.pt, ]
      if (verbose) cat("Removing an edge (same.pt) = ", same.pt, "\n\n")
  } ##### end of 2D edge generation and checking

  # The rest of this applies to 2D and 3D

  # Finally, remove nodes that are not part of an edge
  # Note: another reason that nodes$id is not continous

  draw <- ndf$id %in% unique(c(edf$id1, edf$id2))
  if (any(!draw)) {
    ndf1 <- nrow(ndf)
    ndf <- ndf[draw, ]
    ndf2 <- nrow(ndf)
    if (verbose) cat(ndf1 - ndf2, "nodes did not have any edges and have been removed\n\n")

  # Report results (also creates desc if needed):

  msg1 <- paste(nx, " axes -- ", dim(ndf)[1], " nodes -- ", dim(edf)[1], " edges", sep = "")
  msg2 <- paste("Data set is", msg1)
  if (verbose) cat(msg2, "\n")

  if (!is.null(desc)) desc <- paste(desc, " (", msg1, ")", sep = "")
  if (is.null(desc)) desc <- msg1

  # Fix up classes to meet definition

  ndf$lab <- as.character(ndf$lab)
  ndf$radius <- as.numeric(ndf$radius)
  edf$weight <- as.numeric(edf$weight)
  type <- type
  res <- list(
    nodes = ndf,
    edges = edf,
    type = type,
    desc = desc,
    axis.cols = axis.cols
  class(res) <- "HivePlotData"


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HiveR documentation built on Sept. 12, 2024, 7:25 a.m.