#' Scoring of indicator performance
#' Scoring of each indicator based on an internal criterion-scoring scheme
#' applied on the output of the trend and pressure model functions.
#' @param trend_tbl Output tibble from the \code{\link{model_trend}} function.
#' @param mod_tbl Output tibble from the IND~pressure modeling functions.
#' @param press_type Data frame or tibble with pressure names (named `press`) in
#' first column and corresponding pressure types in second column (named `press_type`).
#' Needed for the spie chart! (see for an example \code{\link{press_type_ex}})
#' @param crit_scores Internal tibble of (sub)criteria and respective scores
#' named \code{crit_scores_tmpl}; can be modified by saving this data frame as
#' new object and removing single (sub)criteria or assigning weights (default
#' is 1). The variable `condition` represents a list of single elements or
#' vectors with various elements to base the scoring on. This can be modified
#' but needs to follow the same syntax.
#' @param sign_level Significance level on which scoring is built; default is
#' 0.05.
#' @details
#' Among the 16 common indicator selection criteria summarized in Otto \emph{et al.} (2018)
#' five criteria relate to the indicators` performances and require time series for
#' their evaluation, i.e.
#' \itemize{
#' \item Crit. 8: Development reflects ecosystem change caused by variation in manageable pressure(s)
#' \item Crit. 9: Sensitive or responsive to pressures
#' \item Crit. 10: Robust, i.e. responses in a predictive fashion, and statistically sound
#' \item Crit. 11: Links to management measures (responsiveness and specificity)
#' \item Crit. 12: Relates where appropriate to other indicators but is not redundant (not scored)
#' }
#' In this function, the scoring scheme for these criteria as proposed by
#' Otto \emph{et al.} (2018) serves as basis for the quantification of the IND performance.
#' Sensitivity (criterion 9) and robustness (criterion 10) are specified into more detailed
#' sub-criteria to allow for quantification based on statistical models and rated individually
#' for every potential pressure that might affect the IND directly or indirectly. In the case
#' of non-significant relationships between a IND and a specific pressures, sub-crit. 9.1 and
#' all following pressure-specific sub-crit. in criteria 9 and 10 are scored zero for this
#' pressure.
#' The template tibble \code{crit_scores_tmpl} contains all relevant informations and
#' serves as basis for the scoring in this function. See for more details
#' \code{\link{crit_scores_tmpl}} or \code{View(crit_scores_tmpl)}. The scoring scheme can
#' easily be adapted to any kind of state indicator and management scheme by modifying
#' the scores, the weighting of scores or by removing or adding (sub)criteria in the
#' \code{crit_scores_tmpl} template. The \code{condition} variable can also be modified
#' but needs to follow the same syntax.
#' @return
#' The function returns a nested tibble with the following elements depending on the
#' criteria rated
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{ind}}{A vector of the indicator names.}
#' \item{\code{C8} and/or \code{C11}}{A vector of IND-specific scores for criterion 8 (trend
#' indication) and/or C11 (management application).}
#' \item{\code{press_spec_sc}}{A list-column of IND-specific data frames
#' containing pressure-specific scores for the sub-criteria 9.1-9.2, 10.1-10.4.}
#' }
#' The tibble can easily be unnested by using the \code{\link[tidyr]{unnest}} function.
#' That is, each element of the data frame in the list-column \code{press_spec_sc} becomes
#' its own row in the tibble.
#' @seealso \code{\link[tidyr]{unnest}} to make each element of the data frame in the
#' list-column \code{press_spec_sc} its own row and \code{\link[tidyr]{nest}} for the
#' inverse operation
#' @family score-based IND performance functions
#' @family IND~pressure modeling functions
#' @references
#' Otto, S.A., Kadin, M., Casini, M., Torres, M.A., Blenckner, T. (2018)
#' A quantitative framework for selecting and validating food web indicators.
#' \emph{Ecological Indicators}, 84: 619-631,
#' doi:
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Using the Baltic Sea demo data in this package
#' scores_tbl <- scoring(trend_tbl = model_trend_ex, mod_tbl = all_results_ex,
#' press_type = press_type_ex)
#' \dontrun{
#' # To see the criterion template and change it potentially
#' View(crit_scores_tmpl)
#' # E.g. exclude the trend criterion
#' crit_scores_tmpl_new <- crit_scores_tmpl[crit_scores_tmpl$crit_id > 1, ]
#' # Now the trend tibble is not needed anymore
#' scores_tbl <- scoring(mod_tbl = all_results_ex, press_type = press_type_ex,
#' crit_scores = crit_scores_tmpl_new)
#' }
scoring <- function(trend_tbl = NULL, mod_tbl, press_type = NULL,
crit_scores = INDperform::crit_scores_tmpl, sign_level = 0.05) {
# Data input validation --------------------------
# helper function
empty_values <- function(x) {
temp_null <- is.null(x)
temp_na <- sum( == length(x)
temp_nan <- sum(is.nan(x)) == length(x)
temp <- any(temp_null, temp_na, temp_nan)
if (missing(mod_tbl)) {
stop("Argument mod_tbl is missing.")
