
Defines functions iplot

Documented in iplot

iplot <- function(x,
                  y = NULL,
                  pixs = 1,
                  zmax = NULL,
                  ztransf = function(x){x},
                  colramp = IDPcolorRamp,
                  cex = par("cex"),
                  main = NULL,
                  d.main = 1,
                  cex.main = par("cex.main"),
                  xlab = NULL,
                  ylab = NULL,
                  cex.lab = 1,
                  legend = TRUE,
                  d.legend = 1,
                  cex.axis = par("cex.axis"),
                  nlab.xaxis = 5,
                  nlab.yaxis = 5,
                  minL.axis = 3,
                  las = 1,
                  border = FALSE,
                  oma = c(5,4,1,0)+0.1,
                  mgp = c(2,0.5,0)*cex.axis,
                  tcl = -0.3,
  ## Produces an image scatter plot of a large 2d dataset.

  ## Authors: Andreas Ruckstuhl, Rene Locher
  ## Version 09-04-08
  no.xlab <- is.null(xlab)
  no.ylab <- is.null(ylab)
  no.y <- is.null(y)

  if(no.xlab) xlab <- deparse(substitute(x))
  if(no.ylab) ylab <- deparse(substitute(y))

    if(ncol(x)>1) {
      if(!no.y) stop("'y' must be NULL when x is a matrix or data.frame with more than 1 column!\n")
      if (no.xlab) xlab <- colnames(x)[1]
      if (no.ylab) ylab <- colnames(x)[2]
      no.y <- FALSE
      y <- x[,2]
      x <- x[,1]
    } else if(ncol(x) == 1) {
      if (no.xlab) xlab <- colnames(x)[1]
      x <- x[,1]
    } else stop("Matrix has no columns!\n")
  if(no.y) {
    ylab <- xlab
    xlab <- "Index"
    y <- x
    x <- 1:length(y)

  xy <- NaRV.omit(data.frame(x, y = y))
  x <- xy$x
  y <- xy$y

  mar <- rep(0,4)
  parOld <- par(oma = oma, mar = mar)

  x.old <- x
  y.old <- y

  xfac <- is.factor(x.old)
  yfac <- is.factor(y.old)

  if(xfac) {
    x <- as.integer(x.old)
  if(yfac) {
    y <- as.integer(y.old)

    stop("x must be a vector, matrix or data.frame and y must be a vector if present\n")

  w <- par("cin")[1] * 2.54
  h <- par("cin")[2] * 2.54
  mar.legend <- c(0, 0, 0, 3)

  ## 40% of space for color bar and 60% of it for axis labels
  w.legend <- lcm(7*cex.axis*cex*w)
  h.main <- lcm(cex.main*cex*h)
  d.main <- lcm(d.main*cex.main*cex*h)
  d.legend <- lcm(d.legend*cex.main*cex*h)

  if (!is.null(main) & legend) { ## plot title and legend
      lom <- rbind(c(1, rep(0, 2)),
                   rep(0, 3),
                   c(3, 0, 2))

      lo <- layout(lom,
                   widths = c(1, d.legend, w.legend),
                   heights = c(h.main, d.main, 1),
                   respect = TRUE)

      iplotMain(main, cex.main, cex = cex)
      iplotLegend(colramp = colramp, ncol = zmax,cex.axis = cex.axis,
                  border = border, mar = c(mar[1], 0, mar[3],4)*cex.axis,
                  las = las, tcl = tcl, cex = cex)
  } ## plot title and legend

  if (is.null(main) & legend) { ## plot legend only
      lom <- matrix(c(2, 0, 1), ncol = 3)

      lo <- layout(lom,
                   widths = c(1, d.legend, w.legend),
                   heights = 1,
                   respect = TRUE)

      iplotLegend(colramp = colramp, ncol = zmax, cex.axis = cex.axis,
                  border = border, mar = c(mar[1], 0, mar[3],4)*cex.axis,
                  las = las, tcl = tcl, cex = cex)
  }## plot legend only

  if (!is.null(main) & !legend) { ## plot title only
      lom <- matrix(c(1,0,2),ncol = 1)

      lo <- layout(lom,
                   widths = 1,
                   heights = c(h.main, d.main, 1),
                   respect = TRUE)
      iplotMain(main, cex.main, cex = cex)
  } ## plot title only

  ## And now data are plotted
  par(cex = cex, cex.axis = cex.axis, las = las, mar = mar*cex.axis,
       mgp = mgp, tcl = tcl, ...)

  ## drawing labels at
  at.x <- pretty(x,n = nlab.xaxis)
  at.y <- pretty(y,n = nlab.yaxis)

  plot(if (xfac) range(at.x)+0.5*c(-1, +1) else range(x),
       if (yfac) range(at.y)+0.5*c(-1, +1) else range(y),
       xlab = xlab,
       ylab = ylab,
       type = "n",
       axes = FALSE,
       main = NULL,
       cex.main = cex.main,
       xpd = NA,
       cex.lab = cex.lab)

  if(is.factor(x.old)) {
    xmin <- min(x,na.rm = TRUE)
    xmax <- max(x,na.rm = TRUE)
    at <- seq(xmin, xmax, by = max(floor((xmax-xmin)/(max(nlab.xaxis-1,1))),1))
    axis(1, at = at,
         labels = abbreviate(levels(x.old)[at],minlength = minL.axis))
  } else {
    axis(1, at = at.x)

  if(is.factor(y.old)) {
    ymin <- min(y,na.rm = TRUE)
    ymax <- max(y,na.rm = TRUE)
    at <- seq(ymin, ymax, by = max(floor((ymax-ymin)/(max(nlab.yaxis-1, 1))), 1))
    axis(2, at = at,
         labels = abbreviate(levels(y.old)[at], minlength = minL.axis))
  } else {
    axis(2, at = at.y)

  zzmax <- Image(x, y, pixs = pixs,zmax = zmax,ztransf = ztransf,
                 colramp = colramp, factors = c(xfac,yfac))
  if(is.null(zmax)) zmax <- zzmax
  zmax <- max(zmax,2)
} ## iplot

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IDPmisc documentation built on Jan. 21, 2020, 5:06 p.m.