
Defines functions clustering

Documented in clustering

#' (Internal function) Perform the clustering process of IPCAPS
#' @param dataframe A data frame containing \code{raw.data} (matrix or data
#' frame), \code{label} (vector), and \code{index} (vector). \code{raw.data}
#' represents a matrix of subset of input data. \code{label} represents a vector
#' of labels for all rows of \code{raw.data}. \code{index} represents a vector
#' of indexes that are selected from the original input data.
#' @param node An integer representing the current node number which is being
#' analyzed.
#' @param result.dir An output directory
#' @param threshold A threshold or a cutoff to stop the IPCAPS process. Also see
#' \code{\link{ipcaps}} (the parameter \code{threshold}).
#' @param min.fst A number represents a cutoff for mininum Fst value.
#' @param method A clustering method selected from the \code{\link{ipcaps}}
#' function. See \code{\link{ipcaps}} for available methods.
#' @param min.in.group A integer represents a minimum number of group members.
#' @param datatype To specify whether the input data are 'snp' or other type.
#' Defalut = 'snp'.
#' @param nonlinear (Unimplemented) To specify whether linear or non-linear
#' method is used for IPCAPS analysis. If TRUE, non-linear method is used,
#' otherwise linear method is used. Default = FALSE.
#' @return A list containing \code{status}, \code{node}, and \code{new.index}
#' as explained below:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{$status} is either \code{0} representing that the criterion is
#' not met, or \code{1} representing that the criterion is met.
#' \item \code{$node} is an integer representing the current node number which
#' is being analyzed.
#' \item \code{$new.index} is a list of vectors containing a subset of indexes
#' split from \code{dataframe$index} according to a clustering result.
#' }
#' @include check.stopping.R
#' @include clustering.mode.R

clustering <- function( dataframe, node=1, result.dir, threshold, min.fst,method="mix", min.in.group=20,
                        datatype="snp", nonlinear = FALSE){

  #the function for check which nodes are linked
  #a purpose to use with Fst matrix
  #mymatrix is the Fst matrix of all pairs of population
  #X is the index of column to check, 1 to maximum number of column of mymatrix
  #root needs to be set as c(0)
  recursion.linked.node <- function(mymatrix,X,root,min.fst){
    #fine-level structure, define Fst > 0.0008
    idx = which(mymatrix[,X] <= min.fst)
    for (i in root){
      del = which(idx == i)
      if (length(del) > 0){
        idx = idx[-del]
    if (length(idx) <= 0){
    }else if (length(idx) == 1){
      tmp = c(X)
      for (i in idx){
        del = which(idx == i)
        mark = idx[-del]
        tmp = c(tmp,recursion.linked.node(mymatrix,i,c(X,mark),min.fst))



  if (length(index) < min.in.group){
    cat(paste0("Node ",node,": A number of node is lower than the minimum number (",min.in.group,"), therefore split was not performed\n"))
    file.name = file.path(result.dir,"RData",paste0("node",node,".RData"))
         compress = 'bzip2')
    #case of status = 1, no split, stopping criteria are met
    ret = list("status"=1)

    X = as.matrix(dataframe$raw.data)

    cat(paste0("Node ",node,": Reducing matrix\n"))

    res = NA

    if (nonlinear == FALSE){

      PCobj = cal.pc.linear(X,no.pc=min.in.group,data.type=datatype,PCscore=F)
      eigen.value = PCobj$evalue

      res = check.stopping(eigen.value,threshold)

      eigen.fit = res$eigen.fit
      no.significant.PC = res$no.significant.PC
      threshold = res$threshold

    }else{ #for Non-linear PCs
      # PC.non = cal.PC.non.linear(X, no.pc = min.in.group, method="kpca")
      # PC.non = cal.PC.non.linear(X, no.pc = min.in.group, method="other")
      # PCs=PC.non$PC
      # eigen.value = PC.non$evalue
      # res = list("status" = 0)
      # eigen.fit = NA
      # no.significant.PC = 3
      # threshold = threshold

    ####Save result files
    file.name = file.path(result.dir,"RData",paste0("node",node,".RData"))
         file=file.name, compress = 'bzip2')
    cat(paste0("Node ",node,": EigenFit = ",eigen.fit,", Threshold = ",threshold,", no. significant PCs = ",no.significant.PC,"\n"))
    ####End of saving result files
    #returned status from check stopping criteria, status = 1 means stop
    if (res$status == 0){
      #multiple testing for split

      start.time <- Sys.time()

      running.method = method
      cluster = clustering.mode(node=node,work.dir=result.dir,method=running.method)

      new.index = list()
      new.local.index = list()
      length.index = c()
      for ( i in unique(cluster)){
        new.local.index[[i]] = which(cluster==i)
        new.index[[i]] = index[which(cluster==i)]
        length.index = c(length.index,length(new.index[[i]]))

      #Check for Fst at least 0.0008, only for SNP
      no.cluster = length(new.index)

      if ((no.cluster > 1) && (datatype == 'snp')){
        X = as.matrix(dataframe$raw.data)
        fst.mat = matrix(rep(1,no.cluster*no.cluster),byrow = T,nrow = no.cluster)
        for (i in 1:(no.cluster-1)){
          for (j in (i+1):no.cluster){
            cat(paste0("Node ",node,": Checking Fst of group ",i," and group ",j,"\n"))
            fst = fst.hudson(X,new.local.index[[i]],new.local.index[[j]])
            fst.mat[i,j] = fst
            fst.mat[j,i] = fst

        current.group.no = 0
        tmp.index = list()
        length.tmp = c()
        marked.as.group = rep(0,no.cluster)
        for (i in 1:no.cluster){
          if (marked.as.group[i] == 0){
            current.group.no = current.group.no + 1
            link.node = recursion.linked.node(fst.mat,i,c(0),min.fst)
            tmp.vec = c()
            for (j in link.node){
              tmp.vec = c(tmp.vec,new.index[[j]])
              marked.as.group[j] = current.group.no

            tmp.index[[current.group.no]] = sort(tmp.vec)
            length.tmp = c(length.tmp,length(tmp.vec))

        new.index = tmp.index


      end.time <- Sys.time()
      time.taken <- end.time - start.time
      cat(paste0("Node ",node," times took ",time.taken," secs\n"))

     if (length(new.index) > 1){
        cat(paste0("Node ",node,": ",length(index)," individuals were splitted into: ",length(new.index)," groups\n"))
        ret = list("status"=0,"node"=node,"new.index"=new.index)
        cat(paste0("Node ",node,": No split was performed because only one cluster detected\n"))
        ret = list("status"=1)
      #case of status = 1, no split, stopping criteria are met
      cat(paste0("Node ",node,": No split was performed because EigenFit is lower than threshold\n"))
      ret = list("status"=1)


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IPCAPS documentation built on Jan. 26, 2021, 1:06 a.m.