# Check input tibbles
mod_tbl <- check_input_tbl(mod_tbl, tbl_name = "mod_tbl",
parent_func = "model_gam() or model_gamm()/select_model()",
var_to_check = c("ind", "press"), dt_to_check = c("character",
if (!is.null(trend_tbl)) {
trend_tbl <- check_input_tbl(trend_tbl, tbl_name = "trend_tbl",
parent_func = "model_trend()", var_to_check = c("ind"),
dt_to_check = c("character"))
if (!is.null(press_type)) {
if (!any( | tibble::is_tibble(press_type))) {
stop("press_type has to be a data frame or tibble.")
if (any(!c("press", "press_type") %in% names(press_type))) {
press_var <- c("press", "press_type")
missing_var <- press_var[!press_var %in%
stop(paste0("The following variables required for this function are missing in press_type (or simply re-name if you used a different column name) : ",
paste0(missing_var, collapse = ", ")))
} else {
press_type <- dplyr::mutate_all(press_type,
.funs = as.character)
# Check if ind are the same in both input tibbles
# (if trend_tbl needed)
if ("C8" %in% crit_scores$crit == TRUE & !is.null(trend_tbl)) {
if (!all(unique(mod_tbl$ind) %in% trend_tbl$ind) |
!all(trend_tbl$ind %in% unique(mod_tbl$ind))) {
stop("Some indicators are only present in one input tibble.")
# Check if all variables required according to the
# crit_scores table are in all input tibbles and
# have the correct data type and are not NAs
cond_var <- unique(crit_scores$condition_var)[!$condition_var))]
cond_var <- cond_var[cond_var != "expect"] # this var will be generated in this function
provided_var <- c(names(trend_tbl), names(mod_tbl))
if (any(!cond_var %in% provided_var)) {
missing_var <- cond_var[!cond_var %in% provided_var]
stop(paste0("The following variables required for the scoring (see your crit_scores table) are not provided in any of the input tibbles: ",
paste0(missing_var, collapse = ", ")))
} else {
# check for correct datatype in mod_tbl (based on
# unmodified template!)
cond_var_tmpl <- data.frame(cv = c("r_sq",
"prop", "edf", "nrmse", "interaction"),
cv_dt = c("numeric", "numeric", "numeric",
"numeric", "logical"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
req_var <- cond_var_tmpl[cond_var_tmpl$cv %in%
cond_var, ]
provided_var_dt <- purrr::map_chr(mod_tbl,
if (any(provided_var_dt[req_var$cv] != req_var$cv_dt)) {
wrong_dt <- req_var$cv_dt[req_var$cv_dt !=
var_wrong_dt <- req_var$cv[req_var$cv_dt !=
message(paste0("The following variables required for the scoring (see your crit_scores table) have not the required data types in mod_tbl:"))
print(data.frame(variable = var_wrong_dt,
required_data_type = wrong_dt))
# Check if variables to score have values and not
# NAs, NaNs,..
var_in_mod_tbl <- cond_var[cond_var %in% names(mod_tbl)]
var_in_mod_tbl_empty <- purrr::map_lgl(mod_tbl[var_in_mod_tbl],
if (any(var_in_mod_tbl_empty)) {
empty_var <- var_in_mod_tbl[var_in_mod_tbl_empty]
stop(paste0("The following variables required for scoring contains no information (e.g. all NAs): ",
paste0(empty_var, collapse = ", ")))
# Criterion 8 (Trend)
if ("C8" %in% crit_scores$crit == TRUE) {
if (is.null(trend_tbl)) {
stop("You must provide data for the trend_tbl argument (output of the model_trend function) if you include the trend criterion (C8)!")
} else {
c8_var <- unique(crit_scores$condition_var[crit_scores$crit ==
if (any(!c8_var %in% names(trend_tbl))) {
missing_c8_var <- c8_var[!c8_var %in%
stop(paste0("The following variables required for scoring crit. 8 (see your crit_scores table) are not provided in trend_tbl: ",
paste0(missing_c8_var, collapse = ", ")))
# Sub-criteria in 9 (Sensitivity) and 10
# (Robustness)
d <-[crit_scores$crit %in%
c("C9", "C10") & crit_scores$subcrit != "C10_1",
c("condition_var", "func_name")]))
names(d) <- c("missing_variable", "function")
d_bool <- d$missing_variable %in% names(mod_tbl)
if (any(d_bool == FALSE)) {
message("Given the criteria you want to score, your model tibble (mod_tbl) lacks the following variable(s), which you get when applying these functions")
print(d[d_bool == FALSE, ])
# Criterion 11 (Management)
if ("C11" %in% crit_scores$crit == TRUE & is.null(press_type)) {
message("You must provide for crit. 11 a data frame or tibble with pressure types (named `press_type`) assigned to each pressure (named `press`) as follows:")
print(data.frame(press = unique(mod_tbl$press),
press_type = rep("add here", length(unique(mod_tbl$press)))))
# If press_type is not provided give note that
# error will occur in spie chart function, else
# check if all pressures in mod_tbl are also in
# press_type
if (is.null(press_type)) {
message("NOTE: You did not provide the pressure type information for each pressure (as press_type tibble). This will lead to an error when running the plot_spiechart function!")
} else {
press_v <- unique(mod_tbl$press)
if (any(!press_v %in% press_type$press)) {
missing_press <- press_v[!press_v %in%
stop(paste0("The following pressure variables in mod_tbl are not listed in the press_type tibble: ",
paste0(missing_press, collapse = ", ")))
# Data preparation --------------------------
# Prepare crit_score for scoring
crit_scores$weighted_score <- crit_scores$score *
# Add logical variable expect with TRUE as default
mod_tbl$expect <- TRUE
# Add pressure type to mod_tbl for output and C11
# (as last row)
if (!is.null(press_type)) {
mod_tbl <- mod_tbl %>% dplyr::left_join(press_type[,
c("press", "press_type")], by = "press")
# Helper functions for scoring ------------------
# Main function that checks a single value against
# the condition set in crit_scores for that
# particular (sub-)criterion --> it creates a
# logical vector with TRUE/FALSE depending if the
# condition for x is met
score_f <- function(x, crit_df_sub, scr = NULL) {
# x: a single value from a variable that needs to
# be scored (the entire variable is scored by
# applying this function through apply or purrr
# crit_df_sub: subset depending on the
# (sub-)criterion to be scored scr: the
# subcriterion to score (only needed for the error
# message)
cond <- crit_df_sub$condition
n <- length(cond)
cond_bool <- vector(length = n)
for (i in 1:n) cond_bool[i] <- eval(parse(text = cond[[i]])) # parse() turns the the condition into an R expression which is then evaluated with eval()
if (sum(cond_bool, na.rm = TRUE) > 1) {
stop(cat(paste("The conditions set in the crit_scores table for sub-criterion",
scr, "are not unique, i.e. conditions are met multiple times!",
"Please correct your crit_score table before you continue.",
sep = "\n")))
} else {
if ( | is.null(x) | is.nan(x)) {
fin_score_scr <- 0
} else {
fin_score_scr <- crit_df_sub$weighted_score[cond_bool]
# Create pressure-specific score table for criteria
# --------------- C9 and C10 --------
# Get sub-criteria selected by user (or default)
subcrit_v <- unique(crit_scores$subcrit[crit_scores$crit %in%
c("C9", "C10")])
if (!is.null(subcrit_v)) {
# Create empty scoring table with metadata and all
# selected sub-criteria
if (!is.null(press_type)) {
score_c910 <- mod_tbl[, c(1:3, ncol(mod_tbl))] # adding press_type column
} else {
score_c910 <- mod_tbl[, c(1:3)]
score_c910[, subcrit_v] <- NA
# Split the data based on whether the pressure
# effect is significant or not (based on the alpha
# level set a priori); in the case of the latter,
# all sub-criteria scores are set to zero:
mod_tbl_split <- split(mod_tbl, is_value(mod_tbl$p_val) &
mod_tbl$p_val <= sign_level)
# is_value() has to be included -> otherwise rows
# where p_val=NA,NaN,NULL excluded completely
score_c910_split <- split(score_c910, is_value(mod_tbl$p_val) &
mod_tbl$p_val <= sign_level)
# Non-significant models (`FALSE` list) scored zero
if (!is.null(score_c910_split$`FALSE`)) {
score_c910_split$`FALSE`[, subcrit_v] <- 0
# Score significant models (`TRUE` list) per
# sub-criterion --------
if (!is.null(mod_tbl_split$`TRUE`)) {
# To get the correct variable for the respective
# subcriterion
sc_var <- unique(crit_scores[crit_scores$crit %in%
c("C9", "C10"), c("subcrit", "condition_var")])
names(sc_var) <- c("scr", "var")
# Wrapper function for Crit 9 and 10 that applies
# score_f() vector-wise for each element of the
# variable of interest using purrr
apply_score <- function(var, crit_df,
scr) {
crit_df_sub <- crit_df[crit_df$subcrit ==
scr, ]
temp <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = var,
.f = score_f, crit_df_sub = crit_df_sub,
scr = scr)
# Loop where the apply_score function is applied
# for each subcriterion that needs to be scored
for (i in 1:length(subcrit_v)) {
var_ch <- sc_var$var[sc_var$scr == subcrit_v[i]]
var_num <- mod_tbl_split$`TRUE` %>%
dplyr::select(!!!rlang::syms(var_ch)) %>%
.[[1]] # .[[1]] needed to get vector, not 1D tibble
score_c910_split$`TRUE`[, subcrit_v[i]] <- apply_score(var = var_num,
crit_df = crit_scores, scr = subcrit_v[i])
} # end of if statement for mod_tbl_split$`TRUE` not NULL
# Combine both lists and sort by id
# Merging both tables (if both are present) if not,
# bind_rows simply returns the one not NULL
score_c910 <- dplyr::bind_rows(score_c910_split$`FALSE`,
score_c910 <- score_c910 %>%
} # end of if statement for C9/10 selection
# Create indicator-specific score table for
# criteria C8 and C11 ----------------
# Get criteria selected by user (or default)
crit_v <- unique(crit_scores$crit)
# check whether C8 and C11 were selected and save
# these additionally
toMatch <- c("C8", "C11")
crit_v_811 <- unique(grep(paste(toMatch, collapse = "|"),
crit_v, value = TRUE))
# Create empty scoring table and do the scoring
# ONLY if C8 and/or C11 are selected
if (!is.null(crit_v_811)) {
# Create scoring table including indicator name and
# selected criteria
score_c811 <- tibble::tibble(ind = unique(mod_tbl$ind))
score_c811[, crit_v_811] <- NA
### Score C8 based on p-value set in crit_score
### significance of trend GAM: p_val
if ("C8" %in% crit_v_811) {
cr <- "C8"
crit_scores_8 <- crit_scores[crit_scores$crit ==
cr, ]
score_c811$C8 <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = trend_tbl$p_val,
.f = score_f, crit_df_sub = crit_scores_8)
### Score C11 combinations of significant pressures
if ("C11" %in% crit_v_811) {
if (is.null(score_c910_split$`TRUE`)) {
# i.e. if none of the tested indicator respond to
# any pressure
score_c811$C11 <- 0
} else {
cr <- "C11"
crit_scores_11 <- crit_scores[crit_scores$crit ==
cr, ]
# Extract signifiant pressures per ind from
# score_c910_split$`TRUE` and save them as list
press_per_ind <- split(score_c910_split$`TRUE`$press_type,
# Calculate the number of pressures and convert to
# vector
nr_press_per_ind <- purrr::map(press_per_ind,
nr_press_per_ind <- unlist(nr_press_per_ind)
# Apply the helper function score_f
score_per_ind <- purrr::map_dbl(.x = nr_press_per_ind,
.f = score_f, crit_df_sub = crit_scores_11)
# Merge C11 scores into score_c811 tibble
temp <- tibble::tibble(ind = names(score_per_ind),
C11 = unlist(score_per_ind))
score_c811$C11 <- temp$C11[match(score_c811$ind,
# Here add zeros to indicators that did not respond
# to any pressure and, hence, are not in
# score_c910_split$`TRUE`
score_c811$ind)] <- 0
} # end of else condition (if sign press are not null)
} # end of if statement for C11
} # end of if statement for selection of C8/C11
# Get data tables ready for export --------------
# (if only the score_c811 table was generated)
if (is.null(subcrit_v) == TRUE) {
out <- score_c811
} else {
# Convert table into a nested tibble for merging
# with other criteria
score_c910 <- score_c910 %>%
dplyr::group_by(!!rlang::sym("ind")) %>%
tidyr::nest() %>%
dplyr::rename(press_spec_sc = !!rlang::sym("data"))
# (if only the score_c910 table was generated)
if (is.null(crit_v_811) == TRUE) {
out <- score_c910
} else {
# (if both tables were generated) Merge with
# score_c811
out <- dplyr::left_join(score_c811, score_c910,
by = "ind")
#### End of Function ####
